
Acting Girlfriend

When someone loves you , It doesn't mean they will offer you the world , It means they are willing to cope with your world even when it is cruel.

Jessy moved to Sedrick's mansion to stay with him for a month , She had explained all to Miss Dorathy before going. So it was settled that she was to be with Sedrick .

week 1

Sedrick introduced Jessy to his staffs at home as his girlfriend , He took her around for a house tour and allowed Jessy to get comfortable .

Be comfortable , you need anything you tell the servants to get it for you . You know what to do, do you not .. ? Sedrick asked .

I wish I had an answer to that. Jessy replied .

I'll be going to work now. He continued .

Oh don't I get a kiss ? Jessy teased .

Dream about it . Sedrick replied as he set off for work . After he left, Jessy went to the kitchen , she observed it and thought to herself how she was gonna enjoy cooking there.

Jessy's thoughts .

I wonder what game he is playing , I know what I will do , let's see if he can handle my craziness .

It was obvious that Sedrick wanted sophisticated classy lady to be his girlfriend . So Jessy was going to act the exact opposite with him , just to see how far he could go.

Sedrick came back one evening and invited Jessy out for drinks , but she turned him down , with the excuses that she was tired and had a body ache . Sedrick was disappointed at her.

Hey I don't pay you to get tired. I have told my friends that we are goin to have dinner with them so brace yourself . Jessy thought of how inconsiderate he was .

Come and force me ! She said while getting into bed . Sedrick

sprouted in anger. You .....! he Swallowed his words as stared sternly at her while twisting his fist so hard as if to punch her , but later left .

How dare he ? This is only the beginning .

The week was over with a lot of drama from Jessy to Sedrick .

Week 2

It was just like a usual day for Jessy she was on a semester break so she had not much of a choice than to stay at home most of the times. One day , Sedrick got home much earlier than usual . When Sedrick got home, he saw Jessy sitting on the bar's counter drinking liquor , with an indecent outfit . He found it not proper , so he cautioned her . What is wrong with you ? What if someone walks in and see you like this . Sedrick asked .with his authoritative voice .

Jessy ignored his mood and went to give him a welcome hug . But he pushed her away .. I do not ever wanna come in here and meet you like this. He warned

Like how ? Jessy asked.

Like a whore! See the way you dressed and what are you drinking ? He seized the bottle from her and kept . Listen to me .. as my girlfriend you need to be live like a Queen . Sedrick replied .

Jessy laughed so hard after hearing the words from Sedrick's mouth .

Like a whuuuuh ? Then treat me like a Queen . Jessy whispered in his ears and left . What kinda girl did I bring to my home? Sedrick asked himself . Later that evening Jason came over . He joined Sedrick at the balcony on the second floor . Hey buddy ..sup ! Jason greeted Sedrick. Man I wanna see her ... Jason was excited at the thought of seeing Jessy . Calm down . She is crazy and I kinda regret doing anything with her. Sedrick said .

Go bring our wife here . Jason requested.

Sedrick went in to get Jessy . My friend is here , I need to introduce you to him. Though I told him all about this and about you , I still need you to behave ok . Sedrick said .

Relax boyfriend , I will try my best . Jessy replied . Both went out to join Jason , Sedrick introduced her , she was so well behaved and got along well with Jason until Jason started doubting all the things Sedrick complained about her. Hey next week there's a party at his old man's place , you gamed . ? Jason asked . Oh I didn't know , so what's the occasion ? Jessy replied . Seriously he didn't tell you ?

His uncle is celebrating his 40th birthday . Jason said . I was gonna tell her later , why you like this ? Sedrick said to Jason .

Week 3

Birthday party

Sedrick and Jessy Arrived at the Party , Thier entrance caught the sight of many people , Everyone stared at Jessy as she walked in holding Sedrick's hand.

Mmmm ! Why is everyone staring at us . Jessy asked Sedrick . Staring at you my dear .... You look gorgeous . Sedrick replied . Oh really you didn't tell me this when we were home .. you waited for everyone to notice me first huh ? Jessy blushed .

Do not make it an issue . Sedrick replied .

I already did. Jessy said. Come let me introduce you to my family and please do not embarrass me .

Sedrick introduced her to everyone as his girlfriend. Everyone was happy for him and kept whispering to him to keep her. The party started off smoothly and everyone enjoyed themselves . After all the introduction , Sedrick left Jason and Jessy at the table , to seek his uncle Mr Gary. Son ! I see you took my advice . Mr Gary said happily to Sedrick . No uncle , I only need her to get rid of Stacy . Sedrick replied .

Oh boy ..and I invited her . Mr Gary said .

You did what ?? She is no more welcomed here . Sedrick fumed.

