
Let the Game Begin

It is game time , Players either win or lose , some just get lucky with little or no effort at all , while others really work hard but still don't get to thier goals. rThe truth is , fate is always the major judge and there will always be a winning team .

The game was about to begin , in this game , we had a ruling team , the successful ones. These ones had everything goin on well for them from the beginning , little did they know that thier success instilled hatred in a lot of people and we had the opposing team , the enemies of progress . These ones would do anything to bring down the ruling team so they can step up.

Karen , also known as Chelsea was about to launch her attack on Sedrick . Her plan with Stacy was to make Sedrick lose all rights as owner and CEO of Hilton hotel and his other properties . They had already come up with strategies to make sure it happened . While Sedrick had already made Chelsea his PA , She now played a double role in his life , his girlfriend and his Personal Assistant. She now had privileges of knowing Sedrick's every movement. Thier relationship as couples was not yet strong as Sedrick was just giving it a try , he also decided to try harder when he discovered that their love tree meant a lot to Chelsea.

Sedrick's office

You know sometimes I really wanna end it . Cos I feel like we are fooling ourselves. But I do not wanna hurt her. Sedrick told Jason who on his way back home, decided to check on him.

She is grown up , she will understand. Just tell her straight up. Jason replied. It is hard ... each time she melts my heart with our memories . Sedrick said . So what do you wanna do ? Jason asked . May be love her more ..... Sedrick said. Man , you know what is best for you . But are you sure this Chelsea girl is honest? Jason asked seriously. What do you mean ? Sedrick was curious to know. I dunno man , I suspect her , my instincts are still working. Jason replied.

I know I know ... I tried searching her past but no info and as of now she doesn't look suspicious to me. Sedrick said. Hey you should employ me .. my holiday starts next week . I could investigate her. Jason teased. You do what you wanna do . I am watching her closely too .

Just then Chelsea walked in . Jason stood up immediately at the sight of her . Well I should go now . He said. Jason hi I am sorry did I chase you away ? Chelsea asked . No I was about to go .. Jason bid farewell to both of them and left . Your friend doesn't seem to like me much. Chelsea said. He is gay ! Sedrick teased. Chelsea was shocked and confused at the same time because she thought Jason loved women a lot. Relax ... I am only playing. He is still getting use to you. So why do you go to the our love tree without taking me along.. Sedrick asked . Uuhm Love tree ? which tree ? Chelsea pondered. Come on ... I passed there this morning . Mr Thompson told me all what you did .. and I am a bit ashamed of myself I totally abandoned it seeing it today refreshed my memories back to when we where little. Sedrick said sincerely with a blush on his face.

Karen's POV

Ok ok ok this is weird this might be a situation where I got caught. I have some questions , Number one , what the hell is he talking about ? Love tree , back to when we were kids? ... this whole shit is confusing . Number two , this mother fucker does know how to smile ??? Damn his dimples are so cute why does he not smile often , I might fall in love. Focus Karen , focus. Ok back to Chelsea mode.

Chelsea looked confused but tried so hard not to get noticed. So she pretended to know exactly what Sedrick was saying. Oh yea love tree hahahaha .. I just did what I know how to do best ...Chelsea pretended. I can see that . Sedrick confirmed. So are you ready for tomorrow's meeting? Chelsea asked , trying to change the topic. The game was on

Meanwhile Davida was not completely sure she could trust her team mates , She still decided to keep her fingers cross .

Raymond invited Davida out on a date , they had a beautiful time talking about thier daily activities and other stuffs .

Hey I really wanted us to talk about what happened in the past that caused our separation. Raymond said . Davida sighed heavily leaned back to her chair and replied, Raymond let the past remain the past . I really don't want to talk about it . Please let's focus on more important things now . I know but we never ever talked about it . Raymond said. That is cos you left .. you left unnoticed ... what was I suppose to do ? Davida got irritated.

