
My mysterious CEO

He was like the Ice and she was the fire that melted him untill he completely lost it, My heart was broken Aryan and I don't want to give it away because I'm scared, I'm scared to loose again just like I loosed before and I never thought that I'll be able to love again...But you came and melted this heart completely,Are you willing to be with me,To mend my broken heart.... She became quiet for a while and answered...from this day forward assume that your heart is mended because I'll make you mine forever for my love for you is unconditionally...they stared deeply into each other's then his lips landed on hers

JenniferGriffin · Fantasy
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51 Chs

What is she doing here"

The next day at day at the office:

Aryan was early in the office that day and as always she'll just keep her distance from this boss of hers because since the first day she met him he was so intimidating and it was hard for her because his smell won't live her alone,

after keeping her distance for a while she thought she arleady won...but Thad day when he was asking her about when he was drunk he was so close to her and he spoke with his husky voice,

After having some piece of mind for these day she arleady made up her mind that she'll continue to keep her distance and no matter what she won't let her guard down..

She arrived in the office and found Alexander in the office arleady she greeted him and went to sit on her cabin.

Truth to be told Aryan has a perfect body every woman should wish to have,Her curves and those long legs and she loved to wear revealing clothes well not that much but she does wore as modal and she was also very beautiful for she have a charming smile.,

Alexander liked it when she smiled that's why he was still wondering if she was still avoiding him,she just greeted him and went to sit on her cabin..

Aryan prepare yourself we'll be heading to the meeting room in five minute,

Yes sir..

How he hated to hear her call him sir"but he decided just to ignore it for now..,

After five minutes Aryan stood up with files in her hands and headed to his chair..."it's almost time sir let's go"

He gazed at her but she didn't look back she just kept her head low..

Does it still bothering you?he suddenly asked

what is it sir?she said

I might not remember what I said when I was drunk but I can sense it's bothering you"

That's were your personal matters why would it bother me"she answered.

So it's doesn't bother you"

yes it doesn't"

Then why won't you call me by my name!

it's just that I can't do that"

and why is that...he said as he came closer to her!

Because you are my boss"

But I told you to call me that when we're alone...! he said


He bent closer just one inch from her face and he whispered to her Ear in his husky voice"Tell me the truth why are you avoiding me huh"

I'm not avoiding you I'm just doing my duties as your secretary"she answered feeling butterflies in her stomach..

And why are you refusing to look into my eyes""he said in his husky voice

what's wrong with him now,didn't he arleady have a girlfriend what's with this closeness now!she thought

listen to me "Oliver is just someone from the past whatever I said that day about her was under influence of alcohol..Now let's go to the meeting room he said.

But why is he telling me all that could it be.....oh no did he remember what he did that day...

No he could've also remember that he said he loved Oliver...ooooh Just forget about all my Aryan"she told herself


Inside the meeting room

The board members were all seated on their spaces waiting for Alexander..

Alexander entered with his secretary and told her to sit beside him..

After they were seated he stood up and started"Mr don we can not tolerate anything that that involves the company and that includes being late..

Now tell us where is that daughter of yours?

She'll be here in a minute"he said

"Mr don you know all of us here have things to do and now you are telling us to ....he paused when the door opened

I'm sorry I'm late but I'm here now"

Everyone went Quiet for a while,it was like the world have turned upside down...

Alexander couldn't believe what he was seeing."Oliver what is she doing here"

"Oliver was A famous modal who wouldn't know her so Everyone was surprised"

Aryan was a fan of modals since she loved designing,she also couldn't believe her eyes miss Oliver London was here and she was seeing her on her own two eyes,she have always been admiring her and she just wished one day she'll be a famous designer..,but wait why did the air become too heavy..and Alexander seemed more cold than surprised!..... ooooh wait could it be Miss London was the same Oliver he said he loved...ooooh No this seemed awkward but since she decided to keep her distance she thought maybe if his woman was here it would be easy for her... because compared to her, miss Oliver has a name, beautiful,Attractive she even got all attention to her the moment she entered the office, and she was just beautiful nothing more.....?

Even Noel couldn't believe what he was seeing could it be that he was hallucinating....

Mr CEO and all of you present here meet my daughter...Mr don started

Oliver London,Now I'll let her spoke for her self.he finished..

Hello everyone I'm pleased to meet all of you...she said as she looked at Alexander who was now as cold as ice..

I apologized for being late it was because of my flight,but I was told that I should work here as a normal worker for a while so that Mr CEO can watch closely to me to know if I'm worth of being co-vice president..and I have one request from you Mr CEO can I..?

Alexander was pulled out of his daze"so she was Mr don's daughter"That's indeed make sense this Mr don was Mr London but he loved to call himself don and why would she work in his company now,what does she wants anyway this time he won't go easy on her he'll just show her that he can be An Angel and devil at the same time.

What is your request?

Since you need to know about my ability I think I need to work as your secretary or assistant..

But I arleady have a secretary!he said

Then I could be your assistant..?

oooh so she wants to play games with me huh?he thought

Okay no problem you'll be my assistant from now on for two weeks..

The room went silent.. Everyone couldn't believe what they've heard he agreed just like that..

But at the end of the day all the board members agreed..

On Aryan side she thought maybe she'll ask John or Noel more about this Oliver..,He is love with her that's why he agreed faster because if not then he couldn't agree right?

The meeting is over..Aryan let's go

He stood up and Aryan followed him in silent.....when they were about entering on an Elevator they heard a voice..


They turned around and saw Oliver walking with Noel..

yes"Alexander answered

Can we talk please..?


My dearest readers,you know I love you so much and I need your love and support untill we reach the end of the book..

Please leave a comment to our characters in every chapters you read..

like what do you think about Oliver

your number one Naughty Author

Jennifer Griffin

love lots💖