
My lovely secret

IF YOU'RE SEARCH FOR SOMETHING TO HEAL YOUR HEART THAT WILL BE CONFIDENTIAL, TRUST THIS STORY, YOUR HEART WILL BE CONSCIOUS. LOVE! The story of a girl with a mysterious appearance, living in the love of her parents. Because of social prejudice, she didn't go to school until she was 18 years old, that's when she met her youth.

Annedo · Fantasy
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9 Chs


The sun gradually receded into the distance, and when the shadow fell, the farmer walked home. All day long, the sun jubilantly danced on the strong back, and broad shoulders of Dan's father who was a hard worker. He was a man for the family, Dan's father loved Dan very much, he did not care. wanted Dan's life to be associated with a small kitchen or a simple piece of land. He wanted his daughter like he was when he was young, to be a traveler. Every corner of this beautiful land has been imprinted with his father's footprints, he used to travel in the vast sea, where the middle of the sea seems to reach the sky, where our eyes can no longer distinguish. is the shore, overwhelmed by the waves rolling as if they want to spill out of the ocean. My nose feels the saltiness of the sea, my hands touch the cool water, this water is different from the vast rivers he has been to. The water in the rivers is warmer, like the vast heart of the land, it is more familiar to people than the great sea. He was once precarious in the midst of a towering mountain, and then alone on the glorious mountain of conquest. Eyes can see green young, blue water, taste all kinds of human beauties, hands can hold so many hands of people from four directions. His nomadic nature permeated every fiber of his flesh, every drop of his blood. Now, when he is in middle age, the young man who traveled every year has retreated to the peaceful farm.

Smoke spread in all directions from the family's dear chimney, a small white house at the end of the trail leading to the forest, the happiest place in his life. He looked forward to his children gathering around waiting for him to return. In the distance, the man's voice resounded throughout the house, he quickly ran home, the more he ran, the more he heard the harsh curse pouring out on his eldest daughter. He burst open the door and burst into the house, Dan was wistfully wiping his tears while sitting in the corner of the kitchen, the man standing in the corner without words cursed on his small back, bursting into tears. His heart seemed to constrict because of his daughter's tears.

-Dad, what are you doing here? How many times have I told you, Dad, don't disturb my family's life?

His eyes are red with anger, his hands are shaking.

-What's bothering me, I'm your father, what about this crap… I'll tell you this tattered house doesn't deserve to be called family. I saw him looking forward to coming back soon, leaving that woman and this lost child as well. Your mission is not here.

-I have my own choices. My life is very happy, life is not short or long, I hope you live in peace.

Dan's grandfather angrily turned his back and left, the sound of the slamming door making the quiet atmosphere in the house even more uncomfortable. No one spoke, neither Dan nor father, until mother and younger brother opened the door and walked in. Feeling a strange atmosphere, she seemed to guess that the guest had just left, leaving a deep imprint on the path leading to the carriage. The happy mood also fell, less than at the end of the month, the father-in-law who decided not to accept her as his daughter-in-law came to vent his anger on the eldest daughter and her husband. This house was again enveloped by a heavy sigh, something that the warm family did not expect after each visit of the grandfather.

Grandpa was dissatisfied with Dan's appearance in this house, because to him a drop of blood was better than a pond, but with Dan's pure and honest soul, she still believed that she was not good enough for him to be happy. heart. What made her fragile heartache was that in every extreme anger he would leave her with a heartbreaking sentence "dropped the child". Dan never wondered about his birth; she did not dare to ask, because she did not understand how the birth of a creature or any life in this world took place. I know, my mother's thorny white rose bush will bloom with pure, fragrant rose petals, the petals hugging each other are so beautiful, I know that if cared for carefully, your favorite rose will bloom beautifully in the early morning when the sun is high, but the moment when Dan saw the most beautiful blooming flower, the petals unfolded in all their beauty and beauty, the next day Dan witnessed a sad death scene. hurt. Mother said flowers are like people, born, grow up, bloom, and then wither, everyone's life has to go through birth, old age, sickness, and death, at birth, children are cared for until they grow up, and on the way of life. There are times when life favors you, gives you faith and happiness as if it were everything, then suddenly steals everything you have, life forces you to grow up, and face challenges. the fact that the flower will eventually wither. No matter how attached to the world, it must give up the beauty it once possessed. But you know, I love flowers not only because I want to see their beauty when in full bloom, but what I want to see is from the moment it blooms its lovely flower bud, to the moment when the first petal blooms and beats. sign of maturity, then when the first petal falls, it marks a beautiful short journey. I love those monotonous things, if you grow flowers just because you want to see them bloom, then you don't understand flowers. Dear Dan, a woman's life is like a flower, I hope you will shine brightly in the gable flower garden. Sometimes a person's fate is predetermined from the moment he or she is born, and perhaps Dan's fate has begun like that flower. Such a life is full!

At night, which was quiet, with a sad mood, Dan was tired and wanted to fall asleep. Close the door, and blow out the half-burnt candle, but as she lay down she could not find a story to fall asleep, tried to retrace the day that had passed but she seemed to gain nothing because of the appearance. grandpa's present. A determined, somewhat old-fashioned man always looked at her with a serious look, a seriousness that she never dared to look directly at. Maybe grandpa has experienced enough of the human world. She didn't know, tossing and turning, tossing and turning with her face in the pillow.

