
I know I am in love

Some emotions cannot be controlled , no matter how hard we try .

Many days went by , Sedrick and Chelsea barely spoke or interacted as expected . Mr Gary learned that Sedrick had cut off all connections with Jessy , He got furious at him .

Later in the day

Sedrick went to meet his uncle at the warehouse where they kept thier drugs .

You sent for me . Sedrick said with his Alpha voice . Mr Gary who sitting on a box full of drugs , got up immediately with his face looking disappointed .

You had one job boy ... Just one job .. why did you remove Jessy from the plan . ? He asked . My avengement has nothing to do with her ... she is innocent , I will go after her father , isn't that what you want ? Allow me do what I have to go . Sedrick replied insolently .

You ... lil spoilt brat ... we had a plan , the whole family goes down. Mr Gary said . You dare not touch Jessy or her Sister dear uncle ... Sedrick replied . Or else what ? Mr Gary asked .Sedrick frowned and left without saying a word again .

Hmmmm . I think your time is up too ... you are useless to me anyway ... time to get to action . Mr Gary said to himself .

Mr Gary's POV

So by now y'all must have figured out that I don't like my nephew Sedrick . Yea you are correct . I stopped liking him after he became the successor to my father's wealth , his grandfather . Confused ? Well lets rewind to some years back . Did I tell you that , my brother had my back ? Did I also tell you I was the rejected son ? Ok no .. so yea I was a little too rough in my teens .. My parents couldn't contain my stubbornness and thus they kicked me out of our house . So that is how my brother came in . He helped till of course he was killed . Then...

Few years back .

You can't just give everything to him , I am your son for goodness sake .. I am the only one alive now ... what are you doing . Gary shouted furiously at his Father , Sedrick's grand father . The old man was looking tired and weak on his sick bed ..

He is my grandson . The son of my best son , the son who made me and your late mom proud ... so yes I will give everything to him and I know even though he is not yet found , when he comes around , he will make me proud . Sedrick's grandfather replied fiercely in a low tone. Gary got provoked and out of anger he killed his father .Then pretended he died naturally . He had forced his father's lawyer to change the writings of his father's will in favour of him , but the lawyer stood his grounds and refused .

I can't kill that little boy now ... if I do all these money will go to waste ..... I will surely get what I deserve . My father will not treat me like an outcast all my life . Gary said to himself

Present time

Mr Gary's POV

what a bummer ... I didn't kick his ass back then because I have a perfect plan .. Seems like plan A won't work because of his stubbornness , so now its time for my ultimate plan. Time to get real .

Few moments later

Sedrick Joined Jason at thier favorite bar . Jason was already there drinking beer, Sedrick walked in devastated , he quickly ordered for some whisky and took several shots quickly . Jason saw his mood and how he was threatening to take more whiskey , he quickly stopped and asked what happened ,

Jason : Hey dude wassup.

Sedrick : I am fed up of all this ... My uncle, my fuckin life

Jason : ( amazed ) Almighty Sedrick complaining .... Damn ! I never seen that . So tell me big guy whats killing you like this

Sedrick : My uncle wants me to wipe out Jessy's family

Jason : That should be pretty easy ..I mean , you are the bad guy

Sedrick : ( sighs slightly ) the truth is I can't ... I just can't hurt her.

Jason : (gave him a surprising look ) Who are you in this body ? I expect the bossy arrogant Sedrick to talk .... hey where did you keep my bro

Sedrick : Fuck ! I too I am confused , I don't know what has gotten over me

Jason : This is redemption my brother ... haha you are getting soft thanks to my sistah Jessy ..hmmmmm . Ever since she came , you are becoming the goody goody .

Sedrick : You not helping matters

Jason : Hey bro what about our new girl... the lost but found

Sedrick : I do not know .. everything is just as it is ..

Jason : Aren't you happy (fixed his eyes directly on his face )

Sedrick : ( felt uncomfortable ) Stop lookin at me like that . Creep! And yea .. I am not happy .

Jason :May I know why

Sedrick: It's not as I thought it would be , I am happy that I got what I wanted . I found her but I do not feel same. I don't feel anything at all.

Jason:(ordered more drinks) You are grown up man , why expect to feel something you felt years ago ? That was your childhood experience and now bro all you need to sit and do is laugh at those memories you made . Not forcing your emotions to work , cos I know in general you don't have it . So cheers man .. how are you even sure she is not married or in a relationship?

Sedrick : You have a point .

At Chelsea's work place

Karen sat at her work place , the office Stacy arranged for her , she sat there passing her time when Stacy called

Hello ...

Karen ... hello..

Yes boss can I help you?..

Where are you ?

Uuhm you know just roaming around the job you gave me .. what else?

Really .. What about Sedrick ? have you spoken to him since

Ah no! He hasn't called ...

What! we have no time ... you call him and meet up ..

Uuuh m that's not how it works I am the girl that is a mans job , plus I don't wanna be seen as desperate.

I chose you for this Job cos I know how good you are... but we have no time. . do something fast Chelsea

Leave it to me.. you do you and I will do me ..

The call ended, Karen thought to herself that it was about time she did something to get Sedrick's attention . So she decided to call and invite him for a drink.

At the bar .

Sedrick and Jason enjoying thier drink , Sedrick phone rang . When he wanted to pick up he saw it was Chelsea. He was reluctant to answer. Jason saw how hasty he was to answer his call and decided to pick up the call for him.


Hi Sedrick....?

Hi Chelsea wassup baby

I am doing just fine ... I was wondering, unno for old time sake we ..I could invite you out for a drink let's catch up...

