
My Multiverse Harem: Vampires, Goddess, Neko Waifu, and Beyond

[Waning! This book contains Harem!, Smut!,] [Whether a goddess, jade beauty, vampire, mermaid, dryad, elf, or neko waifu, you can name any. They all belong to my harem!!!] [It will never contain yuri/ntr] [If you're looking for an MC who utilizes females as mere tools, then this book is not for you.] Book updated 2 chapter/daily! _______________________________________________________________________ Don't read this book! Don't read this book! "Told you don't read this book!" It's a warning Gon Moretti will never forget. As a bookish high schooler with few friends and no girlfriend, Gon's sanctuary has always been the library's quiet aisles. But everything changes when he stumbles upon a mysterious book, "Don't Read This Book," by the enigmatic author, Elvlin. Drawn into it, Gon soon realizes that some stories should remain unread. The moment he read the book, his life turned upside down. The book bound to him, making him the Harem King. With the power to traverse varied realms, from mystical cultivation lands and enchanting magic territories to futuristic sci-fi dimensions. His adventures hold endless possibilities.

Elvlin · Urban
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166 Chs

Chapter 19 - Midnight Activity (R-18) (Edited)

As Gon leaned in, their soft lips met.

Slowly, he deepened the kiss, his tongue move seeking entrance, and Merlin welcomed it. Their tongues met, dancing and intertwining in a passionate ballet. 

The sensation was electrifying as they both explored the warm, of each other's mouths. 

Their tongue start a tug-of-war, where they try to dominate each other.

Breathing heavily, the two momentarily parted, gazing deeply into each other's eyes, their foreheads resting together. 

Merlin's amber eyes shimmered with a mix of vulnerability and affection, while Gon's black eyes reflected a promise and commitment.

Gon have a hard to express his emotion in words, the try to choose the right one but cannot find it. He finally whispered, "Merlin, with you, everything feels so right."

Merlin smiled softly, replying," And i've never felt more complete than in this moment with you."

They were drawn together once again, their lips melding in deep and lingering kisses. 

Gon's hand moved, tracing the curve of Merlin's spine, feeling the warmth and the delicate softness of her skin beneath his fingertips.

Merlin's hand tenderly moved caressing Gon's face, her fingers weaving through his hair. 

Gons's other hand moved and started kneading her soft and elastic breast, sending a tingle of pleasure down her brain, and a soft moan escaped her lips. "Aaah, Gon Dear~"

Her eyes clouded with passion as she bit her lower lips. 

Merlin than stood up from the couch, she took Gon's hand, her fingers intertwine with his "Let's move to a more comfortable place."

Gon, his heartbeat quickened, responded with a warm smile. "Alright," 

Letting himself led by the captivating beauty before him. Merlin's allure was impossible for Gon to resist. 

Their footsteps were filled with anticipation as they made their way up to the bedroom on the second floor. As they enter the room, Merlin, with suddenly , pushes Gon onto the plus bed. 

Gon surprised by her action, teased, "You've become so feisty now."

With a mischievous glint in her eyes. Merlin responded with a sultry tone, " Do you not like it?"

As she spoke, she walked to Gon, every movement of her is done slowly on purpose. Making Gon gulped in anticipation. 

With a singular, fluid motion, her dress dropped down her body, revealing her perfect hourglass body and smooth skin, covered only by a red sexy lingerie.

She climbed onto the bed, positioning herself above Gon's body, looking at his eyes with a mix of passion and love. " I don't know when you will be back, i want to cherish every moment."

Gon caresses Merlin's face, the warmth of her skin contrasting with the coolness of his fingertips. Looking deeply into her amber eyes, he murmured, "I like it," before pulling her into a passionate kiss.

Gon changed their positions, placing himself atop her. His palm traced the contours of her breast under her bra, each touch eliciting soft moan from Merlin's lips.


His other hand slide down her side, feeling the curve of her waist before reaching the smooth of her thigh, caressing it gently.

Merlin began to open Gon's clothes, her fingers working on each button and seam as the barrier between them disappear.

Merlin's fingers lightly stroked Gon's little brother. He felt the warmth and pleasure jolting his brain. Her other hand traced over Gon's chest, feeling the beat of his heart.

Gon's gaze fixed on the fabric of the red bra that covered her breast. 

He slide it down, revealing the perky mountains beneath, with erect pinky peaks.

Slowly, his fingers began to trace the outline, feeling its warmth and softness. He then starts kneading it, changing it into many form. 

Merlin wanted to moan in pleasure, but their deep, passionate kiss restrained her. 

Gon's hand started to move lower, reaching her damp secret cave. His finger start to move playing with her opening. Merlin begins to twitch, enjoying his touch. 

