

How can we not care about family , When we came from one and its all we got.

Defense day

It was Jessy's defense day , the day she had to defend her Business master's degree using her project . It was quite a busy day for her as well as her supervisors who wanted to do final touches. Meanwhile , Davida spent the night with Jessy, to help her prepare .

At school

The lecturers and professors concern were present. Jessy was surprised to see the many number of people who came to support her. She was a bit nervous at first , because she had to present her project in front of her professors who were to be considered as judges and also the crowd who came to witness her. I can do this . I can do this. She kept telling herself . She finally presented her project successfully , boldly, with intelligence and she defended all topics she selected for her project, won all the debates with her judges and also convincing them about her new business ideas , all those put together gave her a top score from her judges and applauds from the crowd.

Jessy's POV

I did it , I set up my goals and I achieved them successfully. Finally I can testify that coming here was the best thing ever . Life keeps getting better .

Davida walked to Jessy after she was busy greeting some high class people who came to witness Jessy. I am proud of you baby sis Davida said as they hugged each other. Thank you biggie , I would not have done this without you. Jessy said sincerely . So are you ready to storm the working world .? Davida and Jessy were both excited after that question. But slowly , Jessy's excitement faded. Davida noticed the change of mood . Hey what's wrong .? Davida asked . You know I may look normal but deep down in me I wished , mom and dad were here with me and tell me they are proud of me . Jessy said sadly.

Aww baby .. I understand but hey .. don't worry , they will come along one day soon enough. Davida tried to console Jessy. Really for how long? Why do you always defend them ? Jessy asked . Davida sighed and said, you are a strong lady I know , but I only say what I hoped for, not defending them . ..

Hey listen today is our happy day let's not spoil it like this. They both left to celebrate with others . They had a feast in honor of Jessy.

Everyone was in a party mood Jessy was having fun with friends and well wishers , when all of a sudden she got a call from her dad. After seeing who the caller was , she was ready for a fight but she calmed down immediately when her dad told her where to come meet him. She quickly ran out of the party hall in excitement to meet her dad. When she found her dad , She was filled with so much happiness and lost in dismay because she couldn't believe her dad will actually come.

Daddy ? Jessy hugged him with tears and Mr Atam was also caught up in the moment. I hate you ... So much .. Do you know how many times I have longed to have this hug , a father by me ... Wait where is mom .. is she not suppose to be here too ? Jessy cried out her frustration. Mr Atam kept quiet as Jessy ranted all through. Are you done ? He asked . No but yea you can talk. Hhhh ... I know I am the worst dad , I do not deserve you , I know I haven't shown more concern , but it doesn't mean I don't care , .. I do care and love you but you will not understand why things turned out like this. I love you , I love all of you . I just don't know if you believe me but I didn't mean to keep my distance . I just want to protect you. Mr Atam said sincerely. But why? protect me from what ? Jessy asked .

You know Jessy on my way to success, I made a lot friends and a lot of enemies . These both my friends and enemies are very dangerous. Jess I am like the wanted criminal .. I live in hiding cos they might get to you first , I dunno if you understand ... and that's not the only reason why I kept my distance. Mr Atam continued. What's the other reason ? Jessy asked as she listened keenly. I felt guilty and selfish and ashamed . Because in my quest for wealth and fame , I neglected my family . Will you ever forgive me ? if I told you things I have done you will never want to see me . Mr Atam added.

It is not too late to make it right dad. Jessy advised

Yea I will make things right. I promise you , Please , give me little time . Please let this be our little secret ...Mr Atam pleaded . Jessy hugged him some more . Ok just little time I will give you and you don't bother about me too .. I wanna stay here and hustle like everyone else. Jessy said . At least lemme offer you my gift . Dad hope its a gift I can carry ? Jessy asked teasingly .. You know it is movable from the inside. .. They both laughed . I am proud you daughter. That was Mr Atam's final words as he left. Jessy sat there with mixed emotions.

Hey you. . I have been looking for you what are you doing here? Davida who just found Jessy said. oh just sneaked in here to answer a call .. Jessy lied. Well I will like you to meet some people.

Few days later.

Sedrick paid a visit to his uncle Mr Gary very early in the morning on his way to work .

