
No more Secrets

There are no secrets under the light . One day every truth shall be told.

The next morning

Sedrick woke up , left a romantic note for Laila as she was still fast asleep .

He was suppose to meet up with the ghost drug Lord that day . He had requested his help and also a private meeting with him .

Sedrick's POV

You may be wondering why I decided to involve the Ghost drug Lord .

Well he was like my street father . Remember I said I grew up in the street ? Not exactly . When I lost my parents , I ran off and immediately fell in the hands of some men who took me in . They introduced me to The ghost drug lord after hearing my story . He then offered to pay for my education , he trained me to be this fierce , I never sold drugs until my uncle found me and I had to move on with him and completed my education . Are you wondering who the Ghost drug lord is ? Me too I have never met him not once only his voice and instructions and advises he gave. But today I hope to see him .

When Sedrick got to the exact place where he was to meet the ghost drug lord , He heard a voice that echoed from afar . It was an open space so he couldn't tell from which direction it came from.

Welcome son! The voice said .

When Sedrick turned around he found a man in mask walking towards him .

Sedrick : (Pointed his gun at him ) Who are you?

Mask man: Who did you ask to see ? ( removes his mask) . No more time to waste

Sedrick was shocked to see who it was , then he held his gun firm still pointing it at him . I requested the ghost drug lord not you chief Louis .

The Ghost drug Lord was chief Louis all this time.

Oh son I knew there will be a time you will need my help . Little did I know it was to fight a common enemy .

I know why you are here . Gary has been misbehaving . Don't worry I will help you . But first I need my daughter .

Chief Louis said as he walked to Sedrick who was still holding up his pistol looking lost.

He had a thousand thoughts running in his mind , he couldn't think properly especially when he couldn't imagine that the person who trained and sponsor part of his life was the same person who killed his parents .

When he thought all about that , his only aim was to avenge his parents dead .

I will not accept help from a heartless murderer like you. Sedrick said furiously .

I see , You killed my parents after all my dad did for you to make your business grow , Men like you do not need a life .He added .

Oh goodness not again .. Why is everyone blaming me for something I did not do .

Mr Atam tried to explain all what that happened , that he was not responsible for Sedrick 's Parents dead . But Sedrick gave him a deaf ear . He was blinded by his hunger for vengeance.

The reason I took you in and trained you was because of the services your father rendered . He was my friend and believe me I was also bent on knowing who did that to him . But I just could not because everyone started blaming me for it. Mr Atam explained .

And why do you think I will believe you . You think this a talent show , where you are just going to create stupid stories and narrate for me to believe .? I saw the video , you were standing there , you watch them burn to dead . Why did you not do anything ? Sedrick asked .

Because I was a coward at that time . It was a set up .But now I know who it was . Mr Atam shouted . I need my daughter Sedrick . She will be safer with me than with you. He requested.

Never! She is safer with me . How can I trust her to you , you killed her mother . Damn you are a very cold hearted beast. Sedrick replied

Enough ! I didn't kill my wife , I know I am evil but not heartless. I didn't kill my wife period . You will hand Jessy over and let's get over with this as soon as possible . Mr Atam got provoked as he was moving slowly towards Sedrick .

Do not come any further or I will shoot you . Sedrick said . He was caught between the fact that , that was Jessy's father and he wouldn't want to hurt her by harming her father who she claimed had made peace with her and also he is the man that was believed to had murdered his parents . While in his confusion and Mr Atam's eagerness to move when he was asked to stand still and also with a lot of painful memories flashing in and out of Sedrick's brain. He accidentally shot Mr Atam on the leg . Immediately that happened another gunshot hit Mr Atam's shoulder from behind . The two gunshots sounded at once, one could not tell which one was which . Equally , the two bullets penetrated Mr Atam's body at once. When Sedrick noticed there was a sniper around , he shot several times back at him causing him to escape . While Sedrick sought for help to carry unconscious Mr Atam .

At Mr Gary's camp

It is done sir . The sniper said to Mr Gary .

I also know where Jessy is hiding . Mr Dickinson said .

So now if Louis is down , our only problem now is Sedrick . I think we should still stick to the plan of adopting Jessy especially when he signed fake documents for me. Mr Gary said .

Sedrick brought Mr Atam to the same house he brought Raymond . Where his personal doctors were always available to administer treatment to them .

Raymond had recovered a little bit he was able to talk and move .

Mr Atam was deeply wounded but was still conscious , when Sedrick and some men brought him in .

You shot me ! Hahahaha ... I am never giving you my daughter's hand in marriage . Mr Atam teased in pains .

I am sorry i didn't mean to shoot you , In fact I just shot your leg only , no big deal. Sedrick replied impatiently .

Son ... I am not a bad man . I helped a lot of young people not for myself I trained a lot of people to reach thier goals . Mr Atam said as the doctor was treating his wounds.

I didn't expect for you to come to me , I was suppose to find you.

