
My mysterious CEO

He was like the Ice and she was the fire that melted him untill he completely lost it, My heart was broken Aryan and I don't want to give it away because I'm scared, I'm scared to loose again just like I loosed before and I never thought that I'll be able to love again...But you came and melted this heart completely,Are you willing to be with me,To mend my broken heart.... She became quiet for a while and answered...from this day forward assume that your heart is mended because I'll make you mine forever for my love for you is unconditionally...they stared deeply into each other's then his lips landed on hers

JenniferGriffin · Fantasy
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51 Chs

lady luck

It was a fresh day for Aryan,for this was the day of her interview on the biggest company of country B,yet she failed to wake up early. she was having a dream that she got rejected because she was late and she started crying and sobbing hard untill.....Aryan,Aryan wake up it was the voice of her best friend Ellie,Ellie was having a Good sleep until she saw Aryan sobbing so she started to wake her up....

she opened her eyes and then oh no..I'm late for my interview,she rushed on the bathroom living the dumbfounded Ellie on the bed.

when she came back from showering she chooses the nice outfit ever,she was wearing a white T-shirt and Jeans with a pair of heels,she took her handbag and looked at Ellie,so how do I look...

This girl you look like an Idol,you are beautiful my dear so go on,no one will dare reject my Aryan for you are talented in fashion and that company needs someone like you so if they reject you it's their loss not yours so be it..

Ur lady luck shall be on ur side today on your interview,she kissed her friend and flew out of her apartment without bothering to eat breakfast..outside she got a cab and gave him the address of the Anderson's Fashion and Entertainment company...


Outside the Building of the Anderson's,There standing the ruthless CEO,he was having a hard schedule lately and now his secretary was telling him to attend to this interviews for his secretary was taking care of something else..Sir it's almost time the interviews are here you should attend to them, John one of his body guard reminded him..as he was about entering the building he bumped into the girl,she was actually beautiful in his eyes,she looked like she was in a hurry she didn't even look at his face but she remained in the same position for a while.,

After reaching the company,Aryan was in a hurry so she walked so fast so that she can make it,it was only ten minutes left..as she was looking at her watch she bumped into someone and God his scent was intoxicating to her,he smelled so good that she remained In that position for a while untill she was pulled out of her daze by cough cough..it was John the bodyguard....,

John knows his boss hated women but what was happening now surprise him,him just standing there staring at that lady,Gosh that lady he started to feel simpathy toward her but what hiss boss did surprised him again.,

miss are you okay his eyes were cold but his voice was smooth..damn it even his voice was good but she didn't dare look at his eyes she just looked at her watch again and oh no,Two minutes left,she hurried to the elevator still holding her breath..

Mr CEO and his bodyguards also went in their private elevator so that they can make it on time.Alexandra the only heir of the Anderson's as he was on the elevator he was thinking about that girl,she didn't look at him but he did see her eyes,she has those Eyes shining like stars,he always stays away from women because of his past experience with them not because he didn't desire them it was just because he once loved someone but at the end she left him alone and because of that he decided that he won't love again...he shut down those feelings and went to his office to interview the secretaries wearing his cold look as ever.


Hi everyone this is my first book so far so support me and show some love,you might not understand it now It's only the first chapter so go on together wi'll get there..

love lots
