
My mysterious CEO

He was like the Ice and she was the fire that melted him untill he completely lost it, My heart was broken Aryan and I don't want to give it away because I'm scared, I'm scared to loose again just like I loosed before and I never thought that I'll be able to love again...But you came and melted this heart completely,Are you willing to be with me,To mend my broken heart.... She became quiet for a while and answered...from this day forward assume that your heart is mended because I'll make you mine forever for my love for you is unconditionally...they stared deeply into each other's then his lips landed on hers

JenniferGriffin · Fantasy
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51 Chs

I did it,

Did you just say a girl,Noel asked

yes and something unexpected happened....

"now he was dying with a gossiping stomach"

Hey tell me what happened why are you pausing..,

well he bumped into a girl earlier when we were about to enter the office and Guess what...he paused knowing Noel was a gossip monger...,

I'm sure today was the unluckiest day for that person"Noel commented.

Actually Today will be the luckiest day for that person because she is the girl I told you about ..,


Anyway I have to go to the HR office now to bring her file I'll call you back later.

No don't end the call yet,you send me her profile so that I can search about her information.i'll send you later..John said..

After reaching the HR office he gave her the files and ordered her to call Aryan tomorrow to inform about the results.,


After reaching home Aryan was hungry so she went in the kitchen to find something to eat but she couldn't find anything to the refrigerator so she decided to go to the market to buy ingredients..,she went to the market and bought what was needed

with the little amount of money she had and when she came back home she found Ellie arleady home..Ellie was working as a Manager on A Gaming company the company was not that famous but it was a nice starting company.....she asked her boss to leave early after she finished her daily work because she wanted to cook for her bestfriend.

Ellie and Aryan grew up together as they were neighbours, their houses was just next to each other..

After the death of Aryans mother..,Aryan stayed more at Ellie's house because her father was a very busy person,he was not that rich but he was fighting for Aryan and her Elder brother..He raised them all alone and now that they grew up they left him taking care of the plantations..Aryan's brother "kelvin was a lawyer of a certain company and he was living with his father.,both father and son never approved the idea of Aryan to live in the city they were possessive of her and they were a loving family but Aryan thought it was time for her to shine on her own.

After convincing them for some time they agreed but they told her to live with Ellie and on that way they'll be at ease knowing that someone will be taking care of their princess...

Hey when did you came"Aryan asked Ellie

why are you dissapointed,I just came to cook for my princess because I know you can make it and Now that you came from the market you must be tired Go and take a shower I'll cook..

okay was all she answered and went to her room to take a shower while Ellie was cooking,

When stepped out of her room she smelled the delicious Aroma coming from the kitchen so she went and found Ellie praparing the table,she came forward and took a seat while saying it's look delicious...Go on and eat I'll just wash my hands so that we can eat together..

They both had Big appetite so they ate much to their hearts content..

After they finished the food Aryan did the dishes while Ellie was taking a shower and after they both finished they seated on the sofa rest a little.

It was arleady night when they woke up,Ellie was the first to wake up so she decided to wake Aryan because of their uncomfortable position so that they can go to bed..wait you didn't tell me what happened in the company yet."did you make it."Ellie asked..

I did it,I just answered all the questions that boss asked me,speaking about the boss that man was as scary as hell...Everyone got out with dissapointed face and I really don't know if I can make it..

Hey what's with that face,you should trust yourself no one should make you unconfident okay now cheer up..

That's what Aryan loved about Ellie her friend was a jolly person she was a strong girl and whatever she believes she'll actually fight for it with that thought in mind she hugged her from behind..I love you Ellie..

This girl,,I love you too Aryan..they stayed there chatting for a while untill it was time to bed..Aryan knows that her friend needs to go to work tomorrow early in the morning that's why she told her to go to sleep because she knows if she told her that she wanted to just sit there with her she would actually stay till midnight...

After sometime they both went to sleep but Aryan couldn't get a sleep so she started to wander about her boss..

Actually he was Handsome and he was also rich who wouldn't want someone like that but who the hell does he think he is scaring people like that huh,Just wait you boss If I got admitted with your company I'll show you how to not be so cold...and taken into a deep slumber just like that.,

That day Alexander worked untill midnight because no one helped him so worked to some pending work untill it was midnight..He was living alone in his villa far away from their mansion because he liked to be alone and silent but Noel and John were the ones living with him and in his home he was living with an old lady,she was his nanny so she took care of him as her son.she was nanny Judy and they also lived with a butler.. Alexander never liked to sleep away from his home but today he really missed his mother and since it was midnight he decided to sleep in the mansion so that tomorrow early hell got to see his mother and father and even his Grandfather..

He walked out the company with John and they headed to the parking lot..

Bring me to the mansion I'll sleep there today,he told the butler..okay the butler replied and with the car dissapeared to the mansion....