
My Meeting with a Giantess

[COMISSIONED WORK] What more could a man like Travis Salgado want? A company to call his own and make a legacy? Zetsutech was making its claim on the world stage already. How about protection from the underground dealings of the city? How does dating the lead of The Last Responders sound? Perhaps just wanting some good romantic company? He had that in the form of two beautiful woman he entered into a polyamorous relationship with. So then why would a man like Travis be so concerned about his height? Well as it just so happens, for the man who has everything, Travis feels like he's missing a few inches and decides to experiment with a growth hormone to several disastrous effects.

Hemingways12gauge · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Chapter Seven

Amelia pulled herself closer as Travis sat up and crossed his legs under himself. Allowing Amelia to situate herself into his lap as her arms wrapped around his waist and her head rested on her shoulder. Her nose nuzzling into Travis's neck as she pressed a light kiss to his collar bone. Her exhaustion eminent on her face as she could feel the cold sweat wicking from her body just as Travis wrapped an arm around her back to pull her in close.

  "Okay, so we had our fun but I think it's time we initiate the flush. You're already way too big as it is Talia, I don't think this is safe anymore." Travis said around a few panting breaths as furrowed his brow at the look that came over Talia's face.

  In response to Travis's pleas, Talia only raised her head back as she looked down on Travis from the edge of her nose. Her eyes taking on a darker hue as she let out a sinister chuckle. That chuckle turning into an even more sinister and smug smile as she could read the expression on Travis's already tiny face. The way his mouth hung agape as if he tried to find the words to say, as if he wanted to protest but couldn't find the courage to speak. As if he wasn't allowed to talk back to her at all. Even more, the cute blush that dusted Travis's cheeks made it seem like even he was aware of this.

  Pulling herself in closer as she dragged her massive body across the floor, her tits rolling out from under her, Talia whispered a warm breath into Travis's face. Her lips just inches from his face as they looked big enough for Talia to smother Travis.

  "And who is gonna stop me?" Talia asked as she smiled as her eyes fluttered shut, her body beginning to creek and groan as another growth spurt quickly took hold. Her proportions only increasing relative to her size as she quickly began to expand out across the room. The desk eventually collapsing beneath the swelling wave of her thighs and ass expanding outward, her breasts pushing up against her chest as her head and back began to graze the roof. 

The sound of her swelling body not terribly different than the sound of an inflating tire or the sloshing of a water balloon. Her massive tits and ass filling up and jiggling with every move she made. All the while the rest of her body grew to such massive proportions as her shoulders began to broaden. Her torso began to elongate. Her lips growing fuller as her face began to consume all of Travis's line of sight.

"Come here you two, I think we can have even more fun now." Talia's voice boomed as her body kept growing around the room.

Amelia opening her eyes from where she cuddled close to Travis only to have her attention snap back into reality upon seeing just how much more massive Talia was now. A grasping hand swiping over towards them like a wall of skin. No escape in sight as Amelia wondered just what would become of them. Looking to Travis, she hardly had enough time to ask him what they were going to do before he sprang into action.

With quick enough reflexes, Travis snatched his hand over towards the buckle of his belt on his slacks. Grasping onto what looked like an ornate teched out belt buckle with a slot for what looked like a memory card. Though it seemed like little more than a gaudy trinket, this was the magnum opus of Travis's company. 

"Henshin!" This was what Zetsutech was built for as Travis uttered this single word. His hand slapping a key card into the belt as a transformation took place. The belt taking control of the rest as it began to speak.







Presented by Zetsutech

  Energy emanated from inside the belt as a black flame came pouring out from where the belt sat against Travis's hips. The flames pouring over Travis's body as if he began to emolliate himself. The flames quickly spreading around his form as they poured across his torso, down his arms, across his legs, and into his face. When the flames died down, there sat an armored figure in Travis's place. The single super weapon to topper empires, a soldier to end wars. The dream Travis Salgado worked towards. A suit of power armor contained inside of something as small as a belt buckle to be deployed at an instant that could not only work with existing cybernetics of the user, but enhance them that much further.

