
One true love.

What is meant to be will be . True love thus exist , sometimes we neglect what we feel for each other and focus only on what we think about each other ( our flaws) .

At Landrine and Laila's Apartment

Ever since Laila and Landrine moved to thier new apartment , Sedrick had not visited even once . But Laila was told she had a boyfriend named Sedrick and was curious to see him.

Sedrick decided to pay her a visit and reintroduce himself .

When Laila heard a knock at the door , she decided to open it . When she did she found an elegantly dressed handsome young man standing at the door with both hand in his trouser's pocket . She was marvelled by his look so much so that she kept staring at him without saying a word .

Hello Laila . Sedrick greeted with his deep alpha voice .

Uuuhm Landrine ..... I think there's someone at the door . Laila called out in fear , she was insecure . As she ran to call for Landrine , Sedrick walked behind her majestically . Landrine came running to see who it was and found out that it was Sedrick.

Boss! Welcome sir . Landrine greeted . Sedrick replied .

Is he your boss ? Laila asked curiously .

Yea he is your boyfriend too . Landrine replied

Oh. My boyfriend is your boss ? Laila was confused .

It's complicated . Landrine replied .

Leave us .Sedrick ordered . Landrine left .

Sedrick kissed Laila's forehead .

Sedrick : How are you ?

Laila : I guess I am good .

She was still marvelled by the way Sedrick looked.

Laila's thoughts

Wow , I have me some hot boyfriend here . Look at him , all swaggy and handsome . His charisma kills me softly , I just can't contain his charm.

Laila : ( clears throat ) So you are my boyfriend , ( Sedrick confirmed ) . So what took you so long to find me .

Sedrick : It is complicated . Forgive me I promise to always check on you from now on . ( kissed her hand and smiled ) . Do you forgive me?

Laila : So long as you stay this cute , I will forgive you. (smiled back).

Sedrick : So tell me all what have been going on with you .

They both enjoyed thier time together , Sedrick made sure Laila was comfortable . She already became fun of him. From that day he came visiting her ,took her on dates away from the public till things began to hit up .

Mr Gary's team started searching for Jessy . Jason acted as a spy in his team . He already got full trust from them and so channelled every vital information he could get to Sedrick. Including the fact that Jessy was wanted . While Agent Johnson was busy looking for Sedrick .

Davida who was in a safe hideout could not bare staying in doors for long so she decided to go confront Shirley .

I am sorry mam you can't go out . Said one of the bodyguards her father hired for her.

Why not ? Davida impatiently asked.

Chief Louise's orders .

So I will just sit here and allow you people to babysit me around ? No way . Looked around searching for the car keys ,

Gimme the Keys . She ordered the guard. She threatened that if he didn't let her go, she would get him fired. So he let her had her way.

At the Shirley's residence .

Shirley left her house in such a hurry and was about to go out. When she got to her car she noticed all her tyres were flat. She became worried because she was sure her car was in good shape .

Going some where babe ? Davida who was sitting near by said.

Shirley was surprised to see her .

Hhh You finally came out of your hiding place . Shirley laughed .

Yea You know I missed you I thought we could do a lil chitchat . Davida said as she walked up to her. Shirley was afraid , she did not expect Davida to show up at that time. She became uncomfortable .

I just wanna know why you became so cold? What did I ever do to you? Davida asked as she lighted a stick of cigarette and put in her mouth

Shirley sighed and took a sit beside Davida.

Do you how hard it is to be a friend of one of the most successful youths in our times ? You had everything at your disposal , everyone loved you . You got all the accolades and I was stuck with you only as a friend . Shirley confessed .

Davida burst into laughter after listening to Shirley . It called hard work dear. I worked hard to achieve my goals . Why didn't you try that . I remembered I advised you on a lot of things . But you just ignored them and you think I was gonna beg you to make you grow? Shirley remained silent while pondering on the things Davida was saying .

But you know , you wanting to kill me has open my eyes in a lot of things .

She removed a gun from her pockets . Shirley was taken aback . She didn't expect Davida to have a gun . Her whole body was tensed as she didn't know what to expect .

You destroyed my relationship with my first Love ? You set him up and then turn me against him , how smart .

You know all my time with you I actually thought you were doing me favors , when instead , you are a back stabber . Davida complained.

So you wanna kill me now Davi ? Shirley laughed .

You and I both know you will never do it . She continued .

You are right . I will never do it . She dropped the gun on the ground .

It's worthless . I forgive you Shirley . We can pretend as if nothing happened if only you stop being jealous of something you too can get and more . She added.

