
My overprotective boyfriend | WOOSAN

A story in which a shy and frightened young boy Jung Wooyoung transfers into a new school, and Choi San, for some reason, can't seem to get him out of his head. Changbin and his friends bully Wooyoung every day at school, but San is unaware of it. Wooyoung is quiet, rarely talks, and is nervous about going home and to school every day. Until San discovers the truth. San piques Wooyoung's interest, and he's determined to find out if San's the ray of sunshine in his otherwise bleak life...

Korean_BigMinion · Celebrities
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10 Chs

02 | The first encounter

Jung Wooyoung's POV

"Hello, my name is Choi San," my deskmate said, smiling as he approached to shake my hand. I couldn't deny his good looks. When he smiles, his eyes crinkle and his dimples appear. He also has beautiful freckles scattered on one side of his neck. I paused for a second before taking it and returning his smile.

"I- I'm Jung Wooyoung. It's n-nice to meet you," I said with a nervous smile while shaking his hand.

"Wooyoung... that's a pretty name."

I could feel the heat on my cheeks as he studied me with his dark brown gaze.

He frowned "What's wrong?"

I sighed, looking away. "It's just that..."

Just as I was about to answer, his friend Changbin interrupted.

"Damn! San-ah what are you doing? Why are you talking to that freak?" He said it in a disgusted and abrasive tone. He sensed my gaze and looked me up and down, I fought the urge to run.

After what seemed like an eternity, he finally snarled, and it wasn't the reply I was expecting.

"All right, chill out, why do you have to be so rude to everyone?" San lifted his chin, earning a growl from Changbin.

No one appears to like me even at this school. Why does this keep on happening to me? I honestly believe that everyone in the world despises me. I believe that I must have done something truly awful in my previous life or something.

"Wooyoung?" San waved his hand in front of me, gaining my attention. "Are you alright?"

"Yes, s-sorry, My mind w-wondered for a moment"

"Don't worry about it" he told me.

I sighed inwardly as I ignored him during the class, but he kept casting glances in my direction. I pretended he wasn't there by staring out the window. I was stuck in a daze for the rest of the class, ignoring him. My mind just wouldn't stop wondering today. The rest of the lessons dragged on, and I was looking forward to lunch. If I run into Changbin and his gang of friends, I'll be called nasty names and called worthless, just like at my previous school.

After the class was over, Changbin dragged San out of the classroom, I guess to have lunch together. Before exiting the classroom, I waited until everyone had left. I strolled to the school's main entrance and sat down on a bench. I slouched when I sat down, ignoring my growling stomach.

I was drenched in minutes after raindrops hit me. I didn't care, but I crossed my arms as I quivered. I was shivering, and I knew I'd get sick if I stayed out here any longer. But I had nowhere else to go so I stayed in the rain.

As tears began to flow, I closed my eyes. They fell down my cheeks and landed on the grass on the ground. I tried to keep the thoughts at bay, but I couldn't. Choking sobs erupted from my chest, speeding up my heartbeat and forcing me to take deep breaths. I hated how weak I actually was.

The bell rang off in the distance, but I remained motionless. I couldn't stand it any longer. I can't just return to the room and pretend as if nothing had happened. I just couldn't do it.

Footsteps brought me out of reality and I looked up to see my deskmate, San. The school uniform he wore emphasised his toned physique and now that he's standing, I could tell he was a few inches taller than me. He was holding a brown umbrella over him and he covered both of us as he sat down next to me.

"Are you alright?" San asked while arching an eyebrow.

I sighed, looking away. "Yes."

"Why are you sitting out here? Aren't you supposed to be at class?" he asked

"Aren't you?"

"Well, I'm thinking about skipping this lesson today; Liberal Studies isn't really my thing."

I nodded, my gaze fixed on the tree lines. I don't really have the skills to hold a conversation, and when I'm around people I don't know well, I occasionally struggle with incoherency.

"So, you like having lunch out here?" San suddenly asked in the uncomfortable silence.

"Yes, I find it more comforting." I answered.

"Are you always this quiet?" He asked cautiously.

I nod my head.

We continued to be silent and my body and hair was getting dry. The end of school bell rang and I sighed as I stood up. I said goodbye to San and he motioned for me to take his umbrella.

"Please, take it." He said.

"I can't. Thanks, anyway." If my uncle saw me with something he didn't buy himself, he'd kill me.

"Are you sure?" He looked disappointed

"Yeah... it's fine"

San's mouth tightened "Alright then, let me give you a ride."

"No, I'm fine really." I said, softly.

"Oh, okay then, as you wish." San said, disappointed.

I waved goodbye and watch him join Changbin and his other friends at their cars before turning to walk home. The rain was pouring heavier and I groaned as my clothes clung to my skin, making me even colder.