
My Necromancer Class

Jay was merely an abandoned butcher’s son, living in a small village on the outskirts of a magical world. When humans came of age, they would receive their class from a mana conduit, granting them magic powers, and begin their lives as adventurers. “Status,” Thought Jay, checking his class. [Necromancer Level 1] “...I’m a Necromancer?” His eyes widened in shock. Looking around in fear, he breathed a sigh of relief. No one heard him. This was a monster class, and one of the more powerful monsters at that; a powerful being which raised the dead to fight on its behalf. If anyone knew, they would hunt Jay down and kill on sight. He was not just a threat to the authority of the nobles, but to all living things. “But am I a monster now? Or human? I guess it doesn’t matter. They’ll kill me all the same.” Jay had only one option: to get stronger, building his necrotic powers up so that he may one day become untouchable. Through plotting, secrecy, and sometimes by sheer carnage, he can only attempt to survive in this hostile world. Join Jay as he struggles against all odds and misfortune, against a world that wants him dead, as he secretly rises and bends this world to his will.

Aero182 · Fantasy
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373 Chs

Acid Pools

Jay arrived in the main chamber. It was just as quiet as last time - yet now another unidentifiable corpse laid below the giant statues.

The creature failed to claim any lives of the statues this time - but they still were not unscathed; the last spearman had strange corroded parts all over it while it’s grand tower shield was basically only a small buckler now.

“Eh, I guess it was a much lower level.”

Jay looked at the statues, making sure they were inactive once more before heading over to gather his loot.


Suddenly, one of Jay’s skeletons suddenly collapsed.

What? Jay froze, wondering what attacked his skeleton. He instantly looked up at the statues - nope, none of them were moving.

He walked over to the collapsed pile of bones.

Parts of the skeleton were now bubbling in a puddle of clear ooze.

“...the hell is that?”