Shirley was monitoring Davida keenly and could wait for the slightest opportunity to pick up the gun when she looked away .

Unfortunately baby , I do not need your forgiveness not today , not ever. Shirley said as she pointed the gun at Davida , she had succeeded to snatch the gun .

Raymond appeared in the scene suddenly . He too was coming to confront Shirley , but snuck up on her after seeing what she was going to do .

I will kill you right now and we end this drama . As she triggered the gun , Raymond jumped in on her trying to stop her and out of fear , she pulled the trigger directly to Davida as she fell helpless on the ground bleeding and unconscious . Shirley dropped the gun immediately and ran away with regrets . Raymond wept for Davida after he called for help . When the neighbors arrived and was looking after Davida , Raymond followed after Shirley hoping to catch her .

Davida was rushed to the hospital .

Raymond succeeded to trace Shirley . When he caught up with her, his main aim was to kill her too as he thought Davida was dead . He was filled with so much anger and could not control himself .

Where will you run to now ? Raymond asked Shirley furiously .

Shirley smiled faintly . You know everything I did was for the best . She said .

You selfish little brat ! You can kiss goodbye to your best wishes . I win this time . Raymond replied. Shirley began to laugh so hard that Raymond wondered why . Then he saw that he was surrounded by armed men all pointing their guns . They were Mr Gary's men . Shirley had asked for his help .

Who is laughing now?

You see baby if only you chose the light , then you would be save . I am still winning . Shirley whispered as one of the men opened the car for her to get in and she drove off. Raymond was captured and as instructed , Mr Gary's men demanded for the records he had of all thier bad deeds before it reaches the police. But Raymond stood his grounds not to give it. He was beaten and shot once and when he was about to be killed by a second gunshot , some other men came attacking Mr Gary's men . They conquered them and took Raymond away. These were Sedrick's men .

Jason had informed Sedrick about Raymond's case . Raymond was saved because of the information he had . Raymond was brought to an isolated house where he was treated and well taken care of by Sedrick's personal doctor and others till he recovered fully .

At Landrine and Laila's House.

It was a cold and foggy morning , Laila woke up feeling very happy and decided she was going to make breakfast for her and Landrine . She had to go get the stuffs she needed at the store in the neighborhood . After Landrine's several attempts not to allow her go , He finally gave up and urged her not to take long , she agreed and left.

On her way from the Market , She was being followed unnoticed . As usual Sedrick passed by to see her . It was the day Sedrick had promised to spend 24hrs with her. When he got to the neighborhood , he could see Laila parading around and he also noticed that she was being followed . He also decided to follow the man after Laila , when he caught up with him , he knocked him out . They both fought with Sedrick taking the lead . When he defeated him , he asked him who sent him . The man confessed that Mr Gary sent him. Sedrick 's heart beat fast had mixed feelings after hearing his uncle name . He immediately ran to Laila's house . When he got there , out of anger ,he punch Landrine's face.

I told you to be careful and not let her out you dumb head. Sedrick furiously said.

I I am sorry sir i couldn't stop her she just couldn't listen . Landrine said tensely

Ok now so they found her so now what ? Sedrick asked . If something had happened to her , you would be a dead man . Sedrick said .

Laila who was watching all that was going on , was mad that Sedrick punch Landrine over her mistake even when she didn't know what was going on .

We need to leave here now . Sedrick told Laila as he pulled her . No why ? Laila asked.

Sedrick : You are in trouble , Gary found you ...

Laila : Who is Gary ( confused )

Sedrick : ( sighed) Don't worry you will know soon but now we need to leave here fast .

Laila : But I enjoy it here .... this is home.

Sedrick : ( Impatiently ) Look I do not have patience for all these nonsense now . This is not home , you do not even know where you from. ( Yelled )

Laila : Don't you dare yell at me ... ( yelled back )

Sedrick : ( Calmed ) Look.... ok fine . Just trust me . I am only worried about you. Come with me . ok ?

Laila : I am not coming with you untill you apologize to Landrine . Why would you punch him like that . It was all my fault .

Sedrick : ( Fed up) There is no way I am apologizing to him . No way babe .

Laila : Then there is no way I am going with you . No way babe.

Sedrick tried to convince Laila but she insisted that unless he apologized to Landrine , she would not follow him.

So you serious ... Fine I will do it . Sedrick said as he went to apologize to Landrine .

Look man I am sorry for beating you up like that. Sedrick reluctantly said while Laila was watching .

Laila 's POV

Knowing him for some weeks now as my boyfriend but he never once said he loves me. But for him to humble himself like this for my sake is just one of the reason he likes me.