Ok fine may be its a bad idea to talk about it .. Removed a USB key and put into Davida's hands .. Keep it safe don't raise an alarm or anything when you watch it especially to the enemies. Just pretend you are clueless ok ? Davida got worried , but what is in here ? She asked . Raymond whispered some highlights in her ears. Davida nodded her head not to disclose it to anyone. I want you to know that despite the past , I will always have your back. Raymond said . The game was on

Mr Atam's residence .

Mr Atam got the shocking news that his PA was shot dead on his way to work . He was so shocked because he knew his PA was a peaceful man . However he decided to do his private investigations himself , despite police intervention.

This is not funny anymore . it is obvious that some people are after you . Debby said to Mr Atam . Debby was a fake wife to Mr Atam . After his late wife Katherine died , Debby came in the picture.

Do not worry , I will get to the root of all these. you need to leave this country immediately. Mr Atam said. So what about Your daughters . Debby asked . Dont worry about them , since when did you start caring about them. Mr Atam asked .

oh please , You brought me in to stand in for Katherine , not babysit your children . Debby replied . I pay you every month , to be their mother , but you just couldn't do it.

Ah Louis, Katherine and I where completely different . I just can't be the mother material type. why are we even arguing, all of this was your idea. if you would have just told everyone the truth that Katherine was dead, all these confusion will not happen. Debby argued. And that is why I am trying to fix this. I'll arranged for your flight tomorrow . Mr Atam said and left. He ordered for body guards to protect Dexter's family while he sent a private investigator to trace the people who killed Dexter and why. When he got to his office he discovered he had a voice mail from Dexter. In the voice mails, his PA sounded worried and scared .

"Sir I have to tell you something urgent . what I discovered today , but I am being followed . its about your ...(sound of gunshots )." Damn it , nothing vital . Should we tell the police ? Troy his private investigator asked . No ! We will do this ourselves . What he discovered concerns me . It has to be one of my enemies but which ?

The game was on.

Davida's residence

Davida came back home feeling exhausted, the only thing in her mind was to get her rest . She didn't take a look at the USB key Raymond gave her. She said she would check it out later. Shirley passed there to check on her, but Davida was in a deep sleep . She could barely hear Shirley's presence in the house. Shirley could get in because she had a spare key . Why is she sleeping by this time? Shirley asked herself. She decided to go since Davida was asleep as she was on her way out her eyes found the USB key given to her . She was tempted to touch it . she decided to play it . She was thinking it contained entertainments and because it was new . She wanted to watch . When she played it , she discovered it was not, The content she saw got her worried and she almost panicked but quickly left with the Key .

How come ?. How does she have this much information ... Shirley think think fast ... Should I tell them .. no .Shirley panicked and was confused on what to do .

Moments later .

Davida woke up , She was about to watch the videos only that she couldn't find the USB key. She searched everywhere and contemplated with herself if she didn't drop it somewhere on her way back . She searched for it everywhere in vain. Shirley got in and found her searching .

Hey you ok ? Shirley asked . Hi Shirley ...Davida greeted and continued with her search. What you looking for ? Shirley asked. My new USB key ...Davida replied . Oh you bought a key ? Shirley asked. Well it was given to me by a friend . I haven't watched it yet. Shirley felt relieved after hearing that . You haven't watched it yet ?? She asked again. Yes I was suppose to do that today. Shirley tried to console her , telling her not to worry , it's just a key and can be bought again. Davida agreed but she was disappointed having a hint on what the USB contained .However she didn't tell Shirley who gave her the USB and also what it contained.

Shirley's thought .

Oh thank goodness , She didn't watch it yet. Now I need to destroy it . They better act fast .

Davida's Thought

Now I am completely certain I should not trust you . My instincts keep saying it . Time to watch my back .

Both ladies sat there lost in thier own thoughts .

