
Never a happy Ending

The Grudges we bare in us only tear us apart .

Davida 's residence .

Davida and Shirley were chatting in the house , Davida was still feeling a lot of resentment towards her father and the only thing in her mind was to turn him in to the police , while Shirley comforted her and tried to convince her to take things slow , since her uncle could not be trusted either. Davida agreed with her .

Listen Davi ... Before going after your dad , you need to get enough evidence , you surely dont believe what your uncle is saying , it could be a set up .. and you know you two don't get along .. something about him I am not convinced . Shirley advised Davida .

Do you think Raymond will help us investigate him ... Davida asked . Shirley didn't approve of that , her facial expression could show it ..

Is it the same Raymond who is your ex ? hhh No I don't buy the idea boo. Shirley denied . So what should I do .. he is like the best detective I know . I need him to help me .. Davida insisted . Ok fine but don't say I didn't warn you. Shirley said ...

Davida went ahead to meet up with her uncle Dickinson , she was searching for answers before confronting her dad . She had also sought the service of Raymond the detective .

How did my mom die? Davida asked Mr Dickinson who was at his work place as usual . Your dad killed her .. He replied not sure why Davida will come back to ask him that question after he had explained everything to her .

I mean what exactly happened . ? Mr Dickinson cleared his throat , he was still not certain why Davida came to him , he didn't expect it. Ok you wanna know ...

I will tell you. Your mother was accused of sleeping with one of your father's former employee ... nobody knows how he got to that conclusion but that day they argued a lot ... then your dad pushed your mom so hard that she hit her head and died. He didn't feel any remorse , He instead and immediately looked for her replacement . He replied.

Where is this former employee .. Davida asked .

Oh why do you want to know . It doesn't matter .. but if you must know he was killed too , your father sent his men after him ... Mr Dickinson replied .

How did you know all these things .. Can you prove them? Davida interrogated . Mr Dickinson got suspicious that Davida was up to something , Look if you don't believe me no problem , but I will make sure your father pays for all his deeds ... soon enough.

Few days later

Davida invited Raymond over , they talked about the investigation, Raymond promised to do his best ..

Davida's POV

The only person I trust now is Shirley , She is my bestfriend and has had my back ever since .. Also Raymond is my ex boyfriend , I know him too well and despite Shirley's fear , I know he is a professional and will take his job seriously . I don't trust my uncle , Right now I wanna know all about him and my dad and see the family I came from. It is a pity I can't even tell Jessy , she looks so happy and peaceful, after a long time. I do not want to spoil that , not especially after her last traumatic experience nobody knows about .

I gotta do what I gotta do to stop all these nonsense happening in my family .

Some few days later

Shirley was also doing her own personal investigation on Mr Dickinson , It was a secret cos she didn't tell Davida she was investigating . She learned that Raymond was already on the case so she had a serious conversation with him , She proposed to work with him .

I want us to work together on this case ... I want to know everything you find out .. Shirley said to Raymond .

Your friend should be able to tell you all . I will only answer to the one who consulted me . Raymond replied. Oh please Ray ... you and I are not gonna pretend that you just wanna impress Davida , cos you still love and want her .... Raymond remained silent while Shirley ranted . After all who wants to lose a super star like her ... you messed up... big time we know ... but right now all we need is to protect her ... she is not safe with her uncle .So with all due respect lets cooperate . Shirley continued . Raymond sighed deeply then walked close to Shirley, looked into her eyes and said Like I said before , I'll only answer to the one who consulted me . after saying that , he left from there immediately . I will always get what I want except I am not Shirley . Shirley said to herself .

Raymond's thought

Shirley is right about me wanting to impress Davida , but this time I am doing it professionally for her own good ... Shirley is not a trust worthy person I can feel it and my instincts never fail. It's time to unveil her ...