
Chapter 1054 Shocking Truth

Chapter 1054 Shocking Truth


Li Fan thought of the cultivators saved by Patriarch Zhou.

In their eyes, Patriarch Zhou was a true savior. The leadership of the Immortal Alliance had problems and needed to be sorted out. Patriarch Zhou was undoubtedly the leader needed to set things right.

However, these passionate cultivators probably never expected...

In Patriarch Zhou's eyes, they were more like collectibles than comrades.

But Li Fan wasn't surprised.

After learning about the deeds of the patriarchs from Moru Bin, Li Fan no longer had any hope for this group.

Perhaps the "corruption of the Patriarchs' council" mentioned by Patriarch Zhou was just a difference in ideology.

Gathering his thoughts, Li Fan said arrogantly, "Want to treat me as a collectible..."

"Even as a patriarch, you might not be qualified!"

As soon as he spoke, Patriarch Zhou and Patriarch Wei's expressions changed instantly.

Although they had now separated from the Patriarchs' council, in their hearts, the position of the Patriarch was still untouchable.

A hint of killing intent locked onto Li Fan.

But soon, with the appearance of a faint and elusive faceless stone statue above Li Fan's head, the killing intent in the eyes of the two Patriarchs turned into shock.

"Xuantian Sect?!"

They naturally knew the origin of this stone statue. Patriarch Zhou looked at Li Fan and said in disbelief.

And although Patriarch Wei did not overreact, his expression was serious. The breath on his body momentarily became deep and profound, revealing the true power of the Patriarchs.

"No, no." Li Fan immediately shook his head in denial as he looked at them with great anticipation.

"I am not a Xuantian Sect demon. We just worship the same master." Li Fan said lightly.

The two Patriarchs were somewhat stunned.

Li Fan elaborated on the story he had already fabricated: "At the time of the collapse of the Immortal Path, it was thanks to our master's intervention that the Xuantian Sect had the opportunity to rise again. Unfortunately, many members of the Xuantian Sect were rebellious and dared to betray the master!"

"Without the support of the master, the Xuantian Sect was soon destroyed. But there are still a few remnants..."

"To deal with traitors, we must be relentless. For thousands of years, we have never given up on hunting down the remnants of the Xuantian Sect. Now, only a few targets remain..." Li Fan's eyes revealed a sense of desolation as he sighed softly.

This explanation directly made the two Patriarchs somewhat uncertain.

They could vaguely discern that the young man before them was at most about thirty-four years old.

But the Immortal Path collapse, the Xuantian Sect, was a history even more distant than the reign of the ten major sects of the Immortal Dao.

Definitely not something an ordinary young cultivator would know.

The significance of this was not to be underestimated by the two Patriarchs either.

After a moment of silent communication, Patriarch Zhou finally asked, "If your mission is to hunt down the remnants of the Xuantian Sect, then why are you interested in the incident at the headquarters of the Immortal Alliance?"

"Could it be..."

Li Fan's heart stirred, and he immediately looked astonished: "What, you still don't know? The mastermind behind that disturbance was a surviving Xuantian Sect Law King!"

"Really? That's different from what I know," Patriarch Zhou's face showed a hint of surprise.

"Yes. The ability of that Law King is to completely possess and transform into others..." Li Fan suddenly seemed to remember something and reminded them.

Patriarch Zhou's expression became somewhat more intense.

After a moment of silence, she muttered to herself, "If that's really the case, then it all makes sense. They had no reason to act that way. It seems they were probably possessed or taken over by someone else."

"To be able to bypass the protection left by the old Patriarch, the Xuantian Sect demons are truly incredible."

Patriarch Wei's gaze deepened, continuing, "Being taken over by Xuantian Sect demons? This might be an opportunity for us."

"Alright, I've made everything clear. You don't want to keep hiding information, do you? In terms of capturing the remnants of the Xuantian Sect, I believe our positions are aligned. There should be room for cooperation." Li Fan frowned slightly, showing some impatience in his tone.

Such impatience suited his young appearance.

Patriarch Zhou didn't mind and explained the incident at the Immortal Alliance headquarters that day.

"At that time, it was the scheduled moment for the foundation of the Xuantian Sealing Spirit Formation."

"Being able to control the Tianxuan Mirror completely is crucial for the Immortal Alliance. Therefore, more than half of the Patriarchs were present that day. The lineage of the mirror holders also sent several representatives."

After briefly explaining the difference in origins between the Patriarchs and the mirror holders to Li Fan, Patriarch Zhou continued, "The location of the formation ritual was inside the headquarters of the Immortal Alliance. This matter was highly confidential, so apart from this group of people, only the formation masters responsible for the operation of the formation were present."

"The rest of the defense forces were waiting outside the hidden realm."

"They were all the core of the core of the Immortal Alliance and were not supposed to experience any accident."


Patriarch Zhou's expression became grave. "At the moment when the Xuantian Sealing Spirit Formation was about to take shape, someone in the Patriarchs' council suddenly launched an attack on the other Patriarchs."

"The mirror holders present also suddenly turned hostile."

"Keep in mind, except for Jiang, our strength as Patriarchs is relatively comparable. We were caught off guard, and several Patriarchs were controlled."

"The chaos of the battle quickly alarmed the defense forces outside the hidden realm, but faced with infighting among the Patriarchs, they were also confused for a while. They didn't know who to listen to."

"They couldn't help either, so the vast majority of them stayed put and watched the outcome of the fight."

"The Patriarchs fought with all their might, and the battle became even more dangerous. Even the original space of the Tianxuan Mirror where the Immortal Alliance headquarters was located, could barely withstand that kind of power."

"The chaos lasted for almost half a day. In the end, a group led by Patriarch Chen emerged victorious."

Patriarch Zhou listed the names of those five people.

What shocked Li Fan was that among these five people, there was actually Patriarch Feng!

"What's going on?" 

Patriarch Feng was the young Patriarch possessed by Moru Bin.

"Could it be..." 

Li Fan's thoughts turned rapidly, and a terrifying idea suddenly appeared in his mind.

"No wonder I couldn't find any trace of Moru Bin and the others in the entire Xuanhuang Realm."

"He didn't flee in a panic..."

"But instead, he directly gained control of the Immortal Alliance!"

(End of this chapter)