Sedrick said then all of sudden he burst out in rage . He pointed his gun at the doctors ordering them to leave .

Leave us! he ordered .

But sir he is still bleeding ... It is dangerous . The scared doctor said.

I said leave us! Sedrick ordered again .

The doctors left leaving both of them alone . Sedrick walked in the room going up and down trying to control his anger and when he couldn't , he pointed the gun at Mr Atam .

What did my parents ever do to you . He asked .

Mr Atam laughed . It is clear you have block in your head in place of brain. How many times

How many times do I have to explain myself . Mr Atam said.

You think this is funny huh ? Sedrick began to shoot violently on the wall and everywhere else but Mr Atam .

How can you miss the target on several counts . I am right here in bed my boy . Mr Atam teased again.

I trained my whole life waiting for the day when I will meet you in person and take life out of you .

Now that I have the opportunity , I can not even do it . Sedrick cried in frustration .

Mr Atam stretch his hands to his own he held them firmly and said , The vengeance that you seek is not with me . I will never hurt your parents I swear . Your father was my good friend . He help me become who I am today . Rather you should question your uncle Gary is the devil. He did , just as he killed your grandfather for his selfish reasons . You have to trust me I am on your side .

Sedrick gave Mr Atam the benefit of doubt because he knew how manipulative his uncle was . He ordered the doctors to come back and continued thier work while he invited Raymond and Agent Johnson in .

Thier main focus now was how to capture Mr Gary and Mr Dickinson .

Raymond gave them the video tape he took of them admitting thier evil deeds to each other. Sedrick confirmed from there that his uncle was responsible for his parents dead , while Mr Atam discovered also that the crime he had been feeling guilty of all his life was actually committed by Mr Dickinson .

All of them decided to joint forces to attack and defeat Mr Gary and his team.

At Sedrick 's hideout .

Laila stayed at home waiting for Sedrick 's return . He had taken too long than usual , Laila began to worry and tried calling his number which rang but no answer .

After several attempts of calling in vain , she decided to wait patiently for him while keeping her fingers crossed that nothing bad had happened to him .

After Some few minutes , She head the door bell rang as she excited ran to open it she discovered that it was a stranger .

Good day Miss Laila , My name is not important and Mr Sedrick sent me to fetch you for a surprise date . The stranger said

What ? are you sure about this ? Laila asked . Just then a message entered her phone . which read " Baby go with him I sent him" When Laila called , nobody answered .

Why is he not picking my calls ? Laila asked . ? Because he is busy setting up a date . Laila became suspicious of the stranger and demanded that to prove he is harmless let her use his phone to call Sedrick .

But the stranger was reluctant to give in to her demands .Finally when she decided to lock the door he pushed it hard , forced himself in and used a drug to knock her out.

Few moments later

Laila woke up and found herself in a room when she regained her consciousness

fully , he discovered she couldn't move because she was tired up firmly to a bed.

Welcome Jessy oh should I say Laila . Mr Gary said . He was sitting on a couch next to Laila .

Who are you . Where am I ? Laila asked in confusion .

Mr Gary : Calm down sweetie .I have all the answers to your questions .

Laila : Who are you ?

Mr Gary : No the question should be who are you ?

Laila : I just asked that dummy

Mr Gary : Uuff ! Always as annoying as your stupid father .

Laila : Wait you know my father ?

Mr Gary untied her , poured a glass of whiskey for her .

Mr Gary : Look around Jessy , that is Sedrick's portrait on the wall . The man you are so much in love with . I will not harm you . I wanna save you from the evil hands of this wicked world .

Laila : Is Jessy my real name ? Is Sedrick here ... Sedrick ...( She called out ) .

Mr Gary : ( scoffed ) He will not come . He should be in the arms of another woman by now . Don't tell me you believed you were the only one. ( Laughed ) .

Laila : What do you mean ?

Ok ok Sit and Listen .

Mr Gary recounted Jessy's past to her untill when she had the accident that nearly cost her life trying to bring back her memory .

The only reason you are with Sedrick is because he wants to use you to avenge his parents dead . He blames your father for killing them . And guess what he did he already killed your father . Mr Gary explained .

Lies , Sedrick will never do that to me , he loves me . Jessy who was still confused by the whole story cried.

Oh dear . Did he ever tell you that he loves you ? Mr Gary asked. Jessy remained silent because she knew it was true . Sedrick had never said to her directly that he loved her.

I thought as much . He sent some photos to Her phone , when she opened them , they were pictures that captured Sedrick pointing a gun at Mr Atam . And another captured Mr Atam lying on the ground all bloody .

That is your father Jessy . He has been murdered by the man you love so much . How sad because you were his next target .

The man he sent to fetch you was a hired assassin . He sent to get you killed .But we got there in time and here you are . Mr Gary lied.

It turned out that Sedrick accidentally left his phone where he went to meet the Ghost drug lord.

You are alive only because you have something that belongs to my friend . Just then Mr Dickinson walked in .