You didn't tell me you broke up finally , but I think your plan with the new girl will work and also our plan to get revenge on her father will work too. Mr Gary approved .

Uncle, this is your birthday . Can we forget about that for a while and enjoy this moment . Sedrick suggested .

Sure we can my boy ... Cheers. Mr Gary replied as he raised up his glass to give a toast .

Stunning entrance

Her beauty was undefined , Elegance was an understatement , as she paraded the doorway to the party room everyone couldn't help but stare lustfully at her hourglass figure cling to her short straight gown .

Uuuhm is that Stacy ? Jason asked after seeing her coming towards him, Sedrick and other friends .

Yes we are talking about Stacy .

Hey handsome gentlemen .... Stacy greeted . Damn girl ... you got upgraded , I bet there is some fresh juice in them ass . Jason joked .

Sedrick : Stacy Emade .... what are you doing here ?

Stacy : Aww that's not a way to welcome the love of your life . (Tries to touch him)

Sedrick : You do not know when to quit do you ,? (pushes her hand away) .

Stacy : You are more handsome , how do you expect me to quit. ?

Sedrick : I have a new girlfriend now So leave me alone already .

As they continued exchanging words , Jessy and Jason had a chit-chat about them.

So she is the one you guys are afraid of? Jessy asked Jason .

Ha not me but my guy Sedrick , She just don't wanna give up like she is obsessed at one point and toxic too. You know what I mean. Jason explained .

Hey listen I know you guys are just pretending to be couples but don't you like my bro ? I mean don't you wanna extend this thing to a lifetime thing . He continued sincerely .

Jessy smiled broadly and said , Of course I like him .. but for now let's play the game ...I am coming just watch . Jessy hurriedly left Jason there .. After some minutes , Jessy came back to Jason . Oh my goodness . You look ....You look wooww ! Jason exclaimed after seeing Jessy's extravagant look. She had change her clothes and everything on her .. I know right .. Well watch me bounce her off. She said referring to Stacy , as she went to join Sedrick . Jessy walked up to Sedrick and Stacy, she kissed Sedrick on his chick . Hey daddy ... You were gone for long so I came to look for you . Sedrick was surprise at her look ... Did you change your outfit . ? He asked .

Don't I look nice ? I know you wanna say it like you always do. not Yea you know I don't rock one outfit for long .. I had to change and I feel good Jessy replied as she stared directly at Stacy . Is this one of your friends ? She asked.

No! Stacy meet my girlfriend Jessy , Jessy meet Stacy my ex ! Sedrick replied boldly .

Oh uuhm ....I am not sure if I am glad to see you .. but just for formality a handshake will do. Jessy said as she stretch out her hands to Stacy for a handshake . Stacy ignored it . Eww , I don't condole boyfriend snatchers ..Jessy slowly pulled back her hand maintaining her cool . Its funny how both our names rhymes the same. Jessy ...Stacy ... .Sedrick must have selected I see.. Stacy continued .

Well it is irrelevant now since clearly one has already replaced the other ... so "the other" should bounce off cos "the one" is the one for life in simple English , you are irrelevant . Jessy replied .

I am not sure if I understood that but it makes no sense to me. Stacy replied back .

Ohh well its not your fault , cos only the smart ones can comprehend. Stacy's facial expression was obvious that she got offended by that . she didn't utter a word after. Oh baby did you not understand that too ? It means you are dumb . Jessy added . Stacy got mad and left them without uttering a word.

You surprise me . Sedrick said to Jessy . I didn't make the wrong choice by picking you. He continued . You dont need to make it an issue . Jessy replied as she slowly caressed Sedrick , then stopped and walked away seductively . Jason came to Sedrick after seeing the whole show.

Damn bro . That was crazy. She does know how to handle her . Bro keep her she is legit .. Jason said . Snap out of it . Sedrick said as he walked around . Jason went following him .. Why ... is it cos of your first love ..Chelsea ?? hey bro .. do you think you can find her again . Jason jabbered. Sedrick slowed down . I tried a lot . .. so i gave up.. Sedrick said .

Well now try Jessy .. She even likes you. Jason insisted. Can we just enjoy the party . Sedrick put his arm around Jason and said .

At the restroom

Jessy went to the restroom , There she found Stacy , but decided to mind her business . Stacy saw her too but went to confront her .

You don't think he is gonna last with you , do you ? Stacy said as she stood beside Jessy glancing at herself in mirror . Are you talking to me .? Jessy asked.

He is gonna get tired of you and soon and dump you just as he did to others . Stacy continued.

Jessy sighed , Let me worry about that , you had your chance and you blew it . Now it is my turn so mind your business . Jessy said and left the restroom .

Stacy's thought

You think you are so special ...Sedrick is mine and I must make sure I have him back.