Jason and Sedrick looked at each other instantly in surprise... Then Jason continued the call

Wow. ... you know that is exactly the same thing I was thinking. ..

So does it mean I can invite you out ....

Sure why not... it's not such a bad idea ..

So it's a date then .... I will text you where and when

Sure .. thanks. (drops call)

What did you do ? Sedrick asked.

I just set up a date for you and Chelsea .... simple ... Jason replied ... Sedrick didn't look happy .

Hey just go do some catching catching up ... no big deal .. I mean it would be mean for you to turn down an offer from your first love. Jason continued. Sedrick saw reasons with him and decided to go for it . I really don't like doing this. Sedrick said.

Hey man do not be arrogant or all bossy with her. .. you know, turn on your good side. Jason advised.

That will mean not being myself but it's always worth the try... Sedrick replied.

Few days later

At Pyramids ( Snack )

Sedrick honored Chelsea's invitation for a drink .. They met in a snack called Pyramids. You look good .. Chelsea complimented. I always look good. Sedrick's intended to reply that . But later changed his mind and replied kindly . Well thank you so are you .. he smiled and said. The ordered for some drinks and started talking about thier past lives .. In the middle of thier discussion, Karen saw Jessy hanging out in the snack .. She remembered Stacy had told her who she was and how she should not let Jessy come close to Sedrick. She also noticed that Jessy already saw Sedrick and suspected she would walk to them. .. so she intentionally kissed Sedrick abruptly. She took Sedrick by surprise, Jessy who was watching from a distance, slowly walked by pass them to her friends.

I am so sorry .. I dunno what came over me .. I just .. I am sorry . Karen apologized sadly. Sedrick maintained his cool but was pretty surprised at Karen's actions. .. I usually don't kiss in public. He said boldly as he noticed Jessy's presence .. so next time you can do this in private. He continued. The night was a fun night for Jessy she was there with her 5 friends from school 2 girls and 3 boys .She drank a lot and got pretty drunk . Sedrick would watch her once in a while . Jessy requested to go home .. Her female friends opted to take her home but one of the guys offered to do that himself . so they trusted Jessy in his hands .. Sedrick who was watching from a distance, could tell what was goin on and decided to follow them as they left the snack . It's time we left .. Sedrick said to Karen as he immediately got up and walked swiftly out of the snack ... My driver will take you home . He continued as he ordered one of his men to take Karen home safely. He followed Jessy to the Parking lot .

This doesn't look like my car ..... I wanna go hoooome to my man hahahaha ... funny cos I don't have ... Drunk Jessy said. Her friend who wanted to take advantage of her , kept forcing her to enter his own car .. Noooo .. I don't want you .. I want my drink .. Jessy said . Sedrick saw how drunk and clueless Jessy was about the situation she was in with her friend, he got mad and confronted her friend.

I'll take her home , you heard her she doesn't like you. Jessy's friend wanted to push him away with force when all of a sudden they broke into a fight, Sedrick punch him so hard that he gave up and ran away leaving just Sedrick and Jessy . Without further waste of time , Sedrick carried Jessy to a hotel room . Ooh I think I know you ... you are the heartless guy who bold enough to break my heart ... Drunk Jessy said .

At least I am gentle enough to to safe you from your foolishness. Sedrick replied as he put Jessy in bed. You are a bad ass .. but I like it...Drunk Jessy said. Sedrick ignored all her slangs , he instructed a female hostess to watch over her till morning.

Listen she is very drunk and will not remember this night . So do not tell her I brought her here ok .. let her not know. He instructed and paid for all her hotel bills and left .

The next morning

Jessy woke up and found herself in bed .. when she checked it was a hotel .. she was confused . Just then the hostess instructed to watch over her walked in the room.

Oh good morning Ms. Jessy How was your night. She asked politely..

Hi ... how did I get here .. Jessy asked curiously. Don't you remember... you came here alone.. you booked for a room , you were kinda tipsy though . The hostess replied with a smile. I did that ... ? Jessy asked as she tried to recall what happened, to no avail. When she said she was going to go pay her hotel bills and left , the hostess told her not worry and informed her that she already did that yesterday. Jessy was still confused, but thanked the hostess and left.

Sedrick's mansion

Sedrick laid down in his bed recalling yesterday's events he kept thinking about Jessy. Just then the hostess called and informed him that she left the hotel already. After the call , Jason called him .

Hey ... duck

Hey Jay...

So tell me ... how did it go

How did what go ..

Your date .. ah

hhhh... Well nothing extra only that she kissed me ...

Ah whaaaaaat! oh man (excited)you guys kissed...

No! She .... kissed me ...

So are you guys a couple now .. I mean after walking her up to her door did you hug unno .. tell me tell me ...

Eew ! stop that .. you are not a woman . And no I didn't even walk her to the door.. I had Landrine drop her off ... End of story.

Noooo! man you need to come for Romance 101 .. I thought we agreed that you should be sweet and gentle ..

Look I didn't have patients, not after Jessy was in trouble.

Jessy ... hmmm she was there ... tell me what happened

Will tell you when we meet ...

ok ok but bro .. you need to apologized to Chelsea not after she still has a thing for you ..

Understood... (drops call)

Sedrick took Jason advice to apologize to Chelsea. He did apologized to her over a well planned dinner date and showered her with an expensive gift . He also decided to make her his girlfriend as a means to forget Jessy, which she gladly accepted. ...

The game is on. Karen told Stacy over a phone call.