
My Meeting with a Giantess

[COMISSIONED WORK] What more could a man like Travis Salgado want? A company to call his own and make a legacy? Zetsutech was making its claim on the world stage already. How about protection from the underground dealings of the city? How does dating the lead of The Last Responders sound? Perhaps just wanting some good romantic company? He had that in the form of two beautiful woman he entered into a polyamorous relationship with. So then why would a man like Travis be so concerned about his height? Well as it just so happens, for the man who has everything, Travis feels like he's missing a few inches and decides to experiment with a growth hormone to several disastrous effects.

Hemingways12gauge · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Chapter Five

Talia pulled Amelia's attention back towards her and ran a thumb across her lips, watching as the girl's mouth instinctually opened as a soft gasp escaped her lips. With Talia still pinning Amelia's hands above her head, she watched as Amelia's lips closed in around Talia's thumb. Her lips encircling her knuckle as Talia could feel the way Amelia's tongue circled, lapped, and sucked at the digit. 

A soft moan escaping Amelia's lips as she pulled Talia's thumb from her mouth and pressed a kiss to it before watching Talia run her tongue across the length of her thumb. Tasting the sensation that Amelia left behind as Amelia arched her back forward and pressed her thighs together. A subtle and soft whisper of a moan escaping her lips as she watched Talia's every move. Squirming under her grasp, Amelia wanted nothing more than to break free from Talia's hands and ravish every inch of her massive body.

Releasing Amalia's hands and picking up her tits in each hand, the skin spilling over as her fingers pressed in around each finger, Talia hefted her chest up onto Amelia's torso and pinned her down that much more. The sheer weight of her tits enough to keep Amelia pinned where she lay. The massive heft of her breasts enough for Talia to engulf Amelia's torso. 

The sudden freedom of her hands allowed Amelia the chance to wrap her arms around Talia's chest. Amelia's arms pressing in around the soft mounds of her body as she could see the way Talia's neck craned back at the feel of Amelia's groping hands. Amelia's fingers eventually finding their way to Talia's nipples as she felt her fingers crest over stiff peaks. Even something as subtle as the grazing of Amelia's hand was enough to feel goose bumps rise along Talia's skin. Each sensation so much more impactful than before.

Talia pulled her lower lip into her mouth as she looked down onto where she kept Amelia pinned. Her brows furrowing together into a plea for lust and sensation. One that Amelia was all too happy to give her as she felt the way Amelia's lips wrapped around her nipple. The feel of Amelia pulling and sucking on Talia's nipple enough for her to shut her eyes tight as a shutter of pleasure left her lips. The sensation so overpowering that it left Talia at a loss for words or even noise. Only her actions could speak for her as she pulled herself upright with her legs crossing beneath her. Talia's hand scooping up Amelia from the back as she supported her body. One hand resting under the seat of her ass the other pressing into her back as she held Amelia close to her body. Her breasts pressing in around the whole of Amela's head as Amelia kept sucking and lapping at Talia's nipple.

Turning her attention away from Amelia for a moment, Talia saw the way Travis still sat stunned in his chair as Amelia lips continued to play at her nipple. Talia cocked her head to the side as her lips curled into a sultry smile. Her eyes softening on him as her gaze traced down his torso till, she saw the way his throbbing cock pressed up against his slacks. The way the length ran down his leg and pressed up against the fabric. Even the cute way it twitched in his pants when she noticed. Talia giggled and leaned down enough to look Travis in the eye. Her eyes darting down to his member before looking back up at him. Her head cocking to the side once more with a question already on her face.

"Pull it out for me?" Talia whispered and watched the way her boyfriend followed her request.

Travis's hands pulled up to the buckle of his pants as he yanked the strap to the side. The latch releasing as his fingers flicked the button away and the zipper followed suit. With his thumbs tucking into the waist of his slacks, Travis rose slowly as he saw the way Talia watched his every move. Amelia even breaking away from where Talia smothered her against her chest to watch as Travis's cock came flinging out from his pants. His throbbing member standing at least a foot long with his heavy balls spilling out from his pants.

