
my online friend

notification: Mmtae has requested be your friend. Would you like to add him back? Hell yes I do! ... min leah, a senior in high school enjoys many things, including gaming. minjae introduces her to a close friend of his and things start from there. © bayleighrenee CURRENTLY ON HOLD started: 26 february 2019 finished: ...

leighr · Music & Bands
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29 Chs


| march 9, 2018| 11:34 pm est | 12:34 pm kst |

L e a h.

I was turning off my PC and about to change my clothes when I got a discord notification.

Discord messages (translated)

to: Mmtae

11:34 pm


hey leah

are you awake?

11:34 pm



i'm awake

11:34 pm


you have work tomorrow

go to sleep

11:35 pm


lol did you only text me to tell me to go to sleep??

11:35 pm


no but i realized what time it was

11:35 pm



why did you text then?

11:36 pm


i haven't talked to you today.

i wanted to at least text you before you went to sleep

11:37 pm

I smile at the message. Those few words... Were words that put my stomach in knots.



11:38 pm

I didn't bother to wait for his reply. Instead, I reached for my headphones and joined the channel. It was silent in the call. The only thing to break up this silence was my quiet, even breaths.

I began to fidget in my bed, is he not coming? I sigh and was about to leave the channel, but his deep voice stopped my action.

"Hey," he breathed out.

"Hi," I mutter.

"Sorry if I took long."

"No, it's alright." It's quiet for a moment, a comfortable silence that was rare to have over the phone.

"Leah?" The way he says my name, oh my lord. He has a rasp to his voice, almost sounding like a growl because it's so deep. I can't seem get used to it.

"Hm?" I hum in response.

"I'm glad we-" He started, only to be cut off by a knock on his door.

"Tae?" A voice called out. I heard rustling on the other line, signifying that he had gotten off his bed.

"Yes?" V said, opening the door. His voice was still prominent, which told me he brought his phone with him.

"Jin-hyung is almost finished making lunch."

"Ah, ok." I continue to hear footsteps, which abruptly stop, and his voice is heard again. "Hyung? Do you mind if I eat in our room?"

"Huh? Oh sure." Another muffled voice meets my ears.

"Thanks," He says, and I can only assume he makes his way back to his room.

"V?" I say, curious if he realized I was still on the phone.


"You know, you can eat with everyone else. I don't want you to feel like you have to stay in the phone with me."

"I want to," was all he said, which brought color to my cheeks, blushing freely without worry.

"Tae, can I eat with you?" Another voice says. How many people does he live with?

"Oh, uh I'm on the phone—" He starts, but this time I cut him off.

"I don't mind," I say.

"Mm, okay." He says hesitantly.

"Are you on the phone with her~?" The voice teases, to which I giggle.

He groans softly, "Yes Jimin. I'm on the phone with Leah."

"I want to talk to her too." The voice, whom I learned is named Jimin, says.

"Fine," He grounds out. "Leah, I'm going to move onto my computer okay?"

"I'll be here," I respond cheerfully. The line went silent again, which gave me time to play some music.

Now playing the playlist "The Weeknd" by Liora, in "Minjae, Leah, and V"

The first song, Hurt You, was one of my favorites. I turned the bot up slightly and hum along, waiting for the boys to return. Which doesn't take long, because I hear them arguing about who-gets-which headphone. I turn the bot back down, to hear them better.

"Jimin, I need one of them. You can't have both sides," V growled.

To which Jimin just laughs. "But Tae, you hear her every day. You'll be fine without it today."

"Just give me one," V says in annoyance. "Thank you." He says after a few seconds, so I assume Jimin complied.

"Hello?" I say when I feel they are done arguing.

"Wow~," Jimin says, "You didn't tell me her voice was beautiful too."

I awkwardly giggle at the compliment, not used to his forwardness. "Thanks."

"Stop making her uncomfortable Jimin."

"Sorry," He says after chuckling. "I'm Jimin, it's nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too." After I say this, my favorite song comes on. "I love this song."

"Sing it," V says simply.

"Oh no," I quickly deny. "Last time was the only time you'll hear me sing," I laugh.

"That time was by accident though," He argues. "So, I don't count it. I want you to sing at least once for me."

"Why do you want me to sing so bad?" The tone to my voice was light, playful as my lips curled into a smile.

"Because you sing beautifully. It'd be a shame if I only got to hear it once, and only for a few seconds." This made me nervous. I wasn't that good.

"Just pretend we're not here. Pretend your singing in the shower or just in your room."

I sigh. "Alright, but I'm not singing the whole song..."


T a e h y u n g.

I was surprised she agreed. Surprised, but happy. Ever since I first heard her sing, I craved it. It truly was mesmerizing. It was something I didn't want to pass by. But instead, revel in it, soak it in and let it take me away.

She restarted the song and began to hum along with the beginning. Even her humming was beautiful. I glanced over at Jimin, who just sat there quietly, his eyes focused on the screen. When she started, her voice hit me like a ton of bricks. She began softly,

"~wasted times

I spent with someone else

he wasn't even half of you

reminiscin' how you felt~"

"Woah~," Jimin said quietly, trying not to interfere. I smiled and sighed with content. This is perfect. She is perfect.

"~who do you belong to now?

who you give that love to now?

who you pulling up on?

who you getting sprung for now~"

And although she said she'd stop during the song, she continued until the end, getting lost in the music just as we had.