
my online friend

notification: Mmtae has requested be your friend. Would you like to add him back? Hell yes I do! ... min leah, a senior in high school enjoys many things, including gaming. minjae introduces her to a close friend of his and things start from there. © bayleighrenee CURRENTLY ON HOLD started: 26 february 2019 finished: ...

leighr · Music & Bands
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29 Chs


| march 9, 2018 | 12 am est | 1 pm kst |

L e a h.

I was completely lost in the music that I hadn't realized I had continued singing. Not just the entire song, but the beginning of the next as well.

"~Enjoy your privileged life

'Cause I'm not gonna hold you through the night

We've said our last goodbyes

So let's just try to end it with a smile~"

"~And I don't wanna hear that you were sufferin'

You were suffering~"

They began to clap excitedly on the other line, causing me to come back to reality. "Wow~ That was amazing!" Jimin says still clapping.


"Leah," V says.

"Hm?" I hum in response.

"Don't you have work early?"

"Aww, you have to go?" Jimin whines.

"Not yet. My shift is later in the morning tomorrow." I check the clock on my nightstand. "Well, today actually." I correct, seeing that it's 12:01 am.

"Tae, we have to go back soon. Practice starts again in an hour." Practice?

V huffs. "Do you think he'll let us finish after the recording?"

"When does he ever?" Jimin chuckles. "We have to work on the other choreo too. And you have to work on that solo." So, he's a dancer?

"You dance?" I ask, wanting to confirm my thoughts.

"Yeah, and he--" Jimin suddenly stops talking and the other line goes silent.

"What did you say? Your mic cut off."

A series of coughs come through the phone. "We, um, we all dance."

"Oh, that's cool!" I say, brushing off his weird tone. "And you're recording it today?"

"Yeah," V says.

"You should send it to me."

"I'll make sure he does," Jimin assures.

"Okay," I smile. "Well, I'll let you guys get ready for your practice. I don't want you guys to be late because of me." I laugh.

"Aw, you don't have to leave. I'd happily miss practice to talk to you," He chuckles. "And I know Tae, here, would too." I hear V awkwardly laugh on the other line.

"Okay Jimin," V starts. "You go get ready; I'll be out in a minute."

"Looks like he's kicking me out," Jimin chuckles. "Well, it was nice meeting you, Leah. I hope Tae will let me talk to you soon.'

I laugh, "I'm sure he will. It was nice meeting you too Jimin."

After a few moments of shuffling sounds, I hear the door close. "Leah?" V whispers.

"Why are we whispering?" I whisper back in a mocking tone.

"Jimin is trying to eavesdrop," He chuckles. "I can see his shadow beneath the door."

I laugh loudly, "Does he not notice?" My words come out breathy, as I try to calm my laughter.

He laughs along with me. "I don't think he does." He shuffles to the door. "Jimin, you know I can see you, right?"

Jimin begins to laugh through the door. "I wasn't here! I promise."

"He's gone now," V says laughing once more.

"Ah, so how long do you have before you have to leave?" I ask. Maybe we could talk more. I was interested in how he's been doing this week. We had both been busy, too busy to talk for long.

"Hmm-- About twenty minutes," He says after a moment.

"Okay," I say smiling. "How was your week?"

He chuckles, "Stressful, like always. But otherwise pretty good. What about you?"

"Same, honestly." I laugh.

"I'm sorry I've been too busy to talk for long. It feels like we only get to talk for a few minutes before I'm leaving." His tone was sad, like he really meant his words.

"You don't have to apologize," I say trying to assure him. "The fact that you've called every day since we've met, even if it's just for a few minutes, is sweet. I like talking to you, but I understand if you can't talk because of work. I don't want you to think I'll be upset or mad or something, because you didn't text or call one day. I don't want you to feel obliged to talk to me."

I kept my voice light but strong, so he knew I mean what I'm saying. So he knows I understand him. He chuckles for a minute.

"Heh, what," I say, confused, an awkward laugh leaving my lips.

"You're just so observant. I didn't have to tell you why I felt this way, but you knew already." He says in awe. He mumbles something else through the phone, too softly for me to hear.

"Sorry... I don't know where it comes from. I just kind of have this feeling sometimes."

"I'm not mad about it or anything. It's nice talking to someone who listens and pays attention. It shows you're interested and care." His words spoke volumes.

I try to listen to everyone I talk to, noting all the important things they say. It's an easy way to get to know someone fast by remembering the little details. And it's something I've done since I was a child.

Most people don't notice or don't say anything about it when I remember things, they forgot they've told me before. No one has paid as much attention to me, as I have them before. But he has...

"Thank you," I said grinning. "Taehyung."

"Huh-- Oh," He laughs, "Minjae?"

"Yup. He figured I knew already." I say throwing a little shade into my tone. "But it's okay, I kinda figured your name wasn't just V. And your discord is Mmtae so..."

"I guess you're right," He says making us both laugh. "Maybe I should change it."

"Wouldn't affect me much, I already have your name as a nickname."

"Oh really? What'd you put it as?" He laughed.

"Mr. Tae Tae," I giggle after typing it into his profile.

He chuckles loudly through the phone. "Tae Tae, huh? I like it."

"Good, because I'm not changing it."

"Hmm," He says. "Well since you have a nickname for me, I think it's only fair if I have one for you."

"Alright, but I don't really have any nicknames." I laugh.

"I want my nickname for you to be unique. So I'm the only one who calls you it."

I smile. "Okay, what do you have in mind then?"

"Mm," He said pausing for a moment. "Do you have a middle name?"

I laugh, "Yes, but how is that unique? What if my mom calls me by that name?"

"Does she?" He teased back.

"Well no but--"

"Okay, so what is it?" He chuckles.

"Meliora," I sigh.

"Meliora," He says, testing it off his tongue. He makes everything sound so ethereal. "That's your nickname now, beautiful."

I smile, "Okay, Tae Tae."

Sadly, our conversation was cut short due to aggressive pounding on his door. "Seems like they're ready to go now, "He sighs.

"Okay, talk later?"

"Of course," he says before the line goes silent. I exit out of the app and move to place my phone on the bedside table. After I set my alarm and go to turn off the screen, a notification pops up.

Message from Mmtae, click to view:

I reopen the app a look at his message.

Discord messages (translated)

Mr. Tae Tae

12:24 am

Mr. Tae Tae:

i hope my friend didn't make you uncomfortable.

12:24 am


no, don't worry

he was nice

12:24 am

Mr. Tae Tae:

well, i'll let you sleep now 🤣

sorry for keeping you up

12:25 am


tae, it's okay

i honestly didn't mind

i liked talking to you both

12:25 am

Mr. Tae Tae:


12:25 am


i know you're busy so text me later, okay?

12:26 am

Mr. Tae Tae:

ok, goodnight meliora

12:26 am


you too tae tae

practice hard :)

12:27 am