
My Own Lucifer In The Multiverse

Hello readers, this is my first novel so I hope you like it. I'll try to see all the feedback I can from comments but I do have a daily 8 hour job so not always. I've read a ton of FanFics, and let me tell you this first, there will be NO memory wipes, main character killing, or random hardmode extra entities or anything trying to mess with the MC. Every world he goes to will be following cannon for the most part, weather he messes with anything is up to me (some gods already there might try to mess with him but that's later lol) I know people love systems but that will probably be my next FanFic because I have a few ideas for a new one but while I have this one in my head I want to write it down, but keep in mind this is really for my own entertainment. My main language is English so don't worry about grammar mistakes, I will proof read myself to make sure of that and edit as I see mistakes. If I forget something in one or more worlds please let me know and I'll try to fix it asap. Enjoy :) At least 1 chapter a day, maybe 2 if I'm feeling ambitious and probably 2-3 on weekends. I'll try to hit 2k words at the minimum as well for decently long chaps. Disclaimer: I own nothing except my own MC.

mrblood388 · Movies
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43 Chs

Chapter 18: A nice dinner & a decision

(A/N: I've put a lot of thought into this so don't hate me. No, I'm not dropping lol. I've been thinking for a bit about how the MC might go back to his old world where he died and check up on his family and maybe help them out. Now, I know a lot of people won't like this, but as I said in the synopsis, "This is really for my own entertainment." so I'm going to do it. If it were me, and it basically is, I'd go see how my family was doing, wouldn't you? So in conclusion, this chapter will finish the dinner at the Barton's as well as the MC traveling to his old world with Nat and Rose to tell his family that he's alright and help them move on since no one besides OAA knew his soul wasn't meant for that world. P.S. Thank you all for your support and grammar corrections, I had no idea that this Fanfic would get this much love so thank you all very much. After this chapter I'll time skip to Age of Ultron. Guardians of the galaxy takes place in 2014 and Age of Ultron is 2015 in the timeline so expect Nat and Lucifer to be closer by then. I'll factor this note outside of the 2k words lol Love you.)

"Shall we go inside for dinner?" Giving me a nod Clint says, "After you." and gestures to the house. As we're walking to the door I stop him and say, "Take a quick shower, you were sweating quite a bit binding that bow to yourself, hehe." With another nod, we go inside and Clint rushes to the bathroom to shower and I ask what's for dinner. "What's for dinner, Laura?" Looking to me from the kitchen she replies, "Spaghetti and meatballs, I hope you'll like it." Chuckling a bit as Nat elbows me I say, "I'm sure it will be delicious, thank you."

Clint finally rushes back down and calls his kids to come eat as Laura is bringing out the giant bowl of food. I notice a lightbulb out in their chandelier, with a *SNAP* it's fixed. "Sorry, you had a bulb out so I fixed it." Clint says, "Thanks, I was going to change that later." Laura gives him a look and says, "Really? Didn't you say that a few days ago?" I whisper just enough so everyone can hear me, "Busted, hehe." That gets me another elbow from Nat but she has a smile as well trying not to laugh and enjoying the company. Of course, me being a good person is a plus, well, I'd call myself chaotic-good really. I'm loving to those close to me but I'll make anyone who tries to hurt my loved ones pay dearly. (hehe)

Making some small talk while having dinner is quite nice, not something I'm used to with more than two or three people but with the Barton's its good. Finishing up the food, everyone leans back for a sigh from feeling full. "Compliments to the chef, Laura. It was delicious for sure, thank you." Having a smile on her face she says, "Thank you for the compliment Lucifer." Chuckling I say, "You're welcome, and that's coming from a god, hehe." A look of half shock and half confusion takes over Clint and Laura but their kids, Cooper and Lila, look amazed. "Yes, I am in fact a god, hehe. Please, just treat me normally as I don't care for honorifics or anything." Giving some slow nods, Lila asks, "Can you show us something to prove it?" Giving a grin I say, "Of course, have you ever seen something appear out of thin air? And not like the magicians with tricks." Shaking her head indicating a no, I chuckle and say, "Follow me to the living room please."