I did it can we go now. Sedrick requested .

Laila agreed . Sedrick gave Landrine keys to another house while he and Laila left together to his own.

At Sedrick's hideout

Sedrick and Laila got to his place . It was a beautiful house , Sedrick had hired a maid who just come in the morning and go later in the day .

This is your new home . Sedrick told Laila as she urge her in. I want you to feel at home . Just tell me anything you want and it will be done only please be careful do not leave the house without letting me know . You may not understand why but do not worry you will soon. He continued .

Laila nodded and took a tour around the house .

Laila's POV .

I don't know how I got here but I am beginning to like the life I got . My head hurts each time I try to force my past memories , I guess I had to listen to the doctor . Take it easy .

Laila had everything she needed and wanted but for freedom to go anywhere she wanted to go to at will. Sedrick was always busy and the only time she had time to spend with him was later in the day . She felt so bored and could not contain it She decided to confront Sedrick one night.

Sedrick came home that night looking tired , she waited for him to settle down after taking his bath.

Laila took a sit beside him fixing her eyes on him as he manipulated his computer .

When he noticed that Laila was looking at him , he felt uncomfortable.

Sedrick : What !

Laila : I wanna know about me.

Sedrick : I beg your pardon?

Laila : I wanna know all about me . Pardon granted ( smiled)

Sedrick wondered why she was asking , but decided to go with the flow.

So what do you want to know? Sedrick asked calmly .

Everything there is to know ..... Laila replied .

There is so much to know , but at the right time . Now is not just the right time . Sedrick responded gently .

Laila : Do you love me ?

Sedrick : Well you know I do ....

Laila : Then why have you never said it out loud.

Sedrick : What do you mean?

Laila : Say you love me . ..

Sedrick remained silent for a while . Laila argued with him.

Laila : Why can't you . You don't make me feel like your girlfriend . I feel like I am in some witness protection program or something . Just tell me the truth already

Sedrick : Calm down . Have been drinking .

Laila : I guess that is the only thing I am good at right . ( Silent for a while ) I can't live like this . I am tired of staying in doors all day and you are not even fun ... Why are you always grumpy and strict and arrogant you are not Mr Right like I see on television , you are Mr arrogant . I like you like that though but you are not just fun (gibbered )

Sedrick : What do you want me to do ? You already know the situation why are you tripping ? (Yelled back) . I am here trying to get all of us out of the mess we are in , so you can have your free life and you only here stressing me out ....

Laila : Stop yelling at me ! I am not responsible for your messes or am I ?

Sedrick : ( Sighed ) Ok so tell me what exactly you want me to do , I will do it .

Laila gazed at him for while and said honestly .

Make love to me . Now !

Sedrick was amazed at the words that uttered out of her mouth.

Sedrick : Are you out of your mind ? What are you, a pornstar ?

Laila : Yes now I get it , you are responsible for me losing my mind at first . This is clear prove and I am losing it again .

Sedrick : Listen to me young lady . I will not do anything with you untill you regain your memory fully . What if I was an imposter how can you just trust yourself to just anybody like that.

Laila : ( Laughed ) I do not get it . One minute you are like I should trust only you , the next you are blaming me for trusting you .... You better make up your mind Mister and pick one . Are my trusting or not ?

Sedrick : All I am saying is that you gotta be cautious .

Damn cautiousness and just fuck me already

Laila shouted .

Sedrick refused to give in to her demands .

Laila : OK you know what ? Just leave

Sedrick : What ?

Laila : Get out now .

Sedrick left the room . Laila quickly locked the door .

You can not lock me out of my own room . Sedrick said .

well I just did . Laila replied

Sedrick tried severally to convince Laila to let him in , but to no avail.

It was certain that he would sleep on the couch . That night.

Sedrick 's POV

My only preoccupation now is protecting Jessy and to give her the lifestyle she deserves . Of course I desire her a lot every time but I also respect her . She clearly do not know who she is yet . So until she recovers , I will not touch her . I guess this is another reason I like her so much.

The next morning

Laila woke up earlier than usual . She found Sedrick sleeping peacefully on the couch .

Aww look how cute he is . Laila said as she tried to kiss him on the cheek , but Sedrick woke up and immediately he did , Laila pretended as if she was not trying to kiss him.

Are you still mad at me ? Sedrick held her waist from behind and asked.

You should know better . Laila slowly removed his hands and reached out for her mug filled with coffee .