  One such cybernetic was one of Travis's inventions he named the Opticoncluder. A small device on the back of his head that flashed as his eyes turned purple. The Opticoncluder was something akin to a super computer in the back of Travis's head. Making a million statistical equations in an instant to figure out the best outcome as well as predicting what might happen next. This effect manifesting as Travis's perception of the world began to slow to a still frame while the predicted outcome of this encounter showed up as ghost images ahead of where they would wind up. In this case, a ghost image of Talia's hand swiping over towards them as Travis took in his surroundings and plotted a course out of the lab.

  First thing was first however, he'd need to grab a few things on his way out. Not the least of which was Amelia as he scooped her up in his arm and began to walk at a quickened pace through his lab. Squeezing over Talia's body as he snatched up a lab coat to cover Amelia's bare body before finally grabbing onto the synthesizer. Figuring a flush wasn't going to do the trick anymore, Travis may have to make an antidote to the growth hormone now ravaging its way through Talia's body.

  Travis needed to remind himself that while it looked like time stopped for him, that wasn't the case as he could already see the ghost image of Talia's hand grasping over to him. Her lips moving too slow for him to really catch anything she said before he sprinted for the door.

  Pausing his super sonic sprint just inside of the reception area of his office building, Travis saw Talia try to crawl after them. A wide-eyed blush still marking her face as she tried her best to squeeze through the doors of the office. Her body managing to pour out from the threshold of the doorway just as another growth spurt struck. Her body expanding larger as her ass began to grow along with her torso and tits. The threshold of the door squeezing around Talia's form now as she got herself caught. 

Though this seemed to slow Talia down some, it hardly looked to bother her at all as she braced her hands against the wall to try and wiggle herself free. The gentle shaking of her hips causing her ass to jiggle as she laughed playfully at the way her body began to expand. Even her massive, heaving tits looked to pour out over the floor as the pushed up against Talia's torso. Her head grazing over the ceiling of the office building as her forehead swiped out the light fixtures and bent the beams keeping the ceiling and ducts in place.

"Baby, don't be like that~" Talia pleaded as she bit her lower lip and extended out either of her hands, her fingers grasping outward to beckon Travis into her grasp. "Come here and let me hold you close. It just feels so good baby, I just want to make you feel so good too~"

"Hey!" Amelia shouted as she watched Travis's head snap over to her as if only now realizing he was still holding her. "Trust me it's a lot of fun but I think we have other things we need to worry about now, right?"

"Yeah… yes, right, you're right!" Travis said as he shook out his head and forced himself back into focus. His armor quickly activating his Opticoncluder once more as his eyes flashed purple and his perception of time slowed to a halt. Taking Amelia in one arm and the synthesizer in the other, Travis fled his quickly crumbling office.

The Opticoncluder making it easy enough for him to sprint down the stairs and out the door to the streets below in only a matter of seconds. Travis's perception of the world snapping back in an instant as his head began to reel with the sudden change. A feeling filling his head like his sinuses were suddenly flooding while his ears felt like they were about to pop. As if Travis had somehow gone from sea level to the bottom of the Mariana Trench and back up again in an instant.

With a press of his hand, the helmet collapsed away into his collar, allowing Travis a breath of fresh air. Or rather about as fresh as city air could get. His fingers rubbing the bridge of his nose as he winced and tried to get ahold of this situation.

Amelia set her feet down onto the side walk as she took the lab coat Travis grabbed for her and wrapped it around her naked body. It wasn't much in the way of a covering but it would do for now. Though she figured her lack of wardrobe wasn't nearly as bad as the look on Travis's face. The situation being beyond his reach now, Amelia could see that much but it was only made that much worse as she heard the sound of crackling above her. Looking up, Amelia saw the spider web of cracks forming around the windows of the office building as Talia's massive form burst through the steel, glass, and concrete of the building. Travis's reflexes easily keeping her from being sliced to ribbons as the glass fell around him.

All the while Talia's massive form went from only a dozen feet tall to easily a hundred or so as her legs swung down from where she sat on the building. The soles of her feet pressing into the ground beneath as she crushed and flattened any car unfortunate enough to have chosen to park on the street.

Talia couldn't seem to care less about this as she raised a hand up to cover the smile curling across her massive lips as she let out a giggle and winked down at Travis and Amelia.

"Whoopsie~" Talia said.