
My lovely secret

IF YOU'RE SEARCH FOR SOMETHING TO HEAL YOUR HEART THAT WILL BE CONFIDENTIAL, TRUST THIS STORY, YOUR HEART WILL BE CONSCIOUS. LOVE! The story of a girl with a mysterious appearance, living in the love of her parents. Because of social prejudice, she didn't go to school until she was 18 years old, that's when she met her youth.

Annedo · Fantasy
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9 Chs


Stepping through the big and heavy gate, sloppy as if he had lived for a long time, so his movements were so slow, Dan clutched the handle of his bag, rubbing his sweaty hands from stress, his footsteps, Therefore, also gradually slowed down, she lowered her head and walked forward, involuntarily raised her head and met Dan's eyes with the bright smile of a young man who tilted his head and smiled at the opposite person, both of them suddenly turned around. look at Dan. The stare confused Dan, even more, she was afraid to look at others.

-Dan, wait! From far away. Lin was hurriedly running closer, stopping while panting, her long braids fluttering, making Lin's already messy hair even more ruffled. She hugged Dan's arm and waved to two classmates who were standing bewilderedly in front of the door.

The two girls entered the classroom, which was already noisy and lively, laughing and talking like a market, but soon it was replaced by contemplation, silence like hearing breathing in the chest. Dan felt her heart beat faster than usual, her hand subconsciously grabbed Lin's hand, her face was hot, and her feet were buried in place. All eyes in the room were on the two strange objects that had just appeared, after a moment of silence a few voices sounded suspicious. Dan also didn't know how to face it, until a teacher hurriedly ran in and arranged a seat for Dan. At that time, the atmosphere of a new class appeared but did not pay attention because they were still doubting the identity of the other two girls.

Dan never thought that one day he would be able to sit in a classroom with tables and chairs, with friends like this. That night was not the first time she and her mother talked about school. When Dan was 6 years old, her mother asked her if she wanted to go to school. At that time, with the knowledge of a curious child, Dan looked forward to school very much, but the smoothness was not tied to the desire of his mother. In the late afternoon, the sunset leaves a soft silk strip spreading in all directions, and the smoke emanating from the chimney on the roof mingles with the fragile mist that makes the space seem real and virtual. Dan sat and watched the stars regain their glory as they got darker and darker. She let out a squeal of joy when she saw her father's figure, happily crossing her mother's little garden, and running through a familiar path. Dan's father suddenly ran back in a panic, his footsteps running faster and faster. Dan's mother also rushed out of the small kitchen when he saw this. Two lines of tears rolled down the baby's face with the white hand, and the tip of the nose was pink with a little bit of soil, because she was too happy to run back, she tripped right on the gravel path, and her father gently lifted the sticky arm. The earth lightly brushed the soil and rubbed Dan's skinned knee, the tall figure squatted down next to the tiny baby looking warm and paternal, through Dan's long and broad shoulders, the sun could no longer be seen behind. In the distance, his father's face against the sun was shrouded in deep darkness, but Dan could still feel the gentleness on his father's resolute face. Taking Dan into the house, his father remained silent, Dan's mother looked into her husband's eyes as if she understood something, she turned her face to go back to the kitchen. After a while, Dan's father also entered the kitchen, he didn't know how to speak to his wife, but the female word was no longer important because deep down in them they realized something.

-Is it that difficult? What's wrong with our daughter, daddy can't be so mean!

-Then there will be a way.

Dad sighed sadly, his heart ached as he remembered his daughter's sobbing and crying earlier, he loved her daughter even more. If only this life was a little difficult for him to save the easy for his daughter, how good it would be.

-Dad, please help me out this time, do I have the right to go to school, she's my daughter.

Grandpa was so angry, he slammed his hand on the table so hard that the water in the two tea cups splashed out.

-You look at yourself, if you don't give up what you have, money, position, you have to go begging me now? Also, I still don't have great-grandchildren, I don't accept that child, so don't even think about studying.

-You just need to prove the baby is my daughter and that's enough, I'll take care of the rest, please!

-What do people do to see their wife pregnant and where is the daughter? People don't take the baby away, it's already very compassionate, and it's best for you and your husband to know.

Opening the page, Dan found it strange, this is not the first time she has turned the page, but in the context of a classroom, it is probably the first time. A feeling of suspense welled up in her chest, all the noise was far away from her ears, and she was drunk as if being sucked into each line of embossed words. It turned out that this was the feeling she had missed, she loved each line of words neatly lying on the page waiting for Dan to come and absorb. At a certain moment, time seemed to slow down while the lecture continued, passionate, and immersed, those were the most genuine emotions that remained in her mind. It seems that the initial shyness no longer exists, instead, the excitement and passion deeply rooted in Dan's heart seem to be revived and full of life. The bright, pretty face of the new classmate attracts countless eyes, one cannot criticize a bad rose as well as the undeniable beauty of Dan, but perhaps the surface Outside is always the thing that gives her the most headache. It is not because she doesn't love beauty, on the contrary, she is a lover of beauty, she is passionate about the youthful, loving beauty on her mother's face, every time her mother smiles, the kindness and gentleness like flowers bloom on her face. . But Dan didn't want to be the center of trouble because of this face. As soon as the school bell rang, Dan quickly got up and went straight home.

-Hey, what are you doing as if you're being chased by a ghost, wait! - Lin's sour voice was unmistakable. Dan turned his head to look, the bright smile never seemed to leave Lin's lips, the two children walked through the cool autumn forest while chatting:

- Haizz, why is it so hard to understand? I sound like a duck hearing thunder. Lin's mischievous head was glued to his best friend's thin shoulders.

- Not too much, I can understand. Dan calmly thought back, actually, Dan understood the lesson because she had read hundreds of books, but in Math, Dan's knowledge was zero. With bright eyes, Lin turned to hug her tightly, making her jump.

- You teach me to walk, or I'd better stay at home, I don't want to drown in so many words. Go, dear Dan.

Although he hesitated, Dan still wanted to help this friend because, without Lin, Dan would not have had the opportunity to go to school. She looked at Lin with a small smile and nodded. The soft laughter of a tall and thin girl mixed with the crisp laughter of a lovely chubby girl.

The two girls said goodbye to each other at the end of the forest, Dan turned onto the small path leading to the porch, wandering on the familiar trail. Dan suddenly remembered the first lesson. When the first bell rang, the whole class had a break, a bunch of pretty girls, wearing gorgeous dresses, ran to ask Dan

-What address are you from? I have never heard of this sentence.

Dan froze in surprise, she kept looking at them without an answer, it seemed that Dan didn't pay attention to the questions of those classmates, Lin happily answered Dan's part:

-It's my father, who has just moved here to work as a warden for the next village. My house is on the edge of the village, so it will be more convenient to study here.

The bewildered faces turned away but did not satisfy their curiosity, but Dan did not care too much.

Entering her mother's small garden, Dan happily smiled at a budding rose in the early morning, she jumped into the house. Mom was preparing dinner in the kitchen. The smell of food spread throughout the house, Dan quickly put away his things in the room and ran to help his mother blow out the rice. Dinner happened in the usual cheerful atmosphere in the family's whitewashed house, and everything seemed to be going well and always will be. That night, Dan fell into a deep sleep with a happy smile on his lips. Dan is very happy today.