
My Own Lucifer In The Multiverse

Hello readers, this is my first novel so I hope you like it. I'll try to see all the feedback I can from comments but I do have a daily 8 hour job so not always. I've read a ton of FanFics, and let me tell you this first, there will be NO memory wipes, main character killing, or random hardmode extra entities or anything trying to mess with the MC. Every world he goes to will be following cannon for the most part, weather he messes with anything is up to me (some gods already there might try to mess with him but that's later lol) I know people love systems but that will probably be my next FanFic because I have a few ideas for a new one but while I have this one in my head I want to write it down, but keep in mind this is really for my own entertainment. My main language is English so don't worry about grammar mistakes, I will proof read myself to make sure of that and edit as I see mistakes. If I forget something in one or more worlds please let me know and I'll try to fix it asap. Enjoy :) At least 1 chapter a day, maybe 2 if I'm feeling ambitious and probably 2-3 on weekends. I'll try to hit 2k words at the minimum as well for decently long chaps. Disclaimer: I own nothing except my own MC.

mrblood388 · Movies
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43 Chs

Chapter 19: Time skip & the approaching threat

Months later, Kara and Bree come out of my inner world and I can tell they've grown in power by a good amount. Now, it's the year 2015 and when I snapped away all of Hydra, I left that one base for Ultron to still happen. This means Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver are there in the base. Today is the raid on that base for the Avengers, which Kara and Bree said we can handle and they're going shopping. *sigh* So, opening a portal to the Avengers, Nat and I step through holding hands just so when they tease us, I can mess with them, hehe. Arriving at the briefing, we're all given the plan to infiltrate the last Hydra base. Nat still does the lullaby thing for Hulk since that's how he gets to Sakaar, so things should still be mostly on track.

All I can say is, all hell breaks loose and Hydra guys are strung about all over the forest. Clint's new bow is doing more work than Thor can keep up with. Even the Hulk with his rampaging can't compare, hehe. I'm doing over watch to make sure no one gets flanked by any soldiers and to keep an eye on the dynamic duo soon to come. Seeing the incoming fire to the nearby city, Tony is about to call his iron legion but I stop him and say, "Hold up Tony, I've made a barrier for the city so just concentrate on the barrier on the base." Feeling like I took his job he begrudgingly says, "Got it Guardian Angel. Is there anything you can't do?" Rolling my eyes at that I reply, "No, I can do everything. Now break their barrier so we can end this." Dodging some more shots he says, "Copy that, almost there."

Knowing that Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch are on the field now since Clint is about to get grazed by a shot. He gets hit as I know he'll be fine and Dr. Cho needs to heal him. As the fighting comes to an end, Tony finds the Leviathan and other tech inside, Steve gets knocked down by Scarlet Witch, and Thor takes Clint to the jet. At the same time Nat does the lullaby to Hulk to get Bruce back. Scarlet Witch does her vision magic on Tony and he sees the Avengers all dead or dying in a pile. Snapping out of it, Tony gets his glove from his suit and takes Loki's scepter. The flight back is not too bad besides Thor not helping Bruce calm down and Clint bleeding on the table. I slow his bleeding a bit to help but the story must go on. *sigh*

Tony is working on finding the ins and outs of the scepter while Nat and I are with Clint. I'm shocked no one asked me to heal him yet, but Nat knows I wouldn't let him die so there's a reason. After some banter with Tony and Clint, Tony goes back out and shows Bruce the two different images of Jarvis and the Stone in the scepter. It's truly fascinating to see the mind stone in a 3D image. Tony gives Bruce a compelling speech about making Ultron for peace, not like it will work until Vision is created. The nerds start working and now it's Saturday, the party. Ultron has taken over Jarvis and begins his plans.

The party is nice, between playing pool and talking with everyone, I'm having a good night with Nat by my side. Eventually we make it to Thor and he's giving his 1000 year old alcohol, and next to us is the legend, Stan Lee. taking a glass myself, we all give a cheers and down the hatch. Nothing, I felt nothing after a few of those. "Guess it's really not meant for mortals, hehe." Thor looks astounded and asks, "How do you feel nothing from that?" Chuckling I say, "As you said my friend, It's not meant for mortal men, hehe." Normally Nat would be bartending and talks to Bruce but someone else is there this time and that conversation doesn't happen. After everyone leaves, it's just the Avengers and a few others and it's almost time to lift Thor's hammer. Some banter and taunting later, Clint tried to lift the hammer and fails. Tony tries and fails, then uses his suit glove and fails again, even Rhodes joins him and they both fail. Bruce does his amazingly awkward Hulk imitation which made me giggle. Steve actually gets it to move a little bit which surprises Thor. Thor then says, "Lets see if you've still got it my friend." Giving me a pat on the back. "Sure." Getting up and kissing Nat first, I walk to the hammer. "Just so you remember, I'm an actual god so don't be upset, hehe." Grabbing the hammer casually, I lift it no problem and toss it to Thor. "Winner, winner, chicken dinner. Suck it nerds, haha!" Nat is just shaking her head with a smile but Thor looks amazed once again. "My friend, should you want to visit Asgard again, just ask. You're more than welcome anytime you'd like to come drink with me." Giving him the forearm locked handshake, I say, "I'd be honored, Thor. Thank you."

