
My mysterious CEO

He was like the Ice and she was the fire that melted him untill he completely lost it, My heart was broken Aryan and I don't want to give it away because I'm scared, I'm scared to loose again just like I loosed before and I never thought that I'll be able to love again...But you came and melted this heart completely,Are you willing to be with me,To mend my broken heart.... She became quiet for a while and answered...from this day forward assume that your heart is mended because I'll make you mine forever for my love for you is unconditionally...they stared deeply into each other's then his lips landed on hers

JenniferGriffin · Fantasy
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51 Chs

The first to caught my attention

After finishing the interview session Alexander went inside his private room inside his office to relax a little for he was a little tired,He stayed there thinking about that girl,Before she came in the office he thought no one would be able to became his secretary..

According to him only Aryan was capable to answer the questions the way he wanted,he wanted someone who was honest and willing to work hard not because the salary is Good but because they'll be using this chance to go higher and only Aryan seemed to want that,all the others they just wanted to work with the Anderson's because it was the powerful company Amongst all the others,speaking about powerful starting company..

The Old Anderson has only Two sons, George was his only flesh and blood and Gerald was the adopted son.Truth to be told he loved them both equally but Gerald always thought that George was the favorite and he grew up with that Hate untill it became just more than hate....George,has Three children's He has two son's and a daughter,The first son dissapered during festivals his name was William...They tried to search but they never found him they Never loose hope,The other two were twins Alexander and Abigail..

Abigail loved to Enjoy her self so while studying she went abroad to study and enjoy herself while taking care of their Entertainment company in county V,Therefore Alexander was Assisted by his Grandfather to take care of the new company he built because the man was so Good in business,all the other company he worked they became the most successful companies in the country and here he was on his second week his secretary and bestfriend Noel has some family problems so he decided to choose another secretary for him untill he came back,,He wanted to interview them himself to find someone who could match Alexander's temper but it was urgent so he asked him to interview them himself and knowing his temper he thought no one will be choosen that's why he asked John to tell him every detail about that day....

Gerald has a wife and only one child,They got to have a beautiful girl named savannah...,

savannah and Alexander they always got along since their childhood but she never got along with Abigail that's why they never stayed together...

Savannah was living with her parents Abroad and they ralely come home to visit but Savana every time she got a chance she would come to meet Alex but the last time she came,she found out that Alexander has a girlfriend so when she left she never came back.

Back to the present.....,

Alex got out of his private room only to find A bundle of files to finish,he really needed a secretary he thought and that girl Aryan was the only one who got his attention...

he called his bodyguard John and told him to bring Aryans file to the HR office so that he can study it and later he can call her...why are giving me just one file sir,John asked with a teasing look...

I only want her to be my secretary she is the only one qualified so make sure you bring that file to HR personally,I want her to be on the office next week so tell him to call her early so that she can prepare herself...

okay John answered,he couldn't wait to tell Noel about this Gossip,Truth to be told he never thought that Alexander would choose a woman as his secretary because since he was left by his girlfriend And got hurt he never looked to any woman till now..and now that his boss himself wanted that lady he thought maybe he should tell Noel some gossip,,He won't know anyway...

He didn't choose anyone did he,Noel asked with apologetic tone,,hehe you won't believe it he Did choose one and not just anyone he choose a girl...

what...,Did you just say a girl