
My new life in One Piece

"You want my treasure? You can have it! I left everything I gathered together in one place. Now you'll just have to find it!" Those were the words that changed the life of our protagonist who was in a prison, his sick body. But he got consolation in death, or so he thought, when he found himself inside the world of his fantasies. Follow our protagonist in his new life in the world that he knows so well and for which he will follow his principles and ideals to achieve his goal, but he will not become a pirate, but he chose the path of justice, the navy. ----------- Both the world and the One Piece characters do not belong to me and I only use them to make this story. English is not my native language and I clarify that there will be grammatical errors throughout the novel, if someone likes this story and is encouraged to volunteer to work as a translator, I welcome anyone with open arms. (the translation is from Spanish to English) IMPORTANT TO READ THE CHAPTER OF "CLARIFICATIONS" BEFORE STARTING THE HISTORY.

Laqi · Anime & Comics
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60 Chs

East Blue - Part Seven

The villagers who were observing everything that had happened since the beginning began to recede when they saw that they were going to fight and were afraid of being damaged by accident. Kuro didn't care about this, he was convinced that after finishing the Marines, the villagers would have no chance to run away from him. Kuro wanted to quickly end his fight against the woman in front of him so he decided to defeat her in a single attack.

Kuro - Nuki Ashi! -

Kuro advanced against Tashigi at great speed. He hoped to reach her, cut her and appear behind her, but when Kuro was about to cut Tashigi, his claws were stopped by Tashigi's katana.

Kuro - impossible! -

Kuro could not believe that his opponent had seen through his speed and was able to block his attack. Quickly Kuro reacted and lifted his right leg to punch Tashigi in the abdomen, what surprised him even more was to feel his foot stop and then lower his eyes and see that she had lifted her foot and stopped the movement of the Kuro's leg

On this occasion, Kuro did not react in time and Tashigi took the opportunity and pushed Kuro several steps back using Kuro's leg as support to propel backwards, sending Kuro backwards at the same time.

Kuro didn't imagine that the woman he faced could match his strength. He began to get even more angry and his calm mind began to crumble.

Tashigi was the one who attacked this time, she launched into the attack against Kuro from the front. Kuro dodged and blocked Tashigi's attacks with his claws, despite that, Kuro was slowly receding.

Tashigi wasn't really attacking with all her strength, for the moment she wanted to check Kuro's skills and she was probing him.

Tashigi was attacking Kuro from different angles without leaving Kuro a chance to attack.

Kuro - damn it! -

Kuro became increasingly enraged, at his helplessness of not being able to fight the woman in front of him.

Tashigi gradually understood Kuro's strength more and more. And as Kaito said, she was enough to face Kuro. Tashigi dissented to start attacking more seriously. After hitting Kuro a few more times and let him block her attacks. Tashigi took a few steps away and when Kuro thought he had a chance to fight back, Tashigi disappeared from his sight. When Kuro wondered where Tashigi had gone, he felt danger from his back and quickly turned and lifted his claws, at that moment Tashigi's katana hit against Kuro's claws, but Tashigi did not stop there, but disappeared again. from the view of Kuro.

Kuro immediately after receiving that attack, he could no longer avoid feeling anxious. The speed with which Tashigi had attacked him was equal to or greater than the speed he had when using his strongest technique, Shakushi. What scared Kuro even more was to see that she seemed to completely control her speed and attack more accurately than he did at that same speed.

While Tashigi and Kuro fought, the villagers watched them with great attention, at first they did not believe that a girl like Tashigi could win over Kuro, although they did not know the strength of Kuro, after hearing that he was a pirate captain, they deduced that he was considerably strong and that perhaps none of the villagers could face it, this assumption increased when they saw how Kuro attacked, but after seeing how Tashigi struggled in equal strength, in the eyes of the villagers, they began to rejoice to see that there was the opportunity to win Kuro

On the other hand, Kalifa had taken Kaya along with the injured Merry. Kaito also went there.

Merry - was it you who handed me the poster? -

Merry got up from the ground and faced Katio.

Kaito - yes -

Merry - if you are marine, then why didn't you stop Kuro when you arrived at the village !? -

Kaito - I have my own reasons, I also didn't expect you to react in that hasty way putting your lady's safety at risk -

Merry was going to reply, but then he thought Kaito was right. He had rushed to face Kuro directly, but he couldn't help that by seeing how his mistress was walking alongside Kuro. Merry feared that Kuro could harm his mistress and acted without thinking.

