
My Own Lucifer In The Multiverse

Hello readers, this is my first novel so I hope you like it. I'll try to see all the feedback I can from comments but I do have a daily 8 hour job so not always. I've read a ton of FanFics, and let me tell you this first, there will be NO memory wipes, main character killing, or random hardmode extra entities or anything trying to mess with the MC. Every world he goes to will be following cannon for the most part, weather he messes with anything is up to me (some gods already there might try to mess with him but that's later lol) I know people love systems but that will probably be my next FanFic because I have a few ideas for a new one but while I have this one in my head I want to write it down, but keep in mind this is really for my own entertainment. My main language is English so don't worry about grammar mistakes, I will proof read myself to make sure of that and edit as I see mistakes. If I forget something in one or more worlds please let me know and I'll try to fix it asap. Enjoy :) At least 1 chapter a day, maybe 2 if I'm feeling ambitious and probably 2-3 on weekends. I'll try to hit 2k words at the minimum as well for decently long chaps. Disclaimer: I own nothing except my own MC.

mrblood388 · Movies
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43 Chs

Chapter 22: Pure Rage & An old flame

On another lovely day inside Lucifer's inner world, we see Alice directing people to finish setting everything up for the wedding. Off to the side are three individuals relaxing in beach chairs, they are of course Nat, Rose, and Lucifer. "Sometimes a nice vacation is all one truly needs, hehe." Both women nod their heads in agreement. Nat says, "So who is this person that is trying to get ahold of the infinity stones?" Chuckling I say, "His name is Thanos. He's a tyrant and his biggest problem is women, hehe. As far as I remember, he wants to use all six stones to wipe out 50% of the universe in order to meet Lady Death and be with her. Sad really, it won't happen in a million lifetimes for him. Even before I came here, he succeeded until the Avengers came up with a time travel idea to get all the stones form different times, use them, and return them back after bringing back the people snapped away. Such a little man with a god complex, even I don't act all high and mighty over everyone else. Treat me good and I'll do the same, treat me or my family bad and you face annihilation. Many have learned this les-..."

Rage. Pure Rage is all I feel right now. My aura spikes but nothing is destroyed since this world is part of me. Nat and Rose feel my pressure and can hardly breathe. Turning to them I lessen my aura and say, "I'll be back in a bit. A world needs cleansing and a few mortals need to be tortured for eternity." Pulling out Yamato, I make a rift to my old world with my old family. Stepping through the portal, I'm met with my younger cousin in a hospital bed. No one else is here at the moment, my aunt is probably using the bathroom. Raising my hand and setting my finger to her forehead, I see the events that happened not so long ago. Three men r*ped and beat her in an alley and left her there to die but someone passing by saw her and called 911. 'This world needs a restart from a majority of it's criminals. Yea, lets do that.'

Flying up into the sky, I make a holographic image over every town and city across the world with translations as well for each country. As soon as these pop up, the world comes to a halt and I can feel the anxiety, confusion, and most of all fear. "Good evening mortals of earth. My name is Lucifer Morningstar, I'm not from this planet now, but I was in my old life which brings me to why I'm speaking to the whole planet. A little while ago, my cousin was r*ped and beaten into a coma. Now, I'm here to tell all of you that I will be doing a global cleaning of certain people to make this world a better place." Unfurling my wings, they go from white, to red, and then to a bloody mist. "As you can tell, my wings are based on my emotions. And right now, I'm in a pure enraged state. Those three men that did that to my cousin will be visual proof of what will happen on a mass scale soon."

*SNAP* Three men appear next to me and they look utterly terrified. "HahahaHAHAHAHAHA! YES, scream for me mortals. Your evil deeds will not go unnoticed to me. Oh? This isn't the first time you've done it either. Well than, allow me to make your suffering even more painful." They squeal and flap around until I make their bodies stop moving and one my one I slowly, and I mean at a snails pace just to make them suffer the most, rip out their souls. As their lifeless bodies are just floating there, I cast out their souls to join James in my personal hell and then turn their bodies to ashes. "As you all can see, I am a god and I've come to save this world from some suffering and pain. No, I will not be causing an apocalypse, but It will feel that way for all of the r*pists, murderers, hardcore drug dealers, slavers, and sex trafficker's. Small fry like common thieves will be handled by law enforcement, but those I've listed will now die in order to free this world of a majority of it's evil. I give you one minute to say goodbye to your families and not a second longer, make it quick."

