
Chapter 1053 Meeting of the Law Transmitting Masters

Chapter 1053 Meeting of the Law Transmitting Masters

"Not bad, there's finally some progress."

"Not only is the acting getting more realistic, but the strategies are finally showing some resemblance," the white-haired elder commented.

The leader of the black-robed cultivators became anxious, "Elder, you've misunderstood! "

He quickly commanded his companions to release the white-haired elder from the formation's restraints, "Elder, you are now free again. You can't possibly still be acting, right?"

The white-haired elder squinted, "The prison was built by me. If I truly wanted to leave, how could it really trap me?"

"Not even understanding this..."

The white-haired elder became even more incredulous.

"I knew they were all liars. Elder, why don't you come with me? Alone, even if I had ill intentions, I wouldn't be a match for you," Li Fan observed the situation and said with a smile.

Although he said this, he had no intention of approaching or welcoming the white-haired elder.

"You..." the white-haired elder was puzzled by the young man in front of him.

The mission that was originally going smoothly had now come to a standstill in an unexpected way.

Every second they stayed, there was a possibility of being discovered by the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance.

The leader of the cultivators became increasingly anxious and helpless.

With a clenched jaw, he began to consider forcibly subduing the white-haired elder and taking him back.

Just then, a clear sigh suddenly rang out above them.

"Elder Wei, you are still so self-righteous."

As soon as the voice appeared, the black-robed cultivators all showed pleased expressions, "Elder Zhou!"

The white-haired elder, who was actually the Law Transmitting Master Wei, suddenly changed his aura.

His originally murky eyes burst into a bright light and looked straight up.

A woman wearing a simple white dress, with a beautiful face, appeared silently without anyone noticing.

The Law Transmitting Master Wei carefully identified her and was slightly stunned, "It's actually you..."

He looked at the group of black-robed cultivators in front of him, and his expression became somewhat peculiar, "So, what these little fellows said is true?"

Law Transmitting Master Zhou sighed again.

"Thinking too much about conspiracies, everything seems fake."

"The Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance has had many incidents recently. I suspect the Law Transmitting Council has been compromised, so I wanted to bring you out."

"But if I were to come out in person, I would surely see your smug face. So I sent these little fellows." 

"I didn't expect..."

Law Transmitting Master Zhou's tone was somewhat strange, lacking energy and enthusiasm.

Upon hearing this, the expression on the white-haired elder's face froze for a moment.

But soon, he burst into a hearty laugh to dispel the awkwardness.

To divert his gaze, he immediately locked eyes with Li Fan.

"Since you're genuine, what's the situation with this kid?" 

Li Fan remained calm and unafraid, and greeted them, "Greetings to the two elders."

"This farce was just to meet you."

Elders Wei and Zhou glanced at each other, wearing playful expressions on their faces.

"The Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance will arrive soon. Let's move to another place."

Law Transmitting Master Zhou gestured and opened a spatial passage, leading the group of black-robed cultivators into it.

The white-haired elder then looked at Li Fan, "Young man, do you have the courage to follow in?"

Li Fan pondered for a moment, and followed into the small world.

"Huh? This place..."

Upon seeing the surroundings clearly, Li Fan almost thought he had entered some kind of illusion.

Because the architectural style in this small world was extremely similar to the world he lived in before crossing over.

High-rise buildings stood in abundance.

In the dark night, a light rain fell from the sky.

The neon lights on the exterior walls of the buildings adorned the city in a bizarre light under the night sky.

This somewhat distant yet very familiar scene left Li Fan momentarily stunned.

Not only him.

Law Transmitting Master Wei also found it hard to adapt.

"How's it? Looks pretty good, right? I went to the Pleasure Paradise for a vacation before and thought this scenery was quite nice. So I copied it over."

Law Transmitting Master Zhou's voice came slowly.

Li Fan followed her voice and saw that she had changed clothes.

A crisp white shirt and tight-fitting pants.

She even wore a pair of black-framed glasses on her face.

Instead of a Law Transmitting Master, she looked more like a modern city lady.

"Your taste..."

"Is still incomprehensible," Law Transmitting Master Wei shook his head, unable to agree.

"You're still so old-fashioned, it's annoying," Law Transmitting Master Zhou mocked.

"I think it's not bad. Especially this outfit, it suits you well, Elder," Li Fan interjected.

The gaze of the two Law Transmitting Masters fell on Li Fan at the same time.

"Haha, the vision of young people is much better than that of some old relics. That's why I like to collect young people," Law Transmitting Master Zhou appraised Li Fan with a smile.

"Young man, what is your purpose? You better say it outright. This old man's patience is quite limited," Law Transmitting Master Wei's expression was not as good.

But Li Fan could see that Wei's anger was just a pretense.

By this time, the three of them had reached the top floor of the tallest building in the city. Through the massive glass curtain wall, the bustling city under the night sky could be seen.

Apart from the central desk and couch, the entire floor was covered with a red carpet, without any other decorations.

Li Fan casually sat down on the couch as if he were in his own home.

Then, he began to explain the reason for seeking out Law Transmitting Master Zhou, "I want to know what really happened at the headquarters of the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance five years ago."

"And where the true Mirror of Heavenly Mystery is now."

Law Transmitting Master Wei had been imprisoned for many years and hadn't yet grasped the situation.

As for Law Transmitting Master Zhou, her indifferent expression slowly disappeared. She carefully scrutinized Li Fan, as if guessing his background.

"Appearing in front of me inexplicably and immediately asking for such confidential information."

"Young man, where does your confidence come from?" 

Zhou's tone gradually became colder from lazy, "But at the Yuan Ying cultivation level, even if you have devoured some grand heavens and earth a bit, you are still only at the Yuan Ying realm."

"Daring to speak to me like this?"

Li Fan remained unfazed, "When speaking to you Law Transmitting Masters, I have always had this tone. If you didn't directly attack but instead used words to probe, doesn't that indicate where my confidence lies?"

The tension in the air instantly heightened.

But with Law Transmitting Master Zhou's radiant smile, the tension instantly dissipated.

"You're right."

"I haven't seen such an outstanding young person like you for a long time. If you're willing, you can be my collection."

"If you'd like, I can tell you any secrets you want to know."

Law Transmitting Master Zhou's tone once again became as laid-back as before.

(End of this chapter).