
My mysterious CEO

He was like the Ice and she was the fire that melted him untill he completely lost it, My heart was broken Aryan and I don't want to give it away because I'm scared, I'm scared to loose again just like I loosed before and I never thought that I'll be able to love again...But you came and melted this heart completely,Are you willing to be with me,To mend my broken heart.... She became quiet for a while and answered...from this day forward assume that your heart is mended because I'll make you mine forever for my love for you is unconditionally...they stared deeply into each other's then his lips landed on hers

JenniferGriffin · Fantasy
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51 Chs

Taking responsibility

Ellie's thoughts shifted to last night..


After taking few sips of the drink she was given with Aryan..Ellie started to feel different...

This drink is so sweet you should try it kelvin..?she said.

Being the gentleman as he was he didn't want to sound rude so he took the drink and drank all of it on one gulp..

see.."Even you couldn't stop yourself it's sweet right"I wonder which wine is that..,I really like it..?Ellie commented.

Kelvin nodded..means he agreed with her..not knowing they both drank the one drugged..After a while Kelvin looked at Ellie and she looked uncomfortable so he asked..Are you alright you seem troubled..?he asked.

I'm kind of feeling hot.."I wonder where Aryan is so we can go home..?she said.

let me look for her..he looked at the dance floor and he couldn't saw Aryan but he saw Alexander and he remembered he was the last one to dance with Aryan.

Alexander saw kelvin..,He met his gaze and he thought the man was looking for Aryan but he was scared to ask so he went to him and asked..

Aryans brother right.."he started.

yeah..Did you see Aryan..?he answered simply..

Ooh Aryan.."She went to the bathroom.."why is there anything wrong..he asked.

No Ellie is not feeling well so we wanted to go home with her..?kelvin said.

Ooh but the party is still not over yet and Aryan is still needed here but don't worry you can go home..I'll bring her home personally when the party ended and if I failed then she'll sleep in this hotel so don't worry..? Alexander explained.

Truth to be told he wanted to insist on taking Aryan with him..But the drugs was taking it's effect and even he himself was feeling uncomfortable so he just agreed.

Since your my guest my chauffer can take you home if you'll agree..? Alexander offered.

No..It's okay just enjoy the party we'll be leaving now and he left in hurry..His body was responding very different..What was this feeling..?He didn't know.

He went to where Ellie was and They walked out of the building..Ellie clutching onto him as if she didn't want to separate from him..They didn't know they were on the same situation and it was even harder for Kelvin to control himself.

They Entered on the cab and stayed in the back seat.The heat through them was just too much..kelvin was trying his very best with the only sanity left in him but Ellie was making it hard to him..she wanted to touch him..to feel him and it seems this was his last limit left in him..

Damn it.."he cursed looking ahead and noticing the traffic jam..It would take even longer to reach home.

He could feel himself getting hard between his thighs..And he wanted something to distract him with this..

Sir I think the traffic will take too long..There is a hotel nearby I think you should take your girlfriend in the hotel..she feels uncomfortable..?The driver said.

Ooh yes..It's a good suggestion right..He should go to a hotel and not only Ellie even he was uncomfortable..Okay sir he paid him the money and got out of the cab..

He saw the hotel not too far and he walked to the hotel with Ellie in his arms and he was glad she fell asleep in the car..upon to the Reception he was given a room right away and he went direct to the room.

He laid her on the bed and thinking it'll be a bad idea staying with her with the way he felt so he went directly to the bathroom to cool down.

He relaxed himself in the cold water in the bathtub..with his bathrobe around his body he went out of the room..,He was somehow still feeling hot but not that much as before., but all his sanity left him upon seeing her again..she was just...


Ellie opened her eyes..still very hot and her body wanted to cool of so she thought to at least take off her clothes and she did..

she was removing her clothes still with her eyes closed.She felt someone coming out of the bathroom and she thought it was Aryan...

Help me with a comfortable clothes to sleep Aryan..?she said as she reached her pant but a big palm stopped her..

what are....?she stopped as she saw the familiar figure..damn it she controlled not to devour him from the party and she even forced to sleep in the car but here he was again..his hair wet and he was only wearing a robe..

wa.i...t.?she remembered she wasn't wearing any clothes and her face burned..but she could care less now all she wanted was him and she decided to remove her pant to see his reaction.

But before she go anyfurther had he stopped her..

I can't resist you anymore.."he whispered into her ear sending electric joints on her stomach..

Before she could proceed.., he carried her and made her sit on the table not leaving her gaze, he touched her eyes then lips and his eyes went down to her neck..,he planted a wet kiss on her neck and she moaned as if urging him to do more.

He left her neck and looked at her face he kissed her like a hungry wolf..sucked both her lower and upper lips and she responded with the same hunger.

His hands wen't to her back and he unhooked her bra..And she stilled for a moment..His one hand went to cupping her breast while his mouth pressuring his other breast..And it was too much for Ellie to bear.

She moaned when she felt his finger between her thighs..As shameless as she was she urged him even more..The last thing she knew was that he had carried her into the bed.Not leaving her mouth.

He positioned himself between her thighs and looked straight into her eyes..He looked at her hazy eyes..,His eyes full of desire and lust..

I love you..he said.

Ellie was taken aback..but she couldn't think of it right now..She felt as if she was on cloud nine..The feelings was all new to her..


Ellie woke up in a so much pain in her head..did she drink that much last night..?she thought.

She tried to wake up but she felt a sting of pain between her thighs..

she panicked and looked around..she almost die in shock upon seeing who was behind her and he was na..ke..d..?

Kelvin's Eyes flew open at the sight he was seeing before him..This girl doesn't she notice that she is just wearing a robe and her breast are peeping out..she was in shock and he was more shocked.

upon seeing his eyes glued to her chest..she looked at herself and omg..she didn't even look at him again and headed to the bathroom..

In the bathroom she removed her robe and looked at herself in the mirror..she saw marks all over her body and some piece of memories appeared in her mind..

why did it have to go that way and when she was drunk..?she thought but at least her first time was with the man she loved.

she couldn't remember what happened in detail but with the pain she was feeling she knew they had done it and she surely enjoyed it but knowing kelvin he must be feeling guilty by now..

she knows that he had feelings for her but he was scared because he always think of her as his young sister because she was Aryan's best friend..speaking about Aryan is she alright.....she thought as she went out of the bathroom..

She found him sitting at the edge of the bed..can we talk..he asked.

whatever he was going to say..she didn't like it at all but she knows he had to make decisions now so she agreed.

Don't worry I'll take responsibility..?he started.

ooh camon kelvin..If you don't feel like doing so Just don't..I'm alright anyway it's not like you have forced me or anything..?she answered truthfully...she didn't want him to feel pity on her..she wanted him to do things he was willing to do., not forced to do.

kelvin felt like he was stabbed in an open wound..How could she reject him even after having a night with her..could it be that she was playing hard to get..?you don't wan't to marry me..?he asked.

It's not like that.."Just think of it as a one night stand and don't force yourself..?she said.

But I want to do this I'm not forcing my self..?he said.

She looked at him but nothing came out of her mouth..

Then she remembered her phone was off..I need to call Aryan..she might be worried to death about them.

She turned on her phone and found missed calls from Aryan..As she was about to call her a notification came informing about Alexander's interview with Aryan..

she opened the video and omg..she showed the video to kelvin..

what happened last night huh...Why did things just change overnight..?Ellie thought.

Let's go..we should talk to Aryan and ask her ourself..and they went home.


sorry for the late update