
My Meeting with a Giantess

[COMISSIONED WORK] What more could a man like Travis Salgado want? A company to call his own and make a legacy? Zetsutech was making its claim on the world stage already. How about protection from the underground dealings of the city? How does dating the lead of The Last Responders sound? Perhaps just wanting some good romantic company? He had that in the form of two beautiful woman he entered into a polyamorous relationship with. So then why would a man like Travis be so concerned about his height? Well as it just so happens, for the man who has everything, Travis feels like he's missing a few inches and decides to experiment with a growth hormone to several disastrous effects.

Hemingways12gauge · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Chapter Six

Talia moaned around her tongue as pushed it further into Amelia's pussy. Feeling the girl's body resist her slightly only made her want to push her tongue in even further. The moaning mess that was her lover in her palm only spurring on her advances as Talia couldn't help but giggle even more. With the flick of her tongue, Talia pressed the tip into Amelia's body. Feeling the softness of her G spot press against her tongue as another stifled moan escaped Amelia's mouth. 

Amelia's body writhing in Talia's hand as her arms fell slack to either side, her legs pulling up as her thighs pressed in around Talia's wet tongue. The groping and grasping of her hands managed to place them at Talia's lips as she pressed her fingers into the softness of the skin. One part pushing herself away to keep Talia from going in any deeper, knowing she couldn't take much more. Another part pulling herself closer, wanting to see just how far she could go before she'd feel herself give.

With a satisfied hum and a mutual understanding of what Amelia wanted, Talia pulled herself in closer, her lips pushing against Amelia's hands as she watched the girl's head crane off to the side. Her eyes shutting tight as she couldn't even find the words to speak. Talia's lips, already closing in around the vertex of Amelia's legs, pushed her tongue ever further into Amelia's hips.

The poor girl squirming as she let out a playful pained moan and groan. The sensation of Talia's massive tongue prodding inside of her pussy causing Amelia to bolt up right as she nearly curled in on herself. A cry of euphoria screaming from her mouth as she grabbed onto Talia's face to try and steady herself. Her body shuttering as she bit her lower lip and stared longingly into Talia's eyes.

Talia, having the spark of inspiration in her eye, only cocked her brow as she pushed more of her own tongue out as she flicked her attention over to where Travis sat. Upon her attention returning to Amelia, she cocked a brow at her lover and the two seemed to understand one another as a playful giggle chimed out from Amelia.

Travis, still sitting in his chair with one hand around the shaft of his cock, the other cupping the full weight of his balls, furrowed his brow in confusion as to what these two were going to do next. Upon seeing Talia lower Amelia back to the floor and Amelia swing her leg around so that her back was now to Talia's face, Travis couldn't help but find himself even more intrigued. Especially since Amelia's still stood with her legs straddling the length of Talia's tongue. Talia's already massive body being so big already that it forced her to lay prone across the floor. Her hands pressing into the ground as her tits pushed up against the floor with a canyon of cleavage on display to Travis as he peeked over Amelia's shoulder. With the sound of a moan from Amelia, Travis returned his attention to his lover and saw the display they were about to make.

Pushing her tongue up further against Amelia's labia, Talia forced Amelia up on the tips of her toes as she kept encircling and lapping at Amelia's pussy.

Groping a hand at her chest and another placing at Talia's tongue to steady herself, Amelia groped her breasts as she looked at Travis and moaned. Her teeth grazing across her lower lip as she watched Travis's cock twitch from the sight of her riding Talia's massive tongue like some odd mechanical bull. The pull of Talia's tongue being so much that it forced Amelia to keep a second of focus on her balance as Talia only just barely allowed her to keep the very tips of her toes on the floor.

With Travis's cock still slick and wet from where Talia wrapped her lips around his shaft, Travis couldn't help but begin to stroke himself as he watched this magnificent display. His own breath heavy in his chest as he felt like he could hardly summon up a full breath. This display of beauty before him as he watched Talia's tongue ravish Amelia and the way Amelia struggled to keep her balance on the length of Talia's tongue. The shy and bashful look as Amelia kept groping at her breasts while her eyes shut tight every time Talia lapped her tongue up enough to nearly knock Amelia over. The way Talia almost refused to let that happen, refused to let her go as a form of loving, teasing, torture as she kept encircling her tongue around the crux of Amelia's legs.