Kaito ignored Merry and knelt beside Kaya to see how she was. Kaito saw the emptiness in Kaya's eyes. Kaito understood that Kuro was an important person for Kaya after the death of her parents and learning that he lied to her and actually hated her, it was a lot for her. In addition, on this occasion Kaya had not yet become friends with Ussop and this did not act as another emotional support for her, that was the reason why she was now devastated by the events that occurred.

Kaito watched her for a moment and after sighing deeply, without anyone expecting anything, Kaito slapped Kaya in the face. Merry was very surprised by Kaito's action and was going to intervene, but was stopped by Kalifa. She knew what Kaito was doing.

Kaya was slapped and felt the pain in her cheek, it was because of that that she began to recover the light in her eyes, after being stunned for a few seconds, Kaya saw in front of her a young, somewhat long black hair, but no So much, white skin. Kaya could say that this young man looked very handsome, and what stood out most of the young man's face were his beautiful blue eyes, although the young man was wearing glasses, Kaya could not help being magnetized by those blue eyes that reminded him of the sea .

Kaito - get up -

Kaya left her hypnotic state when she heard the young man in front of her, after regaining her composure, she rose from the ground with the help of Kaito. Kaya looked around and remembered what had happened, at that moment she lost the light of her eyes again. Kaito saw this and lifted Kaya's face with her hand and forced her to look him in the eye.

Kaito - you can't get depressed every time something saddens you, you have to face reality and fight against it, and if you can't do it alone ask for help from those near you, they will be willing to help you -

Kaya - ... but I don't have anyone ... Klahadore was the last person by my side ... -

Kaito - you are not alone, you do not see that your butler Merry took a risk and faced directly against a pirate -

Kaya - ... -

Kaito - besides now you have me, if you need help ask me -

Kaya - you ...? -

Kaya observed Kaito's blue eyes and saw security and confidence in them. She didn't know how to explain it, but she felt calm looking at Kaito's eyes. Kaya unconsciously grabbed the sleeve of Kaito's marine jacket.

Kaya - he ... help ... help me !! -

Kaito smiled and stroked the top of Kaya's head, she felt that and felt a heat invading her chest.

Kalifa saw all the exchange of words between Kaito and Kaya, and could only sigh in resignation.

Kalifa - (because he has to behave like this with the women he knows? If I didn't know him, I would think that he does it on purpose, ahh ...) -

Merry was reassured to see Kaya had recovered despite Klahadore's betrayal.

Kaito got up and watched Kuro's fight against Tashigi. Kaito did not doubt Tashigi and he trusted her to defeat Kuro.

As if Tashigi felt Kaito's confidence in her, she began to increase her speed and began to suppress Kuro.

It was difficult for Kuro to block Tashigi's attacks and he began to receive some minor cuts in his body. Tashigi was already getting bored by the stagnation of the fight and decided to finish at once. She backed away a few meters. Kuro saw an opportunity at that moment and I no longer hesitate to use his strongest attack.

Kuro - now you will see all my strength! Shakushi! -

Kuro under his shoulders just like his head and thick to swing from side to side. The villagers saw this and worried when they thought that Kuro was going to demonstrate his true strength and defeat the woman who fought against him.

Tashigi - ... -

Tashigi showed no emotion and she simply took her katana upright and closed her eyes.

Kuro swayed a few more times and suddenly disappeared from everyone's sight. When all the villagers waited for something to happen. Tashigi suddenly opened his eyes and she threw herself into an area of ​​the fighting ground where there was no one.

When the villagers were going to ask what she was doing, they were surprised by what they saw next. The moment Tashigi arrived at the place where he launched into the attack, a thunderous noise of metal crashing into metal was heard.

The villagers saw how Kuro had appeared where Tashigi had gone and how her katana crashed into Kuro's claws and not only that, but a second later Kuro's claws shattered.

Kuro - impossible !!! -

Kuro could not believe that Tashigi had intercepted his attack when he himself did not know which direction he would attack by not controlling that technique well due to his high speed. What impressed him most was seeing how Tashigi had shattered his steel claws.

It was easy for Tashigi to do all that, until the moment before Kuro's strongest attack, she hadn't used the haki. When she decided to use it, she first used the kenbunshoku haki to detect and predict Kuro's movements, and when she knew where she would attack, she used the busoshoku haki to reinforce her katana and destroy the steel claws of Kuro.

Kuro - this is impossible! -

Kuro took a few steps back, Tashigi took advantage of the situation and attacked Kuro. Kuro was so shocked by what happened that he could not react in time. Tashigi quickly approached him, and with a simple katana movement, she pierced Kuro's chest, Tashigi's katana went through him completely. Kuro simply received the attack and fell to the ground.

Kuro - my plans ... my plans ... my plans cannot fail ... -

Kuro whispered a few more words until he gave his last sigh.