
My Own Lucifer In The Multiverse

Hello readers, this is my first novel so I hope you like it. I'll try to see all the feedback I can from comments but I do have a daily 8 hour job so not always. I've read a ton of FanFics, and let me tell you this first, there will be NO memory wipes, main character killing, or random hardmode extra entities or anything trying to mess with the MC. Every world he goes to will be following cannon for the most part, weather he messes with anything is up to me (some gods already there might try to mess with him but that's later lol) I know people love systems but that will probably be my next FanFic because I have a few ideas for a new one but while I have this one in my head I want to write it down, but keep in mind this is really for my own entertainment. My main language is English so don't worry about grammar mistakes, I will proof read myself to make sure of that and edit as I see mistakes. If I forget something in one or more worlds please let me know and I'll try to fix it asap. Enjoy :) At least 1 chapter a day, maybe 2 if I'm feeling ambitious and probably 2-3 on weekends. I'll try to hit 2k words at the minimum as well for decently long chaps. Disclaimer: I own nothing except my own MC.

mrblood388 · Movies
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43 Chs

Chapter 16: Meeting the Guardian's & the power stone

After spending a night talking with Nat and Rose with them getting to know each other, Nat and I are heading back to Marvel now. Pulling out Yamato, I make a rift but I turn to Rose and say, You know I love you right? Together forever." Giving her a hug and a kiss she replies, "Until the end of time, then rewind it again. I love you more, be safe." Giving her a smile and turning to the rift I say, "Always am, honey. Not like anything can kill me, hehe." Thinking I can't see her she rolls her eyes as Nat and I go back. Appearing back in my living room, Nat and I are face to face and she says, "You know I'm damaged goods with a horrible past right?" Chuckling to that I lean closer and say, "Nothing I cannot heal, and let's make the future better." She leans into me as well and we start to kiss and just like with Rose, it turns from a light kiss, to passionate, to tongues intertwining madly. Finally breaking away for a breathe I say, "I have a few things to do for a while but I'll be back for another dinner soon, you alright with that?" Smiling to me she says, "Name the time and place and I'm there, just don't forget about me." Kissing her again I reply, "Couldn't forget if I tried, see you soon." Opening a portal for her to go home I'm deciding on when to meet the Guardians of the galaxy.

Finally deciding to meet them in the prison when they break out, I start looking for them in the galaxy. Finding their location, I open a portal just outside the high security space prison called the Kyln. Disguising myself as a prisoner that escaped, the guards come and hit me with shocking batons as I act in pain and throw me into a cell as I wait for the team to arrive. Sitting out in the mess hall, they start to come inside, first is Peter, then Rocket, then Gamora, and finally Groot. Everyone crowds around and starts throwing things at them but I make a barrier around them all and say, "Welcome to The Kyln, I've just arrived as well. My name is Lucifer, and should you need anything just ask me." Giving a smile, Peter asks first, "Are you from Earth?" Nodding a little I reply, "Yes I am, the year is 2014 there. Nice to meet you Peter Quill." Shocked he asks, "How do you know my name?" Giving a grin I say, "How indeed? All will be known soon, hehe." Slowly nodding, we make our way forward as the big blue guy wants to mess with Peter but Groot grabs him by the nose and Rocket gives his speech about Peter being their booty as Groot breaks the guys nose and he starts crying. Peter gives his line of, "I'm with them." not wanting to mess with anyone here and follows them.

As Gamora enters her cell and the door closes, I teleport to her side shocking her and I ask, "Well now, what did the daughter of Thanos do to deserve their hate?" Giving me a half shocked and half angry look she says, "I never wanted to be his daughter, I hate him." Chuckling I reply, "I know, but he sees you as his daughter without a doubt. You see all of those criminals?" Pointing at her cell window, she nods as I continue, "I could just snap them out of existence as easily as breathing. But, the future must be upheld. So, how about this, when we get out of here, I get the power stone and help you kill Ronan and you have my protection from Thanos? A good deal no?" Not sure whether to trust me or not Gamora asks, "Why? Why help me?" Sighing I answer, "Everyone deserves a chance, you've survived by following Thanos's orders but you have a good heart and soul. You're nothing like these criminals, they deserve damnation for all of their evil deeds." Thinking for a minute or so she says, "Alright, as long as Thanos doesn't come for me you can have the power stone only because he cannot get it. But, I need to know you'll be able to be off of his radar with it." Unable to hold my laugh, "HAHAHA, my dear Gamora, no one seeks me out, yet I can find anyone at any time. That's how powerful gods work, hehe." Disappearing from her cell into mine again I leave her with that.

Later on in the night, Gamora is taken to be killed by some of the criminals. Drax comes in saying that she isn't theirs to kill and talks about his wife and daughter dying at Ronan's hands while he laughed and will now take Gamora's life for them. I come in and say, "Actually, Gamora here isn't the daughter of Thanos, never was. Merely forced to work for him and calling her his daughter. Oh and before I forget..." *SNAP* the other goons turn to a pile of red mist as I continue, "So, Drax, killing Ronan would be better right?" Nodding he says, "Yes, if I can get to him, I'll kill him myself. Can you take me to him?" Nodding I say, Yes I can, on two conditions. First is that we need to make a delivery, and second is that if you cannot kill him, I'll do it. Deal?" Shaking my hand he says, "Deal, thank you friend." Nodding to him we pass by Peter and Rocket and I chuckle at them. Walking back, Gamora tells them that she'll lead us to the buyer and split the profits when we escape to which they agree.

