
My Multiverse Harem: Vampires, Goddess, Neko Waifu, and Beyond

[Waning! This book contains Harem!, Smut!,] [Whether a goddess, jade beauty, vampire, mermaid, dryad, elf, or neko waifu, you can name any. They all belong to my harem!!!] [It will never contain yuri/ntr] [If you're looking for an MC who utilizes females as mere tools, then this book is not for you.] Book updated 2 chapter/daily! _______________________________________________________________________ Don't read this book! Don't read this book! "Told you don't read this book!" It's a warning Gon Moretti will never forget. As a bookish high schooler with few friends and no girlfriend, Gon's sanctuary has always been the library's quiet aisles. But everything changes when he stumbles upon a mysterious book, "Don't Read This Book," by the enigmatic author, Elvlin. Drawn into it, Gon soon realizes that some stories should remain unread. The moment he read the book, his life turned upside down. The book bound to him, making him the Harem King. With the power to traverse varied realms, from mystical cultivation lands and enchanting magic territories to futuristic sci-fi dimensions. His adventures hold endless possibilities.

Elvlin · Urban
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166 Chs

Chapter 18 - Late Night Talk (Edited)

Hearing Gon's question, her old memories quickly resurfaced. Gon could feel the deep pain in her heart.

Merlin's eyes glistened, a torrent of tears beginning to fall, painting her cheek wet. "They're all gone, all of them,"

She pointed shakily to the wooden dining table; its surface was worn but still sturdy.

"Every day, as a child, that table was our family's gathering place. Each evening, it would be just us – my dad, my mom, my little sister, and me."

She hesitated, the weight of her memories causing her voice to tremble. 

"But then, one day, this sanctuary was shattered. Our home was stained with terror." 

"I watched, paralyzed, as my parents were brutally killed, their lifeless bodies lying coldly on that very floor." 

Gon wants to stop her; he doesn't want Merlin to be in pain. But he could sense her determination to share her story with him. 

He respects that and lets her continue the story. He reaches out his hand, hugging her tightly to his embrace.

Merlin closed her eyes momentarily, trying to push away the bad memories.

She swallowed hard, gathering herself, "It was my uncle who came to my rescue. Amidst the chaos, he grabbed my hand, pulling me away from the nightmare. We barely made it out, running from them."

"I'm so sorry, Merlin. I can't imagine how painful it must be for you," 

He could see, in her tear-filled eyes, and feel in his heart the shadows of the horrors she had lived through.

Merlin, feeling warm from Gon's embrace and presence, slowly began to regain her composure. 

"After that day, I swear to reclaim my life, to become strong enough to protect my loved ones, to make sure that I will never experience it again." 

"Every day was a battle, a quest to push beyond my limits, to master my magic." 

"I studied, I practiced, I fought, every waking moment driven by the dream of reclaiming my past, of rebuilding my shattered world."

"Once I had gained enough powers, I felt an irresistible pull to come back to this very place."

"With every ounce of my magic, I revived this land and reconstructed our home."

"You see every stone, every wood. They're not just materials; they are fragments of my past laughter, tears, and hopes. This house isn't just a building; it's a proof of the life that once was and a reminder of my conviction."

Gon tightened his embrace, feeling the beating of her heart against his chest.

He waited, giving her the time she needed. When her breathing steadied, he gently asked, "What about your sister? Was she able to escape toot?"

Merlin's gaze grew distant, and she slowly shook her head, a heavy sigh escaping her lips. "I've searched everywhere, looking for any piece of information I could find, but there's been no trace of her."

Thinking about what happened to her makes him angry. He won't allow them to be left unscathed. "And the monsters who did this? Those who destroy your family?"

Merlin's gaze turned sharp. "After destroying our family, they didn't stop. They continued to spread their terror and ambition, and their influence grew." 

"They've since moved on from this continent, leaving behind only minor factions."

"Now that your power has been awakened and you're determined to seek revenge, what exactly do you plan to do?" Gon asked

"First, I need to harness and perfect my control of this strength. I won't rush into anything unprepared."