Listen , I respect you a lot ok . I will not do anything that will be inconvenient to you . Can you just be patient for goodness sake. Sedrick pleaded

Ok ! Laila replied but kept on ignoring Sedrick

Ok so what do I do to change your mood towards me now . I like the naughty you. Sedrick asked .

Laila did not respond .

I will do whatever you ask from me I promise . Just say it . Sedrick said . Laila's face lighted up a little bit as she heard that .

Will you take a walk with me . Just strolling nothing more . You and I . ... Laila requested .

Ok I can do that , but will you forgive me ?

Laila just smiled and hugged him really tight.

One minute you are an angel and the next you are naughty. But everything you do only makes me madly in love with you .Sedrick thought to himself while hugging Laila.

On the streets .

It was pass midday . Laila and Sedrick took a walk along the street. As usual Laila spent her time asking a lot of questions and teasing Sedrick . Sedrick kept his cool because he also enjoyed the walk . He was also very vigilant knowing they were both wanted .

They went to the local market around because Laila had requested that she wanted to get some stuffs for herself . While at the market , Sedrick got so impatient with the sellers but each time he wanted to yell or boss them around , Laila will calm him down by cutting off every arrogant words that he was about to utter

How many more things do you need to buy ?

I am losing it , I will punch somebody . Sedrick shouted in frustration .

Relax baby we are done. Laila replied .

Honestly I did not define taking a walk like this . I would not have accepted . Sedrick added . On thier way still in the market , somebody by passed them swiftly and mistakenly pushed an old lady's food stuff in front of them . As she struggled to pick up her stuffs , Laila opted to help and also urged Sedrick to help too .

Why should I do that , I am not responsible for her mess. Sedrick rudely replied Laila who asked him to help the old lady .

You promised to do anything I asked you to , this is not even counted cos this is just an act of kindness which will go a long way . You don't need to be rude , just do it . Laila ordered .

Sedrick immediately remembered what his late mom use to tell him about being kind . He then humbled himself and helped the old lady .

I hate being good . He whispered to the old woman .

Then love your wife more . She whispered back . When Sedrick was done picking up everything he gave the basket to the woman and left.

You are doing a good job . She whispered to Laila while giving her a thumbs up.

Laila smile and rushed to meet Sedrick who was standing besides a bar waiting for her . When Laila got there , the music from the bar attracted her . It was a live band playing old school songs while customers enjoyed and drank thier lives out.

Ouuuuh ! Did you hear the bass coming from the guitar ... It's charming just as your voice . Laila exclaimed .

Lets go ! Sedrick said .

Go ? To where .... No babe can we just get some drinks here I am thirsty . Plus the music is calling my name. Laila requested .

No.... come on there are drinks at home.

please ...

No ...

pleassssse ...

No Laila ....

The guitarist saw both of them and decided to go play around them . As he came playing , Laila began to dance .

Babe listen .... Ting ting ting ting

It makes my body go linga linga ling

Cos I'm so confuse by the way you look at me

Sometimes you so beautiful but your bad side I see

Your heart is clinging to the dark

Look around , It's a world full of happy faces but yours , yours

Look around , I just wanna have this fun with you what can get worst , worst .

Can you be abnormal for once and switch to my normality .

I promise this will your last for today its a certainty .

Laila let the music run though her veins as she whispered all these words to Sedrick .

Without further thoughts , Sedrick allowed her to have her fun .

Ok you will have one bottle of any beer of your choice , any fun you wanna have will be from the time you start drinking to the time you finish . He said .

Oh thanks baby I will use some 5 hours to finish a drink . Laila teased.

Hey don't play with Laila. Sedrick tripped .

Laila enjoyed her time at the bar , getting special treatments from the musicians especially when she could dance so well. Sedrick enjoyed when she came whining her waist for him . Then when other people danced with her , he got angry . Finally , he pulled Laila out from the bar , when he saw some man dancing and rubbing her waist .

Let's go he ordered .

Hey what's wrong with you we were only dancing . I am not even done with my drink yet. Laila said .

Sedrick notice they were being followed , so he urged them to run .

Now we need to run . Sedrick said as held Laila's hand and ran off with her .

Why are we running ? Laila asked .

Because we are being followed ... Sedrick answered .

It is your illusions following you. You would have told me to put on my sneakers if we were gonna be sneaking around . Laila said while panting.

Wait here . Sedrick said as he noticed one of the men already caught up with them he knocked him out and before he knew it a whole lot of them came for him , but he fought them off bravely . Then when he thought it was over , he and Laila walked back home when they reach an isolated place free from crowd or public , they got surrounded by Agent Johnson and his men .

Agent Johnson : There are not so many places you can hide Sedrick .

