

There will come a time when the only souvenirs we have from each other , is the memories we shared together .

Davida's Apartment

Davida was home with her bestfriend Shirley Williams . The doorbell rang ... Oooooh Its late ! which Night animal will miss his/her road by this time ? Shirley complained .

Calm down I will just go check who is there . Davida replied as she walked to the door . Who goes there ? Davida asked in an unpleasant tone.

It will be nice to be polite you know . Mr Dickinson replied behind the closed door . What the hell ? what is this man doing here at this hour . Davida grumbled to herself ,after a short moment of silence , she finally opened the door.

Impressive . Mr Dickinson said with a smile as he walked in slowly .

Dickson! what are you doing here ? Davida asked .

It is Uncle Dickinson dear , It is obvious that you are still an infant you are still struggling with words. Mr Dickinson teased.

Isn't it also obvious that I don't care .? Davida replied .

It's obvious that you lost your manners , I am your uncle I demand respect from you . Mr Dickinson provoked .

It is obvious that I don't respect people who do not respect themselves dear uncle. Davida provoked back . Mr Dickinson smiled and stretched his hands to touch Davida face . Don't you dare touch me ! Davida frowned and said.

I see you have grown wings to fly already but don't go to high dear you are not yet ready for what is up there . Mr Dickinson advised .

What do you want ? Davida demanded .

At least you can offer me a seat young lady. Mr Dickinson replied .

I didn't invite you here so .... Davida replied .. but was quickly interrupted by Mr Dickinson . I need 2million in my account by the end of this week.. He said boldly

You're not serious ... What do you mean by you need 2 million ? Davida asked curiously . This is what you'll do for me sweetie , You will go to your father , you will tell him to transfer me that amount to my account , he already has all the details . Mr Dickinson said while taking a seat he sat relaxed while crossing his legs .

Davida got more confused. And if I don't ? Davida asked .

Hahaha, dear .. Mr Dickinson laughed ...do you really want to spoil everything you have been working for , for years ? He asked while roaming around Davida slowly . Because baby girl I can assure you I will make that possible . Mr Dickinson continued.

You can do nothing ! Davida confidently said. Really .. do you want me to tell Jessy the whole truth ? huh I will tell not only her , the whole world will know how fucked up your family is , you put a clean image out there , oh dear superstar , but once the world will know what your family is made of, they will detest you . Mr Dickinson threatened .

You dare not ! Why am I even bothered ? I was just a witness to your wickedness ... Davida replied .

I dare will! Oh I am not the bad person here , It is Your father and you who saw it and did nothing is also evil hahahaha . Mr Dickinson said .

You are such a Dick! I will do no such thing you go tell your brother your demands , I refused to be part of your evil doings .

Davida said . Just then Mr Dickinson removed his phone and played a video for Davida to watch. Oh my god how .....why.... Davida stuttered . You see baby girl... I am no fool . Your dad thinks he is smartest but no. And you who was there , by accident of course, You know everything that happened . You saw some .. what did you do about it ? Many got affected , they suffered , what have you done about it ? it makes you an accomplice . You helped to destroy peoples lives you are no different from the bad guys .. and I will make sure the whole world sees that , if you don't cooperate with me. I have nothing to lose, but you have my dear so think about it. oh wait .. I don't have all the time in the world . So i'll be waiting , Your father has my account details . Mr Dickinson ranted , leaving Davida speechless in deep thoughts and regrets , looking miserable and sad. She recovered when the door banged as Mr Dickinson slammed the door on his way out.

Are you ok ? Shirley who was observing everything , asked with a cold voice. He is right , Davida said with tears rolling down her cheeks .

No he is not ! Shirley sat beside her wrapping her arms around her . Listen don't let all his stupid words affect you. It was not your fault all that happened . Shirley continued .

The problem is what did I do to stop it ? Davida who was still in tears replied . Or you mean what did you do to bring justice ?? Babe you couldn't stop it you just happened to find out . You were threatened , you were young , You were scared , now its your time to come out of that fear and face the consequences like a queen that you are. Shirley replied trying to cheer Davida up.

Davida stood up walked to the glass window staring outside . Its easy for you to say . I have lived in fear and hatred for my father all my life , how do I stop it , everything gone wrong . The worst of it is Jessy. Davida replied . Jessy ! Shirley exclaimed . She is the solution girl .... Shirley continued . Davida sat by the bar pouring liquor into a glass. what do u mean ? she asked out of curiosity .Jessy has the courage you need to overcome this . You need to tell her all .. you know , trust her as you trusted me . Shirley replied .