Feeling her determination, with how he gonna leave soon, made him feel worried. If he had the time, he would have already gone there and burned them to hell. 

Gon's grip on her hand tightened, "Promise me, Merlin, promise that you won't take any impulsive actions while I'm away. Your safety means everything to me."

Feeling Gon worry for him, Merlin smiled gently. Her thumb moved, brushing his palm. "Of course, Dear~. I'll be careful. But when can I expect you to return?"

He sighed, running a hand through his hair. 

"I'll make it back as quickly as I can. But there's some good news. In a week or so, I should be able to bring you over to my world, even if it's just for a limited time."

Merlin's eyes sparkled with excitement, "Oh, dear! It would be fascinating to see your world. What's it like? How different is it from here?"

She then tilted her head, a playful smirk on her lips, "And tell me, what's the 'Gon' of that world like?"

Gon still felt worried; he could sense Merlin wanted to change the topic. But he doesn't want to remind her of her old scar. So he chuckled and answered.

"Well, honestly, I'm just an average student over there. Nothing special. I'm the only child in my family." 

"My dad passed away when I was younger due to an illness, so it's just me and my mom now."

"But how did you end up here in our world?" Merlin asked

Gon held out his hand, revealing a unique symbol tattooed on his palm. "It's all because of this. I was contracted to a mysterious book." 

He then began detailing his life back home. He talked about the school, the structure of their education, the vast libraries filled with books, and how his student life was.

"One day, as I was rummaging through the stacks in our library, I stumbled upon these peculiar books. When I opened it, it forced me into a contract, and this symbol appeared on my hand."

"The next thing I knew, I was in this world. It wasn't long before I realized that the book came with a system guiding me through this world... leading me to you."

Gon then starts explaining the system and the profession he got, the harem king.

Listening to Gon's stories. Merlin feels worried. "I've heard tales of artifacts with sentience, Gon. They can be unpredictable. Be careful."

Gon met her gaze, offering a reassuring smile. 

"Don't worry, Merlin. I'm sure our fates are entwined. It won't lead me into any danger. Besides," he added with a wry chuckle, "it's been more of a helper than a hindrance so far."

[so you understand that? Stop dallying and train more.]

Gon rolled his eyes at the ever-impatient system. "See? It's always pushing me." He said. He told Merlin what the System told him.

Merlin laughed softly, though a hint of seriousness remained. "Well, based on what you've shared, you'll be journeying to other worlds. Looking for different girls to enhance your strength?"

"Apparently, that's how it works."

Merlin's eyes lit up with excitement. "Do you think you could take me along on one of your journeys to other worlds?"

Hearing Merlin's answer, Gon was taken aback. Even though she already says she doesn't mind, Gon still feels worried. "Of course, Merlin. But are you truly okay with it? The system, the other girls... "

Merlin waved off his concerns with an elegant flick of her wrist. "If you mean about another woman, I've already said it's fine. In my world, every strong man has many women."

Merlin could feel Gon was still not comfortable with the situation, so she added. "But, I have one condition."

"Which is?"

She smirked slightly, her playful side surfacing. "I am, and will always remain, the main wife. So, any other girls you form a bond with must be introduced to me first."

She leaned in closer, a mischievous glint in her eyes. 

"Besides, it's only fair, right? I'll keep an eye out for potential partners for you. But they must be both strong and beautiful. I won't settle for anything less."

Gon laughed heartily, shaking his head in amazement. "You are the best merlin."

In his heart, he feels like living in a dream, getting a beautiful woman like Merlin, who is obedient and very understanding. He feels thankful to be able to meet her. 

He swore in his heart he would do anything he could to keep her safe. Gon then put his palm on her face, caressing it gently.

They could feel each other heartbeats. 

The world around them seemed to melt away as they locked eyes, a myriad of emotions swirling within their eyes. It was a moment paused in time, where nothing else mattered but the connection they shared.

Slowly, inevitably, they leaned in, the magnetic pull between them growing stronger until their lips met in a tender, lingering kiss. 

They lost themselves in this intimate moment, letting the warmth and the emotions flow between them.