
My mysterious CEO

He was like the Ice and she was the fire that melted him untill he completely lost it, My heart was broken Aryan and I don't want to give it away because I'm scared, I'm scared to loose again just like I loosed before and I never thought that I'll be able to love again...But you came and melted this heart completely,Are you willing to be with me,To mend my broken heart.... She became quiet for a while and answered...from this day forward assume that your heart is mended because I'll make you mine forever for my love for you is unconditionally...they stared deeply into each other's then his lips landed on hers

JenniferGriffin · Fantasy
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51 Chs

one night stand

It might be your grandfather..?Noel commented as he protect Aryan from the crowd.

Alexander was ignoring their questions with his annoying look but he decided to give them what they want.."yes she is my girlfriend"and Don't ask her anything and I won't answer your questions anymore.

Is that true Miss Aryan..?Are you dating Mr Alexander...Are you going to be the daughter in law of the Anderson's..?they continued to ask questions.

Aryan was just standing there,she didn't even know what to Say anymore..did he just say that she was his girlfriend..?she didn't even hear what they were saying the only thing echoed in her mind was that word.."she is my girlfriend".

Aryan remained stunned on her spot.."untill Noel dragged her away..she didn't even notice that she was arleady on the car right now....?

The situation is not normal Right now,Since Alexander just revealed you being his girlfriend the reporters won't leave you alone..Unless Alexander himself does something about it.."Noel whispered into her ear..

And yes..He could just ignore it right"..He could just deny those reporters..And answering them like that means he did that on purpose..and whatever he was doing right now..she didn't like it at all..,He might be using her again and what makes her angry was the fact that she herself didn't say anything..

I know what you are thinking right now..? Alexander started.

I think John has told grandfather that I slept in the hotel and since we both left early he must assume that "we slept"together...For so long he has been bugging me into having a relationship so I assume he is in cloud nine right now..

But he misunderstood the situation and I'm Sorry I've suprised you there but the truth is what happened had arleady happened and even if I order the reporters to not report any news that old man will surely make a mess..so the only way is to agree with this since the time is running out.

So Aryan please help me with this and listen to me carefully..

You need to pretend to be my girlfriend at any cost...Do it at least untill when I came back and that is the only way for you to be safe because John will protect you..

Because if you pretend that you are not my girlfriend they'll assume that you just sold yourself to me and that'll be very bad than for you... and knowing my grandfather hell surely go in any way to find evidence even if I destroy all and that can ruin your reputation...

So the only choice you have right now is to agree and by Knowing your my girlfriend the reporters won't disturb you...But get prepared for my grandfather will be visiting you often..The only problem you'll be facing is your colleagues but if you keep your distance since you and John will stay in my office no one can disturb you... Alexander explained..

Wait..she needs to ask her brother not to told their father about this...if he heard about the rumors...knowing her father he'll surely be furious..it seems there is no choice..?she said as she smiled bittery.

But if you are uncomfortable....No...she interrupted Alexander..I'll be fine besides we it'll surely go down In few days right..?Aryan said simply..

Yes...It's about time of my flight now so I won't go home..right now I think you two should bring me to airport then Noel will bring you home so that you can get prepared for tommorow..? Alexander said.

yeah.."I nearly forgot that you needed to leave you know..?Noel commented as he started the car and they headed to the airport to send Alexander off.

Hey I think you should were the shades so people won't recognize you..?Noel suggested and luckily the man agreed without bantering..

He left with one of his personal bodyguard whom he used to be with when John was not around..he is called Dauson.

Before leaving he looked at Aryan and said.."if you experience any problem you can always contact me with my personal number..You can ask Noel or John they'll give you my number..And without waiting for her response he dissapeared into her sight..

He went to the plane and headed to the business class together with Dauson and After a while the plane flew to country V.


Aryan was as tired as ever..Many thoughts continued to run into her mind..The pieces of memories will appear out of nowhere and they won't be cleary...she wen't direct to her home and Surprisingly the their home was empty.

And it seemed no one was here..where is Ellie now..,Did something bad happened to her or what..should she call her..yes At the hotel she called both her brother and Ellie but their phones were off that's why she only spoke with her father..

wait..,could it be something bad happened to them huh..But Alexander said they went home together last night..But why does it seem like something is wrong here..all of this were making her head burst what is this or could it be.....

still lost on her own thought she heard someone opening the door...And she breathed a sigh of relief upon seeing Ellie and kelvin together..

Ellie had a wide smile on her face while kelvin was Just quiet in his usual self..Hey where is your handsome boyfriend my little Aryan I'm so excited for you guys...Ellie said still smiling.

Aryan looked at her brother..He was so quiet that she didn't know he was dissapointed with her or happy for her..And Ellie seemed happy....Would she ruin her mood if she told her that they were just faking...Not now maybe she'll tell her later..

Brother kelvin can you please not tell father about this..He'll surely be heartbroken please wait at least untill I turn twenty two It's only the next month can you do that for me..She said almost begging.

Anything for my little sister..?He said.

Now Aryan was wondering could something have happened to these two..They seemed to be avoiding looking into each other's..should she ask them what happened last night or what..Then a thought came to her mind..she'll pretend to be cooking while listening to them...

since we are all here let me prepare lunch for us..?she said.

Hey you are not getting away like this..?Where is your handsome boyfriend he should be here right now for proper introduction you know.?Ellie said.

Yes she nearly forgot that she had a boyfriend now...She Just left this morning..I think he'll be coming back next month,,he went on a business trip to country V..?she explained making sure they understand.

What..?Ellie panicked.

He just make your relationship public then left just like that..?Ellie said.

But Ellie..

Aryan..Do you love him...?Her brother asked..

she remained silent and he assumed that she wasn't aware of her feelings..so why agree if is not sure..He wanted to scold her but he restrained himself and asked again...,

Forget that..Does he love you..?

It was really hard for Aryan..she was not used to lying especially with the people close to her..but now it seems she needs to lie to her "only family" and all because of that Alex..Is he worth of her lies then if No then she'll be done..

Yes brother he said that he loves me..?she answered.

Aww that is so sweet of him I'm jealous..?Ellie said..

Quiet Ellie..?Kelvin interrupted.

Aryan my dear no matter what"Men's words are usually just words"don't trust them with only words..He said in a hursh tone.

But I'll spare you on this one..It's your first relationship Anyway so I'll let you try..If It doesn't work then at least you'll have some experience..?he told her.

Thank you brother she said as she hugged him tight"but wait how could they beat her like that..she still had to investigate about these two..I'll be heading to the kitchen then..?she said as she went to the kitchen.

Are you dissapointed in her..?Ellie asked.

No..I'm rather happy than dissapointed..?I've seen how he looked at her last night..he seemed in love at least even if they'll broke up.. It'll be worth it..He answered.

What about you..?Are you doing this for love or just to take responsibility..?Ellie asked not knowing Aryan was eaves dropping.

I arleady told you that I'll take responsibility..?You don't have to worry about that..?He said.

listen..If you are doing this Out of love..then don't because I'm sure you'll regret this later..In which century are we to get married just because of one night.

If what you feel is not love..Then think of it as a one night stand..?Ellie continued.

omg.."one night stand..what could've happened to these two huh..