Now, a screeching noise echoes throughout the room and Ultron in a damaged robot comes limping in. Replaying Tony saying, "I see a suit of armor around the world." Bruce recognizes it as Ultron to which Ultron confirms himself. Following the whole original fight scene besides me carrying Bruce alongside Nat behind the bar and then up the stairs, Ultron takes the staff with a legionnaire and then gets obliterated by Thor and sends himself to the Hydra base from a few days ago. Following that, They're trying to figure out what Ultron is going to do and Tony shows us the destroyed Jarvis. Thor flies back in and chokes out Tony making me chuckle a bit but only Nat hears me. 'Tony is really messed up after Wanda's vision, damn.' Eventually Steve calms Tony down saying we'll fight and lose together if we have to, not like we will when I'm here, hehe.

Pietro and Wanda meet with Ultron and agree to help him to kill the Avengers. The following day we get an image of Strucker dead in his prison cell. Seeing that all the data from Strucker is gone, we turn to paper files and Tony recognizes one man, Ulysses Klaue. One of the few people to get out of Wakanda but with a brand on his neck. Tony and Steve are whispering about Wakanda and vibranium and Bruce asks what it is and I say, "The strongest metal on this planet. Unless you ask me for better, hehe." Moving on the the ship that Klaue is currently aboard, he meets Wanda and Pietro but gets torn out the window by Ultron. Giving Ultron the vibranium and Klaue receiving his money, he makes the mistake of calling Ultron one of Tony's robots so he gets an arm chopped off.

Landing in front of Ultron, Steve, Tony and Thor confront him and the twins. In the upper levels are Clint, Nat, and I and Klaue tells his men to shoot all of us as Tony engages Ultron. I'm making shields to block bullets for Nat and Clint while they take down Klaue's men. Pietro rocks Steve with a punch to the face and then tries to grab Thor's hammer and flies across the ship with it, pretty hilarious to be honest, hehe. As Pietro and Wanda work together to do some mind games, Wanda appears next to me but instead of her power working on me, nothing happens. "Hello Wanda, I'll be seeing you guys again soon, ciao." Making a memory following me saying that of her barely making me have a vision, Ultron gets his vibranium and leaves, as do Pietro with a stunned Wanda who got a taser arrow from Clint. Rushing to Nat, I give a *SNAP* and wake her from the vision. "Nat, you alright? Only Clint and I weren't hit with a mind control." Giving me a slow nod as she comes back to her senses, I notice Wanda is making Bruce turn into an enraged Hulk.

"Tony, finish up Ultron, I'm going for Bruce." Flying off with my wings out, I locate Hulk and land in front of him before he can do any damage. "Hey there big guy, why don't we have a chat somewhere else alright?" Grabbing him by his neck, I fly up with my wings in full glory for the city to see. Can't be in public and not show my wings to look cool right? Finally getting out of sight, I place my other hand on Hulk's head I end the vision that Wanda placed in his head and send Hulk back into Bruce's subconscious. Seeing him slowly turning back, I sigh in relief and message the team saying, "Bruce is back and no damage was caused. We still have to get Ultron though." Agreeing, we head to Clint's house to regroup since it's off the grid.

Walking inside, Clint calls for Laura to come meet everyone but she knows all of our names. I say, "Hello again Laura, it's good to see you. How's the baby doing?" Smiling to me she says, "Good actually, and it's good to see you again as well." Everyone besides Clint and Nat are looking at me and Tony says, "Definitely an agent, no question." Shaking my head I say, "Yes Tony, and I'm not an angel. Idiot, you rely on what you know too much." *SNAP* Making another couch for everyone to sit on I say, "Oh? Was that magic or because I'm a god that can create anything from nothing, hmmm..." Nat rolls her eyes and drags me to the couch to relax in my lap and we snuggle up. Lila and Cooper come running down the stairs and hug Clint but Lila asks if, and I quote, "Did you bring Auntie Nat and Uncle Lucifer?" but seeing us on the couch, Lila rushes to us and we have a group hug and Cooper comes and hugs Nat and shakes my hand like a man. Nat gets up and asks Laura how little Natasha is doing but Laura corrects her saying she's Nathaniel and Nat lowers her face to Laura's belly and whispers, "Traitor." making me chuckle from the side earning me a glare from Nat. I wiggle my eyebrows to her and she gets the hint and gives me a loving smile which I return.

Everyone goes their separate ways. Thor to find answers, Steve and Tony to split wood, Bruce to freshen up, and Nat and I chilling in the living room. Knowing the conversation that Laura is having with Clint I want to help them. Coming down the stairs, I call Clint over, "Clint, come here please." Coming up to me he asks, "What's up?" Smiling to him and then Laura I say, "I'm going to make you stronger, do you accept? It will ease the worries of your family as well as Nat. Even though I wouldn't let anything seriously hurt you.", Looking to his side from the Hydra base hit. Looking at me with determined eyes he says, "I accept." Smiling I say, "Very well than. Laura, after you give birth I shall do the same for you and your children as well." Getting a nervous nod from her, I place my hand on Clint's head and say, "I bestow upon you, the power of an angel. Although your wings will be that of a hawk to match your name in the Avengers, hehe." Clint looks the same only his eyes are golden now, no hair change or white wings just hawk wings. "Now you can fire your godly bow from the air, congratulations." Laura mouths, "Thank you." from the side to which I give her a smile and a nod.

(A/N: I'm not planning on getting to endgame, for that to happen Gamora has to die as well as Vision, so I'll end this before the soul stone in Infinity War. Everything has a way of working out so enjoy the ride. See you tomorrow.)