Sedrick held a meeting with some people, in the meeting they offered to buy Hilton hotel . So what makes you think I will sell my hotel . Sedrick asked . You can profit from it .. I know this not the only business you own , give me this one and concentrate on the other ones . The buyer said. Sedrick laughed hard . Oh boy .. I may look too young to you but I am not stupid . Did the government send you .. cos I refused to partnership with them ... Sedrick said . You can never compete with the government . Sooner or later they will come for you and No I am not one of the government officers . I am here for business. I want Hilton if you are not selling it then I'll take it forcefully. The buyer challenged. I dare you ! Sedrick said boldly. I believe we are done here. Leave my office before the security helps you. The buyer stood up gently, You are in a warfront you are not even aware of. I will be back , but this time I will be standing behind that desk and you will be kicked out so watch your back when playing with fire and explosive gas. He said and left. Sedrick stood there very angry .. my goodness where is he coming from.

The Opposing team had already set up traps and strategies on how to defeat the ruling team , which was working pretty well for them.

I just launch the first attack on him. Stacy said to Mr Gary over a phone call. Good , now that we have given him something to think about . I can now proceed . Do not do anything till I tell you to. Stacy dropped the call.

Do you really wanna do this ? Share everything equally with her ? Mr Dickinson asked . Do you really think I am that stupid ? of course no . She will help me achieve "my" property and I will help her get to her final destination. Mr Gary replied while rubbing the biers on his chin. Final ... don't tell me you are going to kill her. Mr Dickinson asked pitifully. Mr Gary saw the pitiful look on Mr Dickinson's face . Oh come on. .. don't tell me are still a chicken . I told up to man up not chicken up ... you killed before too . He said.

Yes but one time Gary just once ... you just do like it is nothing. Mr Dickinson replied. You see ... When you kill for the first time , you are worried , but when you do it again , you will realise it is not such a bad idea after all . When you do it again and again it becomes a hubby . So you see , practice makes perfect. Mr Gary replied proudly with a smile on his face.

Much later

Sedrick was still very angry the meeting he had earlier that day .

Wait a second ... did you actually put out the hotel for sell ? Jason asked Sedrick as they were discussing over the phone. No! Why would I ? Sedrick replied . Man it means one of your employees or staffs did the advertisements , Jason said and immediately burst out of laughter.

Not funny .... Sedrick frowned . Sorry .. See man with all these things happening you really have to be more careful now . Jason replied .

I know I will go to root of all these nonsense. Sedrick said and drops the call. On his way back home , he decided to pass by the tree , he saw how quiet it was. He thought it was a perfect place to think about all that has been happening . You are late. Mr Thompson said to Sedrick as he got to the love tree. Late ? For what ? Sedrick asked . He was confused. You know I thing fate is playing a game between you two . She was just here few minutes ago .Each time you come , she has already gone or she comes when you have already gone . Mr Thompson replied. Wait ... she was here just a while ago ? Sedrick got more confused , because he just dropped Chelsea off to her house just few minutes ago. Yes , the lady responsible for the beauty of this tree .. she comes here often but you two never meet hmmm parallel lines. Mr Thompson said as Sedrick listened patiently. You know , you should walk up to her and talk to her real quick. He continued . Sedrick cleared his throat . Why... why should I do that. Sedrick asked . Because I see the love and interest in your eyes when I talk about her . It is obvious , I see how confused you are now .. I may not know exactly the reason but if you don't meet and talk to her fast, you might lose her . Mr Thompson advised.

Uuuhm why would you say that. Sedrick asked. Because she is waiting for someone , if that someone comes , you may never stand a chance. Mr Thompson replied and left.

With all these , it only means She is not the one I thought. There is another . Wait that is why when I asked her about coming here she could barely give me an answer.... what if Jason was right , what if that is not the real Chelsea . Damn ... it all makes sense , why my feelings don't match, why she does not always relate to the things I said and her weird behavior hmmmm . Sedrick sat there thinking to himself . But he decided to watch Chelsea closely and wanted to uncover the truth. Also he was determined to meet , the girl Mr Thompson talked so much about. When he got home later that day . He called Chelsea over the phone .

Sedrick: Hey Chelsea .. how are you ...

Chelsea: I am ok babe how are you too

Sedrick:I am ok ... hey do you remember the pink T shirt you offered me on my 16th birthday ? That everyone thought it was funny except you ....

Chelsea's thoughts

Pfff How dumb was that to offer a boy a pink T shirt ... Chelsea laughed .. I can't believe I am picking up roles for dummies .