Sedrick : uuff I wasn't hoping you will find me so soon .

Agent Johnson ordered all his men to lower thier weapons and leave just both of them alone.

Sir are you sure about this this ? one of his men asked . He confirmed , so they did and left him alone with Sedrick and Laila .

Laila was already tired from all the running up and down so she sat down on the rock ignoring everything that was happening and enjoying the view of nature .

Laila : ( To Sedrick ) Have you ever had a glance of this view .. I bet at night it will be magical .

Sedrick :( was shock at the fact that Laila was not worried about anything that happened so far. ) Are you serious ? You can enjoy the view it will be very helpful for all of us . Sedrick sarcastically replied .

Agent Johnson : I wanna shoot you here and now Sedrick but I will not ( he removes two swords , threw one at Sedrick . ) I am a detective , I have been doing my research one of which I learnt you are good with swords .

Lemme see how good you now . Fight me !

Sedrick : This is not normal but why not , lemme give you the honor to fight with me.

The both men fought fairly , each of them showing off thier sword skills . It was obvious that Sedrick was pretty good with swords as he was the first to knock Agent Johnson's sword off his hands.

I am a noble man Agent , I do not know what this is all about but I will not harm you . Sedrick said and dropped his sword on the ground .

Immediately , Agent Johnson stood up on his feet and jumped on Sedrick , Pinning him to the ground .

Agent Johnson : Then why did you kill my wife ? you punk

Sedrick : ( Confused ) What I did not kill your

wife . why would I do that ?

Laila :( still ignoring the situation ) Can you guys feel this breeze ? It's magical .

All of them quickly glanced at her

Agent Johnson : Wait is that Jessy ?

Sedrick : You got it right . ( struggled to get up and succeeded ) .

DetectivJohnson : What is she doing here ? Her father is searching for her .

Sedrick : It is a long story . But how do I tell you when you wanna kill me .

Agent Johnson attacked Sedrick harder than before but Sedrick defeated him and pinned his back to the ground so he could not move .

You need to calm down . I am not the enemy here . My uncle is and what do you mean I killed your wife , I do not even know who she is why will I hurt her. Sedrick tried to explain , then when he felt Agent Johnson was calm , he slowly let him loose and extended his hand to help him stand .

The person left a note and I thought it was you. The Agent said .

The only person you should be thinking about now is my uncle . First he set me up , putting drugs in my house without my concern , I do not know what he told you but it is all lies.

And he is the only one who wanted to kill your wife to avenge his late girlfriend's dead.

Agent Johnson believed Sedrick after hearing that . Sedrick also explained Jessy's condition to him and also pleaded that he allow him handle his uncle alone , if they captured him .

I want to handle my uncle , you can get the rest done if you chose to work with me . Sedrick said.

I will grant you this request because I owe you for sparing my life. The Agent said as he left.

Sedrick turned around and found Laila still sitting on the rock with her leg crossed .

How can she be at peace at this particular time. I need her spirit. He said to himself .

Ok now princess , the show is over , let's go home. Laila got up and walked to him .

I did enjoy the show . She said .

Which planet did you emerge from ? Sedrick asked.

Later that day

When they got home , Laila quickly took her bath and when she went to tell Sedrick she was tired and was going to bed , he found him struggling with the bruises he got from all the fighting .

Lemme help you . She said as she gently cleaned the wounds .

Can you please tell me exactly what is going on ?

Who are you , who am I , Was I right when I talk about a witness protection program . Really I want to know . Are you really my boyfriend and how did we get here. She asked

Sedrick remained silent

You know after everything that has happened , I am afraid . What if I woke up tomorrow and don't see you , why do we have to hide , why are all these men following you around ? She added as tears rolled down her cheeks dropping on Sedrick's wounds . He pulled her to sit on his laps .

I wanna tell you all I promise but first I need to make sure you are ok . I promised myself to protect you and that is what I am doing . Trust me . All will be fine . Just gimme small time . Will you ? Sedrick replied sincerely .

Laila nodded and kept staring at him then slowly she kissed his wounds on his chest and then reach out to his abs while Sedrick caressed her hair , he reach for her lips . He gave her a long French kiss while they slowly caressed each other's body . Sedrick then carried her to the bed, the made love passionately whispering dirty words to each other and enjoying each other's body and comfort . The two lovers spent the night satisfied and pleasuring .

Sedrick's thoughts

If only you knew how much I love you . What did you do to me to turn me into an angel , I do not care . It is my priority to make you happy and that is all I care about now . It is time to put a stop to this nonsense .