
My new life in One Piece

"You want my treasure? You can have it! I left everything I gathered together in one place. Now you'll just have to find it!" Those were the words that changed the life of our protagonist who was in a prison, his sick body. But he got consolation in death, or so he thought, when he found himself inside the world of his fantasies. Follow our protagonist in his new life in the world that he knows so well and for which he will follow his principles and ideals to achieve his goal, but he will not become a pirate, but he chose the path of justice, the navy. ----------- Both the world and the One Piece characters do not belong to me and I only use them to make this story. English is not my native language and I clarify that there will be grammatical errors throughout the novel, if someone likes this story and is encouraged to volunteer to work as a translator, I welcome anyone with open arms. (the translation is from Spanish to English) IMPORTANT TO READ THE CHAPTER OF "CLARIFICATIONS" BEFORE STARTING THE HISTORY.

Laqi · Anime & Comics
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60 Chs

East Blue - Part Six

The girls stopped when they noticed that Kaito stopped and watched a certain person.

Kalifa - what happens to that person? -

Kaito - oh, nothing just seemed curious to the shape of his head -

Tashigi - you're right, it looks like a goat, hehehehe -

Kaito realized his mistake by watching Merry carefully and invented an excuse for his behavior. After looking at Merry a moment more, Kaito came up with an idea. The three continued walking through the village, when they were near a tree, Kaito stopped.

Kaito - wait for me here, I want to check something -

Kalifa - we accompany you? -

Kaito - no need, I'll be right back -

The girls were confused as they watched Kaito walk away. Katio returned to where he saw Merry, after searching for him and finally finding him, Kaito began to follow him without Merry noticing. Kaito followed him and realized that he was heading towards a mansion somewhat away from the rest of the houses in the town.

He followed Merry and when he saw that there was no one watching, Kaito picked up a stone and threw it at nearby bushes. At that moment Merry felt a noise in that direction and turned around. When he saw that there was nothing there, Merry was about to turn around when he felt someone was on his back.

Merry wanted to turn around to see who he was, but for some strange reason his body froze. At that moment fear began to seize Merry.

??? - Do not panic, I just want to warn you of something -

Merry - warn me ...? -

Merry did not relax despite the words of that individual.

??? - Yes, you have to know that your partner Klahadore is actually a pirate named Kuro -

Merry - what! Can not be! -

??? - here's the proof, if you don't want to believe me then ignore my warning -

Merry felt the guy behind him put something in his pants pocket. When Merry felt that person was gone, Merry turned around and saw that there was no one. After sighing in relief, Merry took what he now had in his pocket. Merry saw that it was a folded paper, unfolded it and was very surprised. That paper was the reward poster of a pirate named Kuro. What Merry has surprised him was that this pirate looked a lot like his co-worker in his lady's mission.

Kaito saw how Merry was shocked after seeing Kuro's sign, it was Kaito the guy who approached Merry from behind.

Kaito - (although this will have negative consequences for her, I think it is the best way to fulfill my goal) -

Kaito walked away after looking a few more seconds at Merry. After walking for a few minutes he returned to Kalifa and Tashigi.

Tashigi - Kaito-san, what have you done? -

Kaito - it's nothing, I just wanted to check something, let's continue our way -

The three continued walking through the villa, and after several hours of exploring the villa they decided to go to the Meshi restaurant again.

When they were near the center of the village, the three heard the sound of a gunshot. The three looked at each other and quickly went in the direction of the source of the firing sound.

When they approached they saw that there were many villagers gathered around an area. When the three got closer, they saw who was in the midst of all that crowd. There were three people, two men and a young woman. The woman was kneeling on the floor helping one of the men who had a gunshot wound to his left shoulder. Kalifa and Tashigi recognized the wounded man, he was the same man they had seen with his head like a goat, Merry. On the side of Kaito, he recognized the girl, she was Kaya, the wealthy young woman from the village. A few meters from Kaya and Merry, stood a tall middle-aged man with dark black hair and combed back. This man was wearing a pair of round glasses a little dropped. Kaito and the girls quickly recognized that man, he was the person for whom Syrup, the captain of the black cat pirates, Kuro, came to the village.

Before acting, Kaito approached one of the villagers there. After hearing what had happened, Kaito couldn't help but frown. Apparently Kaya and Kuro were returning from shopping in the city, when they were walking quietly, they saw Merry slowly approaching them carrying a gun in his hand, the villagers saw this and began to observe what was happening. What they didn't expect was that when he was two meters from Kuro and Kaya, Merry immediately raised his gun and pointed at Kuro, when Kaya saw this, she asked him why such action was due against his co-worker. Merry didn't answer her and instead told Kaya to get away from Kuro, Kaya didn't understand her butler and she came over to calm him down, but to everyone's surprise, Kuro threw himself against Merry and took him the gun When Kaya thought he had done it to avoid an accident, Kuro raised his gun and fired at Merry.

Everyone was paralyzed by what happened. Kaya reacted immediately and ran to help Merry. What nobody noticed and if Kuro was that Merry had a paper on coming out of his pocket, and you could appreciate the image of a person.