Hey big man .. dress in expensive suit .. looking all fine and clean ... I am surprised to see you here this morning. Mr Gary said when he saw Sedrick walking as an alpha king. Good morning uncle ,

You going somewhere ? Sedrick asked seeing Mr Gary getting set to go out. Well yea a lil spin will do . Mr Gary replied. I thought we agreed you stay indoors .Agent Jonson is still searching for you . Sedrick got provoked . Aaah Jonson .. if he catches me then he is lucky if not then boom. Mr Gary replied.

You know what ? I don't even care .. do what you want . I came to inform you that I am no longer part of your drug business.. I will not cover up for you and I will not save your ass anymore if you get into trouble. Sedrick informed.


Mind your tongue big guy no such words to me . Mr Gary replied.

Oh I thought you taught me these words and also whatever you do I do not care but do not hurt Jessy . Sedrick said .

I hate it when you come up with this attitude . You turning into a girl , boy! Where is the Sedrick I use to know ? The arrogant and mean and heartless one .. What .? did your lil lost but found girlfriend steal that away ? Or are you just pranking me .. come on boy tell me it's a prank. Sedrick stood giving him a stern and strict look . Mr Gary waited for him to say something to no avail. Oh not a prank then .. Ok well I hate to break it to you, but in this game , You go by my rules . Got it ? Mr Gary continued . Your rules suck .. I dare you . Do not hurt Jessy else I will kill you myself and make sure no one remembers you , dear.. uncle ... Gary. Sedrick threatened and immediately walked away.

How dare he ? Sedrick you dunno who you messing with . You just don't know. Mr Gary said to himself.

On the other hand , Davida's investigation was going on smoothly , Raymond reassured her she had nothing to worry about . Thier friendship grew with time . Shirley didn't like the idea that Raymond was getting close to Davida especially when she discovered he was working with Mr Dickinson. Also she kept on convincing herself it was just one of his strategies not to get caught . She decided to confront him.

I don't know what your plans are but why are you busy making Davida to fall in love with you again. Shirley confronted . Raymond smirked , You do you and I will do me . You stick to your plans and I will stick to mine. He replied. Really ... how can I trust you, you work for her uncle . Shirley said. Well honey if you need clarifications ... you will be wasting your time . You stay on your lane. After all we have a common goal, bringing Davida and her family down and bringing Davida is all what I wanna do .. she will pay for treating like thrash in the past . Raymond said furiously. Shirley finally got it. Raymond was seeking revenge for what happened in the past. she smile as though she was reassured and l left.

I hope I managed to convinced her. Raymond said to himself as he watch Shirley leave.

About Raymond and Davida 's past , they dated some time ago , but separated because Raymond cheated. Since then they haven't met till when Davida invited Raymond to help her.

Jessy's Residence

After Jessy's defense , she decided to remain in that town . So while Davida travelled back , she stayed back .It was her home town .

In the morning

Jessy woke up after hearing her doorbell rang. When she got to the door to open , she saw only a note and a key on the floor on the note it was written " Congratulations Miss Jessy Atam " and the key belonged to a brand new sports bike that was parked in front of her yard. She was confused because she didn't know where it came from it wasn't signed but she suspected it was from her dad . He still remembered how obsessed I was about bikes , only him could have done this . .. unless Sedr.... no no it can't be him . While she wandered who did it , she settled with the fact that it was offered by her dad. The truth is Sedrick dropped it on his way to work, it was his secret gift to Jessy. Still on his way when he dropped it off , he saw how clean the love tree was ? He had never seen it that clean before , he was amazed because, since Chelsea's disappearance , he had neglected the tree . when he saw the tree ,he couldn't help but go to check it out. He met the man who lived there. Hey good morning sir. Sedrick greeted . Good morning.. did you just discovered the love tree ... ? The man asked. Love tree ? Sedrick asked curiously . Yes! Can't you see .. this tree was planted by two love birds . The man said pointing at a block built beside the tree with a signature on it . It was signed "DYLSEA". Oh no I just haven't.. ssss ... I just haven't seen or rather notice the activities going on around here .. Sedrick stuttered. Well yea I have been trying my best till recently I got help .. she is a specialist in cleaning this ... That is why it looks more attractive . The man explained. She ... ? Sedrick asked . Yea a very good slim and sexy She ..." she " comes here from time to time . Sedrick smiled . It must be Chelsea .. damn, She remembered . Sedrick said to himself. Thank you Sir I think I should start coming here once inna while too .Sedrick said Just call me Thompson .Mr Thompson replied. Immediately

