

Beware, even your friends are your worst enemies.

At Davida's Residence.

Raymond was with Davida, He was there to give her the updates about the case. Your uncle is a very corny person. He also seemed to have many people working for him. I found out that his main aim is to put your daddy down . Raymond told Davida .

I know all that. But I don't trust him .. his words , I am positive he has a twist going on but I am not sure .. Davida replied.

Hey Davida don't worry I got you . I will do everything to help you . As of now he seems to be clean and genuine. Raymond said. They round up thier discussion and he left. Davida was confused because she didn't know if to count so much on Raymond.

Raymond's POV

I already have a lot of evidence to bring down Davida's uncle, but I am no fool. I could get myself killed first. My first priority is protecting Davida, the less she knows, the better for her .

At Miss Dorathy's house.

That day was a pretty busy day , it was the day Miss Dorathy and Anna was to travel. Hey nanny , so we only see later . Jessy said . I am so gonna miss you . Jessy continued as tears ran down her cheeks . Miss Dorathy also burst into tears , Oh no don't cry I will miss you too . I wish I could attend your defense .. But time caught me Miss Dorathy said. It's ok I understand. Thank you so much nanny , for everything, I don't know why I deserved it but I enjoyed it and I am grateful. Jessy replied as she cleaned Miss Dorathy's teary eyes. You are my first daughter, I am glad I was privileged to help. But You still look very worked up . I have been observing you for a while and I know it's not about Sedrick. Miss Dorathy asked . Oh nanny .. I dunno how to explain it . But lately I have been thinking and almost dreaming about Dylan. The connection is so strong now I can almost feel his presence. I don't know what is happening. Jessy explained .

Miss Dorathy smiled, while she recalled that Dylan was Sedrick. How do I tell you that you and Dylan has been together all these while. Miss Dorathy thought to herself. She put her arms around Jessy and said,

Fate will always find a way to make things right. Remember what will be will be. If these feelings are persistent it means one day you'll meet again. So I'll advice you not to force anything. Dont expect too much , Just hope. Jessy gave a sigh of relieve after hearing Miss Dorathy speak. There was a sendoff party with friends and family . Jessy and Anna spent their last moments together teasing each other and having fun . You be a good girl, don't stress your mom up , if you do she will tell me and I will fly to you with a whip . Jessy said to Anna. Like wonder woman ? Anna asked teasingly. They both laughed. Time passed , Miss Dorathy and Anna finally left. Jessy could not stay in that big house alone so she rented a comfortable studio instead, while the Miss Dorathy's house was looked over by a caretaker.

Sedrick learnt about Miss Dorathy's relocation abroad. He also found out Jessy's new residence, he secretly checked up on her when ever he had the opportunity to .

Jessy's House

It was pass midnight , Jessy was up after she had studied a little and was about to go back to sleep. There moon was up , She decided to glance at it for a while .

Dear Universe ,

All I want is to be happy , to live a normal life . Hhh Thank you already for making it possible. But just one request if Dylan will be part of my life again , please can he just come in fast already, I will die of anxiety . Jessy said playfully as she looked at the moon. When she look away from the moon after her prayer she noticed something, that caught her attention. She saw a tree standing behind somebody's yard. she all of a sudden remembered when She and Dylan made thier marriage vows in front of a tree they planted. She contemplated if it was the same tree , then she also realised that she rented in thier old town , she decided to go take closer look of the tree tomorrow morning . She went back to bed only thinking about it.

The Next morning

Jessy woke up feeling positive. After her breakfast she quickly rushed to the yard where she saw the tree . She stood there gazing at the tree lost in emotions as she found how grown the tree was .

Love conquers all .She heard a voice from behind, that brought her back to reality. She saw a man who look like he is in his early 60s. He was standing behind her with cutlass in his hands.

Oh hi Sir . Jessy greeted kindly .

She gazes strongly at the only hope to finally meet her true love... The man continued.

I'm sorry what ? Jessy asked.

She looks lost not sure if this is a sign from above... The man said as he roam around Jessy.

But sooner or later she will realize that indeed love conquers all . Uhmmmm ha ... Sir ... Jessy called out to him .

Oh Sorry my dear , I just like messing around like this. But I must admit the way you looked at this tree , I was inspired to be a poet. The man said.

Oh I am sorry sir I just remembered this tree and when it was planted. Jessy replied.

Oh really .. The man asked...

Yea I am so sorry I didn't mean to interrupt. Jessy added. You know for some reasons, since I bought this property, I haven't found a good reason keep this tree until recently when I now see people coming to find shelter and rest after a hot sunny day. .. The man said .. So now I take upon my cut of the dead branches so it keeps growing fresh . The man continued. Jessy smiled, wow sir that is great . May be I'll join those people who rest under.. Jessy said. The man smiled back feel free to come here anytime. I have work to do now .. The man said as he left Jessy still standing there still happy to have found her love tree.