After Rocket tells us the plan and everything he needs, including the prosthetic leg, Groot walks to the tower and rips out the battery which makes Rocket improvise his plan. Pure chaos is all that happens next. Security drones open fire on Groot as he swipes left and right knocking the out of the air and blowing up all around us. Drax comes up and starts pummeling guards and throws Rocket a gun and he gives one of my favorite lines of his as he cocks the gun, "Oh, yeah." As Groot and Rocket are yelling and laughing while shooting the place up, Peter is asking the guy for his leg. Gamora gets the arm band after fighting a few guards and Peter get the leg. The five of them meet at the watchtower and as the door opens, the guard there is shitting himself and I walk out from the side and say, "About time, hehe." Glaring at me, they continue in as Groot throws the guy mercilessly out the door with a nice *thud* sound. Peter hands Rocket the leg and Rocket says he didn't need it but it would be funny and I start laughing from the side saying, "It was pretty funny, nice one Rocket." Rocket then says, "See, he gets it. It's hilarious." some banter later and we're off to get their stuff and Peter's ship.

After getting onto Peter's ship, Rocket doesn't want to wait and asks Gamora if she has the orb, which she doesn't. I say, "He's coming, just some trust issues for him but don't worry. Even if he does try to get away, I'll take the orb from him easily." Apparently that calmed her down so now we wait for Peter to get his Walkman. Finally coming back, we head out to Gamora's buyer. After scolding Rocket about tinkering with his ship, Peter tells Gamora that he'd trust her more if she told him what the orb is to which she says she doesn't know. I say, "I know what it is, but where's the fun in telling, right Gamora?" Giving her a grin as she looks shocked but calms herself since the stone will be mine soon anyways. After a long and very loud trip, we finally arrive at our destination. Nowhere ,the severed head of a celestial being.

While walking through the streets, I see Groot making a flower for a little girl. Coming up to them I say, "May I give you one as well?" Giving me a nod, I snap my fingers and make a beautiful and flawless Rose. *SNAP* "There you go, be safe now alright?" Giving me a smile and a nod, we continue on. Waiting off to the side of the bar room, the three amigos are playing some game with little creatures and Peter is trying to woo Gamora. 'I'll save her Peter, and no soul stone for you Thanos.' Seeing the insinuating argument turn into a fight, I walk outside to see Rocket saying Drax called him vermin and Gamora called him rodent. I say, "And I called you Rocket, we're friends right?" He nods and Peter also tells him to suck it up and another night and he's rich so everyone calms down now.

Finally coming into the Collector's place, we're introduced to him. Taking an interest in Groot, he asks to make a contract to have his body at the time of death, weird guy for sure but to each their own. Drax stumbles outside and holds a guy up with a knife to send a message to Ronan as the collector is telling the story about the infinity stones. The woman Carina walks to the stone saying she will no longer be his slave and grabs the stone while I make myself a barrier, can't let the explosion not happen right? After her death, I close the orb and take it with me letting Peter and Gamora follow me outside. Seeing what power it holds, no pun intended, Rocket is freaked out asking why we still have it. "I'm the only one of us that can actually hold the stone and not die, hehe, I'll hold on to it for now." Getting a nod from them, we see ships coming to us as Drax had called Ronan. They each go for a small ship and I say, "I'll meet you guys in a bit, trust me as I trust you." Actually nodding to that, they take off in their ships as Drax fights Ronan only to be thrown in a vat of something.

Creating a fake stone and orb with an effect like the power stone, I put it in Gamora's ship. 'Ronan needs to think he has power so why not let him, hehe.' Gamora's ship explodes and Nebula takes the fake stone. Peter goes out to give Gamora his mask so she can survive and calls Yondu to pick him up, which he does. Teleporting into his ship near Peter and Gamora as they finish their little moment, they freak out seeing me just appear out of nowhere, no pun intended, hehe. Rocket headed back to Groot and Drax and Groot decides to save us as the ravagers come to meet Peter, Gamora, and I at gunpoint. I try to be funny and say, "Hello gentleman, is Yondu around? Blue fella with a red fin, you know, whistling arrow and stuff." Getting a chuckle from them, they escort us to Yondu.

Seeing Peter getting beat up by Yondu is pretty hilarious all on it's own. After a long conversation and some more slapping Peter, they come to an agreement using Gamora's knowledge about Ronan to beat him. Just then, some explosions happen and I know it's Rocket trying to free us from Yondu. Calming Rocket down and telling him we're fine they come on board and Peter gives his speech about loss and about doing something, about giving a shit and not running away. 'Good speech if I'm honest.' Coming to an agreement and another plan, Rocket says he needs a guy's eye this time and I lose it, "HAHAHAHAHA, Rocket my friend you're hilarious. I'll buy you a drink after this." Laughing with me as Peter says we don't need the eye Rocket says, "I'll take that drink, if we live." Nodding to him, they continue telling the plan and inform the Nova Corps fleet to assist us.

"Let the games begin."

(A/N: 3 chapters as promised, time for some sleep, see you all tomorrow for 2 more chapters and finishing the Ronan fight.)