After almost a minute I say, "57...58...59...60, times up, goodbye scum." *SNAP* On this day all around the earth, screams could be heard from all of the evil people on the earth as their souls are sucked from their bodies only to disappear and their remaining bodies turn to ask and blow away like nothing happened. "Now that you are all free from those people, I need to see how my cousin is doing and get back to my wedding preparations. Thank you all for your time, and to the woman who found my cousin in that alley, I'll come see you and give you a gift for helping her. Thank you." Appearing back in the hospital room, my aunt is there and she slams into me crying and thanking me. "Thank you Ryan, I mean Lucifer, for helping Maya. Thank you." Patting her back I say, "I'll always be there for my family, old or new it doesn't matter. Family is family through blood or bond. Now, I'll remove that memory and heal her to her peak state before this incident. She won't remember it so lets say she tripped and hit her head or something. Sound good to you?" Giving me a nod, knowing that if we told Maya the truth it would break her, my aunt agrees and I take the memory away and keep it in my mind. 'I'll reenact this very scene with some demons and those three men soon for their torture, hehe. Don't fuck with my family.'

After chatting with my aunt for a bit, I stand to leave but say one last thing, "By the way, Maya can bare children now. I've healed her damaged reproductive organs that were causing her problems from back when I was still Ryan, hehe. I'll tell her about it when you all come to my wedding soon. I'll personally pick you guys up at the set date. See you soon aunty." Giving her a hug and kiss on the cheek, I pull out Yamato and make a rift to the woman who saved my cousin, just to look cool. Coming out of the rift, I knock on the door and hear a soft, "Come in." Opening the door is a woman who I know all too well. "You've got to be kidding me right? Why can't I have a streak of good luck sometimes, always a shit storm to fix." She looks confused and says, "Do I know you? I mean besides the show earlier, I've never met you." Walking over to her couch, I sit down and say, "Wiggles is still alive huh?" *SNAP* A white cat appears on my lap and starts snuggling up to my face. Smiling and petting the cat I say, "I died when I was 28 in this world, and you saved my cousin Maya. Thank you Kate." She looks really confused now and it gives me a smile remembering old times. "Does the name Ryan right a bell, or are you still confused?"

"How do I know that you're really Ryan?" Giving a tired sigh I say, "Remember the day after graduation? I took your virginity and you took mine as well, though you through I wasn't a virgin at the time. Good acting on my part to seem more confident, haha." Kate smiles wide as she finally hears me laughing for once and tackles me into a hug making wiggles flail around. "I missed you! And I've finally heard you laugh, hehe. I'll admit that I ended things between us because there was no emotion from you, but I truly did love you for a long time. Maybe I still do a bit." Giving her a reassuring smile I say, "Well, the reason that I didn't show emotion is because I had basically none to start with. My soul wasn't meant to this world and I felt it every day. The only few times I've felt the slightest bit happy was with either my family or with you. Thank you for all of the good times and taking care of me while we were together."

I talked with Kate for quite some time with Wiggles on my lap not wanting to move, hehe. Finally remembering why I'm here I say, "Kate, I said I'd give your a gift for helping Maya. So, what would you like? Your only limit is your imagination, as well as some rules of this world like no being superman or anything, hehe." Kate sits in contemplation for a good while and finally seems to come to a decision. "I want to come to your wedding." I'm actually shocked for once and I say, "Really? Anything you could ever want and you want to come to my wedding? Why?" Kate is fidgeting for a minute and says, "I want to meet your fiancé and see your family again, It's been a while and none of them have kept in touch with me since we broke up all those years ago." Giving a long sigh I say, "Fine. But, no hounding anyone there over secrets of mine. If you want to know about me as I am now, just ask me. Also, I'm being wed to my second wife actually, hehe." Kate looks utterly shocked and asks, "How? Is polygamy a thing where you live now or something?" Chucking I say, "If a God that can wipe out universes with a snap of his fingers wants to love more than one woman, who can stop him? Individualy universes could all team up against me and I wouldn't budge and inch from their onslaught. Food for though, hehe." Kate passes out and I catch her and lay her on the couch. 'Well, she'll be out for a bit. Maybe Wiggles would like to talk to Kate once in a while, that's an easy fix, hehe.'

(A/N: I woke up late and had to make some food but 3 chapters will be out today so expect the next 2 within a few hours probably. Also sorry if this is filler, I had many ideas in my head but this one stood out the most to cleanse his old world of most of it's evil. Hope you liked it and see you all soon. And to those of you still reading and supporting me I thank you, for real thanks.)