
My lovely secret

IF YOU'RE SEARCH FOR SOMETHING TO HEAL YOUR HEART THAT WILL BE CONFIDENTIAL, TRUST THIS STORY, YOUR HEART WILL BE CONSCIOUS. LOVE! The story of a girl with a mysterious appearance, living in the love of her parents. Because of social prejudice, she didn't go to school until she was 18 years old, that's when she met her youth.

Annedo · Fantasy
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9 Chs


Time flies by, it's only been the last day of school, but now it's the end of term, knowledge keeps increasing day by day, and it can't help but make Dan tired, especially in Math, she's almost awake many nights to learn all the knowledge missed.

-That's fast, I just got invited to study and now I'm ready for the exam... My head wants to explode! - Lin was lying on the floor, with a book of literature on his face, muttering in his mouth, Dan sitting next to him was no less, his mind was like a pipe in a ghost with a bunch of weird algebra. The two friends were attentively hugging the cards, sometimes turning to each other to ask each other questions they didn't understand. Since going to school, Dan's work at home has also lessened, and his mother is at home more than usual. Two schoolgirls were lamenting the heavens when her mother walked in with two cups of warm water. Two cheerful faces, sweet smiles to take it, mother gave Dan a few sentences and then went out again to avoid disturbing them. Working hard all day in a pile of books, at night is when Dan is the most relaxed, she does not hold the lesson until late because, at that time, her mind also needs rest, at night Dan often lies in bed, resting his feet on the window frame. look at the night sky and then fall asleep at any time. That night, Dan could not sleep again, her eyes kept looking up at the ceiling, then at the moonlight outside the window, the moonlight shining silver in the sky, the night sky getting darker, the moonlight getting brighter. shining, the only eternal magical light, like a lamp illuminating the world when the night covers it, what a magnificent sight. The moonlight was beautiful, but it made Dan sad, somewhere in her mind, an indescribable feeling stuck in her throat that wanted to flow but couldn't say it, and then finally was a helpless sigh.

-Dan, come here!

Thin hands waved from afar, sitting on a bridge next to a blue lake, legs swinging under the cool water of the autumn leaf season. Dan approached, gently removed his sandals, sat down next to him, and dropped his feet into the water. It turned out that the water was much cooler than Dan thought, and when he approached it, he seemed to see the lonely rocks at the bottom of the river, as if there was a magic trick that turned the water surface into a double-sided mirror that both reflected the sky and shone into the lake bed. Dan involuntarily let out a lovely bright smile. With loving eyes fixed on the girl's amused face, deeply imprinted in the eyes is the sacredness of a person who watches what he loves and is unconsciously happy as well. It seemed that those eyes were too hot to make Dan feel shy, she mustered up the courage to look directly at him, a look that seemed to be sucked into the abyss of ten thousand miles and forgot the way out. Dan only felt that those eyes were so soulful, beautiful, sincere, and attentive, she only felt her hot cheeks spreading to her ears, biting her lips, Dan's hands clasped together. But she still couldn't get away from those deep gazes, or perhaps she just didn't want to leave. The silence of the bed is like a wonderful accompaniment to the most beautiful rhymes of youth, this long interval is perhaps the most brilliant part of youth, something that Dan has never dreamed of.

Shivering, the bitter cold coming from her cheeks made the picture in front of Dan's eyes turn into a black patch, she quickly opened her eyes and met her eyes with two curious faces of her parents.

- Are you sick? Why is your face so red?

She looked out the window, uttered a sudden cry, hurriedly jumped out of bed, quickly ran out of the room on all fours, rushed to the door, ran Dan while gathering all her bags and clothes, crossing the path. through the forest. At the foot of the old tree, Dan could not see Lin's figure, she hurriedly tried to run as fast as she could, and Dan's aimless anxiety continued to grow.

-Why are you running so fast? Dan jerked her head back to look, she shyly turned her face away.

-Why don't you answer me, Dan? Mag pulled Dan slowly, not understanding why this girl was ignoring him.

-It's late, isn't it an important exam? Dan sighed in response. Looking at the school in the distance but ringing the first bells made her more nervous. At that time, the other boy understood the importance of the problem, he grabbed Dan's hand and pulled her to a small path by the side of the forest.

-In my opinion, this way is faster!

Dan vaguely looked at the long, wide, square shoulders that were bobbing with each move in front of her eyes, she curiously widened her eyes, unconsciously looking down at the thick, thick hands holding her small hands, this feeling. Just like in a dream, Dan suddenly recognized the boy in his dream yesterday. Truly wondrous! Dan's eyes were engrossed in following the boy in front of him, seeing the sunny smile that turned his head to her, Dan's heart felt like it was about to burst out of his chest, not because of running but because of his feelings. This road is so strange, Dan has never set foot on it, tiny yellow flowers cover a piece of a forest so that she doesn't accidentally step on them, the light gently breaks through each leaf to form beams, directing an oblique line to the ground. The two of them seemed to be walking under the caress of the god of light, making Dan's shy blushed face even more beautiful.