Davida scoffed . Are you kidding me .. She is all I got .. she will hate me forever .. I can't take that risk. Davida replied back ..

Oh gosh.... Shirley joined Davida at the bar . you just said it she is all you got. It is better you tell her now than wait let her discover it from another person , that is when it gets worst . Shirley continued .

Oh ... You know why I hid everything from her in the first place ? , cos some few years back , Jessy suffered a traumatic experience , it disturbed her a lot , she had nightmares , almost every night . we asked her what went wrong , but she never opened up till now . Davida explained .

Oh ! But did she get better ? Shirley asked . Yea she haven't had any dreams ever since , well not that she tells me if she has , but I guess she feels better . Davida replied . I am scared if I told her all what I knew , it would have made her situation worst . She continued . You are right . But eventually she will find out there is no secret under the sun and you can't continue playing thier silly game for goodness sake . Shirley said while holding Davida's hands facing her. What do you suggest I should do? I am so confused . Davida asked ? She was looking so worried . Hey don't worry , let's buy some time first for Jessy's sake , then we say no to it . so for now do what your uncle wants . We are in this together . Shirley looked directly into Davida's eyes and later they hugged each other.

Miss Dorathy's house

Miss Dorathy sat in her room on her bed holding and looking at an old photo and in deep thoughts . Is this him for real ? Oh God ... Serdrick is Dylan. Yes I know its him. Miss Dorathy thought to herself recalling the events and misfortunes of the past. She was so emotional that tears roll down her cheeks all the time she sat there thinking . Suddenly someone knocked at the door . She quickly wiped her face and hid the picture and pretended to be concentrating on something else at random . Come in ! She said. Jessy walked in . Hey nanny, you good ? Jessy asked with an uncertain smile on her face . Oh dear I am great thank you . Miss Dorathy replied and smiled back .Well you really look like you are fine .Not like I can see some teary eyes and ..... hey have u been crying nanny ? Jessy replied and asked curiously after noticing Miss Dorathy's wet eyes . Miss Dorathy quickly clean her eyes again.

Me ? noo .. the tears result from uuh uuh ...itches . yes ! My eyes where itching and hurting . Miss Dorathy replied hoping Jessy will believe her story. Jessy was not convinced .

Really nanny ? Now I know you are not really Ok, Since Sedrick left , you have not been yourself .Jessy said as she saw the picture Miss Dorathy was hiding . She quickly snatched it.

Hey is this Dylan ? Jessy asked .She was so surprised . You still have this picture ... Well ...

I do he was my son in law too. Miss Dorathy teased causing Jessy to laugh so hard. What ? Didn't you two get married ? Miss Dorathy continued ?

That was long time ago , we were silly kids . Jessy replied . But you took the oath for better , for worse. Miss Dorathy smiled and said .

Nannyyyyy ... we didnt know what we were doing till after then . we thought it was that easy . Jessy replied while looking at Dylan's picture . It was this year right , Miss Dorathy said while pointing at the picture . I think I was 12 yrs old that time and he was 15 ... Jessy replied . Well do you miss him ? Your husband . Miss Dorathy asked teasingly . No! not anymore . Jessy replied with a faint smile . He doesn't deserves my attention anymore . He left me . Jessy continued .

Oh dear there must be a good reason why he left . Miss Dorathy said .

Ha ! He promised to come back . He made me wait by our tree . Under the rain , lil me was very naïve . I even caught a fever that night remember ? Miss Dorathy got up from her seat to sit next to Jessy who looked upset. We do not know what happened , we can't just conclude .

If you met him today would you recognise him ? Miss Dorathy asked . I guess no . He must have been an old man now . That was 10yrs ago . Jessy replied .

Would you forgive him if he came back to you ? you know we never know. Miss Dorathy asked . Jessy gazed at Miss Dorathy suspiciously .

Nanny do you have something you wanna tell me ... Did you see someone like Dylan ? Jessy asked .

Oh dear .. there is a lot I wanna tell you but I can't and you just said it yourself Dylan is already an old man. It would be hard recognizing him. Miss Dorathy replied . Yea right . Also , You had a plastic surgery and your name has changed so it is difficult . Jessy added . Lemme ask you .. Why did you not give him your real name , I mean he was your husband . Miss Dorathy asked . Hahahaha Nanny Chelsea and Jessy sounded almost the same , so my foolishness which for me was smart at that time just took over my brain. I knew I was gonna tell him everything later , including the fact that you were not my biological mom . But later never came. So it is what it is . Jessy replied .