Amelia giggled as she began to squirm over towards Travis but only got as far as managing to wrap a hand around the shaft of his cock before Talia gently pulled her back. With a mock scolding as she shook her finger at Amelia, Talia secured her prey between her thighs. Her legs pressing up and around Amelia's torso enough to keep her from running away but still within line of sight of what Talia had in store for their boyfriend.

Leaning down, Talia exhaled a warm breath onto the shaft of Travis's cock. Her lips easily being the size of a throw pillow now as well. The warm breath causing Travis's cock to twitch again as she pressed a kiss to the tip and lapped the precum off the top. All of this before her lips were suddenly at the base of Travis's shaft as the man before her gripped onto the chair and felt the whole of his body tense up. The feel of Talia's lips encasing his cock as her tongue slobbered over his member enough to cause Travis's focus to fracture. To his credit, it wasn't too long till he was able to find focus again as Talia watched his hands press in around her cheeks as she watched a shiver wrack his spine.

Pulling her head up, Talia dragged her tongue across the length of Travis's shaft and left it slick and shiny with her saliva. Her tongue lolling out of her mouth as she sat up and licked her lips again. A playful and satisfied hum reverberating from her chest.

Amelia, meanwhile, could only moan and whine in protest as she tried to free herself from where Talia kept her pinned between her thighs. Her frustration in her futile attempts only growing as Talia giggled and squeezed that much tighter. Even with her muscular thighs though, the size of her body made it that much easier for Amelia to sink into the skin around her as Talia trapped her that much more.

"Oh what's wrong my love, are you jealous?" Talia hummed as she plucked Amelia from where she sat in between her thighs and sat her on the palm of her hand. Bringing her up to her lips, Talia pressed a kiss that nearly enveloped Amelia's whole head before pulling back and giggling at the blushing smile Amelia had on her face and the cute way her hands sat between her legs now. Turning to Travis, Talia said: "stroke it for me?" before turning to Amelia and cocking her head to the side. "Come here you, let me give you all my attention and we can make Travis watch~"

Before Amelia could manage a response, Talia already had her lips pressed up against Amelia's face before tracing another kiss against her neck and shoulders. The third landed on her chest as a lapping tongue traced across Amelia's breasts. Talia even marveled at the way Amelia already followed orders without her needing to say a thing. Amelia already falling back into her hand as she laid herself out flat and pulled her arms up around her head. Her hair spilling over her face as she waited with perfectly pouting lips as to what her lover might do next.

Talia giggled at the way Amelia laid herself out before her and, with a gentle stroke of her finger, she parted the lock of hair away from Amelia's face and pressed a kiss to her thigh. As if that were the magic key, Amelia's legs parted off to either side as her body opened up before Talia. Amelia's fingers sliding down to the lips of her labia as they parted like the blooming of a lotus. The wet sweetness of her body already dripping down her thighs. Talia's mouth already salivating from the thought of what she might taste like.

With another kiss to her inner thigh, Talia flicked her gaze up at Amelia and saw the way her chest rose and fell with the passing of each heaving breath she took. With a nip of her teeth, Talia giggled once more at the way Amelia squeaked and jumped before pressing the tip of her tongue against Amelia's pussy. Her tongue slowly sliding in as the smaller girl's body already tightened around her tongue. The taste of her wet pussy running down Talia's tongue like ripe fruit juices. 

Amelia's breath hitching so high into her chest she could barely gasp out a moan as she felt the way Talia's tongue pressed ever onward into her pussy. Her fingers falling away from her hips as she brought her hands up to her face. Her fingers spider webbing across her eyes as though she could hardly stand to look at her lover's tongue sliding inside but couldn't bring herself to look away. The euphoria already causing her to let out a low moaning sigh as she released the pressure building in her chest.