
No coincidences

Everyone we meet in our lives is not a mistake

Everything that happens to us is not by chance

There is always a reason for everything and none of them is coincidental.

Some days later

The game was still on , the ruling team was now aware they were under attack . Only they didn't know who , while the opposing team kept developing strategies on how to defeat them.

Mr Atam had sent Debby out of the country. He also succeeded to trace the people who murdered Dexter.

Gary ! I never thought he would resurface like this. Mr Atam said . Sir now that we know , should we go after him ? One of his men asked. No ! He has a problem with me , first I need to know what and why and then I will know what to do.. Hopefully we discover this before the police get to him. Mr Atam instructed. I need to know all about him , everyday activities , who is meets up with everything. He added.

Shirley's game

Shirley felt so much insecure with Raymond's presence . She decided to get rid of him by asking him stay to away from Davida.

You should stay away from Davida . Shirley told Raymond . Raymond smiled . Listen we had talked about this . You do you and I will do me . He replied. Ha .... Did you know that someone has discovered the truth about her uncle Dickinson and also that someone managed to give the information to Davida... Shirley said . Oh good news then , game over then both of us can just walk away as if nothing happened . Raymond sarcastically replied . He was worried with the fact Shirley knew about the USB key he gave to Davida but try to hide his emotions in. I hope you are not that someone because if you are , then you are a dead man , Raymond you know that. Shirley warned

Shirley you should know better , I would never do that. But one question , if all this trash you just said is true , how did you know and why has she not confronted him yet? Raymond asked pretending not to have a clue. That's cos she didn't watch it . I found it the day it was given to her before she could watch it , I did first. And now I am telling you to stay away from Davida , Else I will tell her all I know about you . Shirley threatened . Oh go ahead and I will do same , I will also tell her how you set us both in past making it look like I cheated . I will tell her all your evil plans towards her and see what happens . Raymond said . I dare you! Shirley replied and left.

Shit! How careless can she be ... Hopefully I have other copies of that information ... Think Raymond , Think . Raymond said to himself as Shirley left.

Nobody stands in my way .... I have to act fast before he does. Shirley said . She immediately left to see Davida at her office.

Davida's office .

Who died ? Davida asked Shirley who came rushing into her office as if she was being chased .

What ? No nobody did , but this is serious. You remembered when I warned you about Raymond ... that we can't possibly trust him ? Shirley asked .

Oh goodness not again. I thought we talked about this Shirley , Raymond is only here for his job. Davida replied . Really .... really all the little dates you guys are having , is it not obvious you are falling for him again. Shirley replied back . Ok so what's your point . Davida asked. Listen to this . Shirley played a voice note she recorded on her phone. It was Raymond's voice , "After all we have a common goal, bringing Davida and her family down and bringing Davida is all what I wanna do .. she will pay for treating me like thrash in the past" Wait I don't get it .. Davida was confused . What don't you understand , he is not going to help you Davi , he told me himself , he said you will never believe if I told you the truth .. he is instead helping your uncle exploit his evil. Shirley said. you mean he is only playing me .? Davida felt hurt , so much so that tears rolled down her eyes. Once again ... Davida , I am sorry , I know lately I have acting weird but I had to seek the truth cos I just didn't trust him . Davida was caught up in sad emotions. She broke down . Why was I this stupid. Why did I not listen . To think I already started developing feelings for him again. I thought he was helping out. He even gave me some information few days ago . Davida confided in Shirley. Information ? Shirley was curious . Yes the USB key I told you I misplaced without watching .. Davida replied .

Shirley thought to herself , what would have happened if Davida knew the entire truth . Davida now you know the truth , I love you so much bestie I didn't mean to spoil your romance , but not for him . I have already kicked his butt I am sure he will not be coming back . Shirley said , they hugged each other . Then Shirley pretended to have an emergency call . I will see you later baby ... I have an emergency to attend to . she left . Davida was sad and angry at Raymond for fooling her. But then she pondered to herself , why he wanted revenge when he was the one who cheated .Everything was confusing to her , but she believed Shirley and never wanted to see Raymond again.