Sedrick's Mansion

It was evening and Sedrick was about to go out for dinner , but Jessy didn't want that . Hey you can't go out for dinner when I spent my entire time trying to make a meal for you. Jessy said to Sedrick who was all set to step out. Nobody forced you to do that so.... Sedrick replied .

Jessy laughed . Well a little bit of appreciation will do . She said .

Unfortunately my dear , I do not have that in my vocabulary . Sedrick replied.

Just then Landrine walk in to remind Sedrick about something .

Hey Landrine how are you .. Jessy exchanged pleasantries with him, he passed the information to Sedrick and was about to leave when Jessy invited him to stay for dinner , he excitedly said yes. Can I just go get my phone from my room real quick I will be back?? Landrine asked . Sure ..Jessy replied . Sedrick and Jessy continued thier back and forth about dinner that night.

Why do insist ... did you put poison inside and can you even cook ? Sedrick complained . Jessy felt offended by that .You know what Mr Sedrick all I know is that you are not going out tonight . You want dinner it is either you eat mine or you eat mine .. or you sleep hungry period . Jessy said as she went to serve dinner for Landrine who just came back. Sedrick got fed up and left to the room while Landrine enjoyed his meal . This is good .. you are an excellent cook it's surprising . Landrine said while devouring his meal. I know right ? I did learn from the best. They both chatted happily , shared funny stories and laugh so hard. Sedrick got out of the room and saw them having a good time .

Sedrick's thoughts

Why is she so free with him and why is he enjoying her food? Why does always have fun with others but not me ... After asking himself all these questions he went to the dinning room and confronted Landrine

Sedrick : What are you doing ?

Landrine : Oh hi sir Jessy just invited me....

Sedrick : Jessy! how dare you call her by her name...

Landrine :I am so sorry sir I didn't .... I just thought ...

Sedrick : Now you know ... Get out . Listen Jessy is not your mate, nor age, not your class !

Jessy : ( just got in the scene) what's wrong ...

Landrine : Jess thank you so much for the dinner it was lovely .. i have to go now bye! ( leaves in a hurry)

Sedrick : how loose are you to flirt with my driver?

Jessy : excuse me ? what is your problem ..

Sedrick : I am your boyfriend I deserves some respect in my own house.

Jessy : Acting girlfriend please... so now you wanna preach to me ... pfff (leaves )

Sedrick stood there having mix feelings at everything then went out . He went out for drinks, very late he didn't return yet . Jessy was worried to death , she called and called and no one responded , she felt helpless that she could do nothing and eventually sought the help of Landrine .

Hey don't worry he is a grown up .. he will come home safe and sound . May be he is doing things with one of his girls . Landrine said , trying to console Jessy. He saw the look on Jessy 's face , she was upset .

Hey look I know you like him , but he is like that ... he hasn't loved any girl in his life since i knew him. ... Landrine continued .

I am yet to discover the real him .. now I just hope he is ok. Jessy replied keeping her fingers crossed .

The next morning Sedrick came home lookin all messed up .. when he walked in , he met Jessy asleep on the couch , while Landrine was seated beside her .

Sedrick : What are you doing here ?

Landrine : . Uuhm sir I'm sorry , Jessy ...

Sedrick : Jessy again ( fed up)

Landrine : Sorry .. mi ..miss Jessy

Sedrick : what is this thing you have with her that every time I see you two together...

Landrine stood there speechless scratching the back of his head , having a thousand words to say to Sedrick , but couldn't cos Sedrick wouldn't let him explain himself .

You are my driver so stick to that and get lost . Sedrick ordered Landrin to leave.

I don't blame you . if not for the condition I am in will I be your driver ? You have a good woman who cares but you are a blind dog you can't even see . Landrine left while murmuring to himself .

Jessy woke up to the noise they both made ..

Jessy : Where have you been ?

Sedrick : What do you care ... ( went upstairs )

Jessy : ( followed him) What do mean ... I was so worried about you .. and you come here telling me bullshit ..

Sedrick : Listen I am not here for your silly drama ok .. I'll just take a shower and rest ... you leave me alone .

Sedrick got into the shower, Jessy sat on the bed waiting for him to come out when suddenly a message pop out on his phone sayin ... " Hey baby... that was the sweetest night ever .. I can't wait to rock your strong body again " Jessy read it and got so furious about it . She thought of confronting him

about it , but later she controlled her emotions and left the room without saying a word . When Sedrick came out of the bath he saw the message and immediately recalled what happened that night . Turned out it wasn't what Jessy thought it was . That night he rescued an old friend who was drunk and in trouble . The message was just a teasing text from a drunk lady. Sedrick thought of going to explain it to Jessy as he saw her leave the room furiously after reading his message . But also decided to stay quiet .