A lot happened things just got bad all of a sudden , but I can't tell you anything . Miss Dorathy said . Jessy got up . I will find out why, without your help Nanny , you are not compelled to tell me anything , I don't know why though. Cos I am grown up. But it doesn't matter anymore . .... Please can I borrow this picture of Dylan ? Jessy replied and asked . Sure dear ! Miss Dorathy agreed . Jessy left the room to her room .

Sedrick's Mansion .

Sedrick sat in his room with his friend Jason , he was recounting his encounter with Jessy and how thier dinner passed.

Oh my goodness .... You had dinner with a girl and her family ? Jason asked with a lot of contentment in his voice.

Don't make it an issue . Sedrick replied . Do you like her ? Jason asked .

Keep this a secret but , I feel something . I haven't felt that for long since I lost my true love. Sedrick replied . Oh yea you told me about that but man that was long time ago why don't you get over her. Jason asked again. Sedrick stood up removed a picture from his wardrobe looked at it .Chess ... She was awesome . I know I was young but I knew what was love . I felt it . She was strong ,brave , beautiful and has a great charisma . Sedrick said while gazing at the picture , bringing to life memories .

10 years ago

At school premises

Dylan sat with his friend in a chitchat , things seemed to have been going on well till when two girls walked to them furiously .

which one of them beat you ? Jessy asked her little friend who was bullied by one of the boys . She pointed at him , Jessy confronted him and threatened to hit him but just then Dylan intervened .

Uh .... I am pretty sure you don't wanna get hurt thinking you will fight a boy and win . Dylan warned Jessy . Ah ! you are not part of this so get out or you will get hurt instead , you boys think you will mess up with my friend and go free huh? Jessy replied .

And if I don't go what will happen ? Dylan asked .. Oh you really wanna know ? Jessy asked too.

Yes! You see you are just a chicken , you come here threatening to beat my friend and think we will be scared ? All you want is attention and bravo you got it .. so now you can go . Dylan said as the crowd encouraged him . Jessy who was so furious in anger found a stick nearby , used it on Dylan . She knocked Dylan's head , causing him to bleed .

I hope this will help you shut up Jessy said as she left the scene with her friend . Dylan laid there surrounded by a confused kids who didn't know what to do till a teacher who spotted them rushed to help, they carried Dylan to the hospital .

At the hospital vicinity

Nanny you can't force me to go to some dumb hospital to see some dumb boy .. Jessy grumbled as nanny urged her to go apologize to Dylan . Watch your tongue young lady , that was not a nice thing to do. You just injured someone , you almost killed him. Nanny replied. He started it .. its not like it's entirely my fault , he caused it .

Just then they arrived at the ward where Dylan was . It was a private ward , so he was the only patient there . Nanny slowly opened the door .Dylan was there with his mother . Nanny knew them because there were neighbors .

Hi Mrs Karen Nanny greeted they both exchanged pleasantries . Wow nice of you come Mrs Karen said to Nanny .

Oh dear She is the reason your son is here it is only right that she says she is sorry. Well I think we should give them privacy then . You know what to do . Nanny told Jessy as she walked out the door with Mrs karen . Dylan watch how they both went out . He laughed out loud as though he was mocking at Jessy . What you laughing at punk ! Jessy frowned . So after all your ranting you still come here to beg me .. He continued laughing . Jessy furiously reached out for Dylan's head pressing hard the bandage which was tied round Dylan's forehead making him scream so hard.

Dylan : Aaaaaaah! (shouted in pains ).

Jessy :( leaned against him and whispered to his ears ... ) oh sorry did I hurt your feelings ? (Jessy teased).

Dylan: Aaah , You are witch ! I hate you .(cried )

Jessy : Oh the feeling is mutual . Don't think I like being here .. I was forced ok .

Dylan : . It is obvious , if you can attempt to murder me then what should I expect ?

Jessy : Well if you weren't trying show off you would have been ok and sound .

Dylan: I was only standing up for my friends .

Jessy : Oh so you deserved it then , cos you encourage bullying . My little friend was bullied by one of your so called friends . Did you expect me to just clap and rejoice ?

Dylan realised that what they did was wrong , he felt sorry and apologized . Hey I'm really sorry about everything , I mean I didn't think like that before . So please forgive me .Dylan apologized .