-Knitting baby!


-Haven't you slept yet?

She shook her head, thinking to herself that I had done something wrong, but my mother came to find me.

-I've already prepared the cake for tomorrow morning, I've been…

-Okay, it's not my job for me to find you. Dan, I want you to go to school.

She pursed her lips at her mother, this was the second time they talked about this issue. She couldn't go to school, as everyone knew, she liked being at home.

-I need to learn knitting, do you want me to be a knowledgeable girl not just a pretty girl?

She looked down at the book in her hand, bit her lip, and said nothing. Do you want to go to school? She doesn't know.

-Shouldn't girls go to school?

-I will not be alone, Lin is also allowed to go to school by her parents. Today I met Mr. and Mrs. Lin, and they said they wanted Lin to go to the city to study at university. Dan, your future is far and ten thousand times more beautiful if you choose knowledge. My father always wanted me to go to school.

That night she couldn't sleep again, school was a place she had never been familiar with for many years. Although she did not go to school, Dan was still taught to read by her parents, she knew how to read from an early age. When she could walk, on one occasion she found an old cupboard under the corner of the cupboard in the third room. Dad ran up to her and hugged her with a benevolent smile, dusted off the thick dust on the wall, and the yellowed books that had not been turned in for a long time, and silently watched his childhood friends. It had been so long, a small white hand clutched a book and turned to look at him curiously. His little daughter loved books as much as he did, so he pulled them out and put them in his daughter's room. Since then, a bookshelf has been stable over the years, and the crisp laughter emanating from his daughter's sunny and warm room made him unbelievably happy. The first book that Dan finished reading was when she was 4 years old, the book she read together three nights by lamplight. She enjoyed listening to his father's detailed explanations, the confusing words, and his warm, deep voice amused her. Every night reading she has never been quiet, a dozen questions constantly appear in the mind of a small mischievous girl. The sound of reading books, asking questions, and laughing like that has permeated every corner of the wall, and the wood grain in Dan's room ever since. Whenever the space was suspiciously quiet, Dan's father took his eyes off the page and looked back at the little girl in his lap who had fallen asleep without realizing it. Gently placing her back on the bed, his father gently lifted the flickering candle out of the room, before closing the door he watched his daughter sleep soundly and lovingly. Maybe she's already absorbed in the page.

For him, Dan appeared as a gift from God, he felt the fullness of life when he held the cold little hands at the door of the house. He still vividly remembers the moment when he hurriedly walked from the house to his wife's side, his eyes widened as he looked at the sleeping baby, which he could never have imagined in his life. The day he and his wife decided to raise the child was the day he reminded himself to be a gentle father. Leaving his original position in a high place is something he has never regretted, he has never been a father in his life this is the first time he has taken on a new role. Struggling, embarrassed when he hugged Dan for the first time, touched and softened his heart because of the lovely child with an angelic smile, the sight of a tall man embracing a small, beautiful, sacred child. Additional info. It is a picture as beautiful as the picture of motherhood.

But in his heart, he always kept a watchful eye on the fact that his daughter went to school, he always wanted her to go to school to be exposed to the knowledge out there. But the cynical gaze of the principal displeased him. Stepping out of the school office, his head still echoed with the headmaster's ridiculous statement "your daughter shouldn't go to school if you want your life to be turned upside down by the people out there."

-I am not afraid of it, what I want is that my daughter can go to school, she needs knowledge like everyone else.

The headmaster's pensive eyes stared hard at his father's expectations, he had to be honest.

-You know, your father… she's not allowed. I am so sorry.

Like lightning hitting his ears, Dan's father fell into the abyss, he turned around and walked away. Since then, every time he sees his little daughter holding a book and playing, he tells himself, one day she will be successful. Dad was Dan's first teacher, he taught Dan every word, and every rhyme, and helped her read sentences, then paragraphs until she finished a book. The feeling of fullness welled up in his heart when his daughter read the first book, then the second, then hundreds of books on the shelf. Dan enjoys the word as much as he enjoys the adventurous journey.

That night, after thinking about it for a long time, he got up from his room to go for a walk in the garden, when suddenly a small figure imprinted on the wall made him stop.

-Why haven't you slept yet?

Dan turned his head startled, and saw her father with sleepless eyes, she shook her head slightly. Dad sat down next to her, patting the hands that were holding the small notebook. Dad didn't say anything, and Dan was also silent, perhaps both of them didn't know how to say it, or they were blocked by an invisible wall from the family.

-It's late, dad, you should sleep early!

-This sunshine, I know what you are sad about, you know your grandfather is very angry, because of me...

so I hope the sun is not angry with me.

The little girl did not understand why she should be angry with her father, so she turned to look at him with confusion. Under the faint moonlight, silver light flooded the porch, Dad's eyes were far away, and Dan was vague. girl replied:

-I'm not angry with you, much less angry with you.

-You should go to school, sunshine. What I always want is to see you go to school, don't worry because you will have a companion. I know Dan is smarter than anyone, so don't think too much, do you hear me?

Although uncertain, Dan does not want to disappoint his father.

-I will go to school. She smiled at her father, in Dan's eyes, besides the bright stars of expectation, there was still a bit of confusion. She thought maybe she would do just fine.