Chelsea : Mmm (cleared her throat) uhhm yea I remembered that T shirt so funny ....(Laughed weirdly , Sedrick remained silent for a while , Chelsea didn't know what else to say but she wanted to keep the conversation going. ) so is it still there ?

Sedrick ; No no hahaha that was long ago .. hey something came up I will call you back later. (Dropped the call)

Sedrick's POV

How stupid I was .... Someone is actually haunting me and I didn't know. She is not Chelsea . If you are wondering how I knew , I made up the T shirt story and once again are weird behavior proves it . If she is not Chelsea then who is she ?

Sedrick was pissed at the fact that he was fooled . He immediately told Jason . Jason advised him not to confront her and instead play the game with her . Sedrick bought his idea and played along .

The game was on

At Jessy's residence

Jessy enjoyed most of her time , she was completely clueless about the game , she was living her best life . In her leisure time, she spent it sitting under her favourite tree . She focused a lot in getting a job without the influence of her father or her sister's fame. Everything was going on smoothly for her.

Jessy's POV

Life be this good. I finally made peace with my father , my sister is doing good . My nanny and Anita confirmed they are good . My social life was awesome , but my love life .... mmm , I still low key think about Sedrick , but my heart yearns more for Dylan , Where do i begin searching for him ....hahahahaha ... what am I really doing , what if he never comes ... what if he doesn't even remember me .. what if what I hoped for never comes to pass.

Jessy thought to herself a lot of disadvantages in waiting for Dylan . She then decided she was going to let go of her past and everything.

I am Jessy Atam , I am smart , I am beautiful , I am intelligent , I am hot and classy , I will not lose my cool over my past life . I will move on and keep shining . What will be will be . From now on , I will give other boys a try , the first boy who will walk up to me will get the ticket to my heart. Jessy stood up , took a deep breath in , it was pretty dark only the street lights were on . The street was a busy street as teenagers were still found roaming around. Jessy decided to go home , her house was only a stone throw away. She reached out for a broken branch on the tree , it was already falling off , she just wanted to pull it off . All of a sudden , Sedrick crept up on her .

Don't touch it ! he said , Jessy got scared but when she turn around and found Sedrick , she got relaxed. It's you. What are you doing here ? she asked. This doesn't look like your father's house , so you have no right to ask. Sedrick said sarcastically . Oh my bad , well I guess this is your father's tree , that is why I should not touch ... hmmm makes sense . Jessy replied as tried to pull the branch again. Sedrick held her hand before she could get to the branch he looked directly into her eyes and said in a hush tone . I said don't touch it . It's broken .. Jessy replied softly. So mend it .. Sedrick said as he went looking around for a rope . This branch adds to the beauty of this tree . Pull it off and it will not be able to serve as shade ... but if you tie it up , it will be helpful . He added as he gave his jacket to Jessy to hold. He carefully tied up the branch firmly, sustainable enough to be part of the tree. Jessy watch him in action with so much concentration .

Wow since when did you get so much interest in trees . Jessy asked . I am full of surprises I guess. Sedrick said proudly .I am full of surprises I guess.... Jessy mimicked him . Always proud. Jessy said to herself . Sedrick washed his hand and came for his jacket. So what are you doing here ? He asked . This is not your father's house so you have no right asking me that. Jessy replied him with his own words . Sedrick smiled ok ok Jessy 1 , Sedrick 0 . Jessy smiled back she hit the road back to her house. Sedrick followed her . It's pretty late , lemme walk you home . He offered. No thanks I am fine . Jessy refused . It's dangerous out here . Sedrick insisted. I am not complaining and I am not a chicken. Jessy refused again . Aaah always the stubborn chick. Sedrick said to himself , ok if you say so mam . He back off and watch Jessy walk away .. but he secretly followed her , making sure she is ok untill she reached her house entered and locked the door.

Sedrick was a good actor , his attitude never changed towards Chelsea , she didn't suspect anything . While Jason followed her up in her every movements unnoticed . The game had begun successfully with the opposing team taking the lead.