
No more secrets 2

Jessy followed him to meet her father . When they arrived there , She was happy to see her father and also Nanny Dorathy and Davida who was recently discharged from the hospital .

Who did this to you Jessy asked her father as he struggled to get up from the bed.

You future husband did Hahahaha. Mr Atam teased.

I did not mean to. Sedrick replied

But you did it anyway . Mr Atam said .

Jessy was shock to see Debby she thought it was her mother .

Jessy : Mom? Oh wow after a longtime you showed your face ? You not even ashamed are you?

Davida :(To Jessy , trying to calm her down ) Calm down sis

Jessy : Why should I calm down ?

Debby : Sorry Jessy I really do not know what to say.

Davida : May be if you guys would have told her the truth then all these would be a lot easier for her .

Mr Atam : Come on Davi we do not need to do this.

Jessy : Tell me what ? ( Curious )

Davida : You better tell her or I will.

Davida pressurised her father to speak up .

Well I guess sooner or later the truth was bound to come out and now is later . Mr Atam sighed heavily and said.

How do I say this ?

This woman you call or think is your mother , is actually not your biological mother . Mr Atam said sadly.

What .... what do you mean . ? Jessy asked curiously ?

This is your aunty , your mothers twin . Mr Atam continued

I do not understand ? Jessy asked again.

Your mother died along time ago.

Mr Atam told Jessy the bitter truth about her mother's dead .

So all my life I have been cursing someone who didn't even exist ? why did you hide it from me ? Jessy was devastated when she heard the news .

What happened to her ? She asked .

I accidentally pushed her during a fight and then she.. she fell , hit her head and died.

I am sorry Mr Atam said with regrets .

What ? You killed her then found her replacement how heartless could you be ? You made me think my mom didn't love me and how can you walk around shamelessly . Jessy cried with so much resentment . She was so mad at her dad for committing such atrocities while Davida consoled her .

I have something to say . Miss Dorathy said.

Your father isn't to blame for your mother's dead . The person who did it was your uncle Dickinson . Miss Dorathy said .

Everyone became curious and confused .

You see after your dad pushed your mom , He left her there out of anger . Your mom was ok and fine because she could get up . But Dickinson came in out of the blues , he used a pillow and suffocated her to dead . Miss Dorathy narrated remorsefully.

Jessy you and I saw it , That which you thought was a nightmare which traumatized you a lot was actually real . I only convinced you it was not what you think it was . She continued .

You knew about this all along and you said nothing ? How dare you ? Mr Atam asked angrily .

You did not care to investigate , you just assumed that you killed her and I said nothing because I was scared and ashamed of myself after all I did , I caused everything that happened . It is all my fault . Miss Dorathy cried.

Miss Dorathy's POV

It is time to reveal the truth . I have been hiding for years . I am not as good as you thought I was I messed up from the beginning and it messed everyone up as well and I am sorry .

Years ago I was in a long distance relationship with some very handsome boy . It may sound silly but we met on social media we became lovers and I loved him so much . I believed he loved me as well because I deprived him of seeing my real face, nor knowing my real name , I knew it was social media anything could happen and he was so patient in our one year relationship . I was so helplessly in love that if one day passed without me talking to him I will fall sick .

So I decided it was time for me to offer myself completely to him by presenting myself to him in person. I moved to his town of residence just to surprise him . Out of so much excitement , he told me to come celebrate his birthday with him . He said he was going to introduce me to his parents as his girlfriend on that day. The excitement , the anxiety all the best feelings I could get just filled my body.

Flash back to many years ago

It was Louis's birthday , Louis was the son of one of the most successful businessmen in the country .

A big party was hosted in his honour because of the following reasons :

1 ) He was a rich man's son , it was only natural

2) He just graduated as a 1st class masters student in a business school and his father thought it was time to introduce him to his partners.

and 3rd .... well we are about to find out.

Louis enjoyed his party but spend most of his time looking at his phone . It was obvious that he was expecting an important guest.

Son .. I hope you like your party ? Louis's mother asked .

Oh yes mother , you and father like to spoil me so much . I am very happy. Louise replied joyously .

Just then a message entered his phone , It was a text from Latifa his online girlfriend who he planned to introduce to his parents .

The message went thus " Traffic baby , but I am on my way I promise "

Louise's heart lightened up as he was so anxious to see Latifa after a long time . But did that happen ?

Louis's father called him over to meet his bestfriend and his daughter .

Son I will like you to meet Mr Spence and his lovely daughter Katherine . Louis greeted them accordingly paying so much attention to Katherine .

Your father and I have been discussing a lot how you both will make a good couple . Mr Spence Said.

In a nutshell son we want you to meet your girlfriend .

That was the 3rd reason

You and your girlfriend Katherine are a perfect match .

Spence and Katherine both laughed thinking it was a joke but it was no joke . They meant it .

Now Latifa had arrived the party a while ago and unfortunately she heard the conversation between Louis , Katherine and thier parents and also how merrily they chatted . She felt betrayed as she thought Louis had another girlfriend aside from her and had lied. She lamented over it and decided to go back without showing herself to Louise .She even went as far as blocking him on social media so he would never contact her again.

The marriage proposal between Louis and Katherine was getting serious but Louis was against it .

No Father , you can not choose a wife for me who does that . I am old enough . I can make my choices. Mother talk to your husband . Louise grumbled .

I am your father Louis I know what is best .

Katherine is a good girl , raised up by decent and noble parents . Have you tried getting close to her . ? And have you ever presented a girl to us as your girlfriend and we didn't consider ? Louis's father asked .

Louis was silent because he knew his father was right . Moreover he had tried to reach Latifa but to no avail . He also felt betrayed .

Son I need you to make up your mind, Love Katherine . Louis's father said .

After the back and fought , Louis and Katherine finally got married .

When Latifa learnt about it , She got so angry that she decided it would not be a happy marriage .

1 year later

Mrs Katherine was looking for a nanny who will take care of her kids while she goes to work . She was a doctor .

Latifa applied for the job and was accepted

She had vowed to destroy that home as she thought it should have been her married to Louise . However she never revealed herself to Louise as Latifa as she came in as Nanny Dorathy.

Katherine marriage was already a broken marriage . She was the only one who was willing to make things work , while Louis who blamed his parents for forcing him only concentrated on his businesses . He disregarded Katherine so much but her patience was priceless . As time went , Louis and Katherine started connecting with each other , thier first daughter Davida brought that connection . Things started getting better for Katherine , so she thought , untill Latifa decided to act.

Present time.

I was so jealous and bitter , I thought Louis should not love anyone but me. So I started putting Ideas in his head . I will lie or set Katherine up so Louis will get mad at her and push her away . Katherine always got so depressed and I was the cause . The fight that lead to her dead was caused by me .

I lied , I lied that she was having an affair with Gary who at that time was an employee. She had a special charm that could turn everyone to her side . She was so good and kind . After her dead , I have been feeling guilty all my life that I promised to take care of you her kids like my own . I am so sorry , I am so so sorry . Miss Dorathy confessed remorsefully .

Everyone was shocked and devastated to hear the story .

Latifa ... ? So why didn't you show up , how could you do this ? Mr Atam asked.

Jessy : Ok ok ok .... This is ridiculous , Nanny you too ? I thought you had our backs . ..

Miss Dorathy : (repented) I am so sorry , I was blinded by my jealousy and everything was so uncontrollable .

Sorry will not bring back my mother will it?. Jessy shouted with resentment and left all of sudden in tears .