

Not everyone we call father is a dad . Some men only helped to bring you to this world and that's it . However , some choose to live up to the task of becoming a dad to you and acknowledging you as his child .

What would you do if you had a careless father ?

Mr Atam's office .

Davida went to see her dad after a long while

Davida's point of view .

I never liked coming here to my father's office , My father is a very strict man. Always serious but I knew just how to approach him. To be honest I can't remember when last I came here . I can tell it has change a lot , new developments , I should be proud my father owns this and more , but after knowing what he does to grow , no I will never be . Well this visit has to the shortest possible and let us see how it goes.

Davida collided with a staff who recognized who she was despite the fact that she was undercover . Omg ... Davi .. I am fan please can I get an autograph ? The staff begged .Davida sighed , but still did it. please how can I get a quick access to my dad now ? It is urgent . Davida asked impatiently . Oh he is in the conference room . Said the satisfied staff . Thank you . Davida replied as she continued on her way. When she finally reached her dad , he seemed to be in deep conversation with his "wingman " Dexter . Davida could see through the glass door . Dexter has been working with Mr Atam for a very long time and also very loyal.

Davida walked into the conference room .

Hey daddy ... Davida spoke with a soft tone while standing at the door . Both men turned to see who it was.

Davida ? Mr Atam was surprise to see her . what are you doing here baby girl . He asked as he walked closed to her. Oh what is wrong daddy ? Aren't you happy to see your beloved baby girl ? Davida replied while taking a seat . No ... I mean yea , but you don't come unless you have a reason . Mr Atam said . How about we change the rules dad , how about I just came to see how you doing, you know show you how much I love you and miss you. She replied and suddenly laughed hard.

Really dear is that your intention now? . Mr Atam asked . still amazed to see his daughter .

Sadly not the case daddy. Davida replied. Your brother , Dickinson demands for 2 million into his account . yea that is all I came to tell you. Davida said as she prepared to leave. Wait wait I do not understand why does he .... why did he send you ? Mr Atam asked curiously . You know dad ... I dunno what I got myself into but sooner than you guys expect it will all be over. Davida replied .

I am even more confused . Mr Atam said . Your Stupid brother is blackmailing me , He threatened to spill it all out if i don't give in to his demands . And I am as confused as you , cos I dunno why he would come to me than you the criminal . Davida replied furiously . Calm down sweetie , we will get to the root of this I assure you. Mr Atam said while patting and rubbing Davida's shoulders . No daddy you got us all messed up . If you wanna get to any root , it should be within yourself . You are the cause of all these nonsense dad , You don't even care do you ? As long as you increase your wealth and fame , you don't give a fuck. Davida replied sincerely .

What did I do to deserve this lecture from you ? Mr Atam exploded.

When last did you talk to your youngest daughter ? She is out there facing her education , all she needs is that you care , you and mother , oh wait she is too busy travelling the world she forgot she had children .. Davida replied .

There was some little moment of silence in the room , no one uttered a word everyone in thier thoughts . What happened to you dad , you and mom , in my first 9 years of existence , I felt love from you , now the rest is history . Davida continued . Mr Atam sighed deeply , baby girl You will never understand , but someday I am sure you would . He said in a calm voice .

Yes when your greed must have consumed all of you . But I promise you Mr Atam , I will make sure it consumes only you and your evil partners , not me and my lil sister . Davida said as she walked away slamming the door.

Mr Atam watch her leave , he felt sorry over what she said . He thought he could do better , but the situation is out of control . She does make a good point you know . Mr Atam's PA , Dexter said. . You should make time for your family . He continued .

No body asked your opinion lets get back to work .Mr Atam said .

Sir can just say something ? Dexter requested .

If you are going give me lectures on how to be a good father, please spare me that . In fact I don't want to hear anything from you.

Mr Atam said as he left the conference room.

Dexter's POV

He is a good man , just circumstances don't favor him.

Little bride

Jessy 's P O V

Once upon a time I was a little bride , I got married to the love of my life at that time Dylan . He was like the best thing ever in my life. He was so caring and kind hearted and loving . I loved him so much but life didn't permit that I guess. He left me .

Flashback to some years back

Dylan snuck out of his room, he went to Jessy's window, knocked until she opened . Hey what you doin here ? Jessy asked in a hush tone so nobody hears them . I came to steal you out for a few mins. Dylan replied . Do you know the time now ? Jessy asked .Yes of course . its 11:03 Pm its 1hr to your birthday and I wanna be the first to wish you and also I have a surprise . Jessy was amazed at how thoughtful Dylan was . They both left Jessy's room to Dylan's backyard . He had set up a cake , some flowers on the table . It was exactly 12:00am , Dylan offered the flowers to Jessy , sang to her a birthday song , she blew the candlelight , cut her cake and they had fun . Listen You are very nice person and I like you . Please will you be my girlfriend ? Dylan proposed to her . She accepted , they embraced each other. Then he presented two bracelets to her each one of them was marked "Dylsea" The whole world may be against you but I will never be " a combinations of their names Dylan and Chelsea . wait I wanna do something crazy , Dylan said as he exchange marital vows .