Walking into the living room I say, "If you would like to sit on the couch, I'll show you as well as play a song on what I create." Nodding they all sit down and I create a piano. *SNAP* Appearing out of thin air is a beautiful black piano and everyone besides Clint and Nat looks amazed. "Now, I'll play you a song so you know it's real." Sitting down I start to play Sadness and Sorrow since I haven't played it in a while. I don't know why, but every time I play this song, I cry a little. Nat notices this and comes up and sits next to me and rubs my back. Still playing but staring at her with a sad expression, she leans in and we share quite the passionate kiss as the heavier tempo starts. Our eyes never turn away from each other, like the world isn't there and it's just us, but a flash of Rose is next to Nat and I can't help but smile knowing my life is amazing with amazing people in it. Finishing the song, everyone claps and I see Laura with some tears. "Don't worry, I cry every time I play it. Very few songs do that to me but That one is a 100% guarantee, hehe."

We watch a movie after I finish the song and just relax since it's a comedy. Finishing the movie, we're heading to the door to go home but Laura comes to me and asks, "Are you not taking the piano with you?" Shaking my head I say, "Lila, come here please." Walking up to me, I have my finger glowing gold and tap her head. "Lila can now play the piano at a grandmaster level, enjoy you're gift. Good night and thank you for dinner." Shaking her head now with a loving smile Laura says, "No, it's me who should thank you. Finally got that light fixed, haha. Good night you two." Giving a nod, we walk out the door and I hear Laura scolding Clint about the light, hehe. "Shall we head home?" Giving me a nod, I open a portal home. *SNAP*

The next morning, I'm currently outside sitting on the porch contemplating a decision that's been on my mind for a while now. Hearing some footsteps coming, I know who it is so I reach back and grab Nat and bring her to my lap. "Good morning love." Snuggling into my chest, she notices my complicated face and asks, "What's wrong? You've had that look for a while now in the mornings." Giving her a kiss on the forehead I say, "Can I ask you what decision you would take in my shoes?" Giving me a nod I continue, "Well, I told you my old name from before I was a god, but I'm not sure if it's a good idea to go see my old family again to check up on them. What would you do?" Giving it some thought she says, "Depends on how close you were with all of them I guess." Taking no time at all I respond, "Very close, I spoiled my nieces and nephews and that was the only time I had a smile on my face. When I died, my father at this time told me that my soul wasn't meant for that world and it was distorted. I always knew something was wrong though, I never felt like I belonged there anyways. But now that I have a fixed soul, I want to see them again and finally smile to all of them." Cupping my cheeks and looking into my eyes she says, "Then go, say hi to them and tell them you're alright. I'd like to meet the family that made you who you are anyways, if that's possible." Chuckling a bit I say, "Of course it's possible, hehe. I took you to Rose's world right? I should probably ask her to come as well, my oldest brother would flip out if I introduce you two, haha. Alright, we'll go. Say the magic words and visit Bree for a bit and I'll get Rose to join you soon, love you." With a smile she says, "Edward is an idiot." and disappears to my inner world. 'I love that saying, hehe'

*SNAP* Opening a portal to Rose, who is in my house at the moment, I step through. Entering my house, Rose tackles me to the ground and kisses me saying, "I've missed you, how's Nat doing?" Kissing her back I say, "I missed you too, hehe, and she's good. I've made a decision to see my old family in my past life to check up on them and talk for a bit. I was wondering if you'd like to meet them alongside Nat and possibly Bree." Giving my a loving smile she says, "Of course, can't wait to meet them." Kissing her once more I say, "Say the magic words and enter my inner world with Bree and Nat and I'll take us there, love you." Saying, "Love you too." Rose says the magic words, hehe, and enters my inner world, then I take out Yamato and slash twice making a rift to my old world.

