
My mysterious CEO

He was like the Ice and she was the fire that melted him untill he completely lost it, My heart was broken Aryan and I don't want to give it away because I'm scared, I'm scared to loose again just like I loosed before and I never thought that I'll be able to love again...But you came and melted this heart completely,Are you willing to be with me,To mend my broken heart.... She became quiet for a while and answered...from this day forward assume that your heart is mended because I'll make you mine forever for my love for you is unconditionally...they stared deeply into each other's then his lips landed on hers

JenniferGriffin · Fantasy
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51 Chs


Oliver who could that be?

He was too heavy for her so she decided to sit with him down!she made him lay down on the floor and went to find John for help and to her surprise John was just around the corner....

Miss what are you doing here?John asked

I was just roaming the company and then I came to this place...!she answered

oooh and a thought came to his mind I"sn't the boss over there didn't you see him"

yes that's Why I'm looking for you,I think he is drunk and he collapsed"

He what"he was surprised

yes you should take him home I think"

Ooh don't worry I'll just take him to his private room in his office..

They went there together and John carried him into his private room"

Miss Aryan"sorry about my boss behavior I hope he disturb you"

No I'm okay since he is arleady comfortable sleeping I think I should go home"

oooh yes but it's late now let me take you home"

No you should stay with him,he needs you!

okay if you insist but our chauffeur should take you home..let's go to the parking lot so that I can ask him to take you home..

okay thanks and they headed to the parking lot..

Inside the luxurious Black Lamborghini,Aryan was sitting in the back seat thinking about Alexander..

Was Oliver his girlfriend but why was she dissapointed about that.

She was confused when he smiled at her but the moment he said Oliver,she became mad and she knew maybe he just confused her as that Oliver..

wait could that Oliver be his girlfriend then she is lucky because he seemed so much in love with her"

But the fact that he confused her as other woman really pained her,

She didn't even notice that she arleady reached her home untill the chauffeur said miss the adress you gave me it's seem the place is here,

Oooh yes Thank you it's here..

Okay she went out of the car and breathed a fresh air,standing in front of an old apartment"this is where I belong"and she went inside..

Isn't your boss a little too much?you look so tired?Ellie complained with a worrying face....

Stop being a worrywart Ellie it's just that I got to have a long day"she said

Then you should eat and rest early"I cooked your favorite meal..

Oooh Ellie I love you she said as she seated on a kitchen counter...

They loved eating in the counter than in the table...

Did that boss gave you a lot of work on your first day,

Nah,he didn't I'm just tired because I roamed all over the company..,,she answered thruthfully!

oooh was all she said...

They finished eating and went to bed early..


The next morning at the office:

Everyone was busy on the project they were working for,

Aryan didn't talk much she just Greated her boss and went to sit on her cabin...the truth was she was still mad about him,

she took bunch of files and bring to him so that he can sign..

Boss you have to sign this she said her head downs and didn't dare look on his eyes and from that moment she decided that she won't look on his eyes again because those eyes was her weakness....

Alexander raised his head and looked at her for a while but she didn't look on his eyes nor say anything...

Okay you can leave them here I'll call you once I finish"He thought maybe just maybe she was still uncomfortable around him..,

she went to her cabin and continued working untill noon,she stood up and told him she'll be eating at counteen for she enjoyed eating with other workers...

This time he didn't refuse her,she needs some freedom he thought..

later when she came back she continued working without giving him a glance untill it was time to go home..

She also refused to be taken home"it's better to avoid trouble if you can"she said in her head and went home with a cab...

After his bad behavior he didn't even apologized for mistaken me as his girlfriend he even hugged me hard yesterday"How ungentlemanly..,At least he didn't disturb her today she thought..

Alexander was still in his office waiting for Noel so that they can go home together"

Hey Mr president let's go home now I'm really tired"Noel said as he was entering his office...

wait where is your secretary,

She went home"he answered

ooh but why do you seem sad"

No it's just that John told me that yesterday I collapsed in her arms"you know I when drunk you might do something you don't expect so I'm wondering if I did or said something bad to her"

Since when did you start to care"

Just now"he answered

And why"Noel retorted

Because she seemed like she was ignoring me..?

Hey you are so cold who would be happy staying with you she is just like that because she is not comfortable around you yet..,Noel comforted him..

If you say so..

Tell me something do you feel something about her!!

I don't know...?he answered

That only means that you are still in love with Oliver that's why you can't access your feelings"

Nah I need to get her out of my head..

And if you need that to happen you should open your heart..

Aaah Noel I don't want to talk about that anymore just let's go home..

The next days were just as normal as always,Aryan continued to avoid him they just talked about business and she'll always hung her head down avoiding his gaze..

At last it was Friday"Tommorow she'll have to rest and Sunday she'll go to church and to visit her father and brother since she missed them much...,

Alexander didn't disturb her also which she was thankful"

It was almost time to go home so she stood up and told him that she'll be leaving..

Miss Aryan"

yes"she paused

Come here"he said

she walked back and stood in front of him her head down..!

can I call you Aryan?you can also call me Alexander when we are alone.,

Okay"I that all?can I go now..she said

Are you in a rush or you are just avoiding me"he stood up and went to stood just next to her"

Are you avoiding me?he said

why would I"she answered

Look at me straight in the eyes"

What's wrong with him now,I don't want troubles didn't he have her girlfriend arleady and what's this closeness"she raised her head and meet his gaze..

Did I do something wrong to you"

No sir"she answered..

He became mad I told you to call me by my name okay...?

Now tell me that day when you found me in the rooftop did I say something"

Now she was mad again just remembering about that day made her sad..

No you didn't"

Really but I remembered said something to you but I can't remember what"

You just mentioned someone?

Who he asked curious...?

Something like Oliver I think"

Damn it did I have to mention her"he thought

Anything more.."

yes there is more

what is it"

you just said "Don't leave me"

ooooh now he was mad at himself"why did he have to say that in front of her"

You can leave now..Ho looked really mad