After some time , Jessy came to the room and found Sedrick Struggling to put on his shirt , there she realised that his arm was injured and stillv felt sorry and worried and immediately went to help him out .

Are you going somewhere ? Jessy asked as she help him to button up his shirt . No..... he reluctantly replied . What happened to you after fornicating ....Jessy asked .. Sedrick remained silence . Jessy saw a wound on Sedrick 's elbow .. she reached out for the first aid box .. Sit! Jessy ordered Sedrick .. He did ... Then slowly and carefully , Jessy Silently treated the wound .. Sedrick sat there waiting for Jessy to utter a word or cause an argument as she normally would have done , but his wait was in vain because Jessy stayed silent .

Look ...about the message you saw, it was not what you thought ok. Sedrick tried to explain .... it was....

No need to explain please Jessy cut him short . I mean I am not even your girlfriend ... So you have a every right . Jessy continued . Why did you interrupt me ? No body does that to me . Sedrick said angrily .. When Jessy saw that he was mad .. She just left him and went out of the room.

Some days went by , Jessy and Sedrick hardly talked or communicated about anything ... Jessy ignored him till he was worried then decided to make peace with her .

Hey ...Look ... Sedrick tried to have a conversation with Jessy ...

Sedrick : I know I am hard sometimes...

Jessy : (cuts in ) All the time..

Sedrick : ( gasp ) ....all.. the time .. but the point is I regret my ... actions

Jessy : For being a jerk ...

Sedrick : For being a .. jerk .. yes I regret that.

Jessy Walk slowly towards him while smiling and kissed him on the lips , then walk away . Sedrick stood there lost , not sure about what just happen.

They became close to each other for the few days left .

Sedrick's private room.

Sedrick had one room , that was his private room , he always went there when he needed time alone , with no distractions .That day he sat there with his pack of cigarette and a bottle of whiskey enjoying some time alone , then suddenly remembered he had not seen Jessy since he got home, Just as he wanted to enquire where she was, She just came in. Hi Mr boo , you home already .. Jessy greeted as she walked in. Sedrick greeted back .. You should always knock before entering ..Sedrick said to Jessy . The room was open. Jessy replied .You can stay . Sedrick said . Sit and relax no worries no trouble just you yourself and you . Sedrick said as he turn on the music player . So no chatting ?Jessy asked. I just want to be on my own lane and think . Sedrick replied .Jessy sat there relaxed enjoyin the soothing music , while Sedrick removed a pack of cigarette from the drawer , removed a stick , lighted it and as he was about to smoke , Jessy snatch it off his fingers . Hey ! Sedrick exclaimed . Smoking not good for you . He continued . Jessy laughed as she turned up the volume on the player .. It's good for relaxation . She said as she smoked the cigarette with a lot of charisma .

You surprise me everyday . Sedrick said. Jessy change the music to a club music then she danced happily while Sedrick admired her , but pretended as if he was not. Slowly Jessy drew Sedrick closer to him , he started enjoying her company and always tolerated her craziness even when it annoyed him . They became each other's friend and slowly had each other's interest at heart.

Week 4

Many days went by , 1 month passed by so quick . It was time for Jessy to leave Sedrick's house back to her house , The contract had ended Since Stacy had stopped bothering Sedrick .

Jessy POV

Finally the contract is over , just when I was enjoyin it . I came to realise that Sedrick is really sweet , he just needs to stop seeing everyone as bad . I have fallen in love with him even more . he tried to interact with me more these past days and it was the best though he still feels reserved , I think with time he will open up and be mine forever.

Sedrick woke up from sleep and found Jessy packing her things .

Hey what you doing ? he asked . Today is the last day remember ? My stay ends today so I am preparing to leave. Jessy replied .

Oh ! Sedrick exclaimed as he got up from bed , went to use the toilet . When he finished using the toilet , he sat there watching as Jessy was packing up.

Sedrick 's thought

Why do I feel sad that she is leaving , for the past days I kinda bonded with her little and it feels so right , something I never felt for a long time .

If you wish you can stay a lil more .... You know just one or two more weeks more ? Sedrick asked not knowing what it will be ? Oh and remember you are still my acting girlfriend till Stacy leaves right .. Sedrick Continued . Jessy smiled broadly ... why should I stay .. Jessy asked . I said if you wish ... Sedrick stuttered. Is he is asking me to stay cos he likes me hahahahaha . Jessy said out loud . Wait ... fifth reason why you like me .. " You don't want me to go, you enjoy my presence" Jessy said in excitement . Sedrick just concurred to her thoughts just to make her stay .. Well not that but .. Admit it ! Mr boo... Jessy said . Ok fine will you stay ? Sedrick asked . Jessy stopped packing up for a while just staring at Sedrick .