The sound of wet slapping and slobber was so intertwined that Travis wasn't sure if that was Talia's tongue or if perhaps Amelia was really just that wet. Travis wondered how warm that tongue must feel. How amazing it must be to ride those massive lips on Talia's face. The way her hands might cup around him and hold him like he was little more than a doll, a simple plaything for her pleasure.

Standing from his chair, Travis walked out of his slacks and stripped away what remained of his work clothes as he approached. His heavy cock bobbing with every step as he secured a hand to the base. The sensation keeping him from letting go as he couldn't help but stroke the massive length. His balls already feeling heavy and full, his body longing for release as it felt like he might burst just from watching these two women, these two goddesses bless him with such a display.

Even as he tried to lean forward, to join Amelia where she sat, Amelia only teased Travis further by placing her fingers against his chest to keep him from coming any closer. No, she seemed to say with her eyes, you get to watch but you can't touch… not yet anyway. As if to reward him for his good behavior, for his obedience in not pressing any further, Amelia stroked the tip of her fingers across the length of Travis's chest, dragging furrows with her nails across his neck till she reached the edge of his jaw. Tracing her fingers along his chin, Travis leaned in as if pulled by an unseen leash and felt Amelia's lips press against his. The feel of her tongue slipping into his mouth as she forced his lips to part before having this sensation ripped away from him with a sudden shove to his chest.

The force so sudden that it caused Travis to lose his footing as he fell to the floor. The mischievous grin only belying the all consuming elation Amelia felt from the way Talia ate her pussy. The same mischievous and haughty grin that now marked Travis's face as he sat on the floor, a simple scoff puffing from his mouth as he kept on stroking his cock. His other hand returning to his balls as he began to fondle them as a moan escaped his lips. 

The dark chuckle from Talia only causing a shiver to wrack Travis's spine as a surge of adrenaline coursed through his veins. The imposing presence of Talia becoming even more so as he caught the glimpse of her eyes boring down on him with sinister pleasure. As if to say that he should enjoy the show while it lasts because he was going to be the next one on stage.

Travis's scoff from before becoming little more than a nervous chuckle as Travis could feel himself sink into the floor. His attention returning to how hard he was as he kept on stroking his cock. His eyes flicking between his own body and that of Talia's gaze as if he weren't sure he'd even have permission to look at her where she now stood.

Something in Travis's mind struck down this thought of shameful regard as he felt a familiar spark in his abdomen. The feeling of his balls tightening up as something began to well up along his shaft. A sensation building as he tried to force his hand to slow, but could only stall the inevitable. The way his body began to twitch as his heart seemed to skip a beat. His cock twitching as he let out a gasp and finally managed to say something.

"I'm gonna… I'm close~" Travis moaned out.

Talia retracted her tongue back into her lips, sliding the length along Amelia's labia before pressing a kiss to the small of her back and the curve of her ass. 

The sudden kiss and loss of support causing Amelia to fall to the floor on all fours. Her gaze snapping over towards Talia as she watched Talia nod over to their boyfriend. With a playful giggle, Amelia crawled over towards Travis and wrapped her lips around the head of Travis's cock. Her hand wrapping at the shaft as she tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. Her eyes centering on Travis as he let go of his cock and braced his hands behind him. Just as Amelia's head lowered further down onto Travis's cock, Amelia could already feel him filling up her mouth. With a squeak of surprise, she shut her eyes lightly as if to concentrate on the deluge that now filled her mouth. Swallowing back one mouthful after the next of Travis's sweet cum and sucking the head till he was finished. Not wasting a single drop till she eventually felt Travis's cock fall flaccid in her mouth.

Travis could only smile at that display of endurance on Amelia's part while Amelia only smiled and giggled at the look on Travis's face. Travis's heart fluttering as he felt Amelia's lips press against his balls as Amelia giggled in response.