
My Non-existent System

Are you sick of normal system novels that are all fantasy and all that? Well, that's not what this novel is! 17 year old Hyun Ferrari is an ugly, fat, tall, pizza-loving nerd boy that reads manga and webnovels and watches anime. He's always wanted to be handsome so he could attract the ladies, but he never thought it was gonna happen since he's lazy and 50 pounds overweight. He has a lot of friends though, but he gets bullied a lot since none of his friends can fight, nor he can either, except his one girl friend Jugyeong Keum, who's in the Taekwondo team at school. But one day, out of nowhere, Hyun sees a screen pop up and it says {System Start}. He thought it was like those novels that have those screens pop up and tell you to do tasks for immediate rewards like "your punches are stronger", or "your ugly black eyes are now green like your father's." Though he thinks he's getting buffs and all that, in all actuality, he's hallucinating, he's having delusions, his brain is telling him to do what he's been telling himself to do for 4 years. Work out, gain self-esteem, ask out a girl, take care of your skin, and QUIT EATING PIZZA! But since he's been ignoring it, his slightly psychotic mind decided that it had to go to desperate measures to make it happen... WARNING! THIS BOOK IS LIKE 80% DIALOGUE IF YOU HATE THAT THEN SORRY XDDDDDDD!

Kimyona_8486 · Realistic
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60 Chs

Chapter 50: {Writing is Torture}

After working with Jugyeong for a bit, I decide to start writing the book.

The main character I'm modelling after myself and the female lead I'm modelling after Jugyeong.




I start writing but it turns into an autobiography of my life, I don't have the ego to publish something like this.




I still try to make a thousand words, it wasn't as hard as I thought it was gonna be.




This book is just an autobiography at this point, it's insanely unrealistic, but my life itself is unrealistic.




I quit while I'm ahead, for now at least, thankfully side missions don't always have time limits.

"Babe! What's for dinner?" Jugyeong yells after finishing her livestream.

I go downstairs, I need a break anyway, I'm getting frustrated with how this book is turning out.

{No one is gonna believe it's an autobiography anyway.}

That's the problem, this book is e x a c t l y like my life.

"What do you want love?" I ask Jugyeong.

"Pasta, Tteokbokki, or 3 double cheeseburgers." she replies.

"I dunno how to make Tteokbokki, we're out of flour to make pasta, so I'll just make burgers. Want bacon?"


"Kay will you go to the corner store and buy chips and a Diet Joke 2 liter?"

"Alright, this is gonna be good, MEDIUM WELL REMEMBER THAT."

"Okay love."

"See ya in a sec."

I make the cheeseburgers in like 10 minutes, they're done by the time she gets back.

"Oh, they look good!"

Jugyeong has 3 double cheeseburgers.

It would be concerning, but we only eat like this twice a week, and Jugyeong works out a l o t.

We've started working out together. Jugyeong started going to the gym next to my apartment when she realized that she's here most of the week anyway. Even when I'm working she comes over because her and my mom became friends. They watch the sappy movies that even I wouldn't watch. She also got my mom in on reselling too. She even accidentally calls her "mom" sometimes.




She still hangs at home of course, but I think she likes giving her dad time to work. She leaves around 6 or 7 and they have their father daughter time so she isn't being a neglectful child, Jugyeong just finds my place more fun and cozy I guess.




The next day...

It's a nice Sunday.

Jugyeong is watching F1 with my Dad and her Dad at her place because of the TV.

I find it boring, I go most of the time, but I said I wanna work on my webnovel.

I'm only working on this to get the reward then I'm deleting it.




Ugh! I'm done! Two hours of remembering the past year! I'm on chapter 11! I should get the completion once I click publish...

{Congrats, you finessed the system and started to write an autobiography on the past year... Eh, it feels like fantasy anyway, so SOMEONE might like it. You put it as an autobiography too XD. That'll throw some people off. Take your skill and points and SHUT UP!}




I chill for a bit and read some other people's webnovels. This one I'm reading is called "I Just Survived A Nuclear Holocaust, Now What?" That title is light novel levels of long.

<And yes that's the side book I'm currently working on, GO READ IT FOR YOUR OWN GOOD XD>

It's only on chapter 5, so it's not really complete, but the mental and moral struggles the main character goes through about small things and the fact that it's about a dude that finally has revisited society, it's written beautifully with all the comedy implemented. Can't wait for the next chapter of this absolute masterpiece.




I go to hangout with Jugyeong after the race at her place in her room. We livestream and talk and just do normal things unofficial fiances do.

And no, my nor her parents are aware, they just have hunches that we're that committed to each other, it's not weird.

"Babe, I'm more tired than a sloth right now." Jugyeong said.

"You gonna take a nap? Want me to watch you sleep or you want me to go home."

"The floor is cooler than my bed, just lay down on the cool floor with me. I'll just take a nap and you can do whatever on your phone or something." she says this while taking off her shirt, just leaving her sports bra and shorts on. I don't blame her, it's 100 degrees, it's August for crying out loud.

"Alright." I reply while staring at the sweat fly off her hair. Why did that look hot? No idea.




"Can't sleep." she says 5 minutes later after tossing and turning and grabbing my arm and all kinds of random things people trying to conk out do.

"I don't even wanna watch TV it's so hot, it's even hot in the basement, you're fortunate you didn't go down there, it was like 110 degrees the whole race." she said.

"Does the AC not work down there?"


"I wish it worked in your room too."

"Same, but this is the only room with hardwood floors besides the basement and bathrooms."

"Wanna lay in your bathroom? It's hotter than literal hell here."

"That would be weird, but that's probably the smartest thing we could do right now, what doesn't require radiation... BOOKS."

"That seems nice."


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