
My Mistakes

Mistakes are not to lament about .

Learn from them and correct them in the future.

Not all mistakes can be corrected but at least they teach us very important lessons.

pMr Atam's POV

I know I did wrong , I call them my mistakes, looking back to my youth my mistake was allowing myself get controlled, for not being able to speak for myself , for not fighting for myself and what I wanted . Now things have gone out my control too , how do I stop making mistakes ? when all of a sudden I feel I am not wrong to make mistakes , there are legit . I am not bad as people say , I do have a soft spot for people in my heart . Nobody will understand , out of the 99 good things I do right , people only records the 1 bad thing I do . My dad told me " My son , there will be a time in your life that you will make some big decisions even you are not aware of or happy about " Now I fully understand it . I am not fully responsible for my actions , the people who stands in my way are .

The door opens all of a sudden , Mr Dickinson walked in abruptly . Sir I am sorry I couldn't stop him . The secretary apologized . Go back to your desk . Mr Atam ordered . Dickinson ..... what a surprise . What can I do for you . Mr Atam asked Mr Dickinson . Hmmmmmm ! You don't want to play with me Atam , you don't wanna mess with me . Mr Dickinson replied . He was furious about something . Mr Atam laughed and walked to Mr Dickinson .

You are a dog thinking you will go free after threatening and blackmailing my daughter ... You should know better that I am still and will ever be your boss. Mr Atam bragged. Mr Dickinson sighed deeply and suddenly burst outta of laughter . You are right , what was I thinking , going after my own niece when I could just target my brother instead . Pheew! Atam You remember when we were little and you never loved me ? I always asked myself why .. but I later realized that I could never change that you detested the fact that I was your brother ... Just as I can't change the fact that I hate you so much now and I will do everything in my power to bring you down . Mr Dickinson said

. Face me as a man . Leave my family out of this , Just you and me . Mr Atam provoked . Family .... Do you have a family ? Do you know what a family is ....What about your wife ? Why don't you explain to your daughters how you murdered your wife ...why don't you also .... Mr Dickinson said but was interrupted .

Shut up ! You know nothing so mind your business.. and if you think you will continue ranting your mouth like this , I will shut it up for you . Mr Atam threatened . Ooh what will you do .. Also kill me ... Mr Dickinson asked mockingly .

You have no idea Mr Atam replied with a relaxed voice and a smirk on his face . He sat down in his chair and supported his legs on his desk while crossing them . That will be your biggest fail . Mr Dickinson said while he leaving the office. Mr Atam stood up suddenly twisted his fist . I have had enough you . Time for so long . He said while smiling .

Mr Atam's Pov

Now you see , He wants to get in my way , so what do you expect me to do ? Stand and applaud him as he brings me down .....? No!

His secretary walked in . Sir you summoned for me .??

I am done with these files. His secretary carried the files . oh sir You said I should remind you to call Jessy today . Secretary reminded him . Oh ok I will do that now . You can go thank you. Mr Atam picked up his phone and dialed Jessy's number . It rang and Jessy picked up

Jessy : .... what do you want dad

Mr Atam : come on Baby don't sound like that ...

Jessy : Bye ...

Mr Atam : wait ... how are you ..

Jessy : if you wanna know , come see me . I will not have any discussion with you until you come and see me in person . Bye ... ( Hung up)

This is my life now. Mr Atam thought to himself .