
My new life in One Piece

"You want my treasure? You can have it! I left everything I gathered together in one place. Now you'll just have to find it!" Those were the words that changed the life of our protagonist who was in a prison, his sick body. But he got consolation in death, or so he thought, when he found himself inside the world of his fantasies. Follow our protagonist in his new life in the world that he knows so well and for which he will follow his principles and ideals to achieve his goal, but he will not become a pirate, but he chose the path of justice, the navy. ----------- Both the world and the One Piece characters do not belong to me and I only use them to make this story. English is not my native language and I clarify that there will be grammatical errors throughout the novel, if someone likes this story and is encouraged to volunteer to work as a translator, I welcome anyone with open arms. (the translation is from Spanish to English) IMPORTANT TO READ THE CHAPTER OF "CLARIFICATIONS" BEFORE STARTING THE HISTORY.

Laqi · Anime & Comics
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60 Chs

East Blue - Last Part

The whole place was silent. The villagers did not expect that end, what most thought was that Kuro would beat Tashigi. But things happened quite the opposite. Tashigi had cleverly used the haki to quickly defeat Kuro.

Tashigi could not have used the haki, and simply used her fencing technique with which she had also managed to defeat Kuro, but Kuro's words before starting the fight had angered her, at the beginning Tashigi played with Kuro, this enraged increasingly to Kuro, Tashigi's attitude was similar to Kaito's. She had observed on the few occasions where Kaito fought, as he did not fight seriously and for her, Kaito simply made fun of his enemies. Tashigi began to do the same against the opponents who belittled her, when Kaito realized this trait of Tashigi, he lamented, when he saw that Tashigi had misunderstood Kaito, but it was too late. The only consolation Kaito had was that Tashigi was no longer hasty when it comes to fighting. And that when she fought someone strong, she would fight correctly and seriously.

Tashigi approached Kuro's body to confirm his death, after confirming it, she shook her katana to get rid of the blood on the edge, then she re-sheathed her katana in its sheath.

Kaya had not paid attention to the fight at the beginning, but after recovering her composure she could see how Tashigi killed Kuro.

A part of Kaya was sad about Kuro's death, but she understood that she couldn't change anything and had to accept reality. Merry approached her and checked if she was okay, in turn Kaya did the same.

Kaya - thanks Merry -

Merry - I don't need to thank you, Miss, in the end I couldn't do anything and I really put you in danger, so I should apologize to you -

Kaya - you don't need that, I know you had good intentions when you did it -

Merry - thank you miss -

While the butler and his master spoke, Kaito approached Kuro's body. He looked at him for a few seconds until he felt Kalifa stop by his side.

Kalifa - what will we do now that we have finished our affairs here? -

Kaito - for the moment we will reassure the people ... we don't need to communicate Kuro's death, it would bring us more problems than benefits to inform him -

Kalifa - so what will we do with the captain who thought he had executed Kuro? -

Kaito - let him be ... I have no problem with him -

Kalifa nodded and together with Tashigi they talked to the villagers to explain the situation.

Kaito - (if they degraded Morgan, there may be many possibilities that Luffy didn't know Zoro, I still need his band to train to deal with some things) -

Kaito preferred not to meddle much with the main characters of the original story since these would handle some situations, where Kaito could not intervene so openly.

Kaito turned around and met Kaya, who looked like she was waiting for him to speak. Before she spoke, Kaya paused a moment watching Kuro's body.

Kaito - don't worry, we'll take care of everything -

Kaya - ah ... thanks, and thanks for helping me -

Kaito - you don't need to give them to me, despite asking me for help in the end it was my subordinate who defeated Kuro -

Kaya - Kuro? -

Kaito - yes, that was your butler's real name before pretending to be someone else -

Kaya - I see ... -

Kaya under her face as she remembered everything that had happened, as she learned of Kuro's betrayal, which she thought of as a loved one.

Kaito - you don't have to get sad for that person, he doesn't deserve it -

Kaya - ... you're right, uh ... -

Kaito - ah, sorry I didn't show up before, I'm Kaito, I'm a navy captain, the blond-haired girl is Kalifa, my second in command of my ship and the other dark-haired girl is my subordinate Tashigi -

Kaya - well, Kaito-san thank you for helping me and all the people, if you hadn't been here, Kuro would have killed me and the rest of the villagers for sure -

Kaito - I've already told you that you don't need to thank me -

Kaya - I know, but I want to give them anyway -

Kaito - all right, and you don't need the honorifics, you can simply call me Kaito, and if you let me I'll call you by your name -

Kaya - ... well, then Kaito, I'm Kaya, it's nice to have met you -

Kaito - the pleasure is mine Kaya -

The two shook hands, but when Kaya heard her name called Kaito, a slight blush appeared on her cheeks. This whole situation was seen by Kalifa.

Kaya invited Kaito and the girls to spend the night in their mansion, they accepted. After reassuring the entire town with the help of the mayor and getting rid of Kuro's body, Kaito and the girls were guided by Kaya and Merry to the mansion.