Ha. Look at that , he came to his right senses . Well I am sor..... even though you deserved it , but I am sorry for making you look cute . Jessy said as she thought the bandage on Dylan's head look like hair band and makes him looked cute . Sorry for making look cute are you for real ? Dylan was confused by what she meant .... you really look cute with that thing on you .... no mirror around ? wait I have a mirror on my phone, Jessy said as she removed her phone ... you see ,you look like you not from this planet. she continued . Dylan blushed and kept smiling after seeing his face. He nodded his head in agreement . Indeed I look good. They both joked about it for a while , they started getting comfortable with each other's company . So I am Dylan .. and you are ? I am Je....Chelsea . Jessy lied about her name . Oh I didn't know Chelsea started with J .. Dylan asked . Uhm it is a... new version . Chelsea stuttered . Both laughed at what she said. Ok Chelsea nice to meet you . Hey you know we are neighbors and I'll be discharged tomorrow do you mind if we keep in touch some time . Dylan asked , sure why not . Your dimples are so charming . Jessy teased Dylan making him to blush . Oh ! Dylan exclaimed as he kept on smiling. Ok you doing it on purpose now , stop ... Jessy said .. but Dylan kept on teasing her. You like me . Dylan said while smiling . Hey don't make it an issue .. we are only having fun . Yes cos you like me you like me , you like me .. Dylan said it repeatedly and continued to tease Jessy . Nanny....We are done here Jessy yelled out playfully . Hey I wanna thank you for making me smile .. my mom is always so paranoid and annoyin . Dylan said . You should be grateful . Well it is time i went . .. Nanny you out there ...? Jessy yelled. Nanny ? Dylan asked . oh I mean. Mummy she is my mum . Jessy replied. .. Just then , Mrs Karen and Nanny walked in . They were glad things worked out between Dylan and Jessy , They exchanged more pleasantries for a short while and finally Nanny and Jessy bid them goodbye and left . Mrs Karen sat beside Dylan who looked very happy . Oh look at that smile , i haven't seen that since we got here .. Mrs Karen teased..It just a .... I mean it is just a smile . Dylan replied. No it is a smile that says a lot of things . Mrs karen said. Hey mum are we gonna leave here soon ? Dylan asked curiously . Yes baby . we are leaving here tomorrow . so I will not be here only your dad ,, because I will preparing your welcome party. Mrs karen replied while playin with Dylan's cheek . No mom stop I am not a kid it's embarrassing . Dylan cried while blushing .

Present time .

I miss my mom . Sedrick said as he stopped thinking of the past . The silly things she did to me were the best . He continued . Jason smirked at him. I dunno man this is the first time I hear you say something nice about a girl , You do have a soft spot in your heart Jason said teasingly . The feeling very strange , only Chelsea gave me that and now Jessy is giving me the same energy . Sedrick replied . Then this is the one ... dude hahaha .. wait I smell something burning , Jason said as he started sniffing around Sedrick . Is it ... wait I'm gettin .... Oh man its the flame of love burning in your soul . Hallelujah ! My boy is ... in ... looove. Jason said in excitement . Sedrick gave him a stern look . come on

man don't fight it you don't have to be grumpy all the time . Jason replied . I wanna know all about her. Sedrick said . Just then Sedrick 's uncle walked in the room without knocking . Did I hear my boy is in love ? Mr Gary said. Uncle ? I didn't know you were here . Sedrick said as he was surprise to see him. Oh no I just came is now , I am only passing . Jessy Atam! Jason shouted as he was lookin at his phone . Oh hi uncle Gary . Jason greeted . What do you mean ? Sedrick asked as he moved to Jason. She is Jessy Atam , the daughter of Chief Atam the famous business guru . Jason replied . After hearing that , Sedrick's mood changed . Atam huh . Only fate can do this. This is your ... I mean our chance to get back what we lost . Mr Gary gave an evil smile . You knew who she was all along ? . Sedrick asked in his Alpha tone . Oh well of course I should know. What do you take me for . Mr Gary proudly replied . You stalking me now uncle ? Sedrick asked again . Oh come on son . I actually like that you had dinner with her .. Listen ...we will use her to get our revenge .. Mr Gary said. Sedrick did not agree with him , he shook his head in disagreement . No uncle we are targeting her father not her . Sedrick said. Mr Gary drew himself closer to Sedrick , held his head and looked into his eyes and spoke directly to his face. Look at me boy , Her father killed your whole family , and attempted to kill me too. So we will do same . I do not seek your opinion . I am telling you the ideal plan. Mr Gary said . What has come over you son ? You getting too soft for my liking .Mr Gary said again as he was arranging Sedrick's shirt . Go get a life . He continued as he left the room. Sedrick was confused because he didn't know what to do . Bro , you need my advice ? Jason teased . Shutup man . Sedrick replied as he left the room too.