
My Meeting with a Giantess

[COMISSIONED WORK] What more could a man like Travis Salgado want? A company to call his own and make a legacy? Zetsutech was making its claim on the world stage already. How about protection from the underground dealings of the city? How does dating the lead of The Last Responders sound? Perhaps just wanting some good romantic company? He had that in the form of two beautiful woman he entered into a polyamorous relationship with. So then why would a man like Travis be so concerned about his height? Well as it just so happens, for the man who has everything, Travis feels like he's missing a few inches and decides to experiment with a growth hormone to several disastrous effects.

Hemingways12gauge · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Chapter Four

Amelia looked on at the computer screen that held a readout of how Talia's hormone regulator was processing the sudden injection. From the looks of things, the implant was doing its job by slowing the progression of the growth hormone coursing through her body and processing it naturally. Turning to face Talia, the first thing Amelia began to note was the way her skin suddenly flushed red. Her cheeks blushing as she let out a discontented sigh and furrowed her brows.

With a shrug of her shoulders, Talia removed her coat and fully exposed what she wore beneath her riding jacket. Her chest wrapped in a black high neck sleeveless number that conformed around her chest and narrowed at the waist. Looking to synch around her torso in just the right ways as to give her body a voluminous figure. Her waist curving inward as her chest curved and heaved out while her exposed arms only looked to accentuate the look of her top.

Talia's cybernetic arms may not have looked like proper chrome, in all actuality since they were made from plant-based materials and proteins along with a bit of tech to supplement the structure, they were closer to organic than they were chrome. With her legs being made of the same material, it gave Talia this natural look to her figure. Albeit one far more muscular than she originally anticipated. The techno-organic muscle fibers strained across the false veneer of skin that stretched across her body. The contours of her biceps forming around her upper arm. A perfect horseshoe shape around her triceps. The firm, almost golden ratio curve to her deltoids. Her arms looking more like they were carved from marble with how perfect the proportions were while her legs looked much the same. Almost straining the fabric of her jeans as her perfectly ovular thighs pushed out against the fabric enough that if Talia moved just the right way, they would creek in protest.

It was only when Talia began to groan as she stretched her arms behind her head that Amelia finally realized how hard she was staring. Talia's lips creasing into a flat line across her face, somewhere between a purse and a frown. As if it wasn't just what she was wearing that was too tight, but rather her own skin just didn't fit right. The blush on her cheeks falling into a deeper red as she let out an almost coughing gasping for air.

Snapping out of her daze, Amelia turned to the computer screen to see what the readout on the hormone regulator said. Despite Talia's antsy symptoms, it looked as if it was regulating things just fine. Naturally, Amelia just passed it off as little more than a side effect of the hormone coursing through her body.

"Are you okay?" Travis asked as he stroked a hand across Talia's forearm. "Do you need anything?"

"God…" Talia finally managed to sigh out. Her back arching forward as she pulled her shoulders back, her chest straining at the fabric of her shirt. "What I need is to get this shirt off it just feels so-"

A popping rip punctuated Talia's statement as her breasts burst outward with enough force to split Talia's top down the center. The tear creating a keyhole window into Talia's now massive cleavage as her breasts swelled and spilled out the sides of her sleeveless top. The sudden change in weight causing Talia to double over in her chair as her tits were big enough to rest on her thighs now. Thankfully her back being strong enough to support her as she pulled herself upright.

The sudden swelling in her chest causing Talia's eyes to widen while Travis and Amelia's expressions mirrored hers. In a moment of disbelief and as if to see if this was just a trick of the eye, Talia pulled her hands across her chest and felt them slope down across her massively swollen breasts. Her hands caressing over where her nipples pressed up against the front of her shirt as she squeaked out a gasping moan, her eyes shutting tight with how sensitive her body was as a shiver ran up her spine. Her hands circling around her chest, each of her breasts easily wider than her torso as she pushed each of them together. Trying to squish her skin back into her shirt as it spilled out of her top. The feeling only causing Talia to crane her head back as she let out a salacious moaning sigh. The newfound pressure against her top only causing her tits to rip even more of a keyhole in her top, the skin spilling out the front now as her cleavage ran down the length of her chest. Soft mounds pressing together with a single valley between them as Talia softly shut her eyes but couldn't help but wince with shame at the sounds escaping her lips. Any semblance of composure gone.

Even more strange was the sound coming from her jeans. The creaking of the cotton blue jeans growing deeper in tone as her thighs already began to spill over the beltline at the waist. The cold and deep creaking trailing off as Talia could feel herself rising in her seat with how her ass and hips began to engorge and swell. The sudden rise in pressure around her clothes causing much of the same fate as her top as Talia's hands trailed across her thighs. Her finger tips tracing across the furrows and rips in the seams of her jeans as the silence broke with a sudden pop as her skin spilled out against the holes torn from the seams. Talia's eyes widening as she furrowed her brow and felt her ass continue to grow as it almost felt like her hips may swell up enough to trap her inside the chair.

Standing up with a hand supporting her heaving chest as she pressed her breasts up against her body, Talia let out another soft moan as she felt the spark of euphoria strike through her chest. Her other hand trailing across her thighs as she could already feel the waist snapping away, starting with the button in front as it popped open. Talia's body growing even further, not just in her hips and thighs as her body swelled into an exaggerated hourglass figure, but in height as well as she could feel her torso, legs, and even shoulders elongating across her body. Her form quickly shredding away the clothes she had around her body. The tatters hardly held on by way of Talia's hands pressing them up to her body along with a sparce few swatches of fabric to cover herself.

Upon the crown of her head reaching the ceiling, Talia had to let go of the hand she kept on what remained of her pants. Her long legs now fully exposed as she braced herself against the ceiling. Her twelve-foot body now towering over both Amelia and Travis as they each watched in wide eyed awe at what occurred around them.

"God what's happening to me?" Talia moaned finally as she felt her breasts press out against her arm as they began to swell again. The sudden surge in weight bringing Talia down to her knees.

"Fuck!" Amelia cursed as she snapped herself out of her daze and turned to the computer. "You're gonna be okay Talia, we just need to-"

Before Amelia could finish her sentence, Talia's massive hand pulled around the small of Amelia's back and yanked her away from the computer. Just moments before she could trigger the emergency flush to stop Talia's massive growth spurt.

With one hand pressing into Amelia's chest, Talia pinned the girl down against the floor while another hand palmed across Travis's desk. Sending the computer screen and tower flying to the floor as cords ripped from the monitor and glass shattered against the floor. Talia's grasping hands pulling Amelia in closer to her as her massive swelling tits press up against Amelia's legs, pinning her where she lay.

"Just a little bit longer~" Talia pleaded with soft eyes as her grasping hands tore at Amelia's clothes. Buttons of her blouse rolling onto the floor while the skirt Amelia wore was reduced to little more than what remained of Talia's own clothes. "It just feels so good and I can't help myself."

With her twelve-foot tall, and still growing body, Talia pinned Amelia's hands above her head with one hand and pressed her big swollen lips up against Amelia's abdomen. The woman gasping at the feel of her soft, warm, pillowy skin pressing in around her. Amelia's head craning off to the side as she saw Travis sitting in his chair. Too stunned to speak and from the bulge of his cock running down the leg of his slacks, too horny to intervene. Amelia only staring on at Travis with a look of longing and lust in her eyes as she bit at her lower lip and gasped as she felt Talia's lips trail lower. The expression on Amelia's face saying to Travis that perhaps they could just enjoy this for a quick moment.