That night Kaya had a hard time falling asleep, she stayed thoughtful for several hours. Kalifa and Tashigi slept in the same room, it was not hard for them to fall asleep. Kaito by his side, was in the main room of the mansion next to Merry, who served tea.

Merry - and what did you want to talk to me about, Kaito-san? -

Kaito took a sip of his tea and after leaving the cup on the table, he looked at Merry.

Kaito - I would like Kaya to come with me and join the navy -

Merry - what !? -

Merry dropped his cup to the floor, breaking the cup at the same time. Merry quickly reassured to see that he behaved improperly.

Merry - cof cof, excuse me, but I don't understand your words -

Kaito - well let me explain my reasons, from what I've seen in the mansion, Kaya has the idea of ​​becoming a doctor -

Merry - that's right -

Kaito - I would like her to become my ship's personal doctor -

Merry - but if I'm not mistaken, the navy already has good doctors, and my lady has just started her medical studies -

Kaito - I know she is not a real doctor yet, but I would receive classes from the navy doctors, but the main reason I wanted Kaya to accompany me is that it would be best for her -

Merry - the best for her? -

Kaito - yes, from what I have seen, Kaya easily becomes depressed when she gets sad and this affects her health, you should know this much better than I do when she is her butler -

Merry - ... Kaito-san is right -

Merry knew about his lady's situation he wanted to help her but didn't know how to do it, it was at that moment that Kuro became Kaya's emotional support and Merry was glad to see his lady much better, but now that Kuro had betrayed her and dead, Merry was afraid that her mistress would get depressed and that her health would get worse.

Kaito - I think a change of air would suit her very well, in addition to being trained as a doctor, I will also train her to become strong and can defend herself. I think this will increase her self-esteem and improve her health -

Merry - ... -

Merry was thoughtful after hearing Kaito's motives.

Merry - but if my lady doesn't want to go with you? -

Kaito - don't worry, I won't force her, if she doesn't want to come with me then I won't insist -

Merry - good -

After finishing tea, the two returned to their rooms to rest. Kaito left his clothes on the chair and lay on the bed.

Kaito - (well, now only the last step to conclude with my plan is missing ... in case it fails, it doesn't matter much, although it would be a shame to leave someone so kind and kind with that idiot) -

Kaito's main plan when he came to the East Blue was for Kaya to join his crew, she was a character he had liked very much in the past, but he couldn't stand to be so close to Ussop. For Kaito, Ussop was the character he hated, he couldn't stand his constant fear and negativity. For that reason Kaito wanted to see if he could recruit Kaya as the doctor of his ship.


The next morning, everyone got up and had breakfast together. At the table, Kaya was the one who presided over breakfast, Kaito sat on his right, while Kalifa on his left and in front of Kaya was Tashigi. Merry by his side was responsible for serving breakfast.

Kaito - Kaya, I would like to make a proposal? -

Kaya - a proposition !? -

Kaya was startled to hear Kaito, but then she realized her misunderstanding when she heard him and because of that she blushed with shame, this did not overlook Kalifa.

Kaito - yes -

Kaya - ... well, what is it about? -

Kaito - would you like to become a doctor on my ship? -

Kaya - in your boat's doctor? -

It was not only Kaya who was surprised to hear Kaito, but also Kalifa and Tashigi, the only quiet one besides Kaito was Merry, who already knew what was happening.

Kaito - yes, you will receive education by navy doctors and you will also be trained for the fight -

Kaya listened to Katio but didn't know what to think. It was true that Kaya wanted to be a doctor and that in the village she didn't have much help to learn, she would have to go to the city. But there the education was not so good, and it would be a luxury to be taught by marine doctors.

Another thing that she thought was that she would be trained for the fight, although she was not sure how she could do it, the idea did not displease her thinking that she would not depend so much on the rest of the person and could even protect those people important to her.

Kaya remained silent and did not answer Kaito's question. Everyone paid attention to Kaya to see that she was thinking, Kalifa also looked angrily at Kaito, but he did not notice. Kalifa in the end just sighed and she came to a decision which she had been thinking for a long time.

Kaya looked back at Kaito. Kaito saw Kaya's eyes and knew immediately that he had achieved his goal.

Kaya - Okay, I'll become your ship's doctor -

Kaito - well, then we will leave when you have all your affairs done here -

Kaya nodded and asked Merry to accompany her to speak. When the two withdrew from the dining room, Kalifa and Tashigi stood in front of Kaito and bombarded him with questions. Luckily for Kaito, he was able to ease the girls' curiosity and they stopped asking.

Kaito - (well, now I just have to leave that in charge, I don't think there's any problem) -

Kaito kept thinking about the last thing he had to do before leaving the island. He went to walk along the sea coast near the village, when he walked for several minutes he finally found what he was looking for.

At the foot of a cliff were stacked, wooden planks and other construction materials, near them, Kaito observed the bottom of what looked like a ship.