
My Omni-Ability System in a Parallel World

I'll be rewriting this book all over. There are lots of mistakes in it. The next few chapters that I'll be uploading is to complete the plot I made for the new story. Please ignore this book and check out my second book. Xin, a sixteen year old kid who is the rightful heir to the throne of Erica kingdom, faced an unexpected predicament as he was on his way to save his father and mother, who were the king and queen respectively, from being killed by his father's cousin. On his way to rescue his father and mother, Xin discovered that he had been transported to a parallel world where abilities were being used and a world crisis of alien invasion was occuring presently in their world. Xin is a smart genius who spends all of his time proving formulas and theories that scientists of the past had discovered. Of all discoveries, he tend to love the discovery of a parallel world and he had read millions of books that proves the existence of parallel worlds. But what surprised him was that his parallel self whose name is also Xin, used to exist in the parallel world he's in, but scientifically, he also might have been transported to Xin's world. The 'Xin' was said to have been in a month Coma but upon seeing the real Xin, everyone thought that 'Xin' had woken from Coma. And Xin had no other option but to pretend to be the previous 'Xin'. But there's a war going on in this world, A war between Aliens and Humans. And every human had been told to learn an ability inorder to win against the savaging beasts. Surprisingly, Xin got a system which was activated by the Omnitrix (a watch created by his father and said to be able to store different types of abilities), and with this system, Xin would learn how to control many types of abilities, and the tide of war would shift in favour of all humans. But still, there is an enemy that Xin had to defeat. That is his father's cousin, the controller of time and worlds.

CSManga · Fantasy
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126 Chs

Chapter Thirty Eight: Son of Alex

When Xin checked the amount of Mana that he had left, he discovered that it was indeed low.

< Mana points: 50/300 >

He need to find a way of increasing his Mana in the next twenty four hours. Xin could see it all, most of the students were already waking up, milk and blood tonics were being distributed to every one of them, including Xinny and Michelle.

While Xin was seated at a corner of the weapon hall, Oscar and Logan had approached him. In their hands was a crate of milk and a blood tonic. The two teachers sat on a chair close to him and handed three milk tins to him.

"Here, take this. You did a great job, so you should have it." Oscar said and Xin who was thirsty himself had immediately took the three tins of milk as he gulped them into his mouth, one by one.

After taking a few sips of the blood tonic, Oscar had cleared his throat to draw his attention.

"Xin, I know you might have your own secrets. But there are some times when you need to share them with public. I'm not asking you to reveal everything about yourself. But we're just curious about your ability and the sword that you picked at the weaponry. Could you perhaps give us an answer?" Oscar said, making sure his question wouldn't frighten Xin or make him feel scared.

Xin momentarily placed the blood tonic on the ground as he glanced at Oscar's face before turning to look at the ugly looking Logan. As if Oscar had read his thoughts, he had quickly replied.

"Err.. He's with me. He's my friend and also the head of all the healers in this academy." He said, smiling and Logan had also given out a fake smile just to ease Xin's mind.

Xin sighed before replying. "About my ability?... Curious about my ability??" Xin played with his fingers before giving them a reply. "Actually, I don't know what my ability is. I just know I can fight and do some crazy stuffs,.."

"Crazy stuffs?? Like what crazy stuff?" Logan suddenly interrupted Xin but Oscar had kicked him on the feet to keep shut.

"I actually don't know my ability and I was surprised when I touched that sword and all this mess happened." Xin replied, he was confident with every of his answers. It was as if he had predicted all these questions beforehand. But all thanks to the A1 system who was also giving him advice on things to say.

'Ask the man if he knows anything about the sword. The sword has been in the weapon hall for a while now, he might know the history of the sword.' The A1 advised Xin.


"Teacher Oscar, I have question though."

"Go on, I'm listening." Oscar was wondering what his question could be.

"Do you perhaps know anything about this sword?" Xin asked, his eyes was keen as he carefully studied Oscar's reaction to his question.

"Why are you asking such a question? I was the one who firstly asked the question, now you're asking me the same question." Oscar said, raising his voice in a bit of anger but he was able to lower the tension of his voice.

"It's not that... I actually noticed that you wrote a warning sign of "Do not Touch" at the area where the swords was kept and even your name was written on the warming sign. It must mean that you know something about the sword. Not only that but you had even shouted for me not to touch the sword when I was about to touch the sword. You really don't know anything about the sword?" Xin asked again and Oscar could only sigh at the intelligence of this little kid.

But something really surprised Oscar. Xin saw the warning label that indicated that he shouldn't touch the sword and yet he touched the sword. Xin heard when he was shouting for him not to touch the sword and yet he still touched the sword. Then one thing was certain to Oscar, 'This kid knows what he was doing.' After thinking about what Xin had said, Oscar could only assume one thing.

'Perhaps Alex was reincarnated to become this kid.'

Due to the thought of maybe Xin wasn't actually Xin but Alex, Oscar thought maybe he wanted to hear him talk about the history of the sword. Maybe to confirm if Oscar still remember who he was.

And so, Oscar explained to Xin on what had happened to students who had touched the sword and had even told him about the owner of the sword named Alex.

'So that was it, Alex has a connection to me through this sword. According to Oscar, he said Alex told him that only his heir could harness the power of this sword. Could he probably be the son of Alex?'