Seeing that his back was getting heavier, Mag turned his head to look, a turn that made him fall into thought, his face was white, his cheeks were slightly flushed, his red lips were slightly parted from running a long distance, and Black eyes looked up at him in surprise. This pretty face reminded him of the first time he saw Dan. One morning when he went to school, he was almost bored with his friend's long joke. He met the glittering eyes of a girl, and once touched, his whole life could not be stopped, the feeling in his heart was like Missing a beat making Mag dumbfounded for a moment.

-I've never been here before, how do you know this way? Dan curiously asked

-Once playing hide and seek in the forest with his brother, this is his secret place!

-So beautiful! Dan lamented

The two of them gradually separated and walked over the big rock to enter the school. Fortunately, the bell rang at the exam time of fewer than 15 minutes, Dan rushed into the classroom and looked around.

-Here, here Dan! Lyn raised her hand to call her, and hastily put the bag of Dan's books back in her seat.

Lin whispered, "

Why are you so late? I waited in the hollow of the tree for a long time.

- I fell asleep. Dan's answer made Lyn dumbfounded "ah", is there such a thing?

Dan reluctantly nodded, despite his best friend's ridicule.

Ring..ring..ring! The last bell rang, and all the pens who worked hard for 2 hours put down their fatigue. Laughter and cheers echoed throughout the school corridor, for them the end of the exam was like the end of the world, the congratulatory hugs, holding hands around each other, and dancing endlessly. Dan also happily gave away more smiles than usual, this time she did not go straight home, she gathered in the schoolyard with Lin and some other friends. They were discussing going to Lin's house in the late afternoon to celebrate together. Dan suddenly felt that this student's life was meaningful, she cherished almost every emotion, every innocent smile, and a worthy frown. love of pretty girls. Dan's eyes watched each bit, she didn't notice another pair of eyes that kept glancing at her tenderly from time to time. The gentleness of youth in the young man's eyes makes people pay attention and the youthful smile on his handsome face makes us fall in love. Not knowing if it was intentional or unintentional, Dan turned to meet the gentleness that made her blush and turn away.

That evening, they lit a campfire together, by the bright light of the fire dispels the cold night frost, on the hill and lit up the sky, the sound of the fire and the sound of laughter and laughter was the real prospect. of youth. Gathering around the fire to keep warm, Dan and Lin talked endlessly, the laughter never stopped since the bell rang, and the firelight on each face made us feel Soft strokes, a color as if it had been edited to create the most perfect artistic photo. But perhaps the most memorable climax comes when each person runs around the burning fire with their hands clasped together, their clenched fists never wanting to let go, and their feet running tirelessly. They are happy, the joy of an aspirational student time, something that is hard to have for the rest of their lives. Everyone's life is like a sine graph, there are highs, there are peaks but there are also times when reaching the bottom of despair, Dan said to herself, today is the most meaningful day of her life. , something she will forever be imprinted in her mind.

On the way home, a group of students split up to help the girls get home safely, Mag took on the task of helping Dan and Lin get home, it was again a massive teasing of everyone when he mastered the field. suggestions. The three of them walked along the familiar road to Dan's house, seemingly only hearing Lyn's laughter. If it was normal, Dan would ignore it so that her friend would be bored, but today Dan secretly thanked him. Lin because without her how strange the atmosphere would be.

-Okay, my house is right at the end of this alley, I can go home by myself. Mag, can you help me take Dan home, remember to go home. Bye bye! As soon as she reached the tree hole, she said a guy and quickly went home. Dan bewilderedly turned to look at Mag, she didn't know what to say, the two seemed to slow down to enjoy the precious moment together.

The evening space was inherently quiet, the two people walked close together as if they could hear each other's breaths, perhaps the emotions in their hearts did not want them to separate as usual. Mag quietly walked beside her, walking a little slower than Dan, his gaze fixed on her long, shiny hair covered with faded, but still beautiful, wildflowers.

-Come here, I can go home by myself, thank you! After that, Dan turned and walked faster, but the long shadow behind her always followed her little by little.

-Mag, I said I could go home by myself.

-I want to take you home! Mag spoke softly.

Dan stood still in silence, not sure how to respond. At that time, the distance between the two had been stretched, Mag slowly walked closer to Dan, she hardly dared to breathe, when his toes touched, he spoke slowly.

Aren't you curious why I want to take you home?

Dan looked down and didn't answer, but it was clear in her eyes that she had the answer. The young man's sigh in her ear made her feel embarrassed.

-Dan, there are things I'm also afraid to say, but I can't help but admit that… I liked this look the first time I saw it.

She suddenly raised her face, her beautiful eyes widened in surprise, then shyly lowered her face again.

Don't put too much pressure on me, I don't mean to burden you. Just, if you're like me, don't be afraid to look at me.

Dan lowered his head and did not answer, she was as quiet as a lake, making the boy twist, this moment reminded her of last night's dream. They were just as quiet then, and Dan anxiously looked forward to the next moment, the moment she had missed when she woke up.

- Yess. She replied softly, looking directly at the handsome face in front of her.

On the familiar trail, the two of you walked shoulder to shoulder happily chatting, as if the invisible separation had been completely removed. Because on the girl's lips is a sweet smile, in the boy's eyes is tenderness.

The joke of fate is the funniest thing in life, as soon as they realize the importance of love, and name their feelings, sometimes it's time to part. We can't blame life, because when we were just born, everything was arranged, maybe God was also very sad to witness, but if we chose that path, we must go to the end.