
What goes around comes around

The good or bad we do always comes back to us.

Jessy's POV

How time flies , my Nanny finally decided to relocate to another country with her daughter Anna . I will surely miss them but it's for the better .. Anna had to go to high school and so she had to enroll as an international student . On the other hand I dunno what has been up with Davida , we barely chatted like before of course she is busy I know . Everything seemed to be going on well . For Sedrick too and his new girlfriend. So he could love after all .. I now believed we weren't meant to be .

I now just had to concentrate on my last days in my Masters program. But for one thing .. These past days , I feel really jealous that Sedrick chose his current girlfriend over me , like what did she have ... but then I was worried about the sudden disappearance of Stacy ... hmmm . But one thing that really got me worked up is Dylan ... He has been on my mind for days , my heartbeat increases each time I think about him , to the extend I feel I will meet him soon .

Mr Dickinson's work place.

Shirley paid a visit to Mr Dickinson.

What a surprise Shirley .. .. Uuhm what's the other name again .. Mr Dickinson said as he was surprise to see Shirley. Not important. Shirley replied. So what do I owe this visit ?

I know what you are doing , I know you want to bring Chief Louis down using Davida .. I also know that he didn't kill his wife , you did .. Shirley said. Mr Dickinson was dumb founded for some time , he wasn't sure of what to say because all that Shirley said was true . I don't see any men in uniform coming to get me with handcuffs... Mr Dickinson replied.

That is because there would not be a need for that. I kinda like your strategy to win .. Shirley said. Mr Dickinson was more confused but decided to ask what she meant. I will delete all the information I know about you if you include Davida in your plans ... Shirley continued. She is already.. I am getting her to hate her dad ....Mr Dickinson replied. No! I mean get rid of her ...

I want her dead. Shirley explained . Wait what? This is a joke ... hahaha ... I know I am bad but I thought she was your friend , best friend ... So what ... why you want her dead. Shirley stood up and said, My reasons are not your concern. Let's work together and I'll help you achieve your goals fast .

You don't know what my goals are . Mr Dickinson smirked and said. Shirley sat down again . From your own mouth , I know if all these goes well and Davida gets in trouble, it will affect her inheritance. Exactly what you want . But would it not be easier if you get rid of her instead? Shirley ranted .

Where did you get the information from ? I am impress you are good . Mr Dickinson said. Are we doing this or not ? Shirley asked . You are evil , I like it . So yes I am in

Oh and lemme introduce you to my friend. Mr Dickinson said as he saw Raymond coming through the door .

Ray ... Shirley was shocked to see Raymond there and being addressed as friend. Raymond smiled faintly. I see you came here to betray your best friend . Raymond said to Shirley. What are you doing ? Shirley asked in confusion. Let's say rather than betray friends, we help each other. Raymond has told me all the plans that Davida plotted . Mr Dickinson scoffed . you guys sent him to investigate me ? aww I am bigger than you think .. Mr Dickinson said playfully. Raymond looked at Shirley , I wanna say I am highly disappointed at you , but welcome to the winning team. Raymond said, causing Mr Dickinson and him to laugh so hard. Shirley left after they were done talking. We should not trust her , she seem like a snake. Raymond told Mr Dickinson. Absolutely, let's observe her and see if she is trust worthy enough. Poor Davida. Mr Dickinson confirmed.

Shirley's thought

So Raymond is only pretending with Davida , hahahaha ... Bitch you have no chance. I don't even have to try , but you are already going down.

Mr Atam's office

Mr Atam was a very busy man , one could only get an appointment from him before seeing him ,it was very difficult and almost impossible to see him walk around in the street and most a times he was seen with his bodyguards he was known as one of the most richest business man in the country and his business was one of the most successful businesses . He has gained a lot of respect in public and amongst colleagues world wide.

Pass midday .

Mr Atam was getting ready to leave his office , he was rounding up the with the files on his desk , his PA, Dexter came in . Sir just a reminder that your daughter is defending her master's degree soon and you have to attend. Dexter said .

Yes I haven't forgotten about that. Mr Atam replied.

Sir you must be proud of your daughters . Dexter sat down and said with a smile.

Indeed . I am not sure if they deserve me . I don't know what to do .. I have failed as a father . I have failed my daughters, failed myself and failed God too. Mr Atam regretted sadly

Sir I have been working with you for so long and I know you are a good person. Why don't you make peace with your daughters and tell them the whole truth ? Dexter suggested . They hate me .. and I get it cos I don't even try . Mr Atam replied. I really regret all that I did .. but how will I turn back time ? He continued.

By start making things right . It's never late get close to your daughters and let them feel you as their father. Dexter replied. Mr Atam sat there pondering about his PA's words and kept thinking what if they never want to see him . I have made up my mind to go to Jessy and that's final.

At Chelsea's office

Days keep goin by , everything keeps goin smoothly, Sedrick went to visit Chelsea in her work place . Everyone in that office had a jaw dropping expression when they saw Sedrick walking in , with his Alpha movement knowing fully well he was an influential person. He walked up straight to Chelsea who after seeing him from a distance, pretended to be so much of a hard worker. Hi Chelsea.. Sedrick indicated his presence. Oh hi .. what are you doing here. Chelsea acted surprised to see him. They hugged then Sedrick invited her out for lunch . She gladly accepted .

During Lunch

Sedrick took Chelsea out to a fancy restaurant for lunch . While at lunch , they discussed how thier day went , they both shared their stories. You are so sweet . Chelsea smiled and said. Sedrick smiled back.

What if I gave you a job in my office .. Sedrick said . Chelsea was surprise to hear him offer , but she knew it was a great opportunity for her to get her job done fast. Oh my goodness .. Sedrick I already have a job .. Chelsea replied. I know but how do you cope with that .. You don't even get well paid , plus you are a girl you deserve better. I wanna make you my new PA... Sedrick tried to convince her. After thinking for a short while, Chelsea was excited about the offer, but did not want to show her emotions. What if I try to resist and he takes down his offer ... he is so unpredictable. Chelsea thought to herself. So I guess I need to come for an interview then. Chelsea smiled and said. They both enjoyed that moment.

Later that day

Everything is going on well , he just offered me a job as his PA .

So now tell me what the plan is , cos I am already in . Chelsea told Stacy over a phone call. Stacy explained how the plan will be executed , they were set to pull it off.