"Ohhhh…..Ohhhh…..Aaahhhh….. Dear~"

As their bodies glued together, feeling each other warm. Their finger move enjoying each other body. Every touch sending wave of pleasure through them.

Their lips parted, a slight gasp escaped Merlin's rosy lips. As Gon slid two fingers in, testing her readiness, a shiver raced down Merlin's spine. "It seems you're ready," 

Catching her breath, Merlin's eyes met his, a mixture of impatience and desire evident in her gaze. "Stop with the teasing," she murmured, "I want you now."

Gon then changed positions as he pushed his little brother forward and touched Merlin's slit. Gon starts rubbing his head around it, which makes Merlin's body twitch in pleasure. Merlin looks at Gon with pleading eyes. 

Understanding what she wants, Gon slowly pushes through her opening. The warm stream of pleasure fills both of them, overloading their brains. "Dear~, ahhhh, no….." 

Enjoying the sensation, Gon pushes, slowly moving deeper. Merlin feeling the warm sensation inside her vagina, as warm rod fill her inside. "Ohhhhh…."

Her leg wrapped around Gon's waist, pushing him all the way in. 

Gon leaned in and started kissing her, as his hand groped her breast before starting to move his hips. "Mmmm…" a muffled moan comes from Merlin.


Gon begins to move, pushing forward and back, every stroke sending wave of pleasure to his mind.

The sound of their flesh connecting sounded throughout the room. Accompanying this symphony of intimacy was a muffled moan, "Mmm... mmm... mmmm, Aaaah."

A deep, drawn-out moan of pleasure echoing within the walls.

Merlin began to move her hips in tandem with Gon.

 With each motion she added, the wave of pleasure between them grew. Their movements, perfectly synchronized, make them feel addicted with the sensation, elevating it with every shared thrust and sway.

To Gon's surprise, in a swift and seamless movement, Merlin started pushing against him. Their bodies rolled, shifting positions without breaking their connection. 

Now dominant and on top, Merlin halted their intense kiss, gazing deeply into Gon's eyes with a mischievous glint. "You just enjoy for now."

In this newly position, Merlin's alluring body was displayed in all its glory for Gon to enjoy.

He watched, mesmerized, as she her breast jiggle everytime she moved up and down, riding him with increasing passion. 

Her hair, flow freely, swayed with every motion, the strands catching the light and framing her face, amplifying her allure and making her appear even more irresistibly seductive.

Overwhelmed by the beauty before him, Gon's hands moved and began to knead the twin mountain that keep moving in front of him, his fingers skillfully caressing and molding the soft flesh.

He than turn his attention to the erect pinky nipples, he played with them—rolling them between his fingers before pinching them. 

Feeling Gon's pinch a jolt of pleasure assault Merlin's mind, she start moan loudly, "Dear~... ohhhhhh... ahhhh..." 

Wanting to do more, Gon raise his upper body. He parted his lips and put one of Merlin erect nipple to his mouth. He start sucking it, enjoying the unique taste Merlin's body, it's addicting.

His other not stopping keep kneading her other breast feeling the soft, and warm sensation. The flesh is supple and elastic under his fingers.

Satisfied with the breast, Gon move his hand to Merlin's waist grasping her firmly. 

He start guide her movement, trying to make the movement more faster, amplifying the sensations for both of them.

With each movement, Merlin's moans grew louder "Ahhh... Ahh... Gon," Her voice shaky from the overwhelming sensations. 

"it's so good. Dear~" She reached up, her fingers threading through Gon's hair, pulling hims closer to her body.

With each passing moment, their desire grew more unrestrained. 

Gon, not breaking their connection, used his strength to stand up, causing Merlin's entire body to slide and press more closely against him. 

Feeling Merlin's body weigh on his body, make him even feel more horny. Merlin wrapped her arms around his neck.

She lay her head on his shoulder, than her rosy lips parted open begin nibbling and sucking want to leave a hickey, marking Gon as her.

The weight of her body, combined feeling her warm gave his dick pleasure more intense than anything he had felt before. He raise his hand raising her body up and down.

Gasping and struggling for words, he managed to whisper hoarsely, "Merlin... mmm... I'm... reaching my limit."

"Ahhh," Merlin moaned softly "Go ahead," she whispered, her nails digging into Gon's back. "Mmm... Ahhh... Let yourself go, release it all inside."

But Gon hold himself back, he want her to climax too. He continue his movement, after few more thrust Merlin body start to twich. He could feel her inside clenched on his little brother. 

Both of them moaned at the same time, as they reach the peak of pleasure. They are on cloud nine. Gon release all his load inside her womb.

Her love juice dripping all over, mixing with the remain of Gon's cum.