Meanwhile , Shirley ran to Mr Dickinson and told him all about Raymond and how he was helping Davida instead . Mr Dickinson felt betrayed and detested Raymond . He promised to kill him soon.

Shirley was now the star of the game all her plans worked well and she kept scoring goals every time she held the ball.

Later in the evening

Davida's grudge could not let her stay in her house . She decided to go confront Raymond in his house . When she got there , she saw only his cousin . Raymond was not home . Davida decided to leave since she didn't meet Raymond . Immediately she left . Some men came looking for Raymond , there were armed men , his cousin panicked and out of fear he wanted to run but was shot dead. Those men were sent by Mr Dickinson and thier main aim was to capture Raymond . Immediately they shot Raymond's cousin they left . Fortunately for Raymond he spotted the men coming out of his house from a distance recognized them . He hid himself till they drove off . Then he snuck into his house , he found his cousin lying on the floor in cold blood . He was so devastated .

No no no , not you ... please no .. he cried and lamented . Then thought of Davida .. He called the ambulance and he left immediately before they could get there . He went to see Davida . He knocked at the door vigorously . When Davida opened and found him , she tried to lock the door , but to no avail because Raymond kept pushing the door against her. Hey I just want to talk. Raymond demanded. Go away ! Davida replied. Please Davi just listen to me it's a matter of life and dead . Raymond insisted.

Davida : ( Opens the door ) What you wanna lie about this time . How you were only seeking revenge for something you caused .. Oh how you connived with My uncle against me .... I should have known better. (Complains)

Raymond : Oh! Shirley out smarted me . Hey listen ... you are right , I can't be trusted . But you gave me one job and that is what I did , Davida did you watch the Key I gave you ? The enemy is not me , the enemy is closest to you . Believe me I was only looking out for you . I told you to trust no one with all the information I told you but you are so careless and now I have to pay for it ... You are in danger Davida . Watch this ( gave her another USB key ) Do not , I repeat do not disclose this to anyone even Shirley . If you are wise then good for you.

Davida saw the pains in Raymond's eyes , she also saw how tensed he was , he was breathing heavily and he was sweating as he spoke.

Davida : Have you been crying ?

Raymond :( Held her hands ) Take care of your self . I need to sought things out . You will never understand why I did the things I did . But understand that I love you .

After saying that , Raymond left immediately.

Davida was so worried , but pretended not to care . If he thinks I will fall for his manipulative skills again then he is totally wrong. She said to herself while she toasted the USB key in the trash . I am no fool again .

"The enemy is not me , the enemy is closest to you"

"You gave me one job and that is what I did"

Raymond's words rekindled in Davida's mind as she sat there trying to figure out why things happened the way it happened. What if I am being too judgemental. She went back to search for the USB key.

Raymond had left her place and was heading to his friend to seek for help . When all of a sudden his phone rang . it was Shirley . He answered

Raymond :You bitch .....

Shirley : Not yet boo .... things just got interested , hey why are you not dead yet .

Raymond : This is not over yet Shirley its not ....

Shirley : The truth is, in this game , there is always a master . I am heading there . You stand no chance now , I told you , you are a dead man ( laughed hard) .

Raymond immediately dropped the call and switch off his phone. You have forgotten I am a detective . He said to himself

The next morning.

Davida was in such a rush to leave the house but she was interrupted .

Hi Miss Davida Atam. .. They were policemen

Yes ! Can I help you ? Davida asked . We mean no disrespect but we need to ask you some questions regarding the murder of Mr Tim Carter. Davida was so surprised to hear that , she immediately recalled she just saw him yesterday . She began to worry . Do you know him ? They asked .

Davida Yes I do He is my Ex boyfriend's Cousin...

Police :He was found dead in his cousin's apartment Witnesses said they saw you walked in some minutes before his dead ..

Davida : Yes I went there to see his brother , but I left immediately when he told me Raymond was not around . (she confirmed as she shivered )

Police : Can I know why you chose to visit your Ex boyfriend yesterday ?

Davida : What kinda question is that ... Well we hooked up lately , I just thought I could surprise him yesterday.

