
My mysterious CEO

He was like the Ice and she was the fire that melted him untill he completely lost it, My heart was broken Aryan and I don't want to give it away because I'm scared, I'm scared to loose again just like I loosed before and I never thought that I'll be able to love again...But you came and melted this heart completely,Are you willing to be with me,To mend my broken heart.... She became quiet for a while and answered...from this day forward assume that your heart is mended because I'll make you mine forever for my love for you is unconditionally...they stared deeply into each other's then his lips landed on hers

JenniferGriffin · Fantasy
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51 Chs

missing him

Back to the present..,

what's are these two talking about..?omg one night stand...could it be something happened last night..?Aryan was wondering on her own in the kitchen.

I told you I'm not forcing myself...?Kelvin said.

so are you serious about this..?she asked nervous.

I'm precisely sure..?he said.

so what are you planning now after this..?she asked.

I'll talk to father about the preparations first then I'll court you while we are engaged..?he explained.

Ellie was beyond happy.,she felt like she is on heaven right there..she told him to think about it as a one night stand but she wished he could deny that..And the man didn't dissapoint her with that..

Fine but let's do this first..we start a relationship on a month and if it's work out then we can proceed further if it won't then we'll just skip..?she suggested and he agreed with her..she indeed has a point.

Shall we tell Aryan about this..she has the right to know..?Ellie said.

Right now she has too much in plate..but if it's okay with you then let's tell her about us..?he said.

Meanwhile Aryan after hearing the word "one night stand"she felt like she was glued into her spot.

she didn't move at all nor she didn't continue to eavesdrop..instead she prepared a simple dish and served the table.

She found the air awkward so she decided to cheer them up..Hey you should congratulate me I'm the head of designers now and we should celebrate a little you know I have an award remember...?she told them.

yeah but I have something to tell you first..?Kelvin said.

He was so serious that she was fearing what was he going to say now.."she was nervous yet excited at the same time.

me and Ellie we are a couple now..?he started..

wh..a..t..?This one she didn't expect at all it has really suprised her.

couple..since when?she asked.

Just now..?Kelvin answered.

Just now"are you kidding me.."she didn't dare voice it out.

we'll something happened and we decided to be in a relationship..but don't worry we'll try first in a month to see if things won't work then we'll quit..Ellie explained.

Something happened"it might be the" one night stand"they were talking about..she thought to herself..But wait She remembered Ellie took the same drink as hers and since she woke up she had been suspicious of that drink...omg what if that drink was drugged..

Ellie did you drank the wine I gave you last night..?she suddenly asked.

yes and Kelvin drank it too..?Ellie answered.

Didn't you notice something strange to your body after you drank..?Aryan asked again.

Yeah it was so sweet and I felt too hot..?wait could it be.....

That wine might have been drugged..?Kelvin finished.But who was it for...And Aryan if you drank it then You and Alexander..?

Nooo..nothing happened..?she cut him off..He called his doctor and I was given medicine but they didn't tell me whick kind of drug it was and who did that..?she wondered.

someone who might be jealous of you..Given an award and from being a secretary to Head of the designers In the "Anderson's" maybe you just changed overnight who wouldn't be jealous of you..?Kelvin reasoned out..

But let talk about other things for now let's celebrate for I need to leave this evening and you two should go to work..and when have a very little time..?kelvin told them.

Since Aryan has cooked just a simple food..Ellie has to order other food for their enjoyment of celebration..I'm sure father would be proud of you.."you've just made Mama's dream come true Aryan..?

Yes..speaking about mommy..Next week will be her memorial ceremony so we'll definitely come so that we can visit her together..she might be lonely..?Aryan said her face becoming sad.

you are becoming emotional again..let's eat guys and forget problems for a while..?Ellie cheered for them.

And we should celebrate your relationship..?Aryan said.

Not yet we'll celebrate after a month..?Ellie answered.

Fine then the engagement party will be held after a month..?Kelvin said.

Next month will surely be my best month.. remember I'll be turning twenty two next month..?Aryan said.

Then if our relationship work out well definitely held our party together with your birthday..?kelvin said.