Exiting the rift, I'm about ten miles outside my old town so I fly up and look for my old house. Arriving at the location I think, 'OH? Looks like a family reunion, perfect.' Landing down, my older brother comes up to me and asks, "Who might you be?" Reaching out to shake his hand, he shakes it back as I say, "Hey bro, how's life been? Hehe." Completely confused he asks, "I only have three brothers now, my youngest brother passed away a few years ago. So I'll ask you again, who might you be?" Sighing I can only tell him a past memory of me and him that only he knows. "Remember when we went on those long trips to you can pay your mortgage and we'd listen to Hollywood Undead almost every time. After you paid that, we'd stop by the same burger place and you'd always get jalapeños on your burger. Good enough?" Looking completely shocked with wide eyes he says the one thing I wanted to hear, "Ryan?" Giving him a smile I say, "Hello Shawn, how've you been?" Rushing to me and hugging me he asks, "How? You died, it's not possible." Chuckling I say, "Everything is possible, at least now it is for me, hehe. May I come to the reunion and say hi?" Hugging me again he says, "Of course, I can't wait to see the look on their faces, although they will probably take some convincing like me, haha."

Walking over to my family, my oldest brother introduces me, and I can only smile seeing them all again. "Everyone, I know it's not possible, but this is Ryan. He even told me a memory that only he and I know and I can't come to any other conclusion other than it's him." Walking up in everyone's view I say, "Hello everyone, my old name was Ryan and I dies just before my 28th birthday. Any questions?" My second oldest brother asks, "How are you here now if you died?" Chuckling a bit I say, "Well, first of all, I don't like secrets, never did so here is the whole reason this is possible. After I died, I woke up in a white room with only two chairs and a table. Across from me was an old man who I thought was god. But I was completely wrong, he wasn't just a god, he is the creator god, One Above All. He is now my father and made me a god, as well as his first archangel. My soul was unstable in this world, I wasn't meant to be here and always felt unfulfilled and empty but now I have my own freedom. My name is now Lucifer Morningstar, and it's so nice to see you all again. I literally spent one billion years absorbing enough of my fathers divinity to be the number two most powerful being in all of existence." My third brother asks, "Can you show us that you're not making this up?" Giving a grin, I step back about 20 feet and slowly rise in the air. Unfurling my wings which have that golden glow since I'm happy to see my family again, as well as my halo I say, "Satisfied?" All of them dumbly nod as I come back down but I leave my wings and halo out.

"Now, Shawn, the people I'm about to bring out will make you realize that the movies, shows, and books you've read are other godly beings planting the stories of those worlds in the minds of people here to make them. Rose, Nat, and Bree if you want to, would you come out please?" Three flashes of light come from my chest and they stand by me. Nat to my right, Rose to my left, and Bree in front of me. My oldest brother has wide eyes and says, "NO FUCKING WAY!" Unable to hold my laugh I say, "HAHAHAHA! Exactly the reaction I expected brother. Yes, allow me to introduce my family. Rosalie Morningstar, previously Rosalie Hale. Natasha Romanoff, soon to be Natasha Morningstar when the time comes, hehe. And Bree Morningstar, formerly know as Bree Tanner. Rose and I adopted her after I rescued her from the Volturi." I give them a moment to process everything and I think Shawn fainted, hehe.

After collecting themselves, which took a little bit, I ask one question. "I know mom's off on some island, shocker, but where's dad?" Everyone has a sad face on and my heart drops. Shawn says, "He died last year." Almost choking out my next word, "H...how?" Looking at me with some tears he says, "A mugging, the guy is in prison now. It took them about a week to catch him but the doctors couldn't save dad." My wings turn to a bloody mist as I raise into the air and scream, "FUCK! HE'LL PAY WITH HIS VERY SOUL!" Flying at the speed of light to the prison, I find the man from my brother's memory. Grabbing him, I portal back to my family and everyone is shocked. "My name may be Lucifer now but I'm not a devil, not until someone makes me that way. You've taken the life of my father over a few dollars? MAY YOUR SOUL ROT IN HELL!" Ripping out his soul and casting it to hell, U portal his empty body back to the prison. While this was taking place, the whole earth was shaking, not badly but a tremble. "I'll now bring dad back, it wasn't his time." Looking up I say, "Lady Death, you cruel bitch, I'll come for you soon as well for some punishment." Using creation, I make my dad's body and then look for his soul. Finding it I ask if he wants to come back and he does, missing his family. Putting his soul back into the body, he wakes up.

