
My Multiverse Harem: Vampires, Goddess, Neko Waifu, and Beyond

[Waning! This book contains Harem!, Smut!,] [Whether a goddess, jade beauty, vampire, mermaid, dryad, elf, or neko waifu, you can name any. They all belong to my harem!!!] [It will never contain yuri/ntr] [If you're looking for an MC who utilizes females as mere tools, then this book is not for you.] Book updated 2 chapter/daily! _______________________________________________________________________ Don't read this book! Don't read this book! "Told you don't read this book!" It's a warning Gon Moretti will never forget. As a bookish high schooler with few friends and no girlfriend, Gon's sanctuary has always been the library's quiet aisles. But everything changes when he stumbles upon a mysterious book, "Don't Read This Book," by the enigmatic author, Elvlin. Drawn into it, Gon soon realizes that some stories should remain unread. The moment he read the book, his life turned upside down. The book bound to him, making him the Harem King. With the power to traverse varied realms, from mystical cultivation lands and enchanting magic territories to futuristic sci-fi dimensions. His adventures hold endless possibilities.

Elvlin · Urban
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166 Chs

Chapter 17 - Merlin Abode (Edited)

Gon looks at Merlin, trying to massage the Qilin; her respectful attitude toward the small dog makes him chuckle. He wonders how she would react if he brought her to the pet shop in his world.

Merlin took a deep breath, bowing slightly towards the Qilin. "Excuse me, Mighty Qilin, may I?" 


The Qilin felt hesitant at first, but knowing it was part of the deal he had made, he agreed, giving a nod.


With gentle hands, Merlin carefully began to scratch behind Qilin's ear, mimicking the motion and pressure Gon had taught her. 


Slowly but surely, the creature's guard dropped. His eyes grew half-lidded, a contented sigh escaping him as he leaned into Merlin's touch, clearly enjoying the sensation.


As the sun hung in the sky, The three beings, one 'dog' and two humans, shared a peaceful moment. 

But, knowing he didn't have much time, Gon signaled Merlin, silently telling her it was time to leave. They then say their Farewell.

Gon remarked, "Until next time, Qilin."


Merlin, with a graceful bow, said, "I will return tomorrow, Mighty Qilin."


The Qilin, so thoroughly relaxed, merely lifted a languid paw, gesturing for them to proceed on their way without giving any other response.

Moving through deep into the forest, Gon and Merlin found themselves surrounded by towering ancient trees, their canopies creating a mosaic of light and shade on the forest floor.

Gon wants to spend some good moments with Merlin; he then asks if she knows any good place for them. "Merlin, is there a special spot you know of?"


A spark of nostalgia flashed in Merlin's eyes as she answered, "How about we visit my home? It's been a while since I returned."


"Is it a long journey from here?" Gon doesn't want to spend their time on the road.


With a smile, Merlin responded, "It's quite far, but don't worry, Dear~. After my awakening, I can open the portal now ."

Gon nodded. He could sense Merlin feeling proud of the growth of her strength.


Taking a moment to focus herself, Merlin raised her arms. She began her incantation, her voice a soft yet resonant whisper that melded with the atmosphere:


"By the whispers of the winds that secrets keep,

And the old woods' decree, so vast and deep,

By the energies of the earth and the azure skies' expanse,

Warp the weave of worlds and reveal a gateway to me."


After she finished the incantation, tangible magic began to weave around her; the very atmosphere started to vibrate. 


The fabric of reality before them starts to transform, creating ripples in space. It spreads outward until it solidifies into a gleaming portal, its boundaries pulsating with a dark, magical aura.


Stepping into the portal felt like moving through a cool, viscous liquid, momentarily disorienting their senses. But almost instantly, Gon and Merlin found themselves in a completely different area.


Beautiful grass covered the vast meadows before them. To their left, a sprawling forest of towering trees with trunks made of what seemed like crystal stretched infinitely, reflecting the sunlight in a myriad of rainbow colors.


Each leaf appeared to be intricately carved from precious gemstones, shimmering with an internal light. Here and there, bioluminescent flowers dotted the meadows and forest edges.


On their right is a small lake, its waters crystal clear, revealing the multitude of luminous aquatic life beneath its surface. Gentle waves lapped at a pristine white sandy shore, where delicate seashells and curious rocks lay scattered.


Seeing it made Gon wonder; it looked more like a miniature sea than a lake.

At the far end of the meadow was a cozy two-story house painted in a soft, earthy color that blended harmoniously with its surroundings. It was a simple, charming place with wooden walls and a roof made of flat stones. 


Here and there, green vines climbed up the sides, adding a touch of whimsy to the home. Small window boxes adorned with a variety of flowers added a touch of color to the rustic exterior. 


Around the house, a garden thrived, filled with herbs, flowers, and the buzz of insects. Several fruit trees formed a small orchard to one side. Under the shade lay a stone bench and a small wooden bird nest.


Looking at the view around him, which looked like it had come out of a fairy tale, Gon couldn't help but be amazed. 

He breathed deeply, smelling the fresh air around him. "Merlin, this is... beautiful."


"Welcome to our home, Dear~." Merlin smiled with pride in her eyes.


Gon followed Merlin towards the entrance of the house. The wooden door, worn from years but still sturdy, creaked softly as Merlin pushed it open. 


The interior of the house was surprisingly more spacious than it looked outside. Soft natural light filtered through the windows and illuminated the main room. 

A modest living area was arranged around a stone fireplace where a gentle fire crackled.


On one side, a wooden dining table was set, accompanied by handcrafted chairs. Fresh flowers in a vase sat in the center. On the opposite side of the living area, a staircase led to the second floor, presumably to the bedrooms and perhaps a study.


The walls were adorned with a mix of simple artwork and pictures, likely memories from Merlin's past. There was also a bookshelf crammed with books of various sizes and topics.


Merlin, noticing Gon's curious glances, said with a modest smile, "It's not much, Dear~, but it's our home. Please, make yourself comfortable." 

She gestured towards a plush-looking sofa next to the fireplace.


As they sat together, Gon turned towards her and asked, "Merlin, why did you say this is our home?"


Merlin shifted to meet his gaze more fully. A soft smile curled her lips. "Because it is, Dear~. Remember our vow? What belongs to me belongs to you."


Feeling a warmth bloom in his chest, Gon pulled Merlin's body closer, gently putting his hand on her shoulder, and planted a tender kiss on her forehead. "And what's mine is always yours," 


As the moments passed in shared silence, Gon's curiosity piqued. "There's so much I still don't know about you. Tell me, do you have dreams?"


Merlin, her eyes reflecting the firelight, replied with a shimmer of determination, "Of course, Dear. I've always wanted to become the strongest magician.


"Why Merlin? What makes you want to become the strongest?"


Merlin's gaze softened, and for a moment, she seemed lost in distant memories.

"You see, Gon, this house... it holds so many memories for me. I grew up here. It was filled with the sounds of laughter, the joys of childhood, and the love of family."


She paused, taking a deep breath, trying to hold back the flood of emotions. 

"My family was known for its magical prowess. We weren't the most powerful, but we were respected. But as time went on, stronger magical families rose, overshadowing ours." 


"There was a conflict, and... we lost. Most of them died; the rest went into hiding and traveled to distant lands."


Gon's eyes widened in realization. "So your family is..."

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