They continued chatting happily..Aryan being so fond of Ellie..she was happy for them.time flies and finally John went back in their home town leaving the girls chatting happily..

The rest of the day has ended peacefully and they went to sleep thinking it was a long day indeed..


Days goes by And now it was the second week since Alexander left..No reporters has disturbed Aryan and even in the company the other workers didn't say anything..The rumors has just stayed on just three or four days and they dissapeared..

John was so good..And Noel was as nice as always..weekend came And Aryan has visited her father together with Ellie as always.They went to the cemetery to her mother's memorial and gladly it has ended well..Ellie as Kelvin's relationship was getting better and better on the weekends kelvin would come to town and had his moment with Ellie..They proceed good.

Finally it was the third week..Aryan has missed Alexander a lot..,She was thinking about calling him but she'll have to ask Noel or John about his number..and even if they gave her what would she say to him..she can not just call him and say she missed him she'll sound desperate..

Since Alexander left..she and John has been working in his office..John would stay At Alexander's chair and Aryan would stay at the front..But Today John has went to visit his fiance and she was alone in his office.

In just a few times she spend with Alexander..she had gotten used to him..Everything about him was very special..unlike the other men's..He was cold yet friendly at the same time..She wondered why people feared him..

He had those silver blue eyes..and His smell was the thing she couldn't resist over him..He smelled something cold and musky..Just like the way she loved.

she had really missed him..she went to his private room and looked at his bed..His smell was still there.., Remembering that night at the hotel..she remembered everything now and she loved how he made her feel that day and her face burned in embarrassment..How could she think about him now and not working....

Getting out of his private room..she went to sit on her chair cabin the place he made for her on her first day..she didn't see Oliver and she wondered what has happened to her..If she was here she'll surely made a scene..?she thought.

Before she could sit..she heard the door open..she turned around and was very suprised upon seeing the figure in the door..

Mr Anderson..? Alexander has said he'll visit but she didn't see him so she thought that he won't but here he was.

what is your name again"he said with a friendly smile.

Aryan sir..?she answered.

Aryan dear just call me grandfather.. you'll be Alexander's fiance soon remember.."he said.

you do miss him right..?he said as he sat down.

She blushed red..upon hearing his question..?and remained quiet.

you young people never failed to Amaze me"he said.

I've missed you and since that grandson of mine is taking too long I decided to pay a visit..How are you..?he asked.

Thank you sir..?I'm really grateful for your visit..?she answered honestly.

Dear did Alexander tell you not to visit me.. remember the last time I have invited you home..?he said.

No no..?He didn't?she defended him.

I'm sure he did.."knowing him he might even feel jealous over this old man hahaha"

I'll visit next time then..?she said.

Then you should visit when he is back..beside he is your boyfriend now so we should get to know each other better..he said.

Yes I'll come when he came back.."?she answered.

So tell me about your family..?he said.

Now she started to feel anxious but she decided to be herself..We had a few plantations and and a ranch at home and my father is the one taking care of them..My mother died when I was fifteen and I had a brother who is a lawyer..They are staying at our hometown at west..And I live here with my bestfriend..?she answered honestly.

oooh sorry about your loss Aryan..?he said.

Thank you sir..?I've arleady gotten used to it And our father made sure we got all the love so at least I have a father..she said.

Now I love you even more..?he said.

That's so sweet of you..?she answered.

You know when my wife passed away I felt like the world has fallen for me..But God is really amazing within a short time I forgot everything and took care of my children on my own..as a father I understand you..?he said.

Aryan felt good to speak with old Mr Anderson.She thought all rich people care about money and fame but this man was just extraordinary and within few times she talk with him..she was fond of him.

I've arleady stayed for too long..It's about time I leave I'll surely visit again..?he said as he walked to the door and she offered to walk him out.

They found Noel outside.

Hi grandpa..?Noel Greeted with a meaningful smile.

I'm sure Alexander has told you to separate me with his girl..go and tell him I didn't stay much...but I'll surely come back..?he said.

He didn't trouble you..does he..?Noel whispered to Aryan and she returned to him with a smile.

Sure thing..I'll be waiting for you..?she said leaving Noel dumb founded.


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Love lot's..

Author Jennix 💖