Police: Then why did leave immediately .. why didn't you wait for him

Davida : And get killed ? are you serious ... I was just lucky I guessed .. I just followed my instincts how about that. .?

Police : So you knew the murderer or murderers where coming right ?

Davida :( I dunno what he wants me to say , but at this point my eyes were open , I had to be brave enough . Davida thought to herself) Do you want me to lie ? I just told you . Why don't you go back and check the security cameras . .. do I have to teach you your Job ?

(The police stayed silent ) . Hey what about Raymond is he OK ?

Police : We haven't seen him since the incident .

Davida thought to herself , so that is why he looked so tensed yesterday .

Davida : Are we done here ?

The police round up thier interrogation and left . Davida tried calling Raymond , but to no avail . She got so worried , she knew she wasn't safe . She immediately left to seek her father's help .

Mr Atam's residence

Davida rushed to see her father who was having a private meeting with his people in his office in the house .

I need your help . Davida said as she just bashed in unauthorised. That is not how you bash in on people Davida .. Mr Atam shouted. Daddy I don't have time for protocol ...Davida replied then when she realized the people were still there , Tell them to leave us .

Ah ok .. Please gentlemen you have to leave us . As we discussed that is how it works and sorry for the inconveniences. Mr Atam said as they left .

Yes .. Yes so what is up with you crazy lady . Davida gave him the USB key and explained everything to him as he watched carefully. The key revealed all that Dickinson and Gary had been planning . And also how Shirley wanted Davida dead and had set Raymond up to cause their separation.

Dickinson and Gary work together ... ha and .. wait how did you get this key .Mr Atam asked. Raymond , you know him , my ex boyfriend. Daddy he is in danger ... they are after him. Mr Atam stood up furiously hmm so they wanna play , then let's play. He said fiercely .

Davida , don't worry baby , I will pick it up from here . I will take you to a secret hiding place you will be safe there . He added . No dad I want to be fully part of this game and I also need you explain to me why you lied about mom's dead. Davida replied . Mr Atam took a deep breath in . I am so sorry , I promise to explain everything to you . But now baby let me handle this . Please. Mr Atam said.

Meanwhile Sedrick got attracted to Jessy more and more . Everyday he thought of her.

Jessy had stopped going to the tree for a while , instead Sedrick lingered around hoping he could see the mysterious Lady Mr Thompson always talk so highly about . He was so eager and anxious and awaited patiently.

He bumped into Jessy coming from the grocery shop one day.

Sedrick ? Jessy was surprised to see Sedrick standing in front of her. Why do I have the impression that you have been following around ? She asked. What do you mean following you , I came from the grocery shop too . Sedrick replied . Really .. so what were you doing there , what did you buy ? Sedrick took a while trying to put his words together , you know just to check out on some things so next time I will get it when I wanna cook . He replied. Jessy laughed so hard . You cook , Sedrick Mr CEO cook ? You have maids who do that , when I was your "fake girlfriend" you would not even let me cook. Jessy mocked. Yes because I knew I could do it better. Sedrick said proudly . Jessy laughed again .. So what now are you the one doing the cooking ? Jessy asked.

Well let's say I have been doing a little bit self improvement lately , I have been trying to be the romantic guy. Sedrick replied. Ok good luck your girlfriend should be lucky bye.. Jessy replied and walk away from him , but Sedrick followed after her. Which girlfriend ? Jessy stopped and looked at him and walked out on him again without uttering a word . Sedrick followed after her again. Wow I am impressed , One moment you are so obsessed about me and the now you just like ok bye ... ? Jessy smiled and said. Cos I have been doing some self improvement myself .I have learnt to value myself more , than expect things that will never be. Oh great then both of us are doing just fine then . Sedrick replied . Jessy smiled . what do you want Sedrick .

