
My Own Lucifer In The Multiverse

Hello readers, this is my first novel so I hope you like it. I'll try to see all the feedback I can from comments but I do have a daily 8 hour job so not always. I've read a ton of FanFics, and let me tell you this first, there will be NO memory wipes, main character killing, or random hardmode extra entities or anything trying to mess with the MC. Every world he goes to will be following cannon for the most part, weather he messes with anything is up to me (some gods already there might try to mess with him but that's later lol) I know people love systems but that will probably be my next FanFic because I have a few ideas for a new one but while I have this one in my head I want to write it down, but keep in mind this is really for my own entertainment. My main language is English so don't worry about grammar mistakes, I will proof read myself to make sure of that and edit as I see mistakes. If I forget something in one or more worlds please let me know and I'll try to fix it asap. Enjoy :) At least 1 chapter a day, maybe 2 if I'm feeling ambitious and probably 2-3 on weekends. I'll try to hit 2k words at the minimum as well for decently long chaps. Disclaimer: I own nothing except my own MC.

mrblood388 · Movies
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43 Chs

Chapter 17: Pranked & Returning & The Barton's

As Peter and the gang go aboard Ronan's ship, I'm currently about to witness Yondu use his whistling arrow. The sheer speed of it is astounding, not one enemy knows what happened as they all fall over when he catches the arrow. "Bravo, Yondu. Impressive work." Floating down he gives me a glare saying, "And who might you be?" Sighing I answer, "I am Lucifer, an honor to meet the famous ravager." Reaching out for a handshake, he hesitates for a moment but returns it. "I'm one of Peter's friends actually. I'd love to stay and chat but Ronan's men are about to bomb the city, ciao." Unfurling my wings, I take off towards the city.

Arriving just before any of them can do any damage, I make pure light element miniguns the size of tanks. "Welcome, Ronan's army, to your deaths, HAHAHA!" My voice echoing across the city like a sonic boom as I start demolishing the ships coming towards the city. It's not every day you see an angel with miniguns mowing down incoming ships so imaging the faces of everyone here, hehe. The fake stone does have a little bit of power just to seem like it's real so Ronan does break the formation, but I teleport all of the people in the ships to the ground to be safe. Now for one of the saddest moments to happen, Groot sacrificing himself to save the others. I could save him sure, but I know he's going to live and grow again. Ronan's ship comes crashing down with everyone dazed while Ronan steps out. As Peter is doing his dance off to distract Ronan I fly down with my wings and halo still out and just shake my head at him as he questions me saying, "What? You know a good distraction when you see it right?"

Walking up to Ronan I snatch his hammer away from him and crush the fake stone and say, "It was never the real stone you idiot. I made this fake one with a small amount of power, HAHAHA, GET PRANKED BRO!" Pulling out the old orb and taking out the real power stone, I place it to my chest and it sinks in between my collarbones. "One down, five to go. Now, Drax, as per our agreement, since you didn't kill him then please allow me." Lifting him by his throat, Ronan tries to break free but it's no use, "Ronan the accuser, for the slaughter of many innocent lives across the galaxy, as well as working with Thanos I, Lucifer Morningstar, sentence you to eternal damnation in my own personal hell, later nerd." Ripping out his soul as he screams and begs for mercy, I cast his soul into hell and burn his empty body to ashes. "Well, that was easy no? Good prank right Rocket?" Looking to Rocket he is still sad about Groot but I do something unexpected. Holding a glowing finger to the stick that is Groot I say, "Groot, my friend. After you grow again, you will be able to speak properly this time as a gift from me for saving our friends." Rocket looks to me and says, "Thanks pal." wiping some tears and giving me a pat on the shoulder I smile and nod to him.

Yondu comes out saying, "I'm going to need that orb." Giving a mischievous smile, I do the old *SNAP* and make another orb with a stone that only gives the effect and no power and hand it to him. "There you are my friend, but do remember to not open it. It's very dangerous to mortals." Knowing he didn't see me take out the real one and put it into my chest, he won't think twice about it. As Yondu walks off, Peter comes to me and says, "You made another one? How?" Chuckling to him I reply, "No, I only made a cosmetic one this time. It holds no power unlike the one I made last time. As for the real one, I'll keep it and wait for Thanos myself." Looking to Gamora, she seems unsure but gives me a nod nonetheless. "Well than, I should get going. Some people back home are probably worried about me. See you all soon my friends, and should you need me, just pray to me, ciao." *SNAP* Making a portal back to earth I step through making everyone else there shocked that I had that power all along, hehe. I also left Peter some more cassette tapes with music in his ship to have alongside his mother's gift.

Arriving back home, the first thing I see is Nat rushing at me. Reacting fast, I pick her up into a hug and say, "I'm home, hehe. Had to help some friends in space." Giving her a kiss, we go sit down in the living room and just talk all night about my journey. Removing my shirt and showing her the power stone, I tell her the same story the collector told us about all six of the infinity stones. Of course she would know this in the future, but I don't like secrets so why not tell her, right? Anyways, the night flies by and Nat goes home via a portal and I go to sleep. Waking up, I smell food being cooked and coming out to the kitchen, Bree is making breakfast. "Oh? Trying to reach my level of cooking as well? hehe." Shrugging her shoulders she says, "Guess we'll find out right?" Nodding but knowing she won't reach my level ever, I let her do her thing. After breakfast, which was not too bad actually, I start thinking about what to do until Ultron. 'I could join the guardians and see Ego but it's not that important. The only relevant thing is to save Yondu or not but he went out saving Peter so I believe he's content with that. That won't be happening for a little while yet so food for thought.'

