
My mysterious CEO

He was like the Ice and she was the fire that melted him untill he completely lost it, My heart was broken Aryan and I don't want to give it away because I'm scared, I'm scared to loose again just like I loosed before and I never thought that I'll be able to love again...But you came and melted this heart completely,Are you willing to be with me,To mend my broken heart.... She became quiet for a while and answered...from this day forward assume that your heart is mended because I'll make you mine forever for my love for you is unconditionally...they stared deeply into each other's then his lips landed on hers

JenniferGriffin · Fantasy
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51 Chs

let's break up

This man what's wrong with him?she thought okay then see you on Monday and she left without turning back.

After she left Alexander was left there speechless he couldn't believe it!

He actually mentioned Oliver infront of Aryan oooh what a bad luck..

That Oliver it's been Two years since she left and he was still stuck with her,He didn't like it!

she told him that was not in love with him anymore and she even said that she was using him to be successful and after she reached her goal she left.

Oliver was just a poor girl and she told him that she was an orphan and she was studying about fashion..

He met her when he was just Twenty two back then and she was nineteen and on her twenty birthday he confessed his feelings and she told him that she loved him too..They were a like a match made in heaven..

She was a loving person and everyone in his family liked her,his mother even treated her like hew own daughter..both of them loved her except for "Abigail of course she always said that her woman instinct refused to accept her"

But that didn't stop them from loving each other,And they stayed in relationship for three years untill that day on his very birth day.

first she told him that she found her father and he was happy for her.

But then was she said next broke his heart she said that since she's arleady graduated she'll start working as a renewable Modal in the biggest company of the country as their fashion modal...

He told her that it was not necessarily because he can open a company for her but she refuses..,

He was sad but he couldn't refuse her he just let her do what she wanted,

And later he heard the rumors about Oliver dating the young CEO of that company Mr Nithan lee.

He was shocked but he decided to ask her first before he came into conclusion..

He went to the office she was working on to surprise her and offcourse to clear the rumor in the company he couldn't find a secretary so he just went to the photoshoot place,And a scene which welcomed him was his Oliver and Nithan kissing passionately as if it was not their first time..and he froze if it was not for Noel he would faint..

Even After seeing all that he couldn't let her go"he just couldn't and he told her he was willing to forgive her because he still beloved in her..

No Alexander this should end here!from now on let's breakup I don't love you anymore"Me and Nithan we love each other and don't you dare cause any trouble for him.

Alexander was torn,he couldn't believe what he heard..did she say break-up..

He was told that sometimes love isn't fair"and if it isn't working don't force Just go on and you'll find someone worth ur love...

He just couldn't accept it,Him loosing just like that,damn it was too harder than he thought.....

let's go"he told Noel and they left!

That day he cried the whole night he even broke his phone and hurt himself as he was venting his anger but it didn't work..

He couldn't stop looking at her pictures and that pained him more..

Days passed by and he was getting worse that's why his father sent him abroad for a while..

And now when he came back he started to take care of their new company which was about fashion..

Thinking about the past he just decided to go home and rest..

on their way home he was quiet he didn't talk at all..and Noel wondered what's wrong with him"

He asked but the man didn't say anything...

Noel I'm I that weak? Alexander suddenly asked..

What's wrong with you why would you be weak?

Aryan told me that when she found me at the rooftop I talked about Oliver and I even asked her to not leave me again?

That's why she was angry"Noel muttered inwardy..

Alexander listen to me you are not weak,you are just like that because you don't want to open your heart again that's all.

Should I open my heart,?

yes but only if you feel like doing so.!

He kept silent again and when they reached home he went straight to his room to rest..


The next day at Aryan's and Ellie Apartment:

Since it was Saturday they decided that they'll both go home to visit their families and they'll come back tommorow...

They packed some presents for the children's at their home and they went home..

Aryan found her father working on their plantation while his brother was helping...

They were not that rich but they were not poor either they have a small villa in their home..

she visited they're neighbor's and enjoyed staying with them since they loved her very much..

In the evening she went home early and told the maids that she'll cook for her father and brother and she indeed did a good job preparing the food..

At night Ellie decided to dine with them and since she was a family they enjoyed the food together as a family..

How is your work dear?Her father asked

It's Good daddy!!

That's nice to hear?kelvin commented

After they finished the food they enjoyed games till night and they went to sleep late at night.

The next day they both went to church and when they came back they stayed for a while and then they bid Goodbye since they wanted to visit Dayana...

They visited Dayana and in the evening they wen't to buy groceries and later they wen't home early since tommorow they need to wake up early.,

Meanwhile Alexander's weekend was just Normal he went to his parents home to visit and stayed there the whole weekend"His mother won't stop nagging him about blinddates,

He gave him self sometime a lone and after a while he decided that if his heart desired for Aryan then he'll try to be with her..

He'll give it a try and see if things can workout...!Troth to be told he didn't want to have any feelings for Oliver...And he was sure that he was not in love with Aryan he was sure about it...

But there was something about her that drew him together"he liked her presence and he didn't want her to be away from him..

So After giving sometime for himself he decided that he'll try to open his broken heart....But only if she'll be willing to accept him.

He enjoyed the rest of his day and at night he went to sleep in his villa.,

Tommorow Mr don will bring his daughter and he'll need to look closely at that daughter of his.He needs to sleep early so that tommorow he'll have more energy,he went home and ate with his nanny and later he went to his room to sleep..

The next day at the office:,.