I just realized that in this my self improvement journey, I need someone who can guide me .. And that person is you . You are the only girl who can match up to my ego , you are the only girl who tells me no or get on my nerves , I miss that ... I miss your stubbornness .Sedrick spoke up frankly. Hahaha .. mmm if you gonna offer to pay me to be that coach in which I don't even know why me , then never. I am not gonna be part of your deals ever again. Jessy whispered to him . Sedrick Stood in front of her with both hands in his pocket , he looked at Jessy directly in a stern manner , then when he saw how uncomfortable. He suddenly smiled showing off his dimples . No . I want you to be my friend .. no rather can you "please" oh how I hate this word , be my friend . ? Sedrick said sincerely . Jessy was amazed . Wait Mr CEO ... who are you ? Where did you keep the man I fell in love with ? Jessy smiled back . Do you really wanna do this or is this a set up .? She asked. Yes I am certain . Sedrick replied.

Ok why don't we start by you honoring the invitation to my house . Jessy said. I would unless I haven't seen any invitation yet. Sedrick teased. Oh I just did. Jessy said . Both laughed .

Jessy's POV

The 6th reason he likes me y'all

This could be a set up , but it feels right and I like it .

At Jessy's house

Sedrick : You know I thought you were gonna ask about my girlfriend again.

Jessy : My relationship with you has nothing to do with your girlfriend

Sedrick : you see what I am talking about.

Jessy went into the kitchen to cook .

Hey to show you how serious I am , why don't I make dinner .

Jessy : you really serious?

Sedrick : try me

Jessy agreed to let him cook .. while she was dancing to her favorite track .

When Sedrick was done cooking , he served the meal .

Jessy tasted it and was impressed. You are really full of surprises , where did you learn to cook like this ? Jessy asked. I am a chef cook . Sedrick bragged. Oh don't get it all over your head you are good but not great . Jessy teased. But your future wife will be lucky. She added. What makes you think I will cook for my future wife . Sedrick asked. Oops then poor future her . Jessy replied . Sedrick moved towards her and whispered . And what makes you think the future her is not you? Then I will make sure you do the things normal men do . Jessy said as she planted a kiss on his cheeks.

Days pass , Sedrick and Jessy became very close , he spent most of his fun moments with Jessy and Jason . He opened up to her . She began to confide in him , they became fun of each other.

Why did you hide this you , you know charming , sweet , kind , funny ... Jessy asked Sedrick as they sat together on his car in an open isolated place . Sedrick jumped down from the car .

Sedrick : Once I was a little boy who enjoyed life , I felt blessed cos I had the best parents . I had everything I ever wanted as a kid .My mother taught me to be a better version of me each day that passes in my childhood. My father taught me many things even as a kid. He made me a god , "god" keyword.

Jessy : (interrupted) god .. define your god.

Sedrick : (scoffed) god .. I know my worth , I know how to earn respect by giving respect , I know how to interact with people , make them happy or not , teach them the good I know . Be fair , show care , show love , work hard , create my better life and assist others and without meaning it I become a god .

Jessy : (dumbfounded and lost in his words) Thats a beautiful definition . But why did you chose to be an asshole ?

Sedrick : Wow that is the best way you could describe me ..... ( Jessy giggled ) . I lost my cool when they were taken away from me... They were killed and .... I ended up in the streets , I was privileged enough to escape death .... (sighed) . I don't wanna talk about it .

Jessy jumped down from the car too , put her hand on Sedrick's shoulder . Its ok . Thank you for trusting me . You know sometimes I wished I had dead parents than have them alive and feel like an orphan . Jessy said . Sedrick gave her a weird look . Are you serious .. be careful what you wish for .He said.

You know the only time I see my mom is just on the news with my dad , doing thier business things .. I swear that not once has she called me since I got here and I sometimes wonder or doubt if she is my real mother. Just recently I got reconciled with my dad . But he is gone again . Jessy opened up.

To think of it I have never had any fun moments or memories with parents . It is always nanny here and there , bodyguards here and there ... Jessy added as she laughed . Sedrick watch her laugh so hard but could feel the pain behind her laughter.

Sedrick POV

My encounter with Jessy changed my perspective about girls . She reminds me of my mom . The iron lady who proves she can do it all without a man's help. I found myself attracted to her everyday , even when I pretended so hard . Now I knew I had to let go of my ego and go after the one I love . I have never felt so right , saying the right words to the right girl , at the right time . Everything seemed magical and I had decided to give up Chelsea , may be it was not meant to be. I had decided to give in my all in loving Jessy . Although my grudge towards her father was still there , I really want to forgive him for his daughter's sake. I am trying .