Kuro had thought about seeing the picture that was of him when he was a pirate. He immediately understood what was happening and acted quickly.

That was what had happened before the arrival of Kaito and the girls. Kaya helped Merry to sit on the floor and took a handkerchief and pressed it against the gunshot wound on his left shoulder. After making sure the bleeding stopped, Kaya got up and faced Kuro. Kaito expected a different reaction from Merry regarding Kuro, he never expected Merry to face directly against Kuro. Although after a little thought, Kaito realized that he had underestimated Merry's loyalty to Kaya.

Kaya - why did you shoot Merry, Kuro? -

Kuro - how dare this scum ruin my plans ... -

Kuro did not answer Kaya's question and instead began whispering to himself. After putting on his glasses, he let out a sigh and loosened his tie. He looked up and looked directly at Kaya.

Kuro - I, who was once the dreaded Captain Kuro, bowed and scraped to a spoiled little girl, and catered to her every whim ... Can you fathom my humiliation? -

Kaya was paralyzed upon hearing the words of her butler, from the person she trusted most after her parents died.

Kaya - why do you say that? -

Kuro - although it has been a short time, it still bothers me as I had to act in front of you -

Kaya - act? You're saying that all the memories we've made together were a performance -

Kuro - yes, just stand it -

At Kuro's cruel words, Kaya felt weak and fell to her knees on the floor. The villagers could not believe what they saw and heard. They couldn't believe that Kaya's butler whom they admired so much was actually such a cruel person. Kuro looked around and after taking another sigh, he took something out of his jacket. The villagers watched with horror what Kuro took out. They were gloves with long claws on the tip of each finger of the gloves.

Kuro - well, I will have to capture this brat until Jango comes, as for all these people I think they will have to disappear -

The villagers could not believe what they heard, they were horrified to hear their words, some villagers took a few steps back. Kuro first wanted to capture Kaya and then he would take care of the villagers. When Kuro was about to approach Kaya, three people with hoods came between Kaya and Kuro. Kuro frowned when he saw someone dare to meddle with his plans, but kept his guard by not being able to see how these people had suddenly appeared in front of him.

Kuro - who dares to get in my way -

The three people who got in the way were Kaito and the girls. Kaito heard Kuro's words but ignored him, turned his head towards Kalifa and whispered some words. Kalifa nodded and went to Kaya, who seemed to have lost her emotions. Kalifa helped her up and carried her along with Merry a few feet away. Kaya felt like someone was helping her, but she didn't react and just got carried away.

Kuro frowned even more when he saw the actions of one of the hooded men, also became enraged when he saw that they ignored him.

Kuro - scum, I think I'll have to get rid of you first -

Kuro was about to attack when Kaito took something from his pocket. What he got was the pirate flag of the black cat pirates.

Kaito - I think this belongs to you -

Kaito spoke calmly and threw the flag to the ground. Kuro opened his eyes in surprise, but quickly calmed down.

Kuro - who the hell are you? And what happened to my subordinates? -

Kaito - well, we use your subordinates to practice -

Kuro became increasingly enraged at the words of Kaito. Kaito noticed that Kuro was losing his composure and was about to attack. Kaito also got tired of chatting so much and proceeded to take off his hood, Tashigi and Kalifa saw this and also took off their hoods.

Both villagers and Kuro were surprised to see those three people with navy badges. They did not expect that those three people who looked suspicious were actually Marines. On the other hand, Kuro became even more enraged, began to guess that these Marines had come expressly for him. Kuro began to think that his plans were falling apart and this made him very angry.

Kuro - how did you know? -

Kaito understood that Kuro knew they were coming for him. Kaito thought of some quick excuse.

Kaito - you really believed that everyone in the navy would accept that Captain Morgan had defeated you, you didn't calculate that part well, I never believed that this type of person had the necessary strength to defeat you, your own strength and fame have betrayed you -

Kuro heard this and thought for a moment, then adjusted his glasses and began to laugh wildly.

Kuro - hahahahaha, and to think that I had miscalculated that aspect, but now I will not make the same mistake again, if I end up with you and the whole village, any hint of my true identity will disappear -

Kuro had already decided to slaughter all the people in the village with those Marines.

Kaito - well, I'd like to see how you beat us, but I think it will be enough with her -

Kaito smiled before Kuro's statements and then pointed to Tashigi behind him, she stepped forward and grabbed the hilt of her katana still sheathed. Kuro saw this and started laughing even louder.

Kuro - the navy is so weak that you send a woman to fight me, well as you want, I will have fun listening to her cries of pain -

Kaito took a few steps back to give Tashigi space to fight. Meanwhile he shook his head at the words spoken by Kuro.

Kaito - (I would have liked to capture him, but now after saying that Tashigi will kill him) -

Kaito felt a little sorry for Kuro, Kaito knew Tashigi well and he knew that she hated people who belittled her for being a woman and therefore showed no mercy against them.

As Kaito imagined, Tashigi was enraged to hear Kuro and she no longer cared to contain herself, she intended to kill him but will not feel at ease.