Sedrick left, Jessy arrived there .. she sat there thinking a lot to herself. Hi good morning Mr Thompson ..Jessy greeted. Hey Young lady .. you know I have been wondering why you sit here all the time alone . You can talk to me , if you want to. Mr Thompson said. I am waiting for true love. Jessy replied . Tell me all about it . Its a ...long story.. I Uuhm I fell in love at a young age .. he .... we shared great memories together ... unforgettable memories and all of a sudden he disappeared till date .. recently I've been having feeling that I will definitely see him again. Jessy explained. Mr Thompson sat beside her , hold on to your belief it will not fail you.

At Mr Dickinson's work place

Mr Gary met up with Mr Dickinson at his office.

You inviting me over here this morning is surprising. Gary said to Dickinson. It is time to focus on the game my friend. Dickinson replied. So tell me what is the new information , you said you have. Gary asked . I had an insider in the Atam's company. Dickinson said . What! Gary exclaimed in excitement. Yes ! I know my brother too well so I knew exactly how get to him. Just then the door opened and it was Mr Atam's PA who came who walked in . We are not alone. Dickinson said. He is closest to Louis . Dickinson continued. Ok . I have limited time here. So I will go straight to the point .. First of all Chief Louis's will is his privacy only between him and his lawyer . But if you must know , The multi million dollar company will be given to his youngest daughter , when time comes. Both Gary and Dickinson were shocked after hearing that as they thought it was to be given to Davida. Also I discovered that he works with a someone called the "Ghost drug lord" . They partnership together.. Mr Atam's PA said. well that's all I know... I also know that ...He wanted to continue but was interrupted . wait ! Did you say Ghost drug Lord? Gary asked. look , Chief Louis is a good man .. Dickinson you and your brother need to sit and talk things over. The PA continued. Do you know him ? Dickinson asked Gary ignoring The PA's words . Hell yes! He is the ghost drug Lord ... Gary replied. Ok I think I should go now ..The PA said. I hope you didn't tell Louis about our encounter. Dickinson asked . No ! I didn't. You asked for a favor and I did it . The PA replied. Yes do me another favor , we didn't have this conversation, you go back to your Job like nothing ever happened. The PA nodded his head and left immediately. How can you trust him. Gary felt uncomfortable with The PA . Oh come on he will mind his business . Right now I need to figure out a way to take down Jessy .. or in fact get in touch with Louis's Lawyer. Dickinson said.

Listen ... The first goal is taking down Chief Louis first we need to make sure he loses all his noble right in public before we kill him. Gary said . I thought your nephew will handle that?Dickinson said. Sedrick is a jerk I have other plans for him. He has the guts to threaten me if I dared to hurt Jessy . .. Well I have a plan . I need you to stick with your plan , using Davida . Gary replied. Just then Dickinson noticed someone's presence behind the door . Who is there. he called out. It turns out that the PA who was believed to have left some minutes ago , was still roaming around eavesdropping on Dickinson and Gary's conversation. Immediately Dickinson called out , out of fear of being caught, the PA ran swiftly to his car but unfortunately his footsteps was so loud that he was spotted from the window. Shit! He heard everything . Dickinson panicked . I thought you said we can trust him. Gary asked. How was I suppose to know he was a jerk..Dickinson replied. Immediately Gary reached out for his phone. He ordered his men to follow and kill the PA , he described his car and also his direction. I want him dead , no traces allowed ... He said and dropped the call. Dickinson was worried . No why do you want to kill him? He asked. Why should I not kill him, you prefer he goes and disclose us ? Gary replied. There would have been and alternative to this not Kill him . Dickinson replied back. Gary got fed up with Dickinson's complain, he held him and said , Don't act you are such a saint , we both know you murdered, Louis's wife and you put the blame on him so chill. At least I am better than you who killed your brother's whole family ... and still manage to blame Louis. Dickinson replied . Gary burst into laughter . We are on the same side. Soon we will laugh at this . he said . I am out . Don't worry I'll tell you when my men have done what I asked them to do . He left leaving Dickinson there still looking very worried and shocked at Gary's instant decision on Mr Atam's PA case.