Snapping me out of my thoughts, Nat asks me to open her a portal so, *SNAP* walking through, she looks amazing even in jeans and a jacket. "Your beauty never ceases to amaze me." Giving her a kiss, she has a bright smile while looking into my eyes. After what seems like forever, she says," I wanted to ask you something, if you don't mind." Taking her hand and opening a portal to a nearby park, we step through and take a walk. "You can ask me anything, Nat." Nodding but looking down she asks, "Do you think I could be like you and Rose? I feel small compared to both of you guys as just a normal human." Chuckling a bit I tell her, "How about a deal? After I marry you, I'll change you after we say "I do", deal?" Stopping in her tracks, she brings me into a big hug and a passionate kiss and says, "Deal. So, already planning on marrying me huh?" Rolling my eyes I respond, "Once we got the green light from Rose I had it all planned out, yes. Now it's just a matter of when I surprise you with it, hehe." Giving me a playful punch in the arm, she smiles to me and we continue our walk with her hugging my arm and just enjoying each other's company.

Arriving back home, I walk to the kitchen and yell to Bree and Nat and say, "What would my lovely ladies like for dinner?" Both of them say at the same time, "TACOS!" Shaking my head I make dinner and bring it to them. Tonight is Nat's turn to pick a movie to watch and she goes for an action movie. After enjoying the movie Bree goes to her room and Nat asks me, "Can I stay with you tonight?" Picking her up in a princess carry I say, "Of course, my lady." Giggling at my antics, I carry her up to my room and we lay down. "Hey Nat. As long as I live, you will always have a place to go, always have a family to come home to, and never feel unwanted again. It's been a while since the New York invasion and now I can truthfully say, I love you Nat." She starts to tear up but snuggles close to me and says, "I love you too Lucifer. I know you love Rose as well but I know you have enough love for both of us." Smiling to each other we share a passionate kiss and fall asleep shortly after.

Waking up in the morning, I don't see Nat but I do hear the shower running. Walking into the bathroom, I come up behind her and whisper, "Morning my love." Scaring her a bit, she tries to take me down but I don't budge at all. Laughing to each other, Nat says, "Already taking a shower together, moving fast huh?" I start washing her body and whisper, "Not at all, after your change you'll be truly immortal like Rose and I. Might as well get used to each other now right?" Almost purring she nods and we have a nice intimate moment just enjoying the feeling of each others bodies. After a nice shower we're sitting on the couch when Nat says, "Clint invited me over for dinner tonight, you want to come as well?" Since Bree is training for a bit longer I say, "Of course, I haven't seen Clint since the invasion and even then we didn't talk. Plus I have a gift for him." Giving me a hug, we get ready to go to Clint's place for dinner.

"Think of Clint's house and I'll see your mental image to open a portal there." Giving me a nod, Nat closes her eyes and thinks of his place for me to see. *SNAP* Opening a portal, I take hold of Nat's hand we walk through to Clint's front door. Knocking on the door we hear, "Coming!" A few moments later Clint's wife Laura opens the door to see Nat hugging my arm. "Hello Nat, and who might this fine gentleman be?" Well, as she said I'm a gentleman so I kiss the back of her hand a do a bow and introduce myself, "Good evening, I'm Lucifer Morningstar, Nat's boyfriend. It's a pleasure to meet you." Laura looks confused as Nat says, "Surprise! Hehe, I didn't say anything because it was complicated for a bit." Laura recovers herself and says, "Well, it's nice to meet you Lucifer, please come in, dinner is almost done." Giving a nod, we walk inside but I don't see Clint so I ask, "Where might your husband be? I'd like to have a chat before dinner." Replying from the kitchen Laura says, "He should be out in the barn." Yelling back, "I'll go take a look, thank you." Giving Nat a quick kiss, I go out to the barn.

Walking into the barn I say, "Hello? Clint, you here?" Out of nowhere, an arrow flies to my face but I catch it and say, "Impressive as always, Clint. It's not nice to shoot at Nat's boyfriend you know, especially since I come with a gift for you." Dropping down from the loft he says, "I remember you, from the invasion. Impressive work yourself back then." Giving a little bow I reply, "Thank you. As for your gift, I think you'll love it." *SNAP* Creating a custom golden bow with black decals, I give him the details. "This bow will be bound to your very soul, all you have to do is think about it in your hands to summon it and simply will it to disappear. It's power uses your imagination, flashbang arrows, explosive arrows, multiple arrows, big arrows or small arrows, anything really. The harder you draw the faster the arrows fly and with more power, so I'd recommend working on your upper body a bit more, hehe." Taking the bow from my hand, it gets sucked into his chest and I setup a sound barrier so no one hears his screams. Its actually painful binding something to your soul when you're human. After a minute or so, he stands up sweating a bit. "Welcome back, try summoning it and drawing an arrow, then making it disappear again." Doing as instructed, the bow gets summoned and fits perfectly in his hand as well as being perfect draw length. Pulling back the string, a pure white arrow forms and he releases it towards a mountain range. It's like a mini bomb went off, debris flying everywhere although I contained the sound so no one panics before dinner. "Congratulations, you've successfully bound to it to yourself. I knew you could do it, hahaha!"