You know what let's not talk about parents , instead let's think how to be better parents to our future kids .. Sedrick teased as he held Jessy's waist . Can we do this again ? Sedrick said seriously. Do what ? Jessy asked. Be my girlfriend . Sedrick said . Jessy looked at him strangely and was waiting for him to say something else to seem like a joke . Oh you serious ? But .. She replied. No buts! I am serious , I know what I want and I want you. Just give me a try , give us a try . Jessy found it hard to believe that Sedrick could ask her seriously . You have really improved , I like it , She said. But I ask again who are you in this body ? She whispered in his ears . I am the man of your dreams . Sedrick whispered back. Jessy accepted to be his girlfriend .

Sedrick tried to pretend with Chelsea , to discover her mission in his life . Meanwhile Karen had already succeeded in her mission.

At Stacy 's house

Karen : I got him to sign all the documents right here .

Stacy : (surprised) How on earth did you do that ?

Karen : (recalled how it happened) I told you I am a pro . It was easy .. I invited myself to his house , got freaky with him , put him in the mood , got him drunk and then came up with a work related topic and asked him to sign . Easy pizzy freaky pinky .

Stacy : You are great . ( Sighed with a lot of satisfaction )

Karen : I need my money now so I can leave immediately .

Stacy : Yes , I will give you your complete payment by next week . You can't leave just yet . Sedrick will find you and trust me you will not survive it ... so wait we have a perfect plan .

Karen : we ... ? Sedrick seem harmless to me ( scoffed)

Stacy : So everyone thinks. Don't worry just play along . I will send your money though.

Stacy called Mr Gary and informed him that it wss done , they had full ownership of Sedrick's properties .

Sedrick went to the love tree , since he had given up on Chelsea he wanted to destroy the cemented block that had thier signature Dylsea on it. But Mr Thompson immediately stopped him as he was as usual , he was behind his yard.

Don't do that .. He yelled.

why ? Sedrick asked with a harmer in his hand hanging in the air.

You cannot just destroy people's things like that . You do not know where it started from. Mr Thompson replied . Sedrick put down the harmer and tried to explain to Mr Thompson why he could do it.

Sir I get it but by "people " what do you mean.

Do you know the girl , I said always clean and made sure this tree looked this good ? She is one of the people ... she has been here hoping for the other to come here one day . But I don't know why she gave up . Young people you don't have patience. Sedrick's heart beat fast as he heard Mr Thompson's story. Are you serious ? do you know where she leaves , how can I get to her .. Sedrick asked .

Calm down ... I know nothing about her whereabout , Do not worry I will ask when she comes again. Mr Thompson replied. Sedrick felt disappointed once again and decided to give up . He thought of Jessy and how he was committed to loving her.

It's ok , no need sir maybe it is for the better . I do not want to know her . Sedrick said as he sat down disappointed , with his head facing down.

Mr Thompson : Are you sure ? because ...

Sedrick : (cuts in) Yes , I don't want to know .

Mr Thompson : ok you seemed disappointed and I wonder why , but also I see a man in love and hey if you still want to know , you are at luck , cos she is just across the street . The lady with the white shirt , ripped jeans and red heels. (left)

When Sedrick lifted his head, He saw Jessy across the street talking with someone , her outfit was exact as described my Mr Thompson. Sedrick had a lot of mixed feelings . Words could not describe how shocked and happy Sedrick was.

So I have been with her all this while not knowing that she was the one I have been searching for. Sedrick said to himself.

Sedrick ran to her and without saying a word he just hugged her tight. Jessy hugged him back but did not understand why he did that. He only smiled .

Are you ok ? Jessy asked

Yes I am .... In fact I am more than okayyyy! Sedrick screamed in excitement . He was filled with a lot of Joy that he only decided to tell Jessy the reason only later in the day when they were alone.

I will see you later baby .. He said as he picked up his ringing phone and left.

Jason also played his role well as an investigator . He gave in his all to discover the truth.