I Dylan do take you Chelsea to be my lovely girlfriend for better or for worse , for richer or for poorer , in sickness or in good health till death do us part .. wait ! till this tree withers They both had planted a tree at Dylan's back yard the previous . Dylan said as both chuckled .

I Chelsea take you Dylan to be my lovely boyfriend , for better and for worse , for richer or for poorer , in sickness and in good health , till this tree withers . wait what tree ? Jessy did same .

The tree we planted yesterday remember ? Dylan replied.

Oh my goodness ! Did you two just exchanged marital vows ? Nanny asked as she was shocked by the whole scene . The both were surprised to see her too. Nanny what ... how did you find me ... Jessy asked . what just happened ? Miss Nanny I ... I .. can explain . Dylan stuttered . Nanny was still amazed at the fact that they exchanged vows , She gave room for Dylan to explain . Look all of this is great , but sneaking around in the night is dangerous what if something happens ? Nanny was worried , but still let them had thier fun .

Present time

Jessy's Pov

He was the sweetest , but he left without a word all of a sudden , till date . I wonder if he is still alive , is he still as cute as usual . .... alright Jessy snap out of it , it's the past .

Just then her phone rang .

Hello ..

Hi Miss Jessy

uuuhm wait .... Sedrick?

uhm ( Scoffs ) .. how did you know

Your voice is the most charming how will I not know . ..

ok enough flattery

I want us to meet , come to Hilton tomorrow 7: 00 pm

uhm ...what is the occasion ?

nothing just wanna talk . If that's ok with you ..

No problem tomorrow it is .

They both dropped the call. Yes! yes yes ... Jessy shouted in excitement .

Hiltons hotel 6 : 45 pm

Jessy entered the hotel , 15 mins earlier but decided chill out in a hidden area while waiting for Sedrick . Sedrick arrived at exactly 7 : 10 pm . He reserved a table , then called Jessy to know where she is . Jessy who was watching him from a distance , lied that she was still in the car coming . She used another door to go out then walked in as though she just arrived . She arrived at 7 ;30pm .

Hey ! she greeted .

The look on Sedrick's face was not pleasant . You are 30 minutes late .

You didn't tell me I am coming for a meeting . Jessy replied .

It's my time you wasted ! Sedrick replied harshly .

I am here now so spare me all that and tell me what you wanna say . Jessy replied . Sedrick sighed , he didn't know how his offer to Jessy will go , cos he knew Jessy was unpredictable , but he always led his pride lead

I wanna make you an offer . Sedrick spoke up.

Jessy scoffed , an offer ? what can you offer me . Jessy asked sarcastically .

A job . Sedrick replied .

Oh really ? ok what kinda job . Jessy was curious to know.

I have a girlfriend well very crazy one , everyone expects me to marry her , no matter how I try to push her away , somehow she comes back and refuses to back down . So I want you to come in , and act like my new girl friend , Jessy burst out of laughter , wait what ? she continued laughing , hoping it was all a joke.

Jessy : wait you joking right ..?

Sedrick : I'll pay you .

Jessy : (laughs ) Do you seriously think I am gonna do that ?

Sedrick : (Looked very serious ) All you have to do is to get rid of her by irritating her , however you do it .

Jessy : Oh you are serious .! So why me ? I mean are you not like the boss , you could just tell her to go away right?

Sedrick : You , because you are crazy and you like me , so the job will be easy I mean we all know you are crazy about me so .. and you also need the money , I mean you do not wanna keep depending on your family for everything right .

Jessy : I beg your pardon but I am not a whore,

Sedrick : Think about it baby girl and remember If you are my girlfriend , you must act as one in every domain .

Jessy: what do you mean by that ?

Sedrick : you are a big girl I am sure you know what I mean .

Jessy thought about the offer , What is this guy trying to do ? This is like a big opportunity for me to get him to love me , but if I accept would it not look like I am desperate ? Jessy thought to herself , then finally accepted .

Ok fine so I get to be your new girlfriend till your ex leaves right ? Jessy asked.

Exactly , she is in town already .

OK then deal . Jessy accepted the offer . So to start , I want you to come over to my house for one month . Sedrick added.

what ! No ... Why ? Jessy asked .

Cos you are my girlfriend and as my girl you gotta come over. Sedrick replied .

Point of correction I am just an acting girlfriend . Jessy replied . We already had a deal baby girl . So deal with it .. I'll go seek the concern of your mother this meeting is over. Sedrick said as he walk away.

No hey don't do that I will do it myself . Jessy replied as she followed immediately after him.

Jessy's POV

As you already know not only my point of view counts in this story . So tell me ? Do you think Sedrick's story is legit ? Cos for me, nope. That is probably a stupid excuse to get me to be his girlfriend and I know there is another reason . Well let's find out.