Immediately he did , Jessy recognized him. It was the same man she saw in her dreams strangling her mother , which traumatized her a lot as a little girl.

Just then Jessy started screaming and holding her head . All her lost memories came back to her . She remembered everything that happened up to date , but pretended to be still confused and clueless .

Hi niece , long time no see . Mr Dickinson greeted her cordially .

Niece ? Are you my uncle ?

Yes and I will like to make it simple for you . You have some documents that belong to me . All you have to do is give them to me and you will be free to live or you can join your late mother and father and why not your sister. Jessy recalled very well what her uncle was talking about . She remembered her father trusting the documents to her on her defense day , begging her to keep it safe.

Which documents ? Jessy asked.

Come on ! Jessy . You need to remember fast I don't have time . Mr Dickinson provoked.

Calm down Dickinson . I know just how to make her regain her memory . First let her rest and digest the information she has now .

Mr Gary and Mr Dickinson left her alone in the room .

Jessy's POV

This is where I put my karate and fighting skills into action . Yes I learnt a lot of that when I was a teenager .How dare he play me for a fool. So I was only a toy used to exercise his skills to avenge people's dead .

Jessy search for a way to get out , to no avail .

When she noticed there was a guard at the door , she pretended as if she in dying need of water . A perfect excuse for him to open the door . when he opened the door to ask her what she wanted , She bravely knocked him off to the floor , escaping the room . As she snuck out of the building she encountered a few men who came as obstacles , but she fought them off . That is when they raised an alarm that she had escaped . Fortunately for her , She met a car outside , she hopped in and drove off .

Sedrick had already noticed her disappearance and was so worried . He also noticed that he had lost his phone too so he used a strange number to call Jessy's number . He was so worried to an extend that he went in search for her.

Jessy drove up to a hill away from thier hideout . Then when he noticed the missed calls from the strange numbers , She decided to call back . when she did she noticed it was Sedrick . He seemed worried about Jessy's whereabout.

Where the hell are you . ?Sedrick asked Jessy described and directed the place she was .

When Sedrick got there , he parked his car and decided to walk a little distant up to Jessy . When Jessy saw him coming , she entered her car and wanted to run over Sedrick furiously . When Sedrick saw how fast and furiously she was driving the car towards him , he quickly jump to the other side of the road , causing him to fall. Immediately Jessy got out of the car , She pointed the gun at Sedrick .

I am not in for your silly games again Sedrick .

Where is my father ? Jessy asked boldly

What , what do you mean ? I do not have your father . Sedrick replied as he surrendered to Jessy .

What has gotten over you ? Laila .. He asked

No! you may call me Jessy and I know what you did . I know the truth you never loved me , you don't love me . You were only using me to avenge your parents dead true or false ? Jessy asked .

Sedrick realized that She had regain her memory .

Put down your gun Jessy let us talk . Sedrick demanded and when Jessy refused , He forcefully seized the gun and holding her two hands from behind so she could not move.

I understand that you want to know the truth . I am also glad to know that you recovered your memory . All I ask is for you to hear me out. Sedrick whispered in her ears .

Jessy remained calmed . Sedrick released her then he kept the gun.

What did I ever do to you Sedrick . Hhh! You know in my goofiness , I still have a heart that deserved to loved or at least respected .

When coming here , One of my main goals was to meet someone who will love me and I love him back . Then I met you . I didn't plan on meeting you . I didn't plan to fall in love with you . Jessy cried .

Sedrick stayed quiet , waiting for her to air up her mind .

When you said you didn't want anything to with me , I appreciated that . It made me concentrated on other things you know , I even started hoping that I will see my first love again ... She chuckled . I was believing in shits , then , then you came again and here we are . Jessy continued , she had mixed feelings .

Do you think this is how I planned for a happy ending ?

I did not plan to be with you

I did not plan on having a heart that will care for anyone

I did not plan on stop being the arrogant boss who disregards anybody but himself

Till I met you and guess what , I didn't even plan that either .

Being good kills me but surprisingly I enjoy it because of you. Sedrick replied as he was buried in his emotions .

My uncle is right , The only thing I wanted from you was a passport to meet your father in person and avenge my parent's dead .

No matter how hard I tried to be hard on you , I just could not help myself from falling .

So now I do not want to hurt you never , instead I wanna protect you . Sedrick continued remorsefully .

The both listened to the sound of silence as no one uttered a word .

"I am sorry "

Sedrick said sincerely .

Jessy was amazed because he had never said Sedrick apologize to anyone sincerely .

Sedrick saw how amazed she was and continued .

You are the only one who makes me to say this . This time around it is not forced .

He held her hands I am sorry very sorry . I want to be a better man for you and I meant it when I said I need you to teach me . Jessy was speechless and kept looking at him .

Enough of all these lies Sedrick , I wanna see my dad . Jessy said.

I understand if you do not want me anymore .He let go of her hands

Come I will take you to your father , he lives