I got everything you need to know about your Chelsea .. real name , origin , shoe size , educational background etc ..

Sedrick discovered that the 1st person he thought was Chelsea , was Karen , he also knew all about her and decided to confront her to know exactly who sent her .

Later that day

Sedrick had invited Karen over in a polite manner. Making her completely clueless of what he was up to . He had called Jessy to inform her that he will pass later in the night at her place .

Sedrick : Welcome baby ( Karen just arrived )

Karen: Oh wow what's the occasion , you seem happy ( surprised )

Sedrick : Are you not ? I mean don't you remember this day , our wedding anniversary ?

Karen : Really were we married ?

Sedrick : Seriously , you do not remember?

Karen : well I ....I... ( stuttered)

Sedrick : (cut in) oh it is quite obvious you do not remember a lot of things . ( removes a gun and put on the table , he saw the way Karen panicked ) Oh don't worry about it . I use it to defend myself only . I just thought on this special occasion I do not need it .

Karen : (scared ) I didn't know you own a gun...

Sedrick : You know nothing about me .. That is why I think it's time you did Chelsea or should I say Karen ...

Karen started feeling so much insecure after she heard her real name she was so tense and her feet were shivering .

Sedrick stood up , grabbed the pistol , he walked gently to Karen sat beside her .

Sedrick : Do you think I am stupid , Do you think I would just open doors and arms to you just like that without enquiries ? Did you even know who you chose to mess with ?

(scoffed) I will... we will pretend none of these happened if you cooperate with me .. If you fail to do so , You will forgotten and I will walk away freely do you know why ? cos I am the good guy and you are the criminal.

Karen tried to insist she knows nothing about what Sedrick is saying but later gave in to his demand for the truth when he started increasing his voice . It was obvious he was angry .

ok ok fine I will tell you all you need to know. Karen cried.

Start talking ! Sedrick ordered.

I am not Chelsea I don't even know who she is . I was paid by Stacy to do this job base on some bracelets she thinks you and Chelsea shared in the past. Karen confessed .

Why did she send you? Sedrick asked .

She made me act as Chelsea your first lover so you can trust me enough to allow me close to you . And when you do we or I can get hold of your assets . In fact it was a well planned thing , the guy who came to buy your hotel and .... Karen continued

And .... Sedrick asked

Well you. ... already signed the documents to sell the hotel . Karen added.

I did ? Sedrick laughed so hard that Karen wondered if he wasn't sad about losing his property.

Listen to me , We are goin to this alright .. You will say nothing to her ... I will like to pay her a surprise visit. You , you can go freely if you shut your mouth .

Karen who was still shaken agreed . Sedrick did let her go but she was still being monitored .

Sedrick left to see Jessy , he tried to put on his happy mood so Jessy won't worry about him.

When he got there that night , Jessy hugged and kissed him .

I hope you are spending the night Mr handsome . Jessy said .

Oh I wish I could but I can not . I have work tomorrow . Sedrick replied.

Jessy got disappointed . why do you always have to be such a kill joy ? She asked .

Hey do not blame me ... I could just not come here , but your beauty attracts my soul and my heart cannot help than render my brain useless . Sedrick replied. Jessy blushed . Is something wrong ? she asked as she saw Sedrick was lost in thoughts . No I am OK

I am . Sedrick replied . you know should trust me if you want this thing to work . Sedrick pulled her close to him .

Trust me , I do not and will not hide anything from you . But I prefer we wait for the right time. He said

I want to tell something eagerly and I know you will love to hear it but now that you are traveling I will tell you when you come back .He continued . Jessy had to travel to see her sister It was a surprise visit to Davida. But why don't you tell me now ... You are making me excited .. Jessy said. Yea I will tell you when you come back , I want to give you a good reason to come back . Sedrick replied as they both burst into laughter . Is it that too important ? Jessy asked , Sedrick confirmed . Then why don't you just tell me I am so eager to know what is in this head of yours. Jessy added as she sat on Sedrick's laps cuddling him .

Jessy had to travel in the morning and Sedrick had instructed Landrine to take her to her destination . Sedrick bid her goodbye as he resisted sleeping in her house that night.