"How? I died didn't I?" Hugging him I say, "You did dad, as did I at one time, but I have the power to bring you back since it wasn't your time. Welcome back to the world of the living, hehe" Unsure of what to do, my dad looks to the side to see the rest of our family crying in disbelief. Everyone tackles him in a big pile crying tears of joy. Not noticing I am as well, Nat and Rose come and hug my arms and Bree has a smile. "Well, I have to be going soon but I want to give you all a gift before I go. One wish each, and nothing world breaking, hehe." My oldest brother recovers first and says, "I'd like to each of us to have enough money to live comfortably for generations to come." Smiling to him knowing he doesn't want a lot I say, "Granted. 100K each per week until it's your time to leave this world and save most of it, that should be enough for a long time." My second oldest brother asks next, "I'd like my own personal island with the resources to live for generations to come as well." *SNAP* "Granted. You have the location in your memory now and it's accessible via your own personal portal at your house. It's DNA coded as well to our family so no one else can come if they aren't invited." My third and fourth brothers both shake their heads as they're already content with the money from my oldest brother.

"Surprising really, no one asked for any super powers or anything, hehe. Very well than, I'll ask once more, any last wishes before I go?" Looking around I spot my oldest niece, Kara, come forward and ask, "Can I go with you? I've always wanted to visit some of those fantasy worlds that aren't fantasy anymore." Looking to my oldest brother, he places a hand on her shoulder and say, "You're old enough now, it's you choice and a once in a lifetime opportunity. Your mom and I support you." Smiling to him knowing my family have good hearts, my niece comes up to me and tell me with a determined face, "I want to go with you, if I can." Holding out my hand I say, "Of course, but before we go, I'll have to make you something more than human. You will be an angel under me, like my daughter here. Do you accept?" Kneeling down like a knight would she says, "I accept, uncle Lucifer." Giving a nod, I place my hand on her head and a blinding light envelops the area. After a minute, my niece now has white hair and golden eyes with pure white wings. "Welcome to our family of angels, Kara, my niece." Smiling to me she nods and turns to say goodbye to everyone, especially with her dad. "This isn't goodbye, only a farewell. Should any of you need me, simple picture me and pray to me, Nat know it works, hehe. So, farewell for now and live well. Kara, come here." Hugging her parents one more time, she comes close and I say, "Say, "Edward is an idiot" and you'll enter my inner world with Nat, Rose, and Bree. I'll call you out when we get home." Nodding she says the words and all four of them go inside.

Taking out Yamato, I make the slashes and open a rift back to Twilight to drop off Rose. "See you soon. And Shawn, no one will hurt Kara so don't worry, I love you all so don't forget it." Giving one last bow, I walk through. Dropping Rose off in Twilight, I make another rift to Marvel. Coming through back to my living room I say, "Come out now." Coming out of my inner world is Bree, Nat, and an excited little angel Kara. Not really little, she's 18 but the last time I saw her was so long ago to me. "Welcome to your new home." Asking Kara via telepathy, "We're in the Marvel world right now Kara, I believe you know about this world right?" Nodding to me she asks, "Which part are we in?" Smiling I say, "Should be close to age of Ultron now, we left for a bit coming to my old world and back. This is going to be fun but first, you should go back into my inner world and work on controlling your power for the coming fights. Your power is used with imagination, so come up with some cool moves or copy them from anime and stuff. I know you watched the same ones I did, hehe." Nodding to me, she says the magic words and goes in. Turning to Bree I ask her, "Can you make sure she has a good amount of control in a few weeks?" Nodding and saying, "Sure dad, but I expect some ice cream when we're done." Shaking my head, I wonder where she got the ice cream addiction from. Turning to Nat I ask, "So, Nat, would you like to go out to dinner?"

(A/N: So that's how I would have done things. I decided to bring his niece with him since she loved anime and movies like him and the only attachment to their old world was family who aren't gone forever with Lucifer's power. She will be helping from time to time but mostly training like Bree till DC. Ciao.)