
My mysterious CEO

He was like the Ice and she was the fire that melted him untill he completely lost it, My heart was broken Aryan and I don't want to give it away because I'm scared, I'm scared to loose again just like I loosed before and I never thought that I'll be able to love again...But you came and melted this heart completely,Are you willing to be with me,To mend my broken heart.... She became quiet for a while and answered...from this day forward assume that your heart is mended because I'll make you mine forever for my love for you is unconditionally...they stared deeply into each other's then his lips landed on hers

JenniferGriffin · Fantasy
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51 Chs

the ruthless ceo

Inside the office,Alexander was sitting there..he seemed like he was annoyed by the interviews,they were fifteen in number and yet no one seemed satisfied in his eyes they seemed to lack something that he needed and now there was only one left....,

Aryan after reaching to the waiting area she found her other colleagues,She thought she was lucky because she wasn't late but she was the last one to enter so she would be the last to get interviewed...sitting there she saw her colleagues one by one entering the office with confidence and they went out with dissapointed face and she became nervous so she decided to ask the man next to her..

Hey why are they coming out with dissapointed face...he looked at her as if he was examining her and he answered you'll find out when it's ur turn because we are interviewed by the ruthless CEO himself Today.,

as he answered her Aryan became even more nervous and before she knew it,it was her turn..She heard her name and with nervous she stand up and went inside the office and the moment she opened the door she was caught off guard because she remembered that smell,well no one can blame her everyone could've caught off guard by that smell and the next thing she knew she was staring at him and God he was undeniable Handsome but what caught her attention was his eyes,He has Green eyes and a Parfect nose well everything about him was perfect,so I was bumped into the CEO earlier she thought,Gosh I'm doomed what do I do if he remembers me she remained by the door hesitating for a while.


Meanwhile.., Alexander was sitting there annoyed as he observed the girl,he remembered her,she was the girl from earlier but what annoyed him was the fact that she seemed like she wanted to dissapear,Are just going to stand there or he asked her.....Good morning sir,instead of answering he just said simply you may have a seat...

finally the questions and answers started...,

what's your name...

my Name is Aryan Sterring sir,

How old are you..

I'm twenty one...

ooooh do you have any experience in being a secretary ..

No sir I don't have any experience I just finished university,

so you just finished university and came here in this company without any experience how brave little girl...

she became quiet for a while and answered with all honestly,sir I have a great taste in fashion..I love being a fashion designer but I didn't get the chance to study designing so I came here because this is the only company I trust about fashion I thought If I get the chance to be a secretary I'll work harder while learning some of the designing in this company so that one day I'll depend on my self...If you give me the chance I promise to never dissapoint you...

why do you want to be a designer he asked...,

because my mom was a designer but she didn't get the chance to show the world her talent because she fell I'll and die so I want to achieve that dream for her she answered...

Ooooh sorry for the loss miss Aryan..he said with simpathy...

Thank you sir she answered..

Okay we'll call you to inform if you are the choosen one secretary we wanted...

Thank you sir..I'll just take my leave...

After getting out of the office she breathed a sigh of relief thinking that's why everyone was dissapointed ha,his face was as cold as ice even his voice but she didn't get uncomfortable at all...

she really wished to get that chance but they were fifteen And God the others seemed to have powerful background who would